QUARTER I Week 1 Subject: MATH Grade Level: 8 Date: __________________ Day 2 Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials Performance Standard Is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials Competency Factors completely different types of polynomials (difference of two squares), M8AL-Ia-b-1 I. OBJECTIVES Knowledge: Skills: Attitude: II. CONTENT Tells whether the given polynomials can be factored using sum and difference of two squares or not. Factors polynomial using sum and difference of two squares Appreciates the importance of other people in everyone’s success. Factoring Sum and Difference of Two Squares III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 2. Learner’s Materials Pages 3. Textbook Pages 4. Additional Materials 5. Learning Resources (LR) portal B. Other Learning Resources Teacher’s Guide (TG) in Mathematics 8, pp. 34 - 35 Learner’s Module (LM) in Math 8, pp. 32 - 33 Moving Ahead With Mathematics, pp. 196 - 197 Marker Manila paper IV. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing or presenting the new lesson ACTIVITY: REMEMBER ME? The teacher will guide the students to answer the following; Recall finding the special product in this form: ( x + 8) ( x – 8 ) = x2 – 64 ( 2x + 4) ( 2x – 4) = 4x2 – 16 ( 3a + 5) ( 3a – 5) = 9a2 – 25 QUESTIONS: 1. What have you observe on the product? Expected answer: when we multiply two binomials with positive and negative signs in between the product has two terms. 2. What do you call this product? Ans. Binomial 3. Is there a relation between the special product and sum and difference of two squares based on the given above? Ans. Yes! Teacher will process the different responses of the learners. B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson ACTIVITY: FIND MY PRODUCT! Note: Let the learners identify the pattern. a. (x + 1) (x – 1) = x2 – 1 b. (x + y) (x – y) = x2 – y2 1. What is the product of the binomials? Ans. x2 – 1 and x2 – y2 2. Did you observe any pattern? Ans. Yes! 3. If we are going to reverse the process, is it possible to find any pattern? Ans. Yes, it is possible. Teacher must process the responses of the learners. C. Presenting examples of the new lesson ACTIVITY: Let’s EXPLORE! Examples of Factoring polynomials using sum and difference of two squares. 1. x2 – 1 = (x + 1) (x – 1) 2. x2 – y2 = (x + y) (x – y) 3. x2 – 4 = (x + 2)(x – 2) QUESTIONS: 1. How many factors did you obtain? Ans. Two factors 2. What are your observations based on the factors? Expected ans. The factors are the positive square roots of each term. 3. What is the operation on the first factor? How about the second factor? Ans. First factor- positive, second- negative D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 (Teacher must guide every responses of the learner and discuss the topic) ACTIVITY: COMPARE US! Take a look of the following: (x + 1)(x-1) = x2 – 1 = (x+1)(x-1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 1. What is being shown on the first arrow? Ans. Showed the product of two binomials. 2. How about the second arrow? Ans. Showed the factors of the product 3. What are your observation/s? Expected ans. The factors are the positive square roots of each term. Teacher must guide the different responses of the learner. ACTIVITY: Tell Me What I am? Teacher will group the learners into five. Allow the learners find their own group members but the leader are choosen by the teacher. Instructions: Using the pattern you have learned, tell whether the following can be factored using sum and difference of two squares. F. Developing Mastery 1. x2 + 9 Ans. No Teacher must correct 2. x2 – 9 Ans. Yes immediately every wrong 3. 4x2 – 25 Ans. Yes responses of the learner. 4. y2 – 16 Ans. Yes 5. 36y2 + 121 Ans. No ACTIVITY: CREATE YOUR OWN! Let the learners formulate their own given binomials that can be factored using sum and difference of two terms. Let them solve on the board. (Answers may vary) Teacher will select volunteer from the class. G. Finding practical ACITIVITY: GIVE YOUR OWN! applications of concepts and skills in Teacher will guide the students to give real situation that relates factoring daily living sum and difference of two squares. Example: A 5m x 5m landscaping is to be done in one corner of a 20m x 20m garden. Find the area of the field that was not affected by the project. H. Making Generalizations and abstractions about the lesson (teacher will guide the learner in leading the correct answer) Guide Questions for Generalization: Describe a polynomial that can be factored using sum and difference of two squares? Ans. The sign in between is negative. What have you observed on the first term? How about the second term? Ans. First term- Perfect square, second term- perfect square What can you conclude based on your observation? Possible answer: (First term)2 – (Second term)2 =(First term + Second term) (First term – Second term) I. Evaluating learning Self-check! Instructions: Factor each of the following polynomials: J. Additional Activities for application or remediation 1. a2 – 16 2. 9x2 – 4 = (a + 4) (a – 4) = (3x + 2) (3x – 2) 3. 64c2 – 1 4. 100y2 – 49z2 5. y2 – 81 = (8c + 1) (8c – 1) = (10y + 7z) (10y – 7z) = (y + 9) (y – 9) ACITIVITY: NUMBER PATTERN! Instructions: Investigate the number pattern by comparing the products. a. (11)(9) = (10 + 1)(10 – 1) = 100 – 1 = Ans. 99 b. (5)(3) = (4 + 1)(4 – 1) = 16 – 1 = Ans. 15 c. (101)(99) = (90 + 5)(90 – 5) = 10000 – 1 = Ans. 9,999 What is the product? How do you think the products are obtained? Have you seen any pattern? What is the relationship of the product to its factor? Note: Teacher will guide the students in doing the activity. V. VI. REMARKS REFLECTION A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up the lesson D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal and supervisor help me solve? G. What innovation or localized I used/discover which I wish to share with other teacher? A. ____No. Of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation. B. ____No. Of learners who require additional activities for remediation. C. Did the remedial lessons work? ____No. of Learners who have caught up the lesson. D. ____No. of learners who continue to require remediation Stragegies used that work well: ___Group collaboration ___Games ___Powerpoint Presentation ___Answering preliminary activities/exercises ___Discussion ___Case Method ___Think-Pair-Share(TPS) ___Rereading of Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___Differentiated Instruction ___Role Playing/Drama ___Discovery Method ___Lecture Method Why? ___Complete Ims ___Availability of Materials ___Pupil’s eagerness to learn ___Group member’s Cooperation in doing their tasks ___Bullying among pupils ___Pupil’s behavior/attitude ___Colorful Ims ___Unavailale Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD) ___Science/Computer/Internet Lab ATTACHMENT ASSIGNMENT Instructions: Factor each completely. Example is done for you. Factor: Solution: 1. 2. 3. 4. m2 – n2 Is m2 a perfect square? Yes! m2 = m ˑ m 2 Is n a perfect square? Yes! -n2 = -n ˑ n The factors of m2 – n2 are (m + n) and (m – n) M2 – n2 = (m + n)(m – n) 1. n2 – p2 2. e2 – x2 3. b2 – 49 4. c2 – 25 5. d2 – 16 6. x2 – 36 7. y2 – 81 8. 16c2 – 64 9. 4r2 – s2 10. m – 64m3