Uploaded by Dan Oliveira

Differences in College vs High School

Dan Oliveira
Differences in College vs High School
Not playing sports
Having more free time
Having all the classes be lecture based
Not much interactive work in class
Being able to do whatever I want in a day
Having much worse food
Having a tight living area
Living with friends instead of family
Having to do more work out of class
More self-guided learning
Having to time manage much more
Having to walk everywhere
Having to go up so many stairs everyday
Being more independent
A lot more reading
Not knowing everyone in my class
Having to pay for (text)books
Having my first class be at 12:30 Thursday
Not having to learn all the subjects
Having to space out work rather than doing it all in one night
Way more organizations/clubs in college
Sports aren’t as big as they were in high school
People are always partying
Having to meet new people
Not having all my classes in one building
Having office hours
Being able to eat as much as I want
Having multiple food options
Going to sleep much later
Taking naps way more often
Less tests and quizzes
More spaced-out learning