YOUR NAME BEAUTY INSTITUTE STUDENT SURVEY STUDENT NAME _______________________________ DATE ____________ COURSE OF STUDY _________________________ APPROXIMATE HOURS EARNED________________ As part of the school's routine assessment of its achievements and commitment to students, please respond to the following questions by circling Y for yes, N for no, or N/A for not applicable. Please feel free to provide additional comments in the section provided. Thank you for your assistance. Y N N/A 1. Is the school striving to meet the mission stated in the catalog? Y N N/A 2. When teaching the class, does your teacher use effective delivery methods? Y N N/A 3. Does the school use qualified substitute instructors when instructors are absent? Y N N/A 4. Have you ever been advised about financial assistance opportunities? Y N N/A 5. If yes, was the advice beneficial? Y N N/A 6. Are you enrolled under a Training Agreement with another entity such as another school district? Y N N/A 7. Did you receive a copy of the School catalog prior to enrollment? Y N N/A 8. Do you have a high school diploma or GED? Y N N/A 9. If no, did you take an Ability-To-Benefit test prior to enrollment? Y N N/A 9. Did you sign an enrollment agreement prior to starting school? Y N N/A 10. Did you receive a copy of your enrollment agreement? Y N N/A 11. Did you have any training hours at an institution prior to this one? Y N N/A 12. If you answered yes to question #10, did the school give you appropriate credit for those training hours? Y N N/A 13. Do you know who to see with questions regarding licensing requirements, financial assistance, employment, or your academic progress? Y N N/A 14. Did you go through orientation on or before start day? 48