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Java Essay

Kheman Dundi
Computer Programming I
Date: 04/17/2008
Dr. Genis
Java Essay
Java is a language developed in the early 90’s and later introduced to the
world in the mid 90’s, it attempts were to solved problems of all other languages
that already exists and also to make programming more user friendly, fast and
efficient. With that in mind they also wanted to produce programs that were just
as powerful as a program that was written in C or C++.
Today many large companies are switching to Java. This is because Java
is secure, safe and relatively fast. Java cuts programming time into half, which
means that the time it would take someone to write an application in C++ it would
take them half of that time to write the same application in Java. Many
companies want powerful applications to perform various functions, but they also
want productivity and performance. This is where Java comes in very handy and
useful because it was an attempt to solve all of the above problems as well. Java
was also intended to have a user-friends field and at the same time also be
Java is an object oriented language, which lets you write codes that are
reusable. Another big advantage of Java is that Java is an independent
language. This is a major advantage in the programming world because your
computer requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in order to execute Java
codes. Their goal was to write an application once and be able to run it
anywhere. With that being pointed out this means that you will be able to create
an application in Java on a Windows XP Operating System and it will be able to
run on any other Operating System as long as the Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) is present and because Java applications are compiled into byte-code
which makes this possible. Having a language that is easy to move from one
Operating System to another is a major advantage to business. They would no
longer need to pay programmers to write program for separate Operating
System, they can just write it in once Java which they will then later be able to
use on any other Operating System, whether its Microsoft Windows, Linux or
Solaris. Java also has a great documentation capability. Also it would be very
simple and fast to make updates the old programs in the future. This will help
many business save large amount of money and also a lot of time, which they
would’ve had to spend in creating software that is suitable for their tasks.
Java code closely resembles C which makes it easy for many people to
switch to this new language, because they already have some knowledge about
it. Java also got rid of pointers which are a bit confusing to many people; this
makes it very easy for people to learn programming. Java has a built in garbage
collector, which helps Java to free the memory automatically by performing
automatic garbage collection. Java also include built in data structures and
algorithms for creating Graphical User Interface (GUI) and communicating with
other computers over a network.
While Java may have many advantages over other languages it also has
some disadvantages too. Java is a bit slower on execution and more memory
consuming than language such as C and C++. This is because of the fact that
Java compiles into byte-codes instead of native code. Java also requires the
Runtime Environment to execute applications, and since the majority of the
computer world uses Windows and the runtime doesn’t come preinstalled this
could be a bit of a disadvantage. The Java Runtime Environment will read the
byte-code from your program and translate it into native code which makes
program written in Java a little slower than a program that would’ve been written
in C++. Also Java has a few other limitations, such as the switch statement. The
switch statement in java will only allow integral value which could be worked
around but in C++ it will take any value, whether it’s some integral value or string.
Another disadvantage that Java has is, it does not let you access the memory as
you would be able to in C++. Java has many advantages, but it also has a large
disadvantage. Java performs many times slower than C++, especially when it
comes to I/O operations.
The ease of development, reusability and portability make Java well worth
the time to learn. Even though Java is a very powerful language there are many
limitations to it, where as C++ the limitation is up to the programmer.
I am a Computer Science major and is currently taking Java Programming
I, introduction to java and I have to admit Java is an awesome language and I
hope to learn more in-depth about Java. Hopefully I will get the opportunity to be
a Java Programmer some day.