Unit 4: Political Parties Unit Test Study Guide *Both FRQs/MC can be related to any of the following. **Covers political parties and interest groups types & tactics. The Study Guide is Optional - if you work with others, make sure they provide you with accurate information! 1. 12th amendment a. Separate voting for president/vp 2. Amicus curiae brief a. individual/group not from a case/on a side but can provide expert insights 3. Bipartisanship a. Surrounding both parties 4. Candidate centered politics a. Focus on candidates not parties 5. Caucus - all meanings of the term a. Can be used to determine person from a party chosen to run 6. Committee system - importance, types, role in Congress a. 7. Conservatives and liberals 8. Deficit (Budget, spending) 9. Delegate versus superdelegate 10. Discharge petition 11. Factors that decrease voter participation 12. Federalism - definition, how states can limit federal laws 13. Federalist 10 14. Federal Reserve Board 15. Fiscal policy 16. Free rider problem 17. Gerrymandering versus redistricting 18. Grassroots lobbying 19. House rules committee 20. Importance of party affiliation in Congress 21. Independent voters 22. Inflation 23. Interest group(s) - types, activities, goals 24. Interest rate, discount rate 25. Keynesianism/Keynesian policy 26. Laissez-faire 27. Linkage institutions 28. Lobbying, lobbyists 29. McGovern Fraser commission 30. Media - coverage of Congress, coverage of the President, impact on public opinion / impact on voters, and the polls 31. Monetarism / Monetary policy 32. Non-partisan elections 33. Party conventions 34. Party identification - factors involved, specifics 35. Party in the electorate 36. Pluralism, pluralist representative democracy 37. Political ideology 38. Political machines 39. Political parties versus interest groups 40. Political party platforms 41. Political realignment, party realignment 42. Polling - what makes a good poll, uses, limitations 43. Pork barrel (earmark) legislation - definition, purpose 44. Press release, press conference, press briefing, news conference 45. Proportional representation 46. Role and function of political parties 47. Single issue interest group 48. Single member legislative districts, winner take all and political parties 49. Stages of policymaking 50. Structure and power within political parties 51. Super Tuesday 52. Supply side economics 53. Swing states 54. Think tanks 55. Third parties/ Minor parties- Challenges, contributions, Elections 56. Winner take all versus proportional representation