ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY College of Business and Economics Department of Accounting and Finance Accounting Software Application Sage 50/Peachtree Guide for the Computerized Accounting Simplified Project October 2023 How to Start Peachtree? 1. Start 2. All Programs 3. Peachtree Quantum 2010-Accountants Edition (Folder) 4. Peachtree Quantum 2010-Accountants Edition (Icon) – Peachtree Start up Screen/Welcome Screen How to Create Company on Peachtree? 1. 2. From Start up screen select Create a new company Button Create a New Company Wizard 1. Create a New Company-Introduction 1. Next 2. Create a New Company-Choice of Peachtree Company 1. Peachtree Premium Accounting 2010 2. Next 3. Create a New Company Information 1. Company Name: Your name 2. Address Line 1: 6th Killo 3. Business Type: Corporation 4. Next 4. Create a New Company-Set up 1. Build Your own chart of Accounts 2. Next How to Create Company on Peachtree? 5. Create a New Company-Define Account Segments 1. 2. 6. 7. 8. 9. No, I do not want to use Account Masking Next Create a New Company-Accounting Method 1. Accrual 2. Next Create a New Company -Posting Method 1. Real Time 2. Next Create a New Company-Accounting Periods 1. 12 monthly accounting periods per Year 2. Next Create a New Company-Fiscal Year 1. 2. January 2023 Next 10. Create a New Company-Finish 1. Finish How to Close a Company? 1. From the File Menu, select close company 2. Start up Screen /Welcome Screen will be displayed How to Open a Company? 1. From the Start Up Screen, Select open an existing company 2. From the Open an Existing Company Window 1. Select your Company 2. Ok How to Create Users? 1. Maintain Menu 2. Users 1. Set Up security 3. User Security---Window 1. New User Button 2. Create Administrator 1. User Name yourname 2. Password: yourpassword ( 7+ characters long & alphanumeric) 3. Save 4. Close 5. Note: Close your company and Reopen How to View Audit Trail Report? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. From Reports & Forms Menu Choose Company…Option Select a Report or Form Window Select Audit Trail Report Display Button Audit Trail Report window Close How to Set up General Ledger Chart of Accounts? 1. Maintain Menu 2. Chart of Accounts…option 3. Maintain chart of Accounts Window Account ID Description Account Type (Write) (Write) (Select) Click on 1110 Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash Save 1140 Trade Receivables Account Receivables Save 1141 Provision for Doubtful Accounts Account Receivables Save 1150 Inventory Inventory Save 1151 Provision for Stock Impairment Inventory 1210 PPE: Building Fixed Asset Save 1210-C1 Accu. Deprn.-Building Accu. Deprn. Save 1210-C2. Accu. Impa. Loss- Building Accu. Deprn Save 1220 Computers Fixed Asset Save 1220-C1 Accu. Deprn.-Comp. Accu. Deprn. Save 1220-C2 Accu. Impa. Loss- Comp. Accu. Deprn Save 1230 Truck Fixed Asset Save 1230-C1 Accu. Deprn.-Truck Accu. Deprn. Save 1230-C2 Accu. Impa. Loss- Truck Accu. Deprn Save How to Set up General Ledger Chart of Accounts? 1. Maintain Menu 2. Chart of Accounts…option 3. Maintain chart of Accounts Window Account ID (Write) Description (Write) Account Type (Select) Click on 1240 Machineries Fixed Asset Save 1240-C1 Accu. Deprn.-Machineries Accu. Deprn. Save 1240-C2 Accu. Impa. Loss- Machineries Accu. Deprn Save 1250 Land –Right of Use Fixed Asset Save 1250-C1 Accu. Deprn.-Land Accu. Deprn. Save 1250-C2 Accu. Impa. Loss- Land Accu. Deprn Save 1310 Investment Property: Building Fixed Asset Save 1410 Intangible Asset: software Other Asset Save 2110 Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Save 2115 Income Taxes Payable Other Current Liabilities Save 2120 Rent Payable Other Current Liabilities Save 2220 Lease Payable: Non-Current Long term Liability Save How to Set up General Ledger Chart of Accounts? 1. Maintain Menu 2. Chart of Accounts…option 3. Maintain chart of Accounts Window Account ID (Write) Description (Write) Account Type (Select) Click on 3110 Common Stock Equity -doesn’t Close Save 3115 Dividend Equity-gets closed Save 3220 Retained Earnings Equity-Retained Earnings Save 3230 Reserve for Transition to IFRS Equity -doesn’t Close Save 4110 Sales and Other Income Income Save 5110 Cost of Goods Sold f Cost of Sales Save 6110 Depreciation Expense Expenses Save 6120 Interest Expense Expenses Save 6130 Miscellaneous Expense Expenses Save How to Enter General Ledger Beginning Balance? 1. 2. 3. Maintain Menu Chart of Accounts…Option Maintain Chart of Accounts Window 1. Account Beginning Balances 2. Select Period Window 1. Know the current period [From 10/1/23 through 10/31/23] 2. Always select the Previous Period [From 9/1/23 through 9/30/23] 3. Ok 4. Chart of Accounts Beginning Balances Window Account ID Description Account Type Assets, Expenses 1110 Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash 10,000 1140 Trade Receivables Account Receivable 16,800 1141 Provision for Doubtful Accounts Account Receivable* -3,100 1150 Inventory Inventory* 12,000 1151 Provision for Stock Impairment Inventory -3,000 1210 PPE: Building Fixed Asset 52,500 1210-C1 Accu. Depreciation-Building Accu. Deprn. 20,125 1210-C2 Accu. Impairment-Building Accu. Deprn. 2,375 1220 Computers Fixed Asset 1220-C1 Accumulated Depreciation-Co Accu. Deprn. 1220-C2 Accumulated Impairment Loss-C Accu. Deprn. 25,000 Liabilities, Equity, Income How to Enter General Ledger Beginning Balance? Account ID Description Account Type Assets, Expenses Liabilities, Equity, Income 1230 Truck Fixed Asset 1230-C1 Accumulated Depreciation-T Accu. Deprn. 125,291.00 1230-C2 Accumulated Impairment Loss-T Accu. Deprn. 0.00 1240 Machineries Fixed Asset 1240-C1 1240-C2 Accumulated Depreciation-M Accu. Deprn. Accumulated Impairment Loss-M Accu. Deprn. 1250 Land: Right of Use Fixed Asset 1250-C1 Accumulated Depreciation-L Accu. Deprn. 6,140.00 1250-C2 Accumulated Impairment Loss-L Accu. Deprn. 0.00 1310 Investment Property: Building Fixed Asset 80,000.00 1410 Intangible Asset: Software Other Asset 20,000.00 2110 Accounts Payable Accounts Payable 2115 Income Tax Payables 2120 Rent Payable 2220 Lease Payable: Non-Current Other Current Liability Other Current Liability Long-term Liability 3110 Common Stock Equity-Doesn’t Close 180,000.00 120,000.00 6,555.00 0.00 130,000.00 6,000.00 500.00 8,333.00 99,570.00 192,000.00 How to Enter General Ledger Beginning Balance? Account ID Description Account Type 3115 Dividend Equity-Gets closed 3220 Retained Earnings 3230 Reserve for Transition to IFRS Equity-Retained Earnings Equity-Doesn’t Close 4110 Sales and Other Income Income 0.00 5110 6110 Cost of Goods Sold Depreciation Expense Cost of Sales Expenses 0.00 0.00 6120 Interest Expense Expenses 0.00 6130 Miscellaneous Expense Expenses 0.00 Totals Trial Balance Click OK to save and Exit Assets, Expenses Liabilities, Equity, Income 0.00 52,617.00 120,694.00 640,200.00 640,200.00 0 How to Maintain Customer [A/R] Subsidiary Ledger? 1. 2. 3. Maintain Menu Customers/Prospects option Maintain Customers/Prospects window: 1. Customer ID: C01 2. Name: K 3. General Folder Tab 1. Billing Address: Saris 4. Sales Info Folder Tab 1. GL Sales Account:4110 5. Save 6. Customer ID: C02 7. Name: B 8. General Folder Tab 1. Billing Address: Piazza 9. Sales Info Folder Tab 1. GL Sales Account:4110 10. Save How to enter Customer Beginning Balance? 1. 2. 3. Maintain Menu Customers/Prospects option Maintain Customers/Prospects window 1. History Folder Tab 1. Customer Beginning Balances Button 2. Customer Beginning Balances Window 1. Customer Balances Folder Tab 2. C01 3. Invoices for : C01 K Folder Tab 4. Invoice No:51 5. Date: September 30, 2023 6. Amount: 7,300 7. Customer Balances Folder Tab 8. C02 9. Invoices for : C02 B Folder Tab 10. Invoice No:52 11. Date: September 30, 2023 12. Amount: 9,500 How to Maintain Vendor [A/P] Subsidiary Ledger? 1. 2. 3. Maintain Menu Vendors option Maintain Vendors window: 1. Vendor ID: C01 2. Name: E 3. General Folder Tab 1. Mailing Address: Bole 2. Expense Account:1150 3. Save 4. Vendor ID: V02 5. Name: P 6. General Folder Tab 1. Mailing Address: Mexico 2. Expense Account:1150 7. Save How to enter Vendor Beginning Balance? 1. 2. 3. Maintain Menu Vendors option Maintain Vendors window 1. History Folder Tab 1. Vendor Beginning Balances Button 2. Vendor Beginning Balances Window 1. Vendor Balances Folder Tab 2. V01 3. Invoices for : V01 P Folder Tab 4. Invoice No:91 5. Date: September 30, 2023 6. Amount: 3,600 7. Vendor Balances Folder Tab 8. V02 9. Invoices for : V02 P Folder Tab 10. Invoice No:92 11. Date: September 30, 2023 12. Amount:2,400 How to Maintain Inventory Items? 1. 2. 3. Maintain Menu Inventory Items option Maintain Inventory Items window 1. Item ID: M01 2. Description: B 3. Item Class: Stock Item 4. Price Level 1:400 5. Last Unit cost:200 6. Cost Method: FIFO 7. Stocking U/M: Cartoon 8. GL Sales Acct: 4110 9. GL Inventory Acct:1150 10. GL Cost of Sales Acct:5110 11. Save 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Item ID: M02 Description: H Item Class: Stock Item Price Level 1:55 Last Unit cost:25 Cost Method: Average Stocking U/M: Each GL Sales Acct: 4110 GL Inventory Acct:1150 GL Cost of Sales Acct:5110 Save How to Enter Inventory Items Beginning Balances? 1. Maintain Menu 2. Inventory Items option 3. Maintain Inventory Items window 1. Beginning Balances Button 2. Inventory Beginning Balances Window 3. Select : M01 1. 2. Quantity:35 Unit Cost:200 4. Select: M02 1. 2. Quantity:200 Unit Cost:25 5. OK How to take a Backup of company data files? 1. From File Menu 2. Select Back up option 3. Back up Company Window 1. Include Company name in the back up file name 2. Back up Button 4. Save Back up for ----as window 1. Save in: Choose Local disk (:/D) or Flash 2. Save Button 3. OK How to Restore [open] a company data file? 1. 2. 3. File Menu Restore option Restore Wizard-Select Back up file 1. Browse 1. Open Back up File Window 1. Look in : Desktop or Flash 2. Locate and select back up file 3. Open 2. Next 4. Restore Wizard-Select Company 1. A new company 2. Next 5. Restore Wizard-Restore Options 1. Next 6. Restore Wizard-Confirmation 1. Finish How to Delete a company data file? 1. You can not delete a company by being on Peachtree. 2. To Delete a company, first get informed about the company. To get informed 1. Open the company you want to delete 2. Go to the Help menu then 3. Select the Customer support and service option 4. Select File Statistics 5. Data File Statistics for : ”your target company’s name ” window displayed 6. At the bottom of the data files statistics window the address is displayed. Directory: C:/Program Files/Sage Software/Peachtree/Company/Target company folder 3. Follow the address, locate the target company 4. Right click on the company folder and choose Delete. 1. Purchase Orders Tasks 1. Tasks Menu 2. Purchase Orders option 3. Purchase Orders window 1. Vendor ID: V01 2. Date: October 1,2023 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PO No.: P1 Quantity: 20 Item: M01 Unit Price:250 Journal 1. 2. 8. 9. Save List Accounting Behind Screens OK 4. Purchases/Receive Inventory Tasks 1. Tasks Menu 2. Purchases/Receive Inventory option 3. Purchases/Receive Inventory window 1. Vendor ID: V01 2. Date: October 4,2023 3. 4. 5. 6. Invoice No.: GRN1 Apply to Purchase Order No: [No PO Selected]: P1 Received:20 Journal 1. 2. 7. 8. Save List Accounting Behind Screens OK 8. Purchases/Receive Inventory Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Purchases/Receive Inventory option Purchases/Receive Inventory window 1. Vendor ID: V03 (Add New) 1. Press + on Key Board or double click or from list box click New or From Maintain menu select Vendors 2. Maintain Vendors Window 1. Vendor ID: V03 2. GL Expense Account:1150 3. Save 4. Close 2. Vendor ID: V03 3. Date: October 8,2023 4. Invoice No.: GRN3 5. Apply to Purchases 6. Quantity:150 7. Item: M01 8. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 9. Save 10. Payments Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Payments option Payments window 1. Vendor ID: V01 2. Check no: CPV 001 3. Date: October 10,2023 4. Apply to Invoices 5. Invoice 1. GRN1: Pay 6. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 7. Save 8. List 11. Payments Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Payments option Payments window 1. Vendor ID: V02 2. Check no: CPV 002 3. Date: October 11,2023 4. Apply to Invoices 5. Invoice 1. 91: Amount Paid: 1,200 6. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 7. Save 8. List 15. Payments Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Payments option Payments window 1. Pay to the order of 1. Name: ELPCO 2. Check no: CPV 003 3. Date: October 15,2023 4. Apply to Expenses 5. Quantity:1 6. Description: Utility Expense 7. GL Account:6110 8. Unit Price: 150 9. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 10. Save 11. List 17. Payments Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Payments option Payments window 1. Vendor ID: V02 2. Check no: CPV 004 3. Date: October 17,2023 4. Prepayment 5. Description: Purchase 6. Amount:2,000 7. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 8. Save 9. List 21. Quotes Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Quotes/Sales orders/Proposals option Quotes window 1. Customer ID: C01 2. Date: October 21,2023 3. Quote No.: Q1 4. Quantity:130 5. Items:M01 6. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 7. Save 8. List 23. Sales Order Tasks [Outstanding Quote] 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Quotes/Sales orders/Proposals option Quotes window 1. List 2. Select and Open Q1 3. Convert Button 4. Convert Quote Window 1. Convert this quote to a 1. Sales Order 2. SO #: S1 3. OK 5. Tasks Menu 1. Quotes/Sales Orders/Proposals 2. Sales Orders 3. Sales Orders Window 4. List 5. Select and Open Sales order : S1 6. Date: October 23, 2023 6. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 7. Save/OK/SAVE 8. List 24. Sales Order Tasks [New order] 1. 2. 3. 4. Tasks Menu Quotes/Sales Orders/Proposals Sales Orders Sales Orders Window 1. Customer ID: C02 2. Date: October 24, 2023 3. SO No.: S2 4. Quantity:30 5. Item: M01 6. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 7. Save/OK/SAVE 8. List 25. Sales/Invoicing Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Sales/Invoicing… Sales Invoicing Window 1. Customer ID: C01 2. Date: October 25, 2023 3. Invoice No.: CSI1 4. Apply to Sales Order No.: S1 5. Shipped:130 6. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 7. Save/YES 8. List 27. Sales/Invoicing Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Sales/Invoicing… Sales Invoicing Window 1. Customer ID: C02 2. Date: October 27, 2023 3. Invoice No.: CSI3 4. Apply to Sales 5. Quantity: 30 6. Item:M01 7. Quantity:50 8. Item: M02 9. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 10. Save/YES 11. List 28. Receipts Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Receipts Receipts Window 1. Deposit Ticket ID: DT01 2. Customer ID: C01 3. Reference: R01 4. Receipt No.: CR1 5. Date: October 28, 2023 6. Apply to Invoices 1. 2. 7. 8. 9. Invoice CSI 1 Pay Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK Save/YES List 29. General Journal Entry Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu General Journal Entry General Journal Entry Window 1. Date: October 29, 2023 2. Reference:M01 3. GL Account:3115 4. Description: Dividend 5. Debit:30,000 6. GL Account:3110 7. Description: Common Stock 8. Credit:30,000 9. Save 10. List 29. Receipts Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Receipts Receipts Window 1. Deposit Ticket ID: DT02 2. Customer ID: C01 3. Reference: R02 4. Receipt No.: CR2 5. Date: October 29, 2023 6. Apply to Invoices 1. 2. 7. 8. 9. Invoice 51 Pay Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK Save List 31. Account Reconciliation Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Account Reconciliation Account Reconciliation Window 1. Account to reconcile: 1110 2. Statement Date: October 31,2023 3. Statement Ending Balance: 60,650 4. Status DT01: 5. Status DT02: 6. Foreign Deposits Adjust (Short path) 1. Interest Income:200 2. Date: October 31,2023 3. Account:4110 7. Status CPV001: 8. Status CPV002: 9. Status CPV 003: 10. Status CPV 004: 11. Bank Service Charge Adjust (Short path) 1. Service Charges:500 2. Date: October 31,2023 3. Account: 6110 12. Un reconciled difference:0 13. OK Reports & Forms 1. Reports & Forms Menu 2. Financial Statements 3. Select a Report or Form Window 1. 2. 3. 4. <Standard> Income Stmnt Display :(Net Income: 26,800) <Standard> Retained Earnings Display : (Ending Retained Earnings:49,417) 5. 6. 7. 8. <Standard> Balance Sheet Display :(Total Asset: 540,814) <Standard> Cash Flow Display: (Net increase <decrease> in cash: 50,650) November: Change Accounting Period • Change the accounting period to Period 11 • From Status bar click on period 10 • Peachtree will display the change accounting period window • In that window click period 11 and Ok and confirm • Continue doing the following tasks for the month of November. 2. Purchase Orders Tasks 1. Tasks Menu 2. Purchase Orders option 3. Purchase Orders window 1. Vendor ID: V02 2. Date: November 2,2023 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PO No.: P2 Quantity: 200 Item: M02 Unit Price:30 Journal 1. 2. 8. 9. Save List Accounting Behind Screens OK 6. Purchases/Receive Inventory Tasks 1. Tasks Menu 2. Purchases/Receive Inventory option 3. Purchases/Receive Inventory window 1. Vendor ID: V02 2. Date: November 6, 2023 3. 4. 5. 6. Invoice No.: GRN2 Apply to Purchase Order No [No PO Selected]: P2 Received:100 Journal 1. 2. 7. 8. Save List Accounting Behind Screens OK 22. Quotes Tasks 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Quotes/Sales orders/Proposals option Quotes window 1. Customer ID: C02 2. Date: November 22,2023 3. Quote No.: Q2 4. Quantity:100 5. Items:M02 6. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 7. Save 8. List 26. Sales /Invoicing Tasks [Outstanding Quote] 1. 2. 3. Tasks Menu Quotes/Sales orders/Proposals option Quotes window 1. List 2. Select and Open Q2 3. Convert Button 4. Convert Quote Window 1. Convert this quote to a 1. Sales Invoice 2. Invoice #: CSI2 3. OK/yes 5. Tasks Menu 1. Sales/Invoicing 2. Sales/Invoicing Window 3. List 4. Select and Open Invoice No.: CSI2 5. Date: November 26, 2027 6. Journal 1. Accounting Behind Screens 2. OK 7. Save/YES 8. List Reports & Forms 1. Reports & Forms Menu 2. Financial Statements 3. Select a Report or Form Window 1. 2. 3. 4. <Standard> Income Stmnt Display :(Net Income: 4,550) <Standard> Retained Earnings Display : (Ending Retained Earnings:53,967) 5. 6. 7. 8. <Standard> Balance Sheet Display :(Total Asset: 548,364) <Standard> Cash Flow Display: (Net increase <decrease> in cash: 11,750 )