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Inorganic Chemistry Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentation Information
1. Assignment Overview:
In this assignment, you are required to present and critically discuss a research article
focusing on inorganic chemistry. Please select a recent (2023) article from the ACS
journal website (pubs.acs.org). As the presenter, your responsibilities include
thoroughly explaining the chosen paper and leading a critical discussion on it.
Understandably, these articles are dense with chemical jargon; however, learning to
navigate and understand such literature is a crucial part of your education in chemistry.
To get access to ACS journals, please log in MTSU library A-Z database:
Select “American Chemical Society Publications”, you will be then directed to a new
website that requires you to log in with MTSU account. If you use the school wifi, there
is no need to log in.
2. Effective Reading Strategy:
To effectively grasp the content, begin by reading the introduction, then proceed to the
conclusion. Identifying the thesis statement in the introduction is vital. Note that some
papers separate the results and discussion sections, while others combine them. Pay
special attention to each figure mentioned in the results section. Read the figure captions
carefully and ensure you understand the visuals. To fully comprehend these figures, you
may need to refer to the experimental section for details on how the experiments were
conducted. This process might require multiple readings to fully understand the paper.
3. Grading Criteria:
Organization (30%): Evaluates the overall structure and logical flow of the
presentation, including a clear introduction and conclusion, smooth transitions
between topics, and effective time management.
Clarity (25%): Assesses the presenter's ability to communicate ideas in an
understandable and articulate manner, using accessible language and integrating
visual aids effectively.
Comprehension (25%): Measures the presenter's understanding of the article,
including accurate interpretation of content, demonstration of in-depth insight into
the research topic, and the ability to effectively address audience questions.
Critical Analysis: 10% - Evaluating your ability to critically analyze the paper's
content, including the strength of its arguments, methodology, and conclusions.
Engagement and Presentation Skills: 10% - Assessing your effectiveness in
engaging the audience, your presentation style, and your ability to communicate
complex ideas clearly and concisely.
4. Presentation Requirements:
Introduction of the Paper:Introduce the paper by mentioning the title, authors, and
their affiliations. Summarize the introduction section, clarifying new terms and
providing necessary support information. Clearly state the research goal, usually
found in the final sentences of the introduction.
Results: Thoroughly explain each figure and table, presenting them to the class.
Discuss additional results that may not be presented in figures or tables.
Summarize the results and relate them back to the research goal.
Discussion: Provide a summary of the author(s)' discussion. Offer your
commentary on the discussion, results, and research goal.
Encourage and facilitate critical analysis of the scientific content, keeping in mind
the 25-minute time limit.
Use MTSU Zoom (https://www.mtsu.edu/stayoncourse/students/zoom.php) to set
up your recordings. After recording finished, upload the video to the Dropbox
folder at D2L. If you need assistance for the recording, please let Dr. Ding know.
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