Final SQL Normalize Tables into 3: Complete Upload tables into MySQL: Complete Create primary key: complete Use desc command: desc Final_Employee_Data_Fall2023; Feild Type Null Key Default (Null all the way down) Extra EmplidtextYES FnametextYES LnametextYES DepartmenttextYES Dept_Idint(11)YES Business_UnittextYES Unit_Idint(11)YES PositiontextYES GendertextYES EthnicitytextYES Ageint(11)YES HireDatetextYES ExitDatetextYES Annual_SalarytextYES Bonus_Percentageint(11)YES CountrytextYES StatetextYES CitytextYES Zipint(11)YES AddresstextYES RegiontextYES (a) SELECT Emplid, Region, Department, Business_Unit, Position, Annual_Salary, Bonus_Percentage FROM Final_Employee_Data_Fall2023 WHERE Position IN ('VP', 'AVP') AND country = 'United States'; (b) SELECT Emplid, Country, Position, Annual_Salary, Bonus_Percentage, (Annual_Salary + Bonus_Percentage) AS 'Total Salary' FROM Final_Employee_Data_Fall2023 WHERE Country IN ('Brazil', 'China'); (c) SELECT Country, Region, COUNT(*) AS number_of_employees FROM Final_Employee_Data_Fall2023 WHERE Country = 'United States' GROUP BY Country, Region; (d) SELECT Region, COUNT(*) AS Total_Employees FROM Final_Employee_Data_Fall2023 GROUP BY Region ORDER BY Total_Employees DESC LIMIT 1; (e) SELECT Country, Department, Business_Unit, Emplid, Fname, Lname, Position FROM Final_Employee_Data_Fall2023 WHERE Business_Unit = 'Research & Development' AND Department = 'IT' AND Country = 'United States';