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web page
static web = por mean thit the (like resume, menu..)
dynamic web = collection of pages that can be change (dev not the one who's update) [opposite static]
type of web
- algorithm : lomnorm dos sray problem
- getway : plov jol
- browser need getway to access the internet
- govern in khmer cannot block the website by themself but others country can.
- getway cannot give response or blocking any website by themself. there's only the devel of that software can be blocking or giving the response back.
- URL:unique name to identify the website - domain name: the name of website which unique can't be share. - ------.com.kh means handal by khmer govern (high level domain) the ".kh" has to be verify
- www. = subdomain
- protocol = policy = jbab
- the ktuy of URL is made by devel call path/page
- increep = lock or close
- http : encoding (increep) and transporting - https: the SSL safer than http it's like double lock (ot pek pon with govern te)
- http or https = hyper text transfer protocol, hyper text transfer protocol with SSl certification. - domain : as long as we use pay monthly
- path can be handal by devel
- DNS : domain name system
-www(world wild web) -url can only having one (it's unique)
-ip address is a unique number that can access the internet.
-static web is website that we cant do anything on it can only be see (photo) and can only change by the developer.
-dynamic web is web that we can click to see more information or jol ban (web tu tv)
- frontend pkert static - interact: touching or clicking - client side development: - backend dev: krob krong, tse ey behind the scene, backend need 3 part: server= computer, domlerng software database, - application: linking thing oy skol muy frontend,
- database: frontend is markup language, designing web
backend scelability : user c
data transformation: HTML: use to programming code, markup language: computer communicate with each other, define krong ch'erng(planning) how it gonna look like.
CSS: use to markup HTML language to design, javascript: only use on web develop cannot be use on moblie develop. tur neaty to update html tver krong ch'erng
css styling
javascript web's behavier (jder yun)
3 type develop(system)
1. frontend to decided how web's gonna looks like
2. backend
3. full stack
web developer web designer
- transform static
- html css javascript - photoshop - python for backend
java for android
OS is operating system: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
url : uniform resource locator : dom nor pchorb link for jol link, link to joining the website, or it's a unique name to identify the website.
3 basic component of system (component = part)
input, processing, and output
3 basic web development
frontend, backend, full stack
human and computer human has feeling computer: no feelings
hardware and software
- hardware: things on computer that we can see. (touchable) hardware is not only computer phone is also - software:things that we cannot see
- programming language : a set of word, symbol, and codes that human enable to communicate with computer.
number system: how can we reconize
- decimal(10):0-9 use for normal( + - x / )
- binary(2): 01use for highest level of system(pro pon del oy computer yol)
- oct(8):0-7use for just converting
- hexa(16):0-15(color system ke use hexa) like design, compiler and interpreter(exam)
- compiler: joub kleng error pleam brab pleam chob pleam.
- interpreter: (python use it) bork tang os hz ban brab pi kleng error.
- interpreter: converting high level to computer language, it translate line by line. its flexible then compiler. (faster than compiler)
- compiler: advantage: run code faster *** ping google.com .t (ping internet tam command)
- search browser/web browser: is an application that use to accessing the internet.
- url: is a unique number/name to identify the website. - domain name: is a name that is unique. one domain can only use to one webiste.
- protocol: is a policy of electronic device that can communicate with each other.
- IPv4 is the fourth generation of internet protocol (it uses 32 bit of IP address). // it can be reused and masked.
- IPv6 is the next generation of internet protocol (uses 128 bit of IP address). // everyone have unique number.
- Cloud hosting is the ability to make applications and websites available on the internet using the cloud.
- hypertext link that can allow u to immediatly access 