Vol 6 Issue 4 May 2016 ISSN No : 2230-7850 ORIGINAL ARTICLE International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Indian Streams Research Journal Executive Editor Ashok Yakkaldevi Editor-in-Chief H.N.Jagtap Welcome to ISRJ RNI MAHMUL/2011/38595 ISSN No.2230-7850 Indian Streams Research Journal is a multidisciplinary research journal, published monthly in English, Hindi & Marathi Language. All research papers submitted to the journal will be double - blind peer reviewed referred by members of the editorial board.Readers will include investigator in universities, research institutes government and industry with research interest in the general subjects. Regional Editor Manichander Thammishetty Ph.d Research Scholar, Faculty of Education IASE, Osmania University, Hyderabad. Mr. Dikonda Govardhan Krushanahari Professor and Researcher , Rayat shikshan sanstha’s, Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu College, Kolhapur. 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Mumbai University, Mumbai Alka Darshan Shrivastava G. P. Patankar S. D. M. Degree College, Honavar, Karnataka Shaskiya Snatkottar Mahavidyalaya, Dhar Maj. S. Bakhtiar Choudhary Director,Hyderabad AP India. Rahul Shriram Sudke Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore S.Parvathi Devi Ph.D.-University of Allahabad S.KANNAN Annamalai University,TN Sonal Singh, Vikram University, Ujjain Satish Kumar Kalhotra Maulana Azad National Urdu University Address:-Ashok Yakkaldevi 258/34, Raviwar Peth, Solapur - 413 005 Maharashtra, India Cell : 9595 359 435, Ph No: 02172372010 Email: ayisrj@yahoo.in Website: www.isrj.org ISSN: 2230-7850 Impact Factor : 4.1625(UIF) Volume - 6 | Issue - 4 | May - 2016 Indian Streams Research Journal A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF GRIEVANCE HANDLING MECHANISM IN PAGEONE TECHOLOGIES. S.RAJA1 and M.Ganesan Kanagaraj2 1 Assistant Professor, Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, SRM-Valliammai Engineering College,Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu, India. 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, SRM-Valliammai Engineering college, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu, India. ABSTRACT This study focuses on Effectiveness of Grievance Handling Mechanism at Pageone Technologies, Chennai Grievance is any discontent or dissatisfaction that affects organizational performance. As such it can be stated or unvoiced, written or oral, legitimate or ridiculous. If the dissatisfaction of employees’ goes unattended or the conditions causing it are not corrected, the irritation is likely to increase and lead to unfavorable attitude towards the management and unhealthy relations in the organization. Grievance is any kind of dissatisfaction with regard to pay, promotion, suspension, working condition etc. The objective of the study is to find the effectiveness of grievance handling mechanism being followed Descriptive research is essentially a fact finding related largely to the present, abstracting generations by cross sectional study of the current situation. KEYWORDS : Grievance, Attitude, Organization, Performance I. INTRODUCTION: Grievance is any discontent or dissatisfaction that affects organizational performance. As such it can be stated or unvoiced, written or oral, legitimate or ridiculous. If the dissatisfaction of employees’ goes unattended or the conditions causing it are not corrected, the irritation is likely to increase and lead to unfavorable attitude towards the management and unhealthy relations in the organization. The formal mechanism for dealing with such worker’s dissatisfaction is called grievance procedure. All companies whether unionized or not should have established and known grievance methods of processing grievances. The primary value of grievance procedure is that it can assist in Available online at www.lsrj.in 1 A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF GRIEVANCE HANDLING MECHANISM IN PAGEONE TECHOLOGIES. minimizing discontent and dissatisfaction that may have adverse effects upon co-operation and productivity. A grievance procedure is necessary in large organization which has numerous personnel and many levels with the result that the manager is unable to keep a check on each individual, or be involved in every aspect of working of the small organization. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY PRIMARY OBJECTIVE To study the effectiveness of grievance handling mechanism. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE 1. To identify whether the employees are aware of the grievance handling mechanism. 2. To identify whether the grievance handling system leads to a favorable attitude towards the management 3. To identify that the grievance handling system leads to a mutual understanding between workers and the management 4. To know the level of satisfaction towards the grievance handling procedure of the organization 5. To identify the factors influencing the effectiveness of the grievance handling in the organization II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE TAFEZAWA, in the year 1963, conducted a study which covered all possible aspects of work related life. It included: 1 Work environment 2 Job environment 3 Welfare activities 4 Employee participation 5 Career outlook and development The scope for improving skills and developing inherent potentialities has a significant role to play in the grievance. For a better Quality of work life, grievance redresses and feedback is essential. BANER (1966) He invented that the technological developments have invited attention towards grievance, but it has to an extent, neglected the Quality of work life. Social scientists began to devise measures in a wider sense and permit non-economic factors to be taken into account while evaluating social consequences of technological innovations. SHARMA (1973) The study was mainly based on the physiological and safety needs of the workers more or less satisfied, but in turn the workers are increasingly concerned about their age and social needs. WILSON (1973) The study was mainly based on the factors such as pressures existing from incompatibilities in industrial societies between technician and social change and as a basic assumption, the fright of people to be people. Available online at www.lsrj.in 2 A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF GRIEVANCE HANDLING MECHANISM IN PAGEONE TECHOLOGIES. CHARUS (1975) He studied that the “grievance” owes its origin to the structural system perspective of organizational behavior with the interpersonal human relations and supervisory style perspective. PRAYAG MEHTA (1989) He studied on perceived grievance, personality and other measures. The areas identified were, 1 Perceived influence in work life 2 Perceived nature of job 3 Perceived amenities at work place 4 Perceived supervisory behavior/practice It was interesting to note that government officials with a greater sense of satisfaction and integration with their as well as the political situation tended to assess gain of development more positively. It was indicated by Evaluation of self-reliance 1 Existing people participation 2 Employee involvement in administration III. RESEARCH METHOLOGY SAMPLE DESIGN Sample Element : Employees at Page One Technologies . Sample Size : 35 samples Sample Test : Percentage Method ,Correlation & Weighted Average Method Sample Media : Questionnaire Sampling Method : Simple Random Sampling TOOLS OF ANALYSIS • Percentage method • Correlation • Weighted average method IV. DATA ANALYSIS To know whether there is correlation between feel about decision given and real basis identification Let X be Feel about decision given Let Y be Real basis identification Table: 4.15 Real Basis Identified Feel about decision given Total highly satisfactory Moderately satisfactory Strongly Agree 25 2 27 Total Agree 6 31 2 4 8 35 Table: 4.16 Values for correlation Available online at www.lsrj.in 3 A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF GRIEVANCE HANDLING MECHANISM IN PAGEONE TECHOLOGIES. ∑xy r = _________ 2 2 √( ∑x * ∑y ) Substituting the values of ∑x2, ∑y2, ∑xy in the above equation we get. r=1 Inference: Since the value of r is equal to one the variables are positively correlated. A variation in one variable will cause variation in another ANALYSIS USING CORRELATION To know whether there is correlation between discussion and conference and supervisor has skill Let X be Discussion and conference. Let Y be Supervisor has skill. Supervisor has skill Total Very highly moderately skilled skilled discussion and conference strongly agree 28 1 29 agree 4 2 6 Total 32 35 Values for correlation ∑xy r = ____________ √( ∑x2 * ∑y2 ) 2 2 Substituting the values of ∑x , ∑y , ∑xy in the above equation we get. r=1 Inference: Since the value of r is equal to one the variables are positively correlated. A variation in one variable will cause variation in another. ANALYSIS USINGWEIGHTED AVERAGE METHOD Using this method the net scores can be calculated and the analysis can be done on the basis of the net score obtained. Available online at www.lsrj.in 4 A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF GRIEVANCE HANDLING MECHANISM IN PAGEONE TECHOLOGIES. RATING SCALES EMPLOYED : H ighly Agree 5 Agree 4 N eu tral 3 Disagree 2 Highly Disagree 1 CALCULATION: 1. CAREER PLAN W. Avg = ((25*5) + (10*4) + (3*3) + (8*2) + (4*1))/50 = 194/50 = 3.88 2. REWARDS & INCENTIVES W. Avg = ((19*5) + (17*4) + (2*3) + (8*2) + (4*1))/50 = 189/50 = 3.78 3. COMMUNICATION WITH SUPERVISORS W. Avg = ((20*5) + (15*4) + (4*3) + (9*2) + (2*1))/50 = 192/50 = 3.8 4. TRAINING FACILITIES W. Avg = ((17*5) + (19*4) + (3*3) + (10*2) + (2*1))/50 = 189/50 = 3.78 WEIGHTED AVERAGE TABULATION: STRONGLY AGREE FACTORS AGREE(5) (4) Career plan 25 10 Rewards andincentives Communication with supervisor TrainingFacilities NEUTRAL STRONGLY DISAGREE (2) (3) DISAGREE(1) 3 8 4 TOTAL AVERAGE 194 3.88 19 17 2 8 4 189 3.78 20 15 4 9 2 192 3.84 17 19 3 10 2 189 3.78 Inference: From the table it is clearly understood that employees are satisfied with the career plan and communication with supervisors they have at their work place. The employees are also satisfied with the Training Facilities, Rewards and Incentives. V. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY 1. 54.3% of respondent’s state that they are being provided with temporary relief until final decision is taken. 2. 82.9% of the respondents are between the age group 26-30. 3. 91.4% of respondents state that their supervisors are highly skilled that is the supervisors possess necessary human relation skills. 4. 100% of respondents are aware of the various committees that are framed for redressing their grievance. 5. 88.6% of respondents are highly satisfied towards the decision given by the management. Available online at www.lsrj.in 5 A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF GRIEVANCE HANDLING MECHANISM IN PAGEONE TECHOLOGIES. 6. 65.7% of respondents communicate to their co-workers. It is their informal channel. 7. 77.1% of respondents strongly agree that real basis of there is identified. 8. 97.1% of respondents agree that mechanism being followed resolves their grievance. 9. 82.9% of respondents strongly agree that discussion and conference is facilitated rather than executive authority. 10. 45.7% of respondents’ immediately redress their grievance through committee members. 11. 88.6% of respondents are qualified up to higher secondary. 12. 25.7% of respondents are aware of tei, sga, canteen, transport committees available. 13. 100% of respondents have agreed that there is regular follow up to ensure right decision is given. 14. 100% of respondents have agreed that supervisor is given authority to take action necessary to resolve the problem. 15. When there is deviation in the real basis identification it will be reflected in the level of satisfaction regarding decision given. VI. SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Open door policy can be used. The barriers that exist between the various categories are to some extent broken by personal contact and mutual understanding. 2. Suggestion boxes can be installed. This brings the problem or conflict of interest to light. 3. Accident rates, Requests for transfers, Resignations, and disciplinary cases should be analyzed since they reveal the general patterns that are not apparent. 4. Temporary relief can be provided so that the delay does not increase his frustration and anxiety and thereby not affecting his / her morale and productivity. CONCLUSION The study reveals that the Grievance handling mechanism is satisfactory. The organization is recognizing the importance of satisfying the employees and retaining them. Further improvements can be made so that all members are highly satisfied with the procedure. The suggestions and recommendations when implemented will still more benefit the organization. REFERENCES 1. Aswathappa, K., Human resource and Personnel management, TATA McGraw- HILL. 2. Arun monappa and Saiyadain, Mirza S., Personnel management, TATA McGraw- HILL. 3. Flippo, Edwin B., Personnel management, McGRAW-HILL International Publications. S.RAJA Assistant Professor, Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, SRM-Valliammai Engineering College,Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu, India. M. Ganesan Kanagaraj Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, SRM-Valliammai Engineering college, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu, India. Available online at www.lsrj.in 6 Publish Research Article International Level Multidisciplinary Research Journal For All Subjects Dear Sir/Mam, We invite unpublished Research Paper,Summary of Research Project,Theses,Books and Book Review for publication,you will be pleased to know that our journals are Associated and Indexed,India ¬ International Scientific Journal Consortium ¬ OPEN J-GATE Associated and Indexed,USA ? Google Scholar ? EBSCO ? DOAJ ? 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