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Chemistry Performance Task: Lead Pollution & Persuasive Letter

(Individual Work)
The city mayor of your municipality has the authority to decide which area near
the public highway will be transformed into an export processing zone where factories
will be built. Some of the factories manufacture car audio equipment and computer
As a GREENPEACE environment advocate, you are well-informed that these
factories release dangerous fumes containing heavily toxic metals like lead. A
residential community is living next to the highway. With the use of scientific
information/data about the chemical properties of lead, you decide to lobby against the
putting up of such factories near the public highway. Your task is to write a persuasive
letter to the city mayor of your place to favour your point of view and to offer solution
regarding the most appropriate/safe location for such factories.
Your work will be evaluated based from the criteria below:
a. Statement of the Position and Argument (Why your position is such? How it
would affect you, other people, and the environment? Propose alternative
b. Use of Scientific Data (Chemical Properties of Lead)
c. Brevity/Legibility
d. Mechanics (Return address, Signature, Correct Name of the City Mayor, etc..)
NOTE: Find time first to read some guidelines from the internet sites on how to write
persuasive letters to help you construct it properly)