FCL Friday, 20 January 2023 2:14 pm WEEK 1: Nature Divine Revelation SCRIPTURAL FOUNDATION: "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims His handiwork" (Psalm 19:1) • God reveals himself through his works and in history • However, the church still recognized some of the private revelation throughout the ages. TYPES OF DIVINE REVELATION 1. Immediate and Mediate - Immediate - revelation received directly from God God communicating the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 34:4); or the devil communicating knowledge to Jesus Christ during his temptation in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-12) or the appearance of an angel to Manoah's wife telling her that she shall bear Samson (Judges 13:2). The term REVELATION came from the latin word "revelare" which means "to lay bare". - This is interpreted as God's personal loving - Mediate - it is a passing of the revelation communication to us of who He is and His plan to save us all in His love. It is God's reaching out 1. Natural and Supernatural revelation to us in friendship, so we get to know and love • Natural Revelation - manifestation of God in him. In the dictionary, revelation is defined as the nature and creation. It is the revelation of God in act or process of revealing or the state of being His work. revealed. • Supernatural revelation - a revelation above the natural. It takes place in History - Theologically ○ Ex: It is made to particular individuals and - , Revelation is the act of revealing or groups through particular events that communicating divine truth, especially by divine happens at special time and places. agency or supernatural means. Or that which has been so revealed, as concerning God in his 2. Public and private revelation relations to man". • Public - a revelation to a group of people or to - The Etymological meaning of revelation is to take the church, the people of God away the Veil or Cover. • Private - it is given to individuals or group of people of individuals for specials reasons. THE REVELATION OF GOD - God reveals in many ways. - Through his revelations, we understand that God is still working in our time not only in history. - It is through the natural reason that man can know God with certainty on the basis of his works. But there is another order of knowledge which man cannot possibly arrive at by his own powers: the order of divine revelation. This is through an utterly free decision, God has revealed himself and given himself to man. THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD • It is WORD ABOUT GOD - we learn about God through SCARED SCRIPTURES Play the very significant role in our the bible life as Christians. It is in the book that we can understand • It is the SPOKEN WORD OF GOD - sacred scripture contains God's revelation of Himself the important events in history of our forefathers and how they had started to grow as a community of believers • It is WORD THAT BELONGS TO GOD - God is the bible's and how they have sacrifice for the sake of their faith author, custodian, interpreter, and teacher. and following God's will and purpose. INSPIRATION • SACRED - Is interpreted a something connected - Latin word "In spirare" to breathe into with God or a God or dedicated to religious - Inspiration is the special influence of the Holy Spirit on purpose and deserving veneration. the human authors, such that they were able to write - In a secular point of view it means too valuable to down what God wanted them to write. interfere with. - Inspiration is not: - Sample. Sacred rites like the holy mass for Catholic ○ dictation - that did not dictate the words to the Christians human authors. As stated earlier, the human • SCRIPTURE Is interpreted as sacred writings of authors had to go through the process involved in Christianity contain in the Bible or it is the sacred coming up with a written work. writings of a religion other than Christianity. ○ Possession - The human authors were not coerced WEEK 2: SACRED SCRIPTURES Sample. Sacred rites like the holy mass for Catholic Christians • SCRIPTURE Is interpreted as sacred writings of Christianity contain in the Bible or it is the sacred writings of a religion other than Christianity. - the Greek word "ta bibilia" which means "the books" - refers the whole sacred volume. - the Latin word "biblia" which means "the Book" designates the eminence of the Bible ○ dictation that did not dictate the words to the human authors. As stated earlier, the human authors had to go through the process involved in coming up with a written work. ○ Possession - The human authors were not coerced by God to right. They did not lose their free will when they put gas worth into writing. On their end, they had to cooperate with inspiration. CANONICITY - Greek word "kanon" a stick; measuring rod - The word implies norms or standards. - Canonicity is the church official declaration that the book is inspired, and is therefore a worthy basis of faith and morals. - Facebook to be declared canonical, it has to pass HOW WAS THE BIBLE FORMED? certain standards and as it passes the standards, it • ACTUAL EVENTS becomes the standard itself. - Canonicity does not make a book inspired, neither does - This refers to the actual experiences of God's it add to inspiration. It is simply a formal recognition of people which they interpreted as God's intervention the inspiration which the book has always possessed. in their history. • ORAL TRADITION - So that the people will forever remember this important events, they are handed on to succeeded generations through storytelling • WRITTEN SCRIPTURES - these stories were sorted, edited, and eventually put into the serve as norms against which other stories and traditions will be verified, and to more effectively preserve tradition. the Bible is a collection of sacred writings which the church solemnly recognized as the word of God, written by men through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. THE HOLY BIBLE - When we read the Bible, we also realized that there are different forms of expressing truth. The biblical authors were not so concerned about history itself, but salvation history, how the events of the past could be understood in relation to their fate . Salvation history deals with God's love for us, first shown to the chosen people, and then fulfilled in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. WEEK 3: APOSTOLIC TRADITION ORAL TRADITION; • BIG "T" - Refers to the oral tradition that began with the apostles and which has been handed down through the ages. - The phrase Apostolic tradition is not found in the Bible, ○ All in the big T tradition is essential to our faith and is but the term is used to refer to the teachings of the guarded by the Holy Spirit. apostles passed down to the church. • LITTLE "T" - this traditions come from the church and can be kept, - According to the Roman Catholic Church, Apostolic changed, or abandoned under the guidance of the tradition is the transmission of the message of Christ, magisterium. brought about from the very beginnings of Christianity ○ Example fasts, liturgy, devotions, vestments, theological by means of preaching, bearing witness, institutions, expressions worship, and inspired writings. THE TWELVE APOSTLES OF CHRIST TRADITION - comes from the Latin word "traditio" which means "handing on" 1. ST. PETER • Apostolic tradition is the traditions of faith and life that - From the Greek word "petros" meaning rock. come from the apostles - Jesus give him the name Cephas meaning "rock" or "stone" in • Apostolic tradition is the handing on of all of God's Aramaic revelation from the beginning of human history to the • BIO time of the apostles, into our own day. - He was one of the three disciples who was closest to Jesus. He TRADITION HANDED BY APOSTLES IN 2 WAYS: 1. While tradition is the tradition handed by the apostles orally. It is through the apostles who are handed on, by the spoken word of their preaching, by example they give, by the institutions they established, what they themselves had received whether from the lips of Christ, from his way of life and his works. 2. Written tradition is tradition handed by the apostles through written documents. SOURCES OF APOSTOLIC TRADITION - The apostles received divine revelation from 1. The Old Testament - example is the Patrimony and the history of the law and the prophets. 2. What Jesus said and did - the meaning of redemption through suffering, that you carries, be attitudes, witnessed miracles and moments the other apostle weren't aware of. • DEATH - Peter was crucified by emperor Nero in Rome around 64 AD. He was crucified upside down because he believed he was not worthy of dying the same death ask Jesus. 1. St. James - From the Hebrew name "fa'kov", the greek name for "Jacob", the Patriarch. The meaning of the name is "he who supplants" • BIO - Often referred to as "James the greater" , he was one of the disciples who witnessed the transfiguration of Christ • DEATH - Who is the only disciple whose martyrdom is recorded in the Bible. He rode had killed him by sword. He was likely beheaded. 2. St. John From the Hebrew name "Yohhanan". The meaning of the name is The apostles received divine revelation from 1. The Old Testament - example is the Patrimony and the history of the law and the prophets. 2. What Jesus said and did - the meaning of redemption through suffering, that you carries, be attitudes, morality of the eyes etc. 3. All that the Holy Spirit taught the apostles - the father comma son comma and whose period are all truly god comma that they were supposed to institute GIVING THE APOSTOLIC TRADITION - The apostles entrusted the one deposit of faith (scripture and tradition close) to: • their successors the bishops who authoritatively guide the understanding of the faith • the whole church who receives, believes, and leaves the Apostolic traditions DEATH - Who is the only disciple whose martyrdom is recorded in the Bible. He rode had killed him by sword. He was likely beheaded. 2. St. John - From the Hebrew name "Yohhanan". The meaning of the name is "YAHWEH is gracious" - Jesus nicknamed James and John, sons of zebedee, asans of Thunder. John wrote five books of the Bible and he was the disciple whom Jesus loved. • DEATH - He is the only disciple who was not martyred. He died of old age in 98 AD either in at most, where he wrote the Book of Revelation. 1. St. Andrew - Mostly likely used the greek name "Andrea" which means "manly or masculine" • BIO - He was Simon Peter's brother. He was the first disciple whom Jesus called and he told peter that Jesus was the Messiah. • DEATH - Who is crucified in the Greek city of patras around 60 AD. He was crucified in an X shaped cross, where he hung for three days, preaching the entire time. 2. St. Philip - From the Greek name "Philippos meaning "friend of horses" - He was from Bethsaida. A fishing town of the Sea of Galilee. He was personally reached by Jesus himself. He brough Nathaniel to Jesus - He was crucified upside down with bartholomay in 80AD in hierapolis Turkey. When the crowd wanted to release the two disciples, he told them to fever to lemere and did him hanging there. 3. St. Bartholomew - Arabic name "Bartalmai" meaning "son of Talmai" - He was born in Ghana of Galilee. He was commanded by Jesus himself. He traveled to distant lands such as India Turkey and Armenia to share the good news of the gospel. - He was supposedly skinned alive and then beheaded in albano opolis . Other accounts suggest he was crucified and taken down before he died, then flayed and beheaded. 4. St. Matthew - "Matthaios" a greek from the Hebrew namem "Mattyahu" meaning "gift of YAHWEH" also known as "Levi" - He was a tax collector, one of the most hated professions in 1st century judea. He collected thousands from Rome from his fellow Jews in capernaum. He's the only evangelist who shares the eight beatitudes. - He was staked or impaired to the earth using Spears and beheaded in utopia Ethiopia 5. St. Thomas - Better known as doubting Thomas, as he famously disbelieved the resurrection of Jesus. He traveled as far as the malabar coast to preach the gospel. - Te Oma, which means twin. Also called the Didymus a Greek word which means the twin. - He was my martyred during prayer. He was pierced through with Spears of unknown assailants. 6. St. James, son of Alphaeus - "he who spplants" - Also called "James the Less", he was the son of the sister who is called "Mary of Clopas of Mary - He was supposedly stoned to death in Jerusalem and was buried there beside the temple. 7. St. Simon, the Zealot - "he has heard" - Tradition holds that he spread the gospel in Egypt as a missionary and then joined the apostle St. Jude in Persia. - He was allegedly martyred by being cut in half with the saw in Persia 8. St. Jude aka THADDAEUS - Jude is the shortened version of the Hebrew name Judah or Judas which means "praise" - THADDAEUS is from the Greek word five die which means heart or Braveheart. - He preached the gospel in judaea hamasa Maria, Syria, and Mesopotamia . Is the author of the canonical letter of Jude. - He died as a martyr around the year 80AD where he was crucified and buried using arrows. 9. St. Matthias - "gift of God" - He was not one of the original members of the 12. He was appointed by the apostles to replace Judas Iscariot, following the latter's betrayal of Jesus and his subsequent death. Matthias preached in the judea. - He was stoned at the end of his ministry. WEEK 3: MAGISTERIUM The Christian Church cannot continue its mission without the assistance after leaving office magisterium. This is the teaching authority of the church it's continuing Christ mission to humanity. This office is the servant of God. • The magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church is the church authority your office to give authentic interpretation of the word of God, "weather in discretion form or in the form of tradition". • According to the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church - The task of interpretation is vested uniquely in the pool and the bishops, through the concept has a complex history of development. - Scripture and tradition make up a single secret deposit of the word of God which is untrusted to the church - the magisterium is not independent of this, since all that it proposes for belief as being divinely revealed is derived from this single deposit of faith. TRADITION, SCRIPTURE, MAGISTERIUM - These are connected in such a way that one cannot stand without the others. - But above the Holy Spirit all three individually and together led to salvation. ○ Without tradition, the scriptures could not be properly interpreted. ○ Without the magisterium tradition could not be preserved. ○ Without the scriptures, the magisterium would not have WHAT DOES THE MAGISTERIUM TEACH? - The conversation is a synthesis of the basic concepts of Catholic doctrine • The nicene creed • The sacraments • Ten commandments • The Lord's prayer Magisterium - Growth in understanding our faith • Theological inquiry • contemplation and study • the teaching of bishops Indefectibility and Infallibility - The church is incorruptible and without error - the church as a whole possesses this charisms - even though individual members have faults and mistakes - The church will remain faithful to christ's teaching to the end of time - Jesus promised evil would not overpower the church. - His promise ensures that all people can achieve salvation. - The church is without error in her teachings. - Infallibility is the holy spirit's gift to the church. - Our leaders are protected from fundamental errors about faith and morals. THE HIERARCHY OF TRUTHS - Some truths are more fundamental and this illuminate other truths. - All church teachings are interconnected. - Dogmas are those doctrines that are central to church teaching. THE ROLE OF THE MAGISTERIUM 1. Devotedly listens to the word of God - the bishops before could be a teacher they must be first be hearer of the word of God. 2. Conscientiously guards the word of God - The safeguard applies less ratio of the word of God - it means losing nothing of it, Deleting nothing of it, adding nothing of it. - Protect against deviation, innovation and heresy. 3. Faithfully explains the word of God - it must propose or explained to the people what is obscure to them. WEEK 7: DOGMAS OF FAITH • Our faith in God is grounded in God's own revelation through his words and deeds in salvation history. It is confirmed by the many reasons for believing that have been worked out through the centuries, responding to the biblical challenger: "always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope" Peter 3:15 What is faith? *Oxford Dictionary Definition - complete trust or confidence in someone or something - ex: faith in politicians, political systems - a strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof; For Christians, faith is (Hebrew 11:1) "... now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." • Christian faith relates to a confident assurance of salvation through Jesus Christ and being certain of his guidance, protection, and blessings upon your life (... and others whom you pray for). The need for faith... These passages clearly demonstrate the need for faith. • The disciples lacked faith. Matthew 8:26 - He replied," You little faith, what are you so afraid of?" - Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. • Peter's faith wavered. Matthew 14:21 - "Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. - "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" CHARACTERISTICS OF FAITH 1. TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE - "only faith in God calls for total and absolute adherence. Christ himself provides, especially in His passion, death, resurrection, the best exmaple of this total and absolute commitment to God. 2. TRINITARIAN - the Christians, especially the Catholics, believe that faith is the "adherence to the triune God revealed through Jesus Christ our Lord. It is our friendship with Christ and, through Christ, with the Father, in their holy spirit. Through Christ's witness to His father, in his teaching, preaching, miracles, passion, death, and resurrection, we come to believe in Christ our savior, in the father, and in the Holy Spirit sent into our hearts." 3. Loving, maturing, and missionary - "our christian faith is truly life-giving and matures only through love, for the man without love has known nothing of God, for God is love. And to be Christian, this love must be inseparably love of God and love of neighbor, like Christ's". The "missionary spirit is the test of authentic faith because it is unthinkable that a person should believe in Christ's words and kingdom without bearing witness and proclaiming it in his turn. This means, we are called to share in Christ's own three-fold mission as priest, prophet, and king. 1. Informed and Communitarian - christian "faith must be informed especilly to the catholic faith. This means, believing "Jesus" words, and accepting his teachings, trusting that he has the words of eternal life. This chapter also added that faith must be "communitarian" since it is the church that transmits to us Christ's revelation through sacred scripture and its living tradition and alone makes possible for us an adequate faith-response. 2. INCULTURATED - christian faith especially the "catholic faith in God and in Jesus CHrist is never separated from the typical filipino nfaith in family and friends. On the one hand, we live our faith in God precisely in our daily relationships with family, friends, fellow workers THREE ESSENTIAL DIMENSIONS OF FAITH 3. BELIEVING - "faith involves our basic convictions as Christians. For if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart, that God raised him from the dead; you will be saved. John sumps up in his gospel with: These things have been recorded to help you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the son of God, so that through this faith you may have life in his name. • FAITH IS KNOWING - Christian faith does know "not mere head knowledge" of some abstract truths. It is like the deep knowledge we have of our parents, or of anyone we love dearly". • PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE - Christian faith is a "Personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as my lord and my God. Christ solemnly assures each of us: "Here I stand, knocking on the door. If anyone hears me calling and opens the door, I will enter his house, and I have supper with him, and he with me. 4. DOING - christian faith is also doing. As "St. James write, my brother, what good is it to profess faith without practicing it? Christ himself taught: None of those who cry out Lord, Lord" will enter the Kingdom of God, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Under the dimension of doing, faith should be manifested in commitment and witnessing: • FAITH IS COMMITMENT - christian faith is a "commitment to follow God's will for us." This we see exemplified in Mary's 'I am the servant of the lord. Let it be done to me as you say" • FAITH IS WITNESSING -brings out this "doing dimension of faith as 'witnessing' through 'loving service' of our needy neighbors. In our concrete situation, particularly urgent is the call for: - deeds of justice and love - for protecting and caring for our endangered earth's environment 5. ENTRUSTING/WORSHIPING - "entrusting oneself into God's hands." - Abraham, our father in faith, at God's command left everything to set out for a foreigh land. Against all human odds Moses trusted Yahweh to free the Hebrews from their slavery in Egypt. - in the new testament, Jesus worked signs and cures only with those who trustede in him. He promised the possessed boy's father: 'Everything is possible to a man who trusts." - In this dimension, faith should be from the heart and manifested by trusting God even without seeing Him personally. • FAITH IS FROM THE HEART - the loving, trusting , and hoping in the lord comes from the God's own love flowing our hearts. • TRUSTING FAITH - this "lives and grows through prayer and worship.' This is a personal heartfelt conversation with God that is the opposite of mindless, mechanical repetition, and memorized formulas. It is in the celebration of Liturgy that every Christian can find a "genuine personal prayer and group prayer" MODELS OF FAITH • ABRAHAM - "father of all who believe" - By Faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was to go". - by faith, he lived as a stranger and pilgrim in the promised land - by faith, sarah was given to conceive the son on the promise land - by faith, abraham offered his only son in sacrifice - abraham believed in God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness. Because he was strong in his faith, abraham became the "father of all who believe" • - MARY blessed is she who believes embodiment of obedience of faith she welcomes the tidings and promise brought by the Angel Gabriel, believing that "with God nothing will be impossible" and so giving her assent: "Behold I am the handmade of the Lord; let it be done to me FORMS OF CHRISTIAN PRAYER BLESSING - The prayer of blessing is man's response to God's gifts; you blast the almighty who first blesses us and fills us with his gifts. ADORATION - An attitude the technologies we are creatures in the presence of our creator. - It is an Act by which we glorify the God who made us. PETITION - to ask, TO IMPLORE, to plead to cry out. In each case, technologies how much we depend on God for our needs, including forgiveness and persistence in seeking him. - the first thing to ask for, however, it is the coming of the Kingdom. INTERCESSION - Consist of working on behalf of another period it confirms us and unites us to the prayer of Jesus who intercedes with the father of alcohol specially sinners. - blessed is she who believes - embodiment of obedience of faith - she welcomes the tidings and promise brought by the Angel Gabriel, believing that "with God nothing will be impossible" and so giving her assent: "Behold I am the handmade of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word". - throughout her life until her last ordeal when Jesus her son died on the cross, Mary's faith never wavered - she never ceased to believe in the fulfillment of God's word. And so the church venerates Mary in the purest realization of faith. FILIPINO SAINTS: INSPIRATION TO THE YOUTH - San Pedro Calungsod and San Lorenzo Ruiz gave their lives for their faith. Both were young and generous in their calling. Their generosity is exactly what pleases God, for it mirrors Jesus who also generously gave his life for us. WEEK 8: CHRISTIAN PRAYER - Prayer is very important for both Christians and non Christians. For us Filipinos, prayer is already part of our life as sources of spiritual strength and hope. This personal faith relating to God's prayer. In prayer, we connect ourselves to the divine being who is the author of life and all the things around us. - Prayer is seeking union with God PRAYER ACCORDING TO St. Therese of Lisieux - Prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look forward heaven, it is a kind of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy. PRAYER ACCORDING TO John Paul II, crossing the Threshold of Hope - Man achieves the fullness of prayer not when he expresses himself, but when he lets God be most fully present in prayer. - - the first thing to ask for, however, it is the coming of the Kingdom. INTERCESSION - Consist of working on behalf of another period it confirms us and unites us to the prayer of Jesus who intercedes with the father of alcohol specially sinners. Intercession must extend to one's enemy. THANKS GIVING - flows from the churches greatest prayer, the celebration of the Eucharist. Every moment or event can become a Thanksgiving offering. We are called to thank God for all the gifts we have received, including our joys and sorrows, all of which, through love , work towards our benefit. PRAISE - Which recognizes most immediately that God is God for you it is a completely disinterested prayer: it seems God's praise for his own sake and gave him glory simply because he is. - A particular gift of the charismatic renewal to the whole church. EXPRESSIONS OF PRAYER At mass when the reading of the gospel begins, we place the sign of the cross of our foreheads and lips and hearts. - Lips, minds, and heart symbolizes the three kinds of prayer: focal, meditative to contemplative. Vocal Prayer - Associates the body with the interior prayer of the heart . Even the most interior prayer, however, cannot dispense with vocal prayer. In any case it must always spring from a personal faith. Meditation - It's a prayerful reflection that begins above all in the world of God in the Bible. - Engage a stop, imagination, emotion, and desire in order to deepen our faith, convert our heart and fortify our will to follow Christ. - Is the first step toward the union of love with our Lord. Contemplation - It's a gaze of faith fixed on Jesus, and attentiveness to the word of God, a silent love. - It's a gift to which we dispose ourselves by resting attentively before Christ. It involves hearing in a way in God's word. It is a time of silent listening and love. NATURE OF PRAYER CONCEPT OF PRAYER - It doesn't activity of the heart and man or woman drawn towards the divine. There are two classical definitions of prayer • Speaking to god • Speaking with God WEEK 9: VALUE AND MEANING OF ECUMENISM WEEK 10: VARIOUS FORMS OF LOCAL ECUMENISM ECUMENISM The various forms of local ecumenism will help the church understand the - It is the beliefs, principles, or practices of those who desire and work importance and essence of ecumenism. each form will help the organizer to for worldwide unity and cooperation among all Christian churches. promote a harmonious relationship among the Christian churches and the ecclesial communities. PURPOSE OF ECUMENISM 1. Sharing in Prayer and Worship - The division among religious groups especially the Christian religion - It is mentioned that at all level of the local churches there are many really creates problems in our life as Christian believers. - Through this division, we Christians are sometimes drawing negative occasions for seeking the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the change of heart testimonies on other religious groups. and holiness of life which along with public and private prayer for the - In history, religion also forced wars among kingdoms. unity of Christians would be regarded as the soul of the whole economical movement. Many forms of this spiritual ecumenism are emerging today in - The call for unity among Christian churches is a must specially in our time, this is not only to prevent division but also religious wars and prayer groups in which members of various confessions assemble. discrimination among us. 2. Common bible work - It was in 1968 that the guiding principles of inter confessional cooperation NEW TESTAMENT WRITINGS THAT WOULD REMINDS US THE URGENT CALL FOR UNITY AMON CHRISTIANS: work copublished by the United Bible societies and the secretariat for • There is one body and one spirit, just as you were called to the one promoting Christian unity and there is official Catholic collaboration in 133 hope of your calling: One Lord; one faith, one Baptism (Ephesians Bible translation projects in various places in accordance with these 4:4-5) norms. In addition, many of the six national Bible societies that make up • Ask me as you were baptized into Christ have put on Christ neither the United Bible societies, working is agreement with the number of Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or Episcopal conferences and set diocesan and bishops, have developed female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:27-28) programs of cooperation with Catholics in scripture distribution and • Each of you says, I belong to Paul or I belong to Cephas, I belong to promotion of Bible reading. Christ. Is Christ divided? (1 Corinthians 1:12-13) 3. Joint Pastoral Care - This is organized mainly in terms of some specific situation and does not The Central to all Ecumenical discussion is of course Jesus' high priestly prayer in the upper room as recorded in the forth Gospel. compete with parish based pastoral. For instance, and hospitals the chaplains often adopt an ecumenical approach, both for some of their Daily and contemporary meaning of ecumenism has something in contracts with the patients and further dealings with the hospital common. The term used might be different but the essence will not go authorities. farther especially when talking of unity and harmony in a certain place 4. Shared Premises are OIKOS. - This part is very important period though there is a rule that Catholic 1. EARLY MEANING OF ECUMENISM churches are reserved for Catholic worship. After consecrated buildings - Ecumenism came from the two Greek words "OIKOS" which means they have an important liturgical significance. Further they have a house or dwelling and "oikeo" which means believe or dwell. We pedagogical value for inculcating the meaning and spirit of worship. Therefore sharing with them with other Christians or constructing new have the English derivatives, such as ecumenical, ecumenicity, ecumenics and ecumenism are simply transliterations from the churches jointly with other Christians can be the only by way of exception. Greek Oikoumene. 5. Collaboration in Education - This term was first used by "Herodotus", who was innocent of any - It is in the second part of the ecumenical directory, the collaboration in theological overtones. From the present passive participle of the verb comes oikoumene, which means the land where people live or education was mentioned. dwell, and comes in time to describe the inhabited earth. For the Greeks, the word describes the Greek world; for the Romans, the 6. Joint Use of Communication media term was equated with the Roman Empire. - Change for the better quality of religious programs and radio and television has led to coordination and in some areas to joint planning and use of common facilities. 2. CONTEMPORARY MEANING - The effect of division among Christian churches urges many Christian for unity upon realizing that division is not the solution of 7. Cooperation in Health field - You can set off healthcare or increasingly supplanting earlier attitudes church problems. regarding medical work and the place of hospitals. Donor and welfare - The Protestants and Catholics agree, man, on a busy contemporary meaning of the word economism. It means the fostering of unity agencies prefer to supply money for those health programs, as they strive among Christians. But Protestants' use of the word has entailed a to develop National Health services and now tend to refuse to deal with a multiplicity of religious groups. second meaning as well, and this too must keep in mind in all subsequent use of the word. - Four, in recent Protestant history, ecumenical activity has dealt not 8. National and International emergencies - Hey give me call churches even in local communities have a wide range only with the unity of the church but also with its worldwide mission. of responsibilities, not only limited in the local communities in some Mission derived from Missio (to sendforth), And the notes there's instances. The response to emergency situation has given rise to responsibility of the church to go into the entire inhabited world, to ecumenical production increasing fund and in administering and witness to its faith in Jesus Christ. Thus, missionary activity is likewise distributing them. an expression of ecumenical concern. 11. Meetings of heads of communion - They show meetings of any organization will the organization go to progress. The ecumenical organization go to progress. no the organization in certain places the heads of local churches or ecclesial communities meet regularly, sometimes having a permanent continuation committee. 12. Joint working group - Ecumenical organization must have connection in other working group if they have one to be holistic and approach. 9. Relief of the human need - Responding to the needs of others is very crucial in out of time that they are a Christian or non Christian period as they pressure of contemporary life, especially in great cities become more intense, Christian are aware of their urgent responsibility to minister to the increasing number of people who become casualties of societies. 10. Social Problems - These are very common in our time period both local churches and the ecclesial communities must work hand in hand. Catholic Church engages its full energies industrious effort for integral human development it works with all men of goodwill and specially with other Christian churches and ecclesial communities.