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Lorentz Transformation Paradox: A New Perspective

A new paradox about the Lorentz transformation
David M. Bower
14 JAN 2024
A new paradox about the Lorentz transformation is presented. The new paradox shows the ultimate
futility of explaining reality with the Lorentz transformation.
The Lorentz transformation
The Lorentz transformation is so well known that it can be discussed without reference to any
historical literature; an internet search of this topic will reveal literally thousands of references
to this topic. Although proceeding from the work of Voihgt, FitzGerald, Lorentz and others, it
was used by EinsteinElectrodynamicsMovingBodies (without attribution) to develop his famous
special theory of relativity.
The Lorentz transformation between events (⃗r, t) in a “stationary” or laboratory frame and events
(⃗r′ , t’) in a moving frame and the “reverse” Lorentz transformation between the events in the moving frame and the events in the laboratory frame is given by the equations
x′ = γ(x − v · t)
x = γ(x′ + v · t′ )
y′ = y
y = y′
z′ = z
z = z′
t′ = γ(t − βx/c)
t = γ(t′ + βx′ /c)
β ≡ v/c
γ ≡ (1 − β 2 ) − 1/2
where the moving frame is moving along the laboratory frame’s x axis with speed v in the positive
x direction.
From these equations, the equations of time dilation, length contraction, proper time can be derived.
In conclusion, space is absolute with respect to both circular and translational motion.