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VANET Privacy Enhancement Using BCPKI

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 10, Issue 11, November-2022, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com
Privacy Enhancement for VANET Using BCPKI
Tejas Ramteke1, Harshal Patil2, Soham Dey3, Abhay Naikwadi4
Computer Engineering/Savitribai Phule Pune University/India
Security and privacy are two major issues for the Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET). In this paper, we present the
deep literature survey on security aspects of VANET and privacy issues in VANET. Due to their ability to provide
access to a broad lay out of ubiquitous services, VANETs are becoming more and more significant today. The
number of security attacks & threats is definitely increased as a result of this increase in inter-vehicular services
& communications risks. The most recent information on security threats, vulnerabilities, and security
services, with a focus on significant issues that have received little attention in the literature, like VANET security
system appraisal tools. The result section concludes with comparison of state of arts system and we offer a novel
method to heighten secrecy in VANET.
Keywords: Privacy, VANET, Blockchain, PKI.
VANET(Vehicular Adhoc Network) is a radicals of locomoting or static vehicles connected by a wireless electronic
network form a vehicular ad hoc network. Both the academic community and the business community are very interested in
researching VEHICULAR COMMUNICATIONS. As long as at to the lowest degree one of the transmitting and receiving
units is a vehicle and maybe a routing node, it is described as the communication between the vehicles and possibly with
the side units[1].
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are evolving into vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), where the fixed nodes are the
roadside units (RSUs) placed in strategic locations, while the mobile nodes are vehicles with a restricted mobility pattern
and dedicated communication units installed in the vehicles allowing them to exchange data[2].
VANET communications take the form of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication,
which typically uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to exchange messages with the RSU. If the range restrictions are
met, these communications can be single-hop, multihop, broadcasting, or multicasting[3].
The primary function of the VANET is to enable any equipped vehicle to broadcast safety messages about the condition of
the road to other nearby vehicles so that they can adjust their travel routes. Additionally, the VANET enables nearby RSUs
to convey with the traffic control centre to synchronise traffic lights to lessen traffic congestion, manage emergency and
traffic incident operations, etc. Since automobiles serve as the sensing nodes and provide traffic management servers with a
wealth of valuable information about the state of the road from virtual nodes (vehicles), it is generally accepted to virtualize
and interpret VANETs as a sensor network. As a component of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs), VANET has
increased in significance and acceptance across a number of nations since it is expected to solve a number of pressing
transportation issues and enable a broad range of exciting ITS applications[3][4][5].
Although VANETs offer many appealing features and applications, if such security-sensitive networks do not handle and
account for security, their security will undoubtedly face numerous obstacles, threats, vulnerabilities, and risks.
prerequisites before deployment. Exceptional illustration. An example would be if a time-sensitive communication was
sent purposefully altered and was caused by a "innocent" car, rejected, or redirected by an incorrect receiving
unit, Routing a malicious car, there will be serious repercussions. the innocent car might be implicated,( for example,
injuries, fatalities, etc.). This necessitates the creation of strong and dependable security mechanisms in VANETs and calls
for extensive and in-depth research to aid in thwarting harmful actions in the network. The United States, Japan, and the
European Union have actively financed numerous projects on VANET security[6].
Due to its numerous applications, the vehicular ad-hoc Network (VANET) has met an increasing amount of attention in
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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 10, Issue 11, November-2022, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com
recent years. A vehicle's communication is currently vulnerable to a number of security risks, including Denial of
Service (DoS) attacks, in which a malicious node creates a prominent number of fictitious identities. Spoofing of IP
addresses is used to prevent fair data flow between two moving vehicles by interfering with its correct operation.
Fig : Vanet Attack
First, as shown in above Figure , the attacker can take control of a significant number of exposed hosts on the internet by
compromising them. These insecure hosts can be used by the attacker to concurrently ship a big count of packets to the
victim vehicles.
Massive amounts of traffic are sent toward the victim cars' objective during DoS assaults. Either the network service for the
vehicle or the actual vehicle are the focus. The high mass of traffic compromises with the victim's services.
Owing to the paucity of infrastructure and challenges in providing comprehensive coverage for all roadways due to the high
installation costs, the computational overhead has increased.
In this paper we present a deep literature survey on existing systems, we also compared the state of art systems and at last
we proposed our novel method for enhancing privacy in VANET using blockchain.
The rest of the paper is organised as, section II presents Literature survey. Section III compares the existing systems and
discuses the drawbacks. Section IV concludes the paper and also suggest the future scope.
Researchers[7] suggested the components needed in smart vehicles for effective data transfer as well as how
VANET helps to reduce traffic accidents. The authors advise employing electronic license plates for the
authentication of smart vehicles and two methods for location verification: tamper-proof GPS and second, verifiable
Experimenter Performed analysis of automobile ad hoc network security threats and solutions. The author discusses
a network attack that was reported before 2010. Author's recommendation for mitigating security flaws and
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Volume 10, Issue 11, November-2022, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com
Authors [9]analyse the strengthening of VANET privacy protection. To provide a balance between privacy and
accountability in VANET, they devised a cryptographic approach. They forecast that this strategy will be hybrid and
suggested symmetric and public core functions for the sake of both encryption and authentication.
The experimenter suggests the incentive protocol Pi to create a secure vehicular social network, tolerating vehicle
delays and enhancing performance for documenting the fairness among vehicles in the network[10].
The researchers[11] propose a footprint-based approach to prevent the Sybil attack in urban VANET by allowing
vehicles to construct a location-concealed flight for location privacy while communicating via message forwarding.
Litterateur [12]significant security dangers and attacks were largely discussed. Author also covered security issues
with regard to numerous VANET attacks and examined security solutions that had previously been presented.
Researcher [13]has detected the Sybil attack in a VANET based on a realistic scenario and assessed the performance
using simulation code.
Litterateur [14] recommend a trustable framework for protecting the VANET. The authors suggest an ID-based
signature technique that would be used to uniquely authenticate nodes in the network. 2018 4th International
Conference on Calculating Communication and Automation (ICCCA). Since apiece knob has a distinct ID, it is
simpler to recognize any malicious nodes on the network.
Experimenter[15] have discussed peer-to-peer networks and ad hoc networks' routing security. Authors conduct
network attacks, examine the effectiveness and results of those attacks, and then recommend security objectives and
routing settings for sensor networks.
10. Author described the effects of the Sybil attack on the entire network. The Sybil assault is one of the most dangerous
since the nodes pretend to be elsewhere. The authors also outline diverse Sybil attack types on the network and
suggest mitigation for each[16].
11. Researcher provided a safeguard to a Sybil attack. To spot a Sybil attack, authors advise using a timestamp series
method. A vehicle with a single individuality may not pass through numerous RSU at the same time, and if it does,
that node is viewed as being under Sybil assault. This is the introductory tenet of the timestamp technique[17].
12. Author proposed To eliminate Sybil attacks and defend the network from attackers, a thorough analysis of the Sybil
attack's effects is suggested, along with the TRM[18].
13. Experimenter offer a method for noticing Sybil attacks in a vehicular ad-hoc network. Every node in the proposed
framework examines the range of their adjacent node; if that range does not match the parameter, this reveals a
certain node is a Sybil node. Topology then implements a protocol-compliant countermeasure[19].
14. Author Talk about the threats to security and the impact of the Sybil attacks on WSN. The authors say a method for
naming nodes in a Sybil threat by looking at their peers' node tables[20].
15. The authors talk about the security flaws in VANET and offer some security fixes. A series of security protocols are
also provided by the authors to safeguard privacy and boost sensor network effectiveness[21].
16. Reseacher Explored various VANET attacks in light of their effectiveness and accomplishments and advise security
measures to stop them[22].
17. Researcher has outlined a variety of network assaults, but mainly emphasizes on back hole attacks. In a simulated
environment, the researcher tested the black hole attack's performance[23].
18. The authors employed an asymmetric cryptography-based distributed method. A group key is used as one of the
arguments in the function f, f(C1,C2,..,Cn), where Ci is the members' collective contribution and participants can
either be the group leader or a delegate. The leader gives the group members the prepared message after encrypting
each member's input using their public key. The choice to choose the group key is up to the group members[24].
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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 10, Issue 11, November-2022, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com
19. Author presented a fresh key methodology for secure VANET interactions. They offer a technique for constructing a
series of transient secret keys. The application involves the secure dissemination of information and is focused on
V2V communications[25].
20. Researcher presented GDH (Group DH), an extension designed for user groups with different iterations based on the
Diffie-Hellman key exchange mechanism (GDH-1, GDH-2, and GDH3), was proposed. Several proposed systems
for the exchange of collaborative keys make use of CLIQUES. To produce the original key, researchers advise using
the IKA (Initial Key Agreement) protocol[26].
Security and Privacy
Security and Privacy Methods
Credential Usage,
Digital Signature,
Anonymizer Proxy
Data Integrity
Credential Usage,
Digital Signature,
Message Authentication Code
Pseudonym Usage,
Silent Period, Mixzone
Credential Usage,
Digital Signature,
Misbehaviour Authority,
Event Data Recorder
Misbehaviour Detection,
Intrusion Detection System
Certificate Revocation List
(CRL), Reputation-based
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Security and Privacy
Group Signature Approaches:
TACK [27],
BGLS [28],
Signcryption [29],
Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
[30], [31],
Batch Verification [32], Reencryption [33]
Pseudonymous Authentication
PASS [34],
DCS [35],
Mix-zone [36],
Fixed Mix-zone [37],
RLC [38]
Multiple Approaches:
Decision Packet [39],
Security Mechanisms [40],
Multi Operating Channels Model
[41], Public Key Infrastructure
(PKI) [42]
Identity-based Approaches:
Identity-based Batch Verification
(IBV) [43], Identity-based Aggregate
Pseudonym Approaches:
Pseudonymous Technique [45],
Variable Pseudonyms
[46], Silent Period [47]
Mix-zone Approaches:
Independent Mix-zone [48],
Multiple Mix-zones [49]
Other Approaches: VANETbased Clouds [50]
Challenge-response Protocol [51]
Trusted Party [52],
Identity-based Signature [53],
Mobile Agent Protocol [54]
Revocation Approaches:
CRL [55],
Local and Global Revocation [56],
Reputation-based Scheme [57],
Certificate Revocation Scheme [58],
Page 909
International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 10, Issue 11, November-2022, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com
Credential-based Protocol [59]
Misbehaviour Detection Approaches:
IDS [60],
APDA [61],
RRDA [62],
Stable Community Detection [63],
EAPDA [64],
Verification Technique [65]
Studying the snipping systems, we identified the following problems:
Due to the use of methods like cryptography by the current systems, they are more susceptible to numerous attacks. These
techniques are now quite vulnerable. The core security needs, such as authentication, nonrepudiation, and integrity, as well
as the driver's privacy, such as identity and location privacy, against being accessed, tracked, or profiled by unauthorised
organisations, are not guaranteed by the security protocols in VANET. One criterion for meeting the demands for security
and privacy is the sophisticated design of a collection of mechanisms that will assure attaining security and secrecy saving
in real-world designs of VANETs. Blockchain technology can be used to secure VANET due to its exponential growth.
In this paper we studied the state of art system for security in VANET. In section III we discussed the issues with state of
art system. In future the current systems disadvantages can be overcome by implementing Distributed Blockchain Based
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