Uploaded by Matas JoffÄ—

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I hope this communication finds you in good health. I recently saw your documentary "The 13th," and I felt
moved to convey my heartfelt gratitude for the remarkable work you and your crew have accomplished.
The film's examination of how jails benefit from free prison labour, particularly that performed by Black
prisoners, raises serious concerns about the lingering legacy of slavery. The documentary expertly navigates
the historical context and institutional concerns that contribute to today's exploitation of incarcerated
people, particularly those from marginalised areas.
The video explores the complicated links between the criminal justice system and the economic interests
that exploit the labour of those behind bars, raising the question of whether slavery is truly extinct. It
encourages viewers to consider not only the immediate situation at hand, but also the larger ramifications
for social justice and the need for structural change.
As a Lithuanian observer, I couldn't help but see connections to our own criminal justice system. While the
precise dynamics may differ, the underlying issues of racial injustice, profit-driven objectives, and
incarcerated individuals are regrettably universal. The documentary has prompted numerous talks and
debates on the need for reform in our own setting, forcing us to confront unpleasant realities and
Thank you for your commitment to bringing these critical topics to light. "The 13th" is a strong and thoughtprovoking work of fiction that acts as a catalyst for change. I believe that by raising awareness and engaging
in ongoing conversation, we may help to dismantle the structural institutions that perpetuate such
Thank you for your dedication to social justice once more, and I look forward to your future endeavours that
try to inspire constructive change.