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Glow Up Guide: Improve Appearance & Well-being

A glow up is a transformative process of improving one's physical
appearance, mental health, and overall well-being. The term
"glow up" originated from social media and refers to the idea of
someone who undergoes a positive transformation, typically over
a period of time. The transformation can include physical
changes like improving skincare, hair, makeup, fashion, and
fitness, as well as mental and emotional changes such as building
self-confidence and improving one's overall sense of well-being.
The importance of a glow up lies in the benefits it can bring to a
person's life. By taking care of oneself and making positive
changes, an individual can experience increased self-esteem,
greater self-confidence, and a more positive outlook on life. A
glow up can also help individuals feel more in control of their lives,
which can lead to better overall health and well-being.
Improving one's physical appearance can also have positive
effects on mental health and can help individuals feel more
comfortable and confident in social situations. Additionally, a
glow up can lead to positive changes in other areas of life, such as
improved relationships and career opportunities.
Overall, a glow up is an important process of self-improvement
that can have lasting effects on both physical appearance and
overall well-being.
We all want to look attractive, and for people to give us respect
when we walk by is the best feeling. When you look at yourself in
the mirror and love what you'll see, you'll love yourself and people
will love to be around you.
In this book, I'm going to go in depth on how to be attractive both
physically and mentally.
First have a good personality. Nothing is worse than someone who
is attractive, but no one likes him. Have hobbies. Be kind with
others. Smile at them. Compliment them and make their day. This
is what makes people love to be around you, and you'll be more
confident and more attractive naturally by giving people the
attention that they want.
Don't compare yourself to others. It will make you feel like you're
not making progress and make you feel insecure. Compare
yourself to what you were yesterday.
Have so much money. You need to have a good relationship with
money and understand that money is not a bad thing. You don't
deserve to work for McDonald's or KFC and live a miserable life.
Don't fall for the trap of I don't want some money. I can just work
for someone else for minimum wage and I'll be secure. Invest for
your future self, not for someone else's business. You're capable
of doing everything.
Have a good environment. Your environment will talk so much
about you. Look around you right now. If your environment is not
clean, it will drain you and make you more lazy. That's why you
need to clean your space to have an organized mind. Have a good
circle. Jim Run said you are the average of the five people you
spend the most time with. So if you hang out with criminals all
day, guess what? You're going to become a criminal. If you hang
out with a millionaire all day, you'll become a millionaire. Choose
your friends wisely. Let's move on to the essentials
Having good skin will boost your confidence and make you more
attractive. People judge you by literally one second after seeing
you. I know it's not fair, but your face is what most people look at
when they're talking to you.
Work out
You need to work the muscles that will make you look good and
make that V taper look You need to work the upper chest,
shoulders, lats, forearms, upper traps and neck. If you're a
beginner, I'll give you a training program to start working out
tomorrow. I know your mind is telling you excuses right now. I
don't want to hear that shit, bro. Get them Doritos out of your lap
and just go. And you'll thank me for it.
Hair style
Hair having a haircut that suits you by determining your face
shape and then choose what you feel comfortable with.
Buy clothes that suits you and show people that you are that guy.
Don't wear colorful clothes like orange, red, yellow, pink. Just go
with the basic color that goes with everything. For example, black,
white, navy, brown. Don't just end up dressing like 6ixnine please.
You can add some jewelry it will add up to your style. Just buy a
cheap one that looks nice. You can open Pinterest for inspiration
for clothes and style.
Having yellow teeth and bad breath is the biggest red flag for
people, especially for women. So I recommend Invest in electric
toothbrush. the bad breath comes from your tongue. That's why
you need to use a tongue scraper and clean the white dirt as in
the back of your tongue. White stripped works to get whiter
teeth, and they are inexpensive hygiene.
Your smell is the most important thing on this list. If you're three
out of ten right now, when you smell good, it will be up to six out
of ten. So invest in perfume that you like. Not that some other
person recommends. And I have a bonus tip is to trim your nails.
Nothing is more attractive than clean nails,
Low body fat
When you eat high protein and low sugar diet and have 10% body
fat, your face will look more leaner and less puffy. So you'll
naturally become more attractive.
Good mental health
I kept this point to the end of the chapter because I want only the
people that really want to change their lives. I recommend
focusing on mental health first and then start implementing what
you learned from this chapter.
I understand the pain that you're feeling right now. You've
watched so many videos and tried so many products, but none of
them worked. I went from having full acne to having a clear skin
That's why I'm the perfect person to help you on your journey. I'm
not going to waste your time. Here's how to get glowing skin.
Step 1 Mindset.
Accept that it is going to take a long time to get clear skin.
YouTubers often make click bait titles and tell you how to get
clear skin in two days. Don't listen to them. There are days when
you can't be bothered to take care of your skin. That's why
consistency and patience are the most important components
here. If you do the right thing for two to three months, which I'm
going to tell you in this chapter, you'll have glowing skin after
fixing your mindset. Let's move on to the essentials.
Skincare routine. First, you need to determine your skin type.
I'm going to help you know it. We have types of skin, dry skin, skin
that lacks moisture and may feel tight, itchy or flaky, oily skin,
skin that produces excess oil and may appear shiny or greasy.
With enlarged pores. This is my skin. Type combination skin, skin
that is a mix of oily and dry with an oily T-Zone forehead, nose and
chin and dry cheeks. Normal skin, balanced skin with small pores
and a smooth, even texture. I think you have one of the above.
After knowing your skin type, let's move on to what you can do to
have clear skin. Morning skin care routine. You need to wash your
face with a cleanser that supports your skin type. Of course, then
you apply toner to remove the extra dirt on your face. This is
optional. After that, moisturize your face with a moisturizer with
SPF so you don't need to buy a separate sunscreen. evening
skincare routine. You'll do the same thing you did in the morning,
but don't add sunscreen this time. Instead, add retinol. Retinol
helps in reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin texture,
unclogging pores, reducing acne and fading dark spots. This is
like the magical ingredient for having clear skin.
What products do you use? I'll use Foaming Cleanser by
CERAVE is really good and cleans your face without making it too
dry. I highly recommend using it if you have oily skin. I moisturize
my face with the CERAVE facial moisturizer SPF 30. I use LILYANA
Naturals Retinol. It's the best retinol on the market right now.
Step 2 Diet
The food you eat can have a significant impact on your skin.
Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help improve your skin's
appearance while consuming too much sugar and processed
foods can lead to breakouts and other skin issues. If you wonder
why you have acne problems, it all comes from these source.
People often depend on skincare products. That's not how it
works. Remember, you are what you eat. I know it's not easy to
change your diet completely, so start small. For example, you can
start by eating only home cooked meals.
If you eat pizza one day, try to have some apples on the side.
Try to use the 88-20 rule for your food. Example, what 20% of the
healthy food will give me 80% of the pleasure like apples,
bananas, potatoes, chicken, breast and oats. If you don't like oats,
for example, you can go to YouTube and type "How can I make
oats taste better? If I don't like oats?". Finally, increase your water
intake. Try to drink at least two liters every day.
Step 3 Workout
Workout. As you know that stress can cause acne breakouts.
That's why working out can reduce cortisol levels the stress
hormone and also detoxify the skin by sweating to help unlog
pores, which can lead to clearer, healthier skin. I have a full PDF
Workout for Beginners plan that I did personally to start working
out tomorrow. I can hear the excuses running through your head
right now. I don't want to hear that shit, bro. Get those Doritos out
of your lap and just go. And you'll thank me for it.
Step 4 Quitting Social Media
What? I said, I want a clear skin. Now you're telling me to quit
social media. Before you click off, let me explain why. So when you
open social media and when you see all these perfect people with
glowing skin and start comparing yourself to them unconsciously,
you'll feel miserable. And you'll not make progress in your journey.
So you need to limit your social media use, especially Instagram
and TikTok. Try it and see for yourself.
Step 5 Good Mental Health
It's the most important part here. So when I had bad mental
health, I can't even wash my face in the morning. I just want to lie
down in bed and use social media all day. I notice that my skin was
getting worse and worse, and after taking care of my mental
health, I was more happy going out more and enjoying life in
general and Taking Care of my skin. its so enjoyable now and I
love to take care of myself.
If your screen time is high, you need to pay close attention to this
chapter because they're gonna help you a lot. Are you tired of
feeling overwhelmed and unproductive? Do you find yourself
constantly distracted by social media, emails, and other digital
distractions? Then it's time to glow up mentally and start doing
monk mode. But first, what is monk mode? Monk mode is a
productivity technique inspired by the discipline and focus of
monks. It involves setting aside specific times of the day to
disconnect from distractions and focus on your most important
tasks. This can help increase productivity and creativity and can
even reduce stress and anxiety.
Why do I need to start monk mode? You will accomplish a lot of
work in a short period of time. You will feel a sense of
accomplishment and fulfillment in your life by focusing on the
most important tasks and increasing the chance to achieve your
goal with less time. Pretty cool, right? That's why I'm sharing this
concept on with you.
Alright, after knowing your why, it's time to talk about how to start
monk mode. There are three non-negotiable steps to start doing
monk mode. First, we have 10 minutes of meditation. Meditation
can reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus, and increase
feelings of well-being. I know that you hear all the gurus talking
about it and you tried it in the past and it didn't work. Just wait till
the end of the chapter and I'll give you a beginner-friendly monk
mode protocol to begin trying it tomorrow.
Second, we have exercise for 30 minutes. Exercise can make you
happier and make you consistent on the project you're doing. We
can take the example of the YouTuber KSI. After training for his
boxing match, he was very consistent in making YouTube videos.
You can start with just a few minutes of exercising each day and
work your way up.
Third, we have no drug use, so no weed and no alcohol. They both
have potentially negative effects on physical and mental health
and they can decrease focus and make you feel sluggish, so you
can't focus on your work and achieve your goals. You can add
more things to your non-negotiables list like I did. So, this is my
protocol so you can have an idea: 10 minutes of meditation,
exercise for 30 minutes, no drug use, no junk food, a gallon of
water, no porn, no fap, using phone for one hour only, sleeping
eight hours. It's tough, right? But it's worth it. It changed my life
and it can change yours too.
So, the main reason I did monk mode is to increase my focus and
work on the most important tasks like this e-book you're reading.
So, you'll need to set aside specific blocks of time during the day
to focus on your most important tasks. This could be in the
morning before the rest of the world wakes up, which worked for
me, or in the evening after the workday is over. You do you. It's
important to choose a time that works best for you and that you
can stick to consistently. I recommend reading the book "Deep
Work" by Cal Newport. He dives deep into this subject. I'll leave
the link in the link section. As you finish your deep work time you'll
feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment knowing that
you've used your time wisely and focus on what truly matters give
it a try and see how it can change your productivity and focus
And like I promised, I'll give you a beginner-friendly protocol. So,
for this beginner-friendly protocol, you need to lower your ego.
It's very important, promise? Alright, so tomorrow when you wake
up, I need you to make your bed. It's the first task, the first win of
the day. Then, do three minutes of meditation. I recommend
using the Balance app, which you can find on the App Store and
Google Play. It will guide you if you're a beginner. After that, if you
exercise already, go to the gym first thing in the morning. But if
it's your first time exercising, you can do some stretching in the
morning. You can find a follow-along stretching routine - I'll put
the link in the link section. And after that, write three things down
that you're grateful for. You will feel more grateful for the rest of
the day. For example, I'm grateful that you read my e-book till
here. I want you to try this for one week and let me know as a
feedback after trying it and you can start with just a few minutes
of each activity each day and work your way up.
I'm not going to waste your time. There's a no BS guide on how to
have an attractive personality as a guy. Let's begin.
First, you need to listen to others when they're talking. Listening is
a trait that's often forgotten about in today's society. When you're
in a group of people, next time, try not to scroll through tech talk
or checking Instagram if your crush responded to you or not and
thinking about what episode of Stranger Things you're on now.
Pay attention to what the other person is saying. Show them that
you're listening and interested. Show genuine interest in the other
person by listening to them with your full attention when they're
speaking next.
Compliment them. Just imagine with me right now. A girl named
Sarah just made a new hairstyle and she went to school, and no
one has commented about her hair. She's insecure now because
she thinks that the new hairstyle is bad. But then you see her in
school and say with enthusiasm, Hey, Sarah, nice haircut. Suits
you a lot. Just imagine, what's the reaction of Sarah here? She'll
be very happy and grateful for you. First, you made her day.
Second, you felt good about seeing her reaction. If you like
something about a person, tell them and people will love to be
around you.
Next, be authentic. People always say the cringe term of just be
yourself, bro. And it's actually true. Being as authentic as possible
is good to attract people who have the same interest as you. "But
Aziz I'm an introvert and I have difficulty communicating with
people" I'm going to tell you why it's good.
So when you're an introvert, you'll attract introverted people.
People have the same interests as you, and you'll be more happy
with people who have the same goals as you.
Next is Smile. I was in a coffee shop one day and I just smiled at
the cashier when ordering, and after I got my coffee, he said to
me, I like that you're always smiling. Keep doing that. That's why I
encourage people to smile at people when you're talking to them.
Don't smile like a psychopath. Of course, and just smile. 24/7. You
need authentic, like I said in the previous point. Next time you see
someone you love, smile at them. And for the first time, when you
see his reaction, your smile naturally.
Next is having a good posture. When do you think people say hello
to people and for others say Hello, Nicholas. Why? People behave
differently in every situation and not treat others the same.
Because of your body language. How you express yourself, how
you're sitting on a desk, how you walk matters a lot. And based on
your body language, people will put you in their social hierarchy.
And this is human nature. We can't control that. We can control
maintaining a good posture, how we represent ourselves to the
world. And as you know, that the first impression lost for decades.
I saw this in the first Rule of 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson.
It's a fantastic book and teach me a lot of things. Go read it. I'll link
it in the description.
Next is dressing good. People get the first impression of you by
your dressing style. You should know the type of dressing which
looks good on you and makes you feel confident. That's why
investing on clothes is so important.
But as is, I don't have money to buy expensive clothes. Here's
what I recommend.
Let me ask you a question first. Let's say you have $200 and you
find a t shirt and sweater for $200. You 80% like them and 20%
dislike them. and then you saw a hoodie for $200. And you like it a
lot. 100%. And it suits perfectly. Which one are you going to buy?
Most people will pick two things, but it's not how it works. You buy
clothes not for the clothes itself, but the feeling you'll feel when
you put them on.
Oily skin Dry skin
Oily skin Dry skin
Teeth Whitening Strips
Deep Work
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I'm not going to waste your time. Here is my realistic morning
routine that made me go from being a nerd to a star boy.
But before giving you my routine, you need to know why you need
to have a morning routine in the first place. Having a morning
routine will put your glow-up journey on autopilot, and you don't
need to wait for motivation to do the activities. I'm going to tell
you. You'll do them unconsciously, like flipping the switch when
you enter a dark room.
All right, here's my realistic morning routine that made me glow
up. Let's begin. First, I wake up early at 6 a.m. every day. Then I'll
open my window to the light outside. Can make me more awake.
If it's dark outside, switch all the lights in your house. Then I go to
the toilet and not using my phone. That's an important tip.
Then I'll make my bed because it gives you a level of responsibility
in your life. And also, it's the first task of the day and will put you in
success mode for the whole day. Then I go feed the pigeons in my
window and water the plant. It's good to do something kind every
morning. You'll feel good after that. Then I'll go to the bathroom
and do my skincare routine, and after that, I brush my teeth with
fluoride-free toothpaste. It's healthier for my gums and doesn't
make my lips dry.
I wash my hair and put conditioner only and wait for 5 minutes,
then rinse it with cold water to make the curls less frizzy. And then
I dry it with a shirt or towel, and then I'll dry my hair with the dryer
for curls. Then I put coconut oil on. It helps with growing healthy
hair. but since I have a buzzcut now I skip all this B.S Get a
buzzcut, bro. Stop being a MEOW.
Then I'll go take a walk outside to wake the circadian rhythm. The
circadian rhythm is the clock of your body because your body
needs to know that it's daytime, so it'll give you more energy.
After that, I do 20 minutes of meditation. I aim to have 10 to 20
minutes of meditation every day. I used to use the balance app to
guide me into the meditation, but I realized that it's B.S That's why
I just sit there doing nothing for 20 minutes and thinking about
I know it's hard for you right now to start my morning routine.
That's why I've created a beginner-friendly, realistic morning
routine that you can start tomorrow to help you glow up. [check
at the bottom] and it's a realistic not like the videos I see on
YouTube. Wake up at 4 a.m., take a cold shower, run a marathon.
No, no, no. It's realistic. So if you don't have a routine now, you can
start this routine tomorrow.
And after that, I journal two pages. First, I write five things I'm
grateful for. Then I'll write random things about what I'm feeling
right now. What's my intention for today? It's a great way to
empty my mind and check on my mental health and also prepare
my to-do list the night before. So I'll check that out too. And then I
take a look at my goal and try to visualize achieving them. I
visualize myself getting 100k followers on instagram and millions
of views on my reels LOL
After that, I'll head down to the kitchen and have a cup of water. I
squeeze half a lemon into the water. Vitamin C is good to wake
me up and it's good for my skin. So win, win. And after that, I'll
make a cup of coffee and It's 7 a.m. and it's time to work till 12
p.m.. And that's it. Do this for six months and you'll not recognized
yourself in the mirror. But don't forget to start small and use my
beginner-friendly morning routine in Peace out.
6:30 AM - Wake Up
Start your day by waking up at a consistent time.
6:35 AM - Hydrate
Drink a glass of water to rehydrate your body.
6:40 AM - Stretch or Exercise
Engage in light stretching or a short exercise routine.
6:50 AM - Morning Meditation
Spend a few minutes meditating to clear your mind.
7:00 AM - Shower
Take a refreshing shower to wake up fully.
7:15 AM - Breakfast
Eat a balanced breakfast to fuel your body.
7:30 AM - Personal Care
Brush your teeth, wash your face, and get dressed.
7:45 AM - Plan Your Day
Jot down your tasks and goals for the day.
8:00 AM - Learn or Work
Spend time on a learning activity or start work.
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Normally, between age one and puberty, you should grow roughly
about two inches a year. When you reach puberty, it should be
about four inches a year, and then you pretty much stop growing
between the ages of 18 and 20. That's a generality because some
people stop growing a little bit before that, and yet others
continue to grow a little bit longer than that, but that's roughly
the age group that you stop growing. So if you're that age or less
and you want to grow a little bit more, what I'm about to tell you
may help you, and of course, there's a genetic limitation.
Hormones responsible for your height :
However, if you are deficient in certain nutrients, that can
significantly affect your height. So the three hormones that are
involved in growth are number one, human growth hormone
(HGH), which is produced by the pituitary gland and works
through the liver. The next hormone is IGF-1 (insulin-like growth
factor number one), and that hormone is made by your liver and
is controlled by the growth hormone. Then we have the thyroid. If
the thyroid is not producing enough hormones, that can create
stunted growth.
What causes HGH deficiency - 1
So let's start with the growth hormone. Well, the number one
nutrient that can affect growth hormone is zinc. Children with
stunted growth are mainly deficient in zinc, and people with a
growth hormone deficiency are usually deficient in zinc. Zinc is a
very important trace mineral needed for more chemical reactions
than all the other trace minerals combined.
A couple of things that will create a zinc deficiency are
consuming too many foods with phytates (found in all grains),
which can create a major zinc deficiency. Other factors like sugar,
refined carbohydrates, alcohol, caffeine, stress, and not
consuming enough foods with zinc (like red meat or shellfish) can
also create a zinc deficiency.
The other thing that can create a growth hormone deficiency is
starvation. Now, I'm not talking about doing fasting with all of your
nutrients. I'm talking about starvation where you're depriving your
body of all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, amino acids,
essential fatty acids, etc.
Another crucial aspect is sleep. Growth hormone works when
you're sleeping. So if you're not sleeping well, especially as a
teenager, that could be the thing that can hinder your growth.
Next on the list is obesity. The more fat you have on your body,
the less growth hormone will be activated. Other factors like
smoking, second-hand smoking, and excessive caffeine (which
can deplete zinc) can also inhibit growth hormone. Teenagers
tend to consume the most ultra-processed junk foods, leading to
nutritional deficiencies.
Another nutrient that can create a deficiency in growth hormone
is a lack of vitamin D, which is common among kids nowadays as
they don't go outside enough, spending most of their time behind
a computer.
Regarding the other two hormones, insulin-like growth factor 1
(IGF-1) can be affected by liver damage caused by excessive
carbohydrate or high fructose corn syrup consumption.
The thyroid gland is sensitive to an iodine deficiency, so if an
infant, small child, or teenager doesn't have sufficient iodine, it
can greatly stunt growth. Iodine is mainly found in seafood,
shellfish, and kelp, and foods grown close to the seashore contain
higher iodine levels.
If you're a young adult looking to maximize their height, here's a
list of things to consider :
A good trace mineral product with zinc, taken along with other
trace minerals.
Pituotrophin PMG, a product by standard process, which
supports the pituitary gland that produces growth hormone,
take one before bed for about three months.
Ensure sufficient sleep, addressing any sleep problems.
Avoid grains to reduce phytates and improve zinc absorption.
Get enough vitamin D either through sunlight exposure or
Hack to increase the production of HGH
Sprinting :
Sprint at max speed for 30 second and take a rest of 90 second
and repeat this 5 to 7 times to maximize the production of growth
Fasting :
Two day fast produces 2000% increase in your growth hormone
production in a man, and 1300% in women.
HGH is the hormone which keeps you young and keeps your skin
better, its HGH that replaces your dead parts better.
Also it helps in muscle growth hormone
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