#separator:tab #html:true "This is defined as the state of well-being&nbsp;in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”"Mental Health&nbsp; "A mentally healthy person has the ability to ____________ appropriate to society and has the ability to manage conflicting demands of _______ (drives for sex and self-preservation), [ex. lack of self-control in vices] _______ (internalized moral rules and standards of behavior), significant other people, and the real external world""A mentally healthy person has the ability to <b>organize thoughts, feelings &amp; actions</b> appropriate to society and has the ability to manage conflicting demands of <b>instincts</b> (drives for sex and self-preservation), [ex. lack of self-control in vices] <b>conscience</b> (internalized moral rules and standards of behavior), significant other people, and the real external world" When a person's mental health is in a messy state, this area is always looked at firstADLs Why are ADLs looked at first in a person?It reflects the mental state of the person. If they're dirty or not able to take care of themselves etc. "According to ____, MH are&nbsp;simultaneous success at work, loving, and creating with the capacity for mature and flexible resolution of conflicts between instincts, conscience, important other people and reality."AOTA When did the Moral Treatment Era start?1801 - 1860 (1800s) "He used&nbsp;occupation s/a physical exercise, work, music, and literature as a diversion"Philippine Pinel He was the one who thought of the idea of the Moral Treatment&nbsp;William Tuke He popularized the Moral TreatmentSamuel Tuke He is the 1st American Physican to institute moral treatment in the USBenjamin Rush He is known as the Father of American PsychiatryBenjamin Rush Where was the Moral Treatment Era first practiced in the US? (2)<ul><li>Melean Hospital</li><li>Frankford Asylum</li></ul> This was considered as a pivotal stage in the development of psychiatry as a separate medical disciplineMoral Treatment Era Emphasized functional activities (3): Productivity, Routine, and RecreationMoral Treatment Era What was the focus of Moral Treatment?Functional Activities:<br><ul><li>Productivity</li><li>Routine</li><li>Recreation</li></ul> This was developed by William MorrisArts and Craft Movement When did the Arts and Craft Movement start?1860 - 1910 "The goal of this was to&nbsp;increase leisure and productivity through “hand and mind”"Arts and Craft Movement These were used as a therapeutic treatmentArts and crafts The Arts and Craft Movement was a response to?Industrial Revolution When did the Mental Health Reform Movement start?1909- 1960 The Mental Health Reform Movement is also known as?Mental Hygiene Movement "The goal of this was to broaden the focus&nbsp;on helping people find ways of living healthy lives, preventing mental illness, and better handling of mental illness"Mental Health Reform/Mental Hygiene Movement "Who coined the term ""mental hygiene""?"Adolf Meyer This was founded in 1921Philosophy of Occupational Therapy Who was the primary contributor of the Mental Hygiene Movement?Adolph Meyer&nbsp; What did the Mental Hygiene Movement emphasize? (3 EPP)<ul><li>Early Intervention</li><li>Prevention&nbsp;</li><li>Promotion of MH</li></ul> Who were the contributors to the Mental Hygiene Movement? (3)<ul><li>Clifford Beers</li><li>Adolph Meyer</li><li>William James&nbsp;</li></ul> This is the oldest model of occupational therapyHabit Training Who proposed Habit Training?Eleanor Clark Slagle&nbsp; "This uses&nbsp;occupational activities in the areas of work, rest, and play in order for individuals to learn new skills, to be productive, and to gain therapeutic benefits of a balanced daily schedule"Habit Training On what concepts was Habit Training based on? (3 BOS)<ul><li>Balance&nbsp;</li><li>Order&nbsp;</li><li>Sequence&nbsp;</li></ul> What was the main occupational&nbsp;form that Slagel described?24-hour per day sched with a balance of self-care, physical ex, work and play&nbsp; "What eyar was the founding meeting or the National&nbsp;Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy?"1917 Prefrontal lobotomy,&nbsp;insulin shock treatment, ECT are considered as&nbsp;Biological treatments What is the first antipsychotic drug?Chlorpromazine "This treatment induces a coma by lowering blood sugar"Insulin Shock Treatment What did the biological treatment emphasized? (2)<ul><li>Workmanship</li><li>Vocational Readiness</li></ul> What year did OTs explore the medical model?1940 - 1970 What year did biological treatments start to be administered?1930 - 1940s What approaches were used by OTs while exploring the medical model? (2)<ul><li>Psychoanalytic Approach<br></li><li>Behavioral Approach&nbsp;</li></ul> <ul><li>Used ax to evaluate a pt psychodynamics</li><li>Analyzed ax accdg to the pt capacity to meet their needs</li><li>Activities were matched symbolically</li></ul><div>were all done during what year?</div>1940 - 1970 <ul><li>Used ax to evaluate a pt psychodynamics</li><li>Analyzed ax accdg to the pt capacity to meet their needs</li><li>Activities were matched symbolically</li></ul><div>were all done using what approaches?</div>Psychoanalytic and Behavioral Approach What year was Chlorpromazine introduced?1955 During the year 1955, this antipsychotic drug was introducedChlorpromazine "This is an act&nbsp;to provide federal funding for community mental health centers in US""Community Mental Health Centers Act (PL88-164)" "When was the&nbsp;Community Mental Health Centers Act (PL88-164) founded?"1963 What year was Medicaid and Medicare enacted?1965 "This was the year when OTs began to develop theoretical basis&nbsp;for the profession that is separate from medical model"1965 - 1990 During the year ____ - ____, o________n__ p__f_____ and __H_ were developedDuring the year 1965 - 1990, occupational performance and MOHO were developed She was the first to apply SI to a psychaitric populationLorna Jean King Chronic Schizophrenia could be caused by erros in __________"Chronic Schizophrenia could be caused by errors in sensory processing [" "What year did the&nbsp;Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation Treatment (IPRT) become widespread"1979 - 1999 IPRT stands forIntensice Psychiatric Rehabilitation Treatment&nbsp; "This was designed&nbsp;to help consumers gain independence living, learning, working and socializing in the community"Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation Treatment (IPRT) What year was the cognitive disability developed?1985 Who developed and published the Cognitive Disability Model?Claudia Allen&nbsp; How many levels of functioning are there in the Cognitive Disability Model?6 What year was OT established as a separate discipline?1990s Who was responsible for having Occupational Science as a separate discipline?Florence Clark&nbsp; "This was founded to&nbsp;concretize and legalize centers across the whole nation"American with Disabilities Act (ADA)&nbsp; During this year, there was an increase&nbsp;emphasis on research, outcome studies, and establishing proof of OTs effectiveness1990 - 1999 This was the year when other professions such as nursing, social work, and neuropsychology claimed OT as part of their practice&nbsp;1990 - 1999 What are the roles of an OT? (3)<ul><li>Consultant</li><li>Case Manager</li><li>Direct Service Provider&nbsp;</li></ul> Consultant: ________<br>________: Coordinates Services<br>_________: Prevalent across practices&nbsp;Consultant: Expert Advise<br>Case Manager: Coordinates Services<br>Direct Service Provider: Prevalent across practices&nbsp; What are the different types of setting in a hospital care? (6)<ul><li>Inpatient Psychiatry</li><li>Partial Hospitalization</li><li>Long Term Care</li><li>Group Homes&nbsp;</li><li>Assistive Living&nbsp;</li><li>Community Health Programs</li></ul> This type of setting is time limited and ambulatory&nbsp;Partial Hospitalization "This type of setting would have an&nbsp;indefinite period of time since functional recovery is not possible"Long Term Care This type of setting is a 24-hour residential care in which each patient lives in their own home within the facility&nbsp;Group Homes This type of setting is considered as residential care to some degree -- essentially a nursing home but everyone has their own homes&nbsp;Assistive Living&nbsp; This helps relearn skills for independent living in the community&nbsp;Community Health Programs This is the most crucial part of the OT processEvaluation "This is the process of&nbsp;obtaining, organizing, and interpreting relevant data of the client for the purpose of planning a meaningful intervention"Evaluation What are the stages of evaluation? (5)<ul><li>Referral</li><li>Screening</li><li>Data Gathering</li><li>Interpretation&nbsp;</li><li>Documentation&nbsp;</li></ul> What are the aims of an evaluation? (3)<ul><li>Greater understanding of the patient</li><li>Holistic point of view</li><li>Develop a Therapeutic Relationship<br></li></ul> What are the 4 areas of functioning?<ul><li>Psychological&nbsp;</li><li>Behavioral&nbsp;<br></li><li>Learning</li><li>Biological&nbsp;</li></ul> This is the area which OTs are the most familliar with&nbsp;Psychological&nbsp; "This shows how a person interacts with his environment and assessment of the acquisition of maladaptive behaviors"Behavioral "This is concerned&nbsp;with the skill level performance of the client and the reason for the deficit;"Learning "Organizes,&nbsp;integrate and interpret stimuli; Evaluate sensory integration functioning"Biological&nbsp; "This stage of evaluation should provide&nbsp;a description of client behaviors rather than merely an indication of diagnosis or lists of client psychological needs"Referral This determines if the client who is referred to would benefit from OT or not&nbsp;Screening What are the 6 criteria for screening? (TFMNNT)<ul><li>Therapist's areas of expertise</li><li>Facilitites available</li><li>Manpower available</li><li>Needs of the client&nbsp;</li><li>Number of referral agencies&nbsp;</li><li>Type of treatment program&nbsp;</li></ul> This part of evaluation already starts during referralData Gathering Sources in which data gathering can happen through (2)<ul><li>Medical&nbsp;</li><li>Interview</li></ul> This is an integral part of the data gathering process&nbsp;Interview&nbsp; Through these tests, the client is able to project his unconscious needs through symbolic projections&nbsp;Psychological&nbsp; "This is a means of&nbsp;observing psychological behaviors rather than just analyzing symbolic content"Projective Tests/Batteries Projective tests are tests done on what part of area of functioning?Psychological&nbsp; "This involves the analysis&nbsp;of the client’s ability to perform in work, play, and daily living activities within the environment"Behavioral&nbsp; To gather data in this area of functioning, it may involve a task that assimilates the actual skill to be performedLearning&nbsp; <ul><li>Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Evaluation (COTE)</li><li>Basic Living Skills</li><li>Parachek Rating Scale&nbsp;</li><li>Evaluation of Work Behaviors</li></ul><div>are tests done under what area of functioning?</div>Learning <ul><li>Interest Checklist&nbsp;</li><li>Lifestyle Performance Profile&nbsp;</li><li>Bay Area Performance Evaluation (BaFPE)</li></ul><div>are tests done under what area of functioning?&nbsp;</div>Behavioral&nbsp; This is where the formation of problems pertinent to OT happenInterpretation&nbsp; This is considered the hardest step in the evaluation process especially when data is incomplete&nbsp;Interpreting&nbsp; "Writing the gathered and interpreted data into a report following the proper format as dictated by the center"Documentation&nbsp; It is important to C__________ and C_________ when setting goals&nbsp;It is important to collaborate and communication when setting goals&nbsp; True or False<br><br>OTs do not have enough capabilities to strengthen the patient's resistance to a breakdownFALSE<br><br>OTs CAN strengthen resistance to breakdown<br><ul><li>Through purposeful attainment of satisfying personal relationships</li><li>Encouraging new skills, perfecting poorly used ones or relearning forgotten ones&nbsp;</li></ul> "This is the actual performance&nbsp;of the methods and activities outlined in the intervention plan"Intervention&nbsp; "Who advocated for a&nbsp;public health approach to MH which emphasizes the promotion of MH as well as the prevention of, and intervention for mental illness?"World Health Organization in 2001 What are the 3 levels of services?<ul><li>Intensive Intervention (Tier 3)</li><li>Targeted Services (Tier 2)</li><li>Universal Services (Tier 1)</li></ul> "This type of service is provided for individuals with&nbsp;identified mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders that limit daily functioning, interpersonal relationships, feelings of emotional well-being, and the ability to cope with challenges in daily life"Intensive Interventions This type of service should have an identified problemIntensive Service What OT role is mostly used in Intensive Service?Direct Service Provider What model is used for Intensive Service?Recovery Model&nbsp; "This model focuses on&nbsp;enabling persons with mental health challenges through a client-centered process"Recovery Model&nbsp; What are the settings under Intensive Interventions?<ul><li>Inpatient Behavioral MH<br></li><li>Community MH<br></li><li>Alternative and public schools</li><li>Residential (Group &amp; Nursing Homes)</li><li>Home-based services</li><li>Organizational Workplaces&nbsp;</li></ul> Focus of services of Intensive Service areDirect Service or Group Consultation This type of service can target both with and without problemsTargeted Services (Tier 2) The goal of this service is preventio and promotionTargeted Services What are the focus of Targeted Services (4)&nbsp;<ul><li>Small groups</li><li>Consultation&nbsp;</li><li>Accomodations</li><li>Education&nbsp;</li></ul> This type of service doesn't target any specific population&nbsp;Universal Services (Tier 1) "This is provided to all&nbsp;individuals with or without mental health of behavioral problems, including those with disabilities and illnesses"Universal Services&nbsp;