See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: A sharp MLS penalty immersed finite element method for fluid-structure interaction of highly deformable slender body in turbulent flow Article in Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics · January 2024 DOI: 10.1080/19942060.2023.2300451 CITATIONS READS 0 31 9 authors, including: Ehsan Akrami Mathieu Specklin Sulzer Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers 4 PUBLICATIONS 37 CITATIONS 27 PUBLICATIONS 64 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Stefan Berten Sulzer 10 PUBLICATIONS 87 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Ehsan Akrami on 08 January 2024. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: A sharp MLS penalty immersed finite element method for fluid-structure interaction of highly deformable slender body in turbulent flow Ehsan Akrami, Mathieu Specklin, Rafael Torrecilla Rubio, Robert Connolly, Ben Breen, Stefan Berten, Mark Kehoe, Abdulaleem Albadawi & Yan Delaure To cite this article: Ehsan Akrami, Mathieu Specklin, Rafael Torrecilla Rubio, Robert Connolly, Ben Breen, Stefan Berten, Mark Kehoe, Abdulaleem Albadawi & Yan Delaure (2024) A sharp MLS penalty immersed finite element method for fluid-structure interaction of highly deformable slender body in turbulent flow, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 18:1, 2300451, DOI: 10.1080/19942060.2023.2300451 To link to this article: © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Published online: 05 Jan 2024. Submit your article to this journal View related articles View Crossmark data Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS 2024, VOL. 18, NO. 1, 2300451 A sharp MLS penalty immersed finite element method for fluid-structure interaction of highly deformable slender body in turbulent flow Ehsan Akrami a,b , Mathieu Specklin c , Rafael Torrecilla Rubioa , Robert Connollyb , Ben Breenb , Stefan Bertend , Mark Kehoeb , Abdulaleem Albadawib and Yan Delaure a a School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Dublin City University, DCU Water Institute, Dublin 9, Ireland; b Product Development Department, Sulzer Pump Solutions Ireland Ltd., Wexford, Ireland; c Arts Et Metiers Institute of Technology, CNAM, LIFSE, HESAM University, Paris, France; d Sulzer Ltd., Winterthur, Switzerland ABSTRACT ARTICLE HISTORY This paper presents a new computational approach to simulate challenging fluid-structure interactions (FSI) between fluids and slender deformable structures. Key innovations address limitations of standard immersed boundary methods, including spurious forces, stability at low density ratios, and accuracy at high Reynolds numbers. The method couples a sharp interface immersed boundary technique with detached eddy simulation turbulence modelling to enable precise FSI for high Reynolds number flows. A strong coupling partitioned algorithm stabilized by Aitken relaxation significantly enhances stability for low density ratios down to 1. A moving least square compact support domain approximation reduces spurious oscillations from moving geometries while providing second-order accuracy. Adaptive mesh refinement imposes jump conditions on slim deformable bodies and minimizes grid leakage. The proposed method is evaluated on three conventional FSI benchmarks and four experimental cases, confirming its robustness, accuracy, and stability in low and significantly high Reynolds numbers. A more complex fluids engineering case is considered last to test the solution under challenging conditions with fast moving solid boundaries and fast flowing fluid. A thin deformable membrane is forced through a submersible centrifugal pump under standard operating conditions. The solution is shown to produce a stable solution with good collision handling ability. Received 3 May 2023 Accepted 25 December 2023 1. Introduction Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) is a Multiphysics phenomenon widely found in nature and engineering across a broad range of areas, including, for example; biological flows with blood flow around heart valves, vocal folds in Larynx, aquatic locomotion, flying birds and insects, aircraft and spacecraft aerodynamics or fluttering and buffeting of structures including bridges, buildings and wind turbines. Many studies have been dedicated to the development of reliable models for the simulation of such FSI problems. The intrinsic complexity of this type of coupled structural and fluid systems, means, however, that no single method has emerged as a universal solution. In particular, it has proven difficult to model the dynamics of slender bodies subjected to large nonlinear deformations. There are several factors that affect the stability of the solution, but density difference between the fluid and the immersed solids has been found to be the key limiting factor in the present study. KEYWORDS Computational fluid dynamics; finite element method; fluid structure interaction; sharp interface immersed boundary method; moving least square; pump blockage Generally, three main numerical simulation techniques have evolved for FSI problems: Meshless, bodyconforming grid and non body-conforming grid methods. Meshless methods rely on a particle-based approach and have been successfully applied for the study FSI with isotropic or composite structures (Gotoh et al., 2021; Khayyer et al., 2022). Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian solutions rely on a body-conforming mesh. Solid deformations can be handled via grid-stretching when deformations remain moderate but require computationally expensive remeshing in cases of larger deformations (Jiao & Heath, 2004; van Loon et al., 2007). In addition, an extra set of equations is essential to model the grid motion and resolve the boundary movement. On the other hand, by resolving the immersed boundary, ALE solutions allow for higher accuracy modelling of the fluid-solid interface region, but very few solutions have been published in cases of slender deformable bodies (Förster et al., 2006; Namkoong et al., 2005; CONTACT Ehsan Akrami, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Dublin City University, DCU Water Institute, Stokes Building, DCU Glasnevin Campus, Collins Avenue Extension, Dublin 9, D09 DD7R, Ireland; Product Development School of Department, Sulzer Pump Solutions Ireland Ltd., Whitemill Industrial Estate, Wexford Y35 YE24, Ireland; Yan Delaure Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Dublin City University, DCU Water Institute, Stokes Building, DCU Glasnevin Campus, Collins Avenue Extension, Dublin 9, D09 DD7R, Ireland © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent. 2 E. AKRAMI ET AL. Sawada & Hisada, 2007). The alternative Immersed Boundary Methods (IBM) (Peskin, 1972) rely on nonconforming grids. The fluid flow is solved on an Eulerian mesh while immersed solid boundaries are accounted for in the fluid flow equations by a momentum source term. The immersed solid structure is modelled on a Lagragian grid which can move over the Eulerian grid. The interaction between grids requires that data is mapped via some form of interpolation. The method is highly flexible and has been widely used. Penalty methods are one form of IBM in which the immersed structure is considered as a porous media with a very large permeability (Arquis & Caltagirone, 1984). Angot et al. (1999) have reported that the penalty formulation can satisfy the Dirichlet boundary condition in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. A massive penalty method was first proposed by (Y. Kim & Peskin, 2007), and a solution involving higher-order of spatial discretization has been introduced by (Introïni et al., 2014). Employing an IBM to simulate FSI problems has several limitations connected with the accuracy of the boundary layer around immersed object, spurious forces in moving boundaries problems, low-density ratio of the solid to fluid (W. Kim & Choi, 2019), and high Reynolds (Re) numbers. Incorporating recent advancements, (Proskurov et al., 2022) explores efficient fan tone shielding simulations for unconventional engine installations. (Adeeb & Ha, 2022) investigated the impact of streamwise displacement on tandem oscillating bluff bodies using a GPUbased immersed boundary – lattice Boltzmann approach. Furthermore, (Hong et al., 2021) introduced a ghost-cell IBM for finite and zero thickness bodies in large CFL numbers. Methods for information projection between the fluid and solid domains can be classified into sharp and diffuse interface methods. The diffuse interface methods spread the effect of immersed solid on the fluid over a finite thickness layer. The coupling is not intended to resolve hydrodynamic stresses at the immersed boundary but rather impose a coupling condition based on fluid velocity. The diffuse interface can improve stability not only by decreasing the stiffness of the system matrix system but also by damping spurious force oscillations typically caused by the change in a cell state between fluid or solid as an immersed interface leaves or enters a cell. This, however, comes at a cost, since the method blurs the fluid-solid interface and cannot resolve the jump condition in fluid’s velocity and pressure cannot be captured across the immersed body and is at most second order accurate for very low Reynolds number. The lack of precise interface definition of the immersed body surface also makes it difficult to implement turbulence wall modelling. In contrast, second-order of accuracy is possible with a sharp interface IBM by resolving the jump condition in the velocity and pressure fields. In the sharp interface context, the jump conditions at the immersed boundaries are reproduced by local velocity and pressure reconstructions. An additional challenge, especially with slender bodies, comes with potential large grid size differences between fluid and immersed structures which causes data leakage and effectively create discontinuous or porous-like bodies, and has been linked to instabilities (Saadat et al., 2018). Nestola et al. (2019) explored a Variational transfer (L2 projection) technique between fluid and solid components, resulting in the development of a modular and adaptable coupling approach utilizing a piecewise affine mesh structure. (Hsu et al., 2015) used isogeometric analysis to discretise both the structure and fluid domain for bioprosthetic heart valve using through design. There is evidence that a grid size ratio of approximately two will induce such leakage (Liu et al., 2006). Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) schemes help to address issues of computational cost and accuracy by allowing local grid refinement to control, for example, the grid size ratio. The embedding of multiple grids can be used to activate AMR selectively. In addition, several treatments have been proposed to alleviate the spurious force oscillations expected with moving or deforming fluid-structure interactions. One of the proven techniques for reducing the spurious force relies on Moving Least Square (MLS) data mapping techniques (Haji Mohammadi et al., 2019) in sharp interface context. Two primary coupling schemes have evolved depending on whether the immersed boundary conditions are calculated from the previous or the current time step. The coupling is called explicit or Loose whenever the boundary condition is determined from the previous time step. Loose coupling is a straightforward, efficient approach since only one sub-iteration is needed for marching in the time, and it is a sequentially staggered algorithm. This efficiency comes at a cost. The kinematic and dynamic quantities balance cannot be satisfied on the interface where spurious energy is generated. The fluid effectively acts as an extra mass on the immersed body resulting in an added-mass effect (Causin et al., 2005). The stability of the solution has been shown to strongly depend on the density ratio of the solid and the fluid. The lower the body relative density ratio, the more sensitive the solution is (Piperno et al., 1995), and below a certain threshold, the structural solver experiences a stiff system of equations and convergence can quickly fail (Kassiotis et al., 2011). Uhlmann (2005) shows that loose coupling can remain stable down to a density ratio of 1.2 in problems of rigid body motion. The kinematic and dynamic balances at the interface, particularly with high acceleration in large deformation FSI remains difficult to resolve. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS Implicit coupling, generally referred to as strong coupling uses interfacial data from the current time step and requires iterative corrective steps. Strong coupling techniques can reduce the energy imbalance at the interface and lead to a stable and robust solution in low-density ratio, however, the computational cost increases (W. Kim & Choi, 2019). Another critical limitation of IBM relates to its inability (without very significant costs) to tailor the mesh to the underlying flow features at the fluid solid interface. This is particularly important at high Reynolds numbers when the suitability of turbulent models become intricately dependent on the mesh ability to resolve turbulent features, including transition in the boundary layer (Georgi Kalitzin & Iaccarino, 2003). In high Reynolds flows, errors in velocity and displacement calculation can lead to unrealistic structure deformation and even drastic distortion of the deformable structure grid (Zhang, 2017) when the velocity and displacement are calculated by field interpolation. Further developments have occurred in order to implement the turbulence modelling in IBM, such as Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) (Georgi Kalitzin & Gianluca Iaccarino, 2002), Large Eddy Simulation (LES) (Georgi Kalitzin & Gianluca Iaccarino, 2002; Ma et al., 2019; Roman et al., 2009), Detached Eddy Simulation (Specklin & Delauré, 2018). Gilmanov et al. (2015) introduced a Curvlinear IBM method for turbulent flow using LES to model thin shell structures which was subsequently adapted to model bicuspid aortic valves by Finite Element Method (FEM) (Gilmanov & Sotiropoulos, 2016). In a recent study, (van Noordt et al., 2022) introduced a hybrid central upwind flux reconstruction scheme aimed at enhancing both accuracy and stability in wall-modeled Large Eddy Simulation (LES) within high-speed flows. Precise IBM with wall-resolved simulation requires adequate wall grid refinement to capture the viscous sublayer. This can create significant challenges with practical engineering problems at high Re number when the viscous length scale becomes much smaller than the integral length scale. The research presented in this article addresses several significant challenges in simulating the interaction of arbitrary thickness bodies, particularly slender deformable bodies, with high Reynolds incompressible fluid flows featuring low-density ratios. The key challenges motivating our approach include overcoming issues arising from the low interface resolution inherent to IBM, reducing spurious force oscillations, handling low-density ratio and high Reynolds number flows, and achieving accurate predictions of solid behaviour. To tackle these challenges, we’ve developed a comprehensive methodology that combines the Imersed Finite Element 3 Method (IFEM) to account for mass and volume occupancy of the body within the fluid using a 3D quadratic Finite Element Model with nonlinearity in both geometrical and material aspects. The deformation, strain, 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff, and Cauchy stress of the deformable body are obtained from this FEM model. Additionally, our IBM fluid solver adopts a sharp interface penalty approach integrated into the OpenFOAM open-source FVM fluid solver, featuring the PISO-SIMPLE pressurevelocity coupling algorithm and DES turbulence modelling (Specklin & Delauré, 2018). To enhance stability and minimize spurious force oscillations, the Eulerian grid was adapted by an AMR with arbitrary levels of local refinement. A MLS compact support domain (Haji Mohammadi et al., 2019) with a slender body jump condition was included to map fluid stresses on the Lagrangian solid points and reconstructs solid velocity in the fluid domain within the sharp interface framework. Both approaches were adopted to mitigate the issue of volume leakage commonly associated with IB methods. Importantly, our approach incorporates a Penalty method with a sharp IFEM and MLS approximation, marking the first time such a combination has been used to enhance stability in low-density ratio scenarios and minimize expected spurious force oscillations associated with partitioned coupling. The structural and fluid solvers are coupled through a fixed-point strong coupling approach, and the convergence rate of the coupling is accelerated using an Aitken technique with underrelaxation factor optimization (Irons & Tuck, 1969). The suitability and effectiveness of the solution presented are assessed through comparisons with three benchmarks and experimental measurements for additional test cases. The paper is organized into three main parts. In section 2, a comprehensive description of the theoretical and computational framework is presented. Section 2.1 is dedicated to the fluid model. The Penalty IBM implementation of the fluid solver is introduced before the velocity correction at the interface, the FVM discretization and finally, the IBM treatment of turbulence. The governing equations of the deformable body and Mooney-Rivlin model, and the FEM spatial and Newmark temporal discretization are discussed in section 2.2. The Strong FSI algorithm is explained in section 02.3 with specific emphasis placed on the MLS data mapping approach. The contact model and AMR technique are presented after that. Section 2 concludes with a flowchart to illustrate the entire framework of the FSI developed algorithm. Numerical results from the 7 test cases are discussed in section 3. Cases considered are the two conventional Turek Hron cases as well as additional forced oscillations tested for the present study. The simulation of a deformable body forced through a centrifugal pump 4 E. AKRAMI ET AL. is considered to provide for more challenging conditions with strong interaction between the deformable slender body and fast-moving boundary walls. This final case is presented in Section 3.5. Appendix A provides further mathematical details of the FEM discretization used in section 2.2. 2. The mathematical model 2.1. Fluid governing equation f The computational domain is defined by = t ∪ f db rb db represent 3 rb t ∪ t ⊂ R where t , t and t the spaces occupied by the fluid, rigid body, and the f deformable body at time step t, respectively. trb = t ∩ f db db rb t and t = t ∩ t are the interfaces between the fluid and rigid body and between the fluid and the deformable body at time t, respectively. The three-dimensional incompressible Navier Stokes equations describe the dynamics of the fluid on an Eulerian Grid x ∈ . ∂u ρf (1) + u · ∇u = −∇p + μ∇ 2 u + fibm ∂t ∇ ·u=0 (2) where ρf is the fluid density, t the time, u the fluid velocity, p the static fluid pressure, and μ the fluid dynamic viscosity. The fluid Cauchy stress tensor is given by σf (u, p) = −pI + 2με(u), in which ε(u) is the strain rate tensor defined as ε(u) = 1/2(∇u + ∇uT ). rb + f db is a source term introduced to impose fibm = fibm ibm the solid boundary conditions for both rigid (rb) and deformable bodies (db). This forcing term defines a Penalty method with a velocity reconstruction approach and is able to predict accurate pressure distributions around the solid object. This is crucial for correct modelling of the dynamic response of the deformable body. The Penalty method has been introduced by (Arquis & Caltagirone, 1984) and improved by (Specklin & Delauré, 2018) by considering a sharp interface approach with a second-order velocity reconstruction at the interface. In this approach, the solid domain is considered as a porous media with a small permeability K (0 < K 1). The IBM forcing term with a second-order velocity reconstruction at fictitious boundaries is defined by Equation (3). The subscript (i)b is defined such that i = r and i = d represents the rigid body and the deformable body, respectively. ν (i)b ∗ ν fibm = χ(i)b (u − u(i)b ) + χ(i) (u − u∗(i)b ) i = r, d K K (3) χ(i)b is the characteristic function that marks the location of solid boundaries embedded within the fluid domain, which is defined in Equation (4), u(i)b represents the velocity of the immersed body. On the other ∗ locates the very first layer of the inner fluid hand, χ(i)b ˜ (i)b cells in the immersed body as illustrated in Figure 1 t by the red colour IB cells. The modified velocity of the immersed body u∗(i)b is defined by Equation (6) and trans˜ (i)b by a linear interpolaferred to the cells located in t tion. Here d1 and d2 stand for the distance between the interface and the P cell centre, and between the interface and an arbitrary point ϕ with uϕ velocity as shown in Figure 1. The selection of the parameter K for the simulation was determined through a sensitivity analysis of the drag coefficient for a cylinder undergoing inline oscillations at a maximum Reynolds number of 100, as referenced (Specklin, 2018). It was observed that as K exceeded 0.1, there was a noticeable delay in drag response, whereas values as low as K = 10−2 gave rise to high-frequency oscillations, signalling the onset of instabilities. For the current study, a prudent choice was made, setting the penalty coefficient at K = 10−6 . This value was found to be suitable for preventing instabilities across all tested conditions. The selection of K in this manner ensures stable and reliable simulation results in accordance with the specified conditions. ∗ χ(i)b (x, t) if if x ∈ t f x ∈ t i = r, d (4) 1 0 if ˜ (i)b x∈ t else. i = r, d (5) d1 + d2 d1 u(i)b,n − uϕ i = r, d d2 d2 (6) = u∗(i)b = (i)b 1 0 χ(i)b (x, t) = 2.1.1. Fluid FVM predictor–corrector solution The fluid flow equations are solved with a FV approach and the PIMPLE pressure velocity coupling of the open-source library OpenFOAM (Jasak et al., 2007). This three-step segregated solver combines the SIMPLE (Semi-implicit method for pressure linked equations) and the PISO (pressure implicit with split operator). The initial momentum predictor step calculates the intermediate velocity from the semi-discretized momentum: ai ũi = H(ũ) − ∇pt (7) where ai is the matrix coefficient for cell i, ũi the estimate of the intermediate velocity, ∇pt the pressure gradient from the previous time step t. H(ũ) combines the transient terms, the contribution from the neighbouring cells, ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS um+1 f = H(um ) ai H(um ) 1 m − ai ai ∇p if else 5 db i ∈ rb t ∪ t (11) The term H(um ) is recalculated followed by an iterative increment, advancing from m to (m + 1) after completing the velocity correction step for um+1 . Once a predetermined convergence criterion has been met, the velocity and pressure are updated for the next time step with ut+ t = um+1 and pt+ t = pm+1 . Further details on the algorithm may be found in Specklin and Delauré (2018). Figure 1. Immersed Boundary approach. The blue line illustrates the actual immersed body surface. The Red dashed line specifies the immersed body limits. stands for fluid domain with • at the cell centre. defines the penalization domain except for the first inner layer with ♦ at the cell centre. shows the first inner layer of the penalization domain called IB cells with at the cell centre. other source terms and IBM force fibm : H(ũ) = aj ũj + j = u(i)b u∗(i)b uti Uib − , Uib t K (i)b (i)b ˜t if cell in t − (i)b ˜t if cell in , i = r, d (8) Here t stands for the time step. The follow on pressure corrector step enforces mass conservation by combining the continuity equation (∇˙ · u = 0) and Equation (7). The resulting Poisson equation for pressure correction is derived using the Gauss theorem to discretize the gradients and divergence terms: 1 H(um ) m Sf · (∇p )f = Sf · (9) ai f ai f f f Sf stands for the outward normal vector of the surface f for cell i, and the m superscript shows the PISO loop counter with the initial condion (m = 0) of um = ũ and pm = pt . The velocity at the cell centre and flux at the surfaces F m+1 are updated in the final momentum corrector step by returning to the momentum equation. F m+1 = Sf · um+1 f H(um ) 1 m = Sf · − (∇p )f ai ai f f (10) 2.1.2. Pressure correction at the immersed surface The Sharp interface method adopted requires pressure correction at the exact immersed surface location to prevent the propagation of local mass conservation error and associated spurious pressure inside the immersed body into the fluid domain. The correction led to more accurate pressure in the vicinity of the immersed body and was shown in (Specklin & Delauré, 2018) to achieve second-order convergence in velocity in the vicinity of the immersed surface. This influence of the immersed boundary is treated by removing the neighbour cell contribution to the pressure correction equation and by imposing the pressure value at the virtual point to satisfy ∂p ∂n (i)b = 0(i = r, d) at immersed boundaries. Further information on implementation details are provided in (Specklin & Delauré, 2018). 2.1.3. Turbulence modelling A hybrid turbulence modelling approach has been adopted to combine a scale resolving Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach in the core of the flow domain and a Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) solver for wall modelling. The Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) (Spalart, 1997) adopted incorporates a Modified SpalartAllmaras (MSA) (Allmaras & Johnson, 2012) model to resolve the near-wall turbulence, which has been altered to sense themmersed moving boundaries. A secondorder turbulence viscosity νt reconstruction imposes the necessary condition at wall surfaces by following a penalty formulation: νt = ν̃fν1 ⎧ ⎨f = χ 3 ν1 3 χ 3 +cν1 ⎩χ 3 = (ν̃/ν)3 Dν̃ 1 = P − D + (∇ · (ν + ν̃)(∇ ν̃) + cb2 (∇ ν̃)2 ) Dt σ (12) (13) 6 E. AKRAMI ET AL. ∗ χ(i)b χ(i)b ∗ + (ν̃ − ν(i)b ) + (ν̃ − ν(i)b ), i = r, b Kν̃ Kν̃ (14) Here, P and D are the wall production and destruction terms, respectively. cν1 , cb2 and σ . are model constants, and the reader is referred to the original reference ∗ (Allmaras & Johnson, 2012) for details. ν(i)b and ν(i)b represent the turbulent viscosity and corrected turbulent viscosity at the immersed surface, respectively. The turbulence model requires another modification to comply with IBM LES/RANS transition criteria. The hybrid model switches to the MSA method when dw ≤ and back to the LES model when dw > where and dw represent the average grid distance and the minimum distance to a wall, respectively. The distance either to a wall or immersed body should be considered to reflect the correct switch. dw∗ = min(dw , ψ) takes the distance to an immersed body into account, while ψ is the distance to a surface of an immersed body. 2.1.4. Numerical simulation of the fluid The Gauss Linear method is employed to calculate the gradient and divergence terms. For the momentum flux calculation, the second-order Linear Upwind Stabilized Transport scheme is used (Weller, 2012) since this approach minimizes pressure oscillations in LES modelling (Lysenko et al., 2014). The Laplacian terms are expressed by the Gauss Linear Limited Corrected method, whereby the surface area vector Af = k + is decomposed into the cell to neighbour vector and a face parallel component k to implement a deferred correction for cell non-orthogonality. The nonorthogonal correction factor is applied here if φf · ≥ ψ(∇φf · k), taking ψ = 0.33. The Navier-Stokes temporal term is discretised by the Backward Euler implicit method. 2.2. Deformable solid governing equations The transient balance of linear and angular momentum is expressed in an Update Lagrangian (UL) framework. The nonlinear behaviour of the deformable body is expressed using Equation (15). The UL method describes the reference state of the deformable body using the previous db converged state X ∈ db t− t where t− t is the domain occupied by the deformable body at time t − t. x ∈ db t describes the current state of the deformable body db from its latest domain db t . The initial state X0 ∈ 0 is also required to calculate the deformation gradient tensor F = ∂x/∂X0 and its Jacobian J = det(F). The mapping db ϕ(Xt− t , t) : db t− t → t links the reference and current states. The following equation governs the response of deformable solid. ∇ · ∂σdb + ρdb Bv + Bt = ρdb ∂ 2d ∂t 2 (15) where σdb is the symmetric Cauchy stress tensor, ρdb the density of the deformable body, Bv and Bt are the external volumetric force and surface traction, respectively. Displacement is defined as d(Xt− t , t) = X − X0 . A hyperelastic material model describes the constitutive equation of the deformable solid by calculating the Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress S by a strain-energy function density as S = ∂W/∂E, where W is the energy function. E express Green Lagrange strain defined as E = (F T F − I), where I is a second rank unity tensor. The Second Piola-Kirchhoff and the Cauchy stress are related through σdb = J −1 FSF T . The Cauchy-Green tensor is defined as C = F T F. Mooney-Rivlin model is used frequently to predict the behaviour of the rubber-like material as a compromise between simplicity and accuracy (N.-H. Kim, 2014). In the present study, rubber is assumed to be homogenous and isotropic omnidirectional. The following equation represents the twoparameter Mooney-Rivlin model implemented in this study. k W = A10 (J1 − 3) + A01 (J2 − 3) + (J3 − 1)2 2 (16) A10 and A01 are the model parameters dependent on the material and are obtained by a curve fitting from several tensile tests (N.-H. Kim, 2014). k is the bulk modulus proposed to keep the deformable body near incompressible. the J1 , J2 and J2 respectively, indicate the first, the second and the third reduced invariants. The FSI solver implemented uses the Mooney-Rivlin model to obtain the Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress follows. S = A10 J1,E + A01 J2,E + k(J3 − 1)J3,E (17) The material Stiffness tensor S defines the derivation of stress with respects to strain. In Mooney-Rivlin model this derivation is calculated as follows: D= ∂S = A10 J1,EE + A01 J2,EE + k(J3 − 1)J3,EE ∂E + kJ3,E ⊗ J3,E (18) The definitions of the other variables used in Equations (16)–(18) are provided in the appendix. In addition, more detail about this model and parameter calculations can be found in (Wriggers, 2008). 2.2.1. Deformable body FEM discretization A Finite Element method has been adopted to discretize the governing equations for the deformable body. The ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS solution implemented relies on 20-nodes hexahedral elements associated with 20 shape functions via an incomplete quadratic polynomial on each element for threedimensional problems, and 9-points quadrilateral elements are used for two-dimensional simulations. A Full Newton–Raphson iterative method using Taylor’s expansion has been implemented to deal with large deformations and the nonlinear constitutive terms since it has the fastest convergence rate for a single evaluation term (Zienkiewicz & Taylor, 2005). The following formulation is obtained by performing the Galerkin FE discretization and the Newton–Raphson nonlinear solver on Equation (15). M t+ t d̈(i+1) + t C(i)t+ t ḋ(i+1) (i) t+ t (i+1) + (t KL(i) + t KNL ) d = t+ t R(i) + t+ t Fc(i) − t F (i) (19) In this formulation, i indicates the Newton–Raphson iteration number where nodal acceleration, velocity and Displacement at time t + t are described by t+ t d̈(i+1) , t+ t ḋ(i+1) and t+ t d(i+1) respectively. M, t C(i) , t K (i) and L t K (i) stand for mass, damping, tangential linear stiffness, NL and tangential nonlinear stiffness matrices, respectively, at time t. t+ t R(i) is the external loads applied at time t + t inducing fluid pressure, viscous term and buoyancy forces. t+ t Fc(i) describes the contact force when a collision happens between the deformable body and a rigid media, and t F (i) internal force equivalent to the element stresses at time t. These parameters are defined as follows: M= t+ t (i) R db e edb t NTdb t+ t fS dedb db e (i) KNL = t (i) F t (i) C = N T t+ t fB(i) ddb e t (i) T t db e db e db e (21) D(i)tt B(i) ddb e (22) t (i) T t (i) tt (i) G σdb G ddb e (23) t (i) T t (i) B σ̂db ddb e (24) B (i) = cM M + cK (t KL(i) + t KNL ) (25) where db e is the domain of each element, N the shape functions, Nedb the shape functions of the element side (i) (i) the present study, the external surface pressure is equal to the fluid induced stresses, and the body load is calculated from the buoyancy effect. The fluid stress term is approximated on each Gauss point of the surface element by MLS and integrated by the quadrature rule. t B(i) and t G(i) are the linear and nonlinear derivation matrices, respectively. t σ̂ (i) is a vector of the Cauchy stress of the deformable db body element. cM and cK are the damping matrix coefficients and indicate the contribution of the mass matrix and stiffness matrix. The term (ρdb − ρf ) reflects the buoyancy effect acting on the deformable body sinking in the fluid. More information about the formulation and procedure for calculating all terms can be found in the appendix and (Bathe, 2006). 2.2.2. Contact model Complex deformations can occur as the immersed solid interacts with solid boundaries, in particular fast-moving walls and special care has been required in developing a stable collision model. Grid search in contact models is computationally expensive and usually the most time-consuming part of such models. To simulate the collision of an IB body, (Albadawi et al., 2019) introduced a Liquid Film contact model between a zero-thickness deformable cloth and solid walls, which overrides the position immersed nodes which approach the immersed surface within a user-specified distance. This correction approach proved unstable with the current coupling. A modified version of the contact force proposed by (Borazjani, 2013) has been developed and adopted instead in the present study. The modification replaces the direction of the contact force defined as the normal vector in (Borazjani, 2013) by the direction of frictionless reflection inspired by the principle of linear momentum conservation after the collision and defined by: r = ḋ − 2(ḋ · n̂)n̂ e (i) KL = (20) (i) = + t (ρdb − ρf )N T Nddb e surfaces, t+ t fS and t+ t fB are the external surface tension and body load acting on the element, respectively. In 7 (26) where r is the reflected velocity after collision, ḋ velocity vector before collision and n̂ is the normal vector of the rigid surface. The contact force is calculated when the deformable body approaches a solid boundary whether it is from a rigid immersed body or a wall boundary within a specific threshold ε according to the following formulation: ⎧ ⎪ s>ε ⎨0 t+ t R(i) | t+ t (i) t+ t (i) − K s/| Fc = | R |e ·r 0<s≤ε ⎪ ⎩ t+ t (i) R | − Ks) · r s≤0 (| (27) where K is the contact stiffness coefficient, which is taken as 10N/m (Borazjani, 2013). The variable s represents the perpendicular distance between the node and the wall 8 E. AKRAMI ET AL. unconditional stability in the Newmark scheme (Bathe, 2006). These parameters are used to compute the incremental displacement, velocity and the acceleration of the deformable body using a modified tangential stiffness matrix and a residual vector form Equations from (28) to (33). t K̂ (i)t+ t K̂ (i) = t+ t (i) R̂ Figure 2. Definition of the contact force direction as the reflection direction inspired from frictionless elastic collision models. t d(i+1) = t+ t R̂(i) 1 α t2 M+ δ α t (28) (i) (i) + t KL + t KNL (29) = t F (i) − t+ t R(i) − t+ t d̈(i+1) M − t C(i)t+ t ḋ(i+1) t+ t (i+1) d (30) = t+ t d(i) + t+ t d(i+1) (31) 1 t+ t (i+1) t (i) 1 t (i) d̈ ḋ = ( d − d )− α t2 α t 1 − (32) − 1 t d̈(i) 2α δ t+ t (i+1) t (i) δ t (i+1) = d − d )− ḋ ( − 1 t ḋ(i) α t α t δ − 2 t d̈(i) − (33) 2 α t+ t (i+1) face, and it can take both positive and negative values. A negative s value indicates penetration, prompting the contact model to exert additional forces to reposition the deformable body outside the surface. To improve the grid search efficiency, a characteristic function was also adopted. The contact model starts searching nodes only ˜ db if a cell near the rigid body turns into t which means the distance between the deformable and the rigid body is less than the characteristic size of a fluid cell. In addition, the search is limited to a control region enclosing the deformable body Figure 2. In addition, stability in the contact model can depend on the threshold ε but also the local grid size, which is controlled through adaptive grid refinement. ε is set in this study at a fixed value of 0.0004 m. Decreasing ε delays the activation of the contact model to avoid activation too early when no physical effect should be felt by the immersed object. Smaller values of however, increase applied contact force and can trigger instability, in particular when the object does penetrate the surface. The threshold chosen in this study was selected from a sensitivity analysis to strike a balance between preventing excessive penetration, which could lead to numerical instability, and ensuring accurate modelling of contact interactions. To further enhance stability, an adaptive grid refinement technique was included in the fluid domain surrounding the deformable body. This was used to ensure that a sufficient number of FVM cells to resolve the flow domain at scales that match the chosen threshold. 2.2.3. Temporal discretization The implicit constant-average Newmark method (Newmark, 1959) has been implemented in the deformable body solver due to its versatility and stability. Specifically, and parameters have been selected, which leads to t+ The FEM structural solver has undergone rigorous validation at each stage of its development. This validation included comparison against established benchmarks and simulations obtained from commercial packages. These comparisons have been omitted from the present paper to focus on the core contributions to the state-of-the-art. 2.3. FSI coupling The dynamic behaviour of an FSI problem is induced by the interplay of the solid and the fluid on each other, described by two main principles: kinematic condition and the balance of normal stresses. The following equations describe these conditions: ∂d on db ∂t (34) J −1 FSF T = σf n̂ on db (35) u= The fluid stresses at the interface between the fluid and the deformable body are responsible for its motion. They are described by using a velocity reconstruction method. In this approach, the kinematic condition and the balance of stresses are satisfied by transferring the velocity of the deformable body to the fluid domain by (i)b a penalty method, which defines fibm from Equation (3) and by transferring the Cauchy stresses from the fluid to ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS 9 the boundaries of the solid and specifying the boundary conditions via the compact support domain MLS approximation. The data transfer needed to satisfy the FSI conditions at the interface has been implemented within a strong coupling partitioned approach. The Newton–Raphson method (Gerbeau & Vidrascu, 2003) and the Fixed-point method (Deparis et al., 2003; Küttler & Wall, 2008; Küttler & Wall, 2009) are two prevalent methods for solving the nonlinearity of the energy balance at the interface. The Newton–Raphson methods have relatively fast convergence of quadratic order but involve additional computational cost with the calculation of a Jacobian matrix. The Fixed-point approach is more straightforward to implement but suffers from a slower convergence rate. Using the Aitken relaxation optimization method can enhance the convergence order (Irons & Tuck, 1969), and the technique has been implemented successfully in IBM-FSI for large deformation problems (Borazjani, 2013). The fixed-point coupling method has successfully decreased the spurious force and increased the solution stability in low-density ratio problems using an inner loop to converge the residual of FSI coupling. The convergence condition for this iterative solution r is defined at the iteration in terms of the point displacement velocity by: due to grid size difference (Griffith & Luo, 2017), and it is valid only for the uniform Cartesian fluid grids. (Vanella & Balaras, 2009) introduced the application of MLS in IBM diffuse interface approach by using the method introduced by (Uhlmann, 2005). IBM MLS treatment has been extended to sharp interface models by (Haji Mohammadi et al., 2019). It has been shown that not only MLS can improve the velocity reconstruction accuracy significantly in comparison to previous force regulation methods, but it also leads to second-order accuracy for pressure and viscous force calculations exerted by the fluid flow on the immersed structure, which is vital in FSI problems. The MLS also proved effective in reducing spurious force oscillations due to the stabilizing effect of the gradient smoothing. The versatility of the MLS method, which is designed to construct approximation from support domains made of unorganized distributed source points, makes it a good candidate. A 3-D compact support domain version of the MLS method has been developed in this study with a thirdorder spline weight function is as follows: Rk = t+ t ḋj− t+ t ḋj∗ where f̃ (X ) is the approximated value at sample point X , n, number of data points, fI the value at the data point XI . In which, φI (X ) is the shape function of point Ith at point as defined X by the following equation: (36) In which, t+ t ḋj is the updated velocity of the deformable body after solving and t+ t ḋj∗ is a temporary variable containing the velocity of the deformable body at stage j without updating the grid. In general, direct updating of the variables leads to instability in the strong coupling. This issue is resolved by introducing an under-relaxation factor in the Fixed-Point method as follows: t+ t = t+ t + ḋj+1 ḋj ωRj (37) Although the relaxation factor can be a fixed value, the Aitken method (Irons & Tuck, 1969) proposes an adaptive factor to increase the convergence rate of the strong coupling solution as follows (Rj−1 ) (Rj − Rj−1 ) f̃ (X ) = |Rj − Rj−1 | 2 (38) φI (X )fI (39) I=1 φI (X ) = m PJ (X )[A−1 (X )B(X )]JI (40) J=1 where P is the vector of basis functions constructed by the sample point component coordinates. A second-order monomial vector has been considered as basis functions with m components for present study as follows: PT (X ) = [1 x y z x2 y2 z2 xy xz yz] (41) The moment matrix A(X ) is defined as T ωj+1 = −ωj n A(X ) = n W(X − XI )P(XI )PT (XI ) (42) I=1 2.4. Moving least square approximation The first publication on an IBM simulation reported the pioneering work of (Peskin, 1972), which relied on a Discrete Delta Function (DDF) to diffuse the influence of a thin deformable structure on a fluid flow resolved on an Eulerian grid. This DDF-based method is known to suffer from low order of accuracy, slow force convergence (Griffith & Patankar, 2020), grid leaking across the interface B(X ) is a matrix in the aforementioned formula as follows: BI (X ) = W(X − XI )I = 1, . . . , n, (43) The choice of the weight function is not a critical issue in MLS since the order of the approximation is not affected by this function and only manipulates the smoothness of the approximation (Cleveland & Loader, 10 E. AKRAMI ET AL. 1996). On the other hand, if the weight function is compatible with the compact support domain, calculating the approximation is more efficient due to the sparsity of the A(X ) (Fasshauer, 2007). A cubic spline weight function is compactly supported and provides moderate smoothness. This weight function has been embedded in MLS for this research as follows. ⎧ 2 2 3 ⎪ for s ≤ 12 ⎨ 3 − 4s + 4s W(s) = 34 − 4s + 4s2 − 43 4s3 for 12 < s ≤ 1 (44) ⎪ ⎩ 0 for s > 1 where S is the non-dimensional distance between sample point X and data points XI defined s = ||X − XI ||/rw , in which rw stands for support domain size, i.e. length of radius for spherical support domain. Equation (41) requires at least ten fluid nodes to perform the MLS mapping. A multiple-layer solution has been adopted to avoid generating singular moment matrices. Increasing the size of the compact support domain can help ensure that sufficient fluid nodes are marked to avoid singularity. Choosing a large support domain however, has detrimental effects. It increases the computational cost as well as smoothes the gradient around the deformable body. An adaptive size that detects the minimum suitable support domain has been implemented. This is achieved by increasing the domain size incrementally and iteratively from a minimum using the determinant of the moment matrix to gauge the quality of the chosen fluid nodes. Although this adaptive approach comes at a cost, it successfully prevented the creation of singular matrices with all test cases considered. In addition, an AMR method has been added to limit the need for support domain size increase. Several tests have been performed. Describe the AMR setting (number of layers and buffer size). The MLS relies on a spherical support domain. When its radius is larger than the thickness of the deformable body as shown in Figure 3, it includes fluid nodes on both sides of the immersed body. Correctly modelling the jump condition in the definition of fluid induced stresses at the immersed surface requires special treatment to determine whether the fluid points in the support domain are in contact with the immersed boundary or separated from it by located fold as illustrated by Figure 3. A masks function is defined for each MLS fluid point and set to true when in the fluid region affecting hydrodynamic stresses acting on the deformable immersed boundary point. Algorithm 1 interprets the method adopted to define this masks . In this algorithm Pf refers the fluid points, Pn are the grid points on the deformable boundary and is a label identifying separate surfaces making up the immersed deformable object. On Figure 3. MLS support domain treatment. In the pink area for corresponding interface, which is coloured in red. In order to approximate quantities using MLS at point, the support domain, which is coloured yellow, only collect fluid point in the pink area. line 6 of Algorithm 1, Pn is the nearest solid point to Pf . d̂ is a vector showing the difference between Pn and Pf and n̂ is the normal vector of the surface point Pn . Algorithm 1. Determination of the location of the fluid point regarding the deformable body interfaces 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: Input ft and tdb for Pf ∈ ft do for interface ∈ tdb do for Pn ∈ interface do If d̂ = Pf − Pn has the minimum magnitude, then If d̂ × n̂ ≥ 0 then Set masks (interface, Pf ) = true An inner cross product between the surface element normal vector n̂ and the difference between surface and fluid points d̂ is sufficient to confirm whether the MLS source point is on the correct side while minimizing d̂ = Pf − Pn searches for the fluid point, which is close to the boundary point. In cases where no fluid point remains between the surfaces of a folding object, the collision model described in Section 2.2.2 is activated. 2.5. Adaptive grid refinement A local dynamic mesh refinement significantly increases the accuracy of the interaction between the deformable body and the fluid by enhancing the resolution of the flow domain for a better estimation of fluid stresses and velocity field. In addition, AMR can reduce excessive fluid-solid grid size differences and associated interpolation errors. It is used for eddy-resolving capabilities and has been extended to use in IBM (Roma et al., 1999). IBM and AMR have been integrated within several studies such as (Georgi Kalitzin & Iaccarino, 2003) and (Aldlemy et al., 2018). ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS A Finite Volume (FV) AMR library is available in OpenFOAM called dynamicFvMesh (Jasak & Gosman, 2010a, 2010b, 2010c)with a patch-oriented approach for refinement based on non-overlapping rectangular grids. An extra iterative loop with an arbitrary iteration number is required for local refinement as well as a flux correction on the new faces as defined below: Ff∗ = u∗f · Sf (45) where Ff∗ is the intermediate flux estimation and u∗f is the interpolated velocity field at the refined surface, which is defined as follows: u∗f = (I (−1) − nf ⊗ nf )(uf ,I ) + Ff(−1) |Sf | (46) nf (−1) Here express the face unit normal vector, uf ,I and Ff(−1) stand for the flux of the last time step and velocity field of cell face-interpolated, respectively. The subscript f refers to the face-centred values. The solution of the pressure Poisson equation is required for the next step of AMR flux correction: 1 Ff∗ = (∇pm )f |Sf | (47) ai f The divergence-free flux is calculated by updating the intermediate flux estimation via the pressure correction value as follows: 1 m ∗ Ff = F f − (∇pm )f |Sf | (48) ai f In this research, AMR has been applied to the charac∗ (i = r, b) stands for data teristic functions χ(i)b and χ(i)b communication region of the FSI problem with two levels of refinement. According to the available resource, two levels of refinement provide more than ten fluid points around each deformable node with a reasonable computational cost. 2.6. Algorithm implementation A flowchart summarizing the overall solution is shown in Figure 4. It is structured around five iterative loops which are: time marching, fluid pressure-velocity coupling, fluid pressure correction, Strong FSI coupling and a Newton–Raphson loop. Three main data streams between the different sections of the solver exist: the fluid stresses are passed to the FEM deformable body solver after a complete cycle of the PIMPLE loop, which includes the IBM for the deformable and rigid bodies; and the velocity of the deformable body is transferred to the fluid domain 11 once the Newton–Raphson loop has converged, within the Strong FSI coupling loop. By satisfying the strong FSI coupling condition, the solver updates the previous solution and proceeds to the next time step. This algorithm has been developed to support parallel processing using the Open MPI library (Gabriel et al., 2004). While immersed boundary methods have been widely used for fluid-structure interaction problems, challenges remain in handling low-density ratios, high Reynolds numbers, and spurious force oscillations. This work presents a solution that combines several techniques to overcome these limitations. The key novelty lies in the integration of (i) a sharp interface immersed boundary approach for turbulence modelling using a Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) model, (ii) a strong partitioned coupling method stabilized by Aitken relaxation, (iii) a moving least square mapping for information projection between the fluid and solid, (iv) a dynamic adaptive mesh refinement around immersed boundaries, and (v) a modified contact model based on frictionless impact mechanics. The sharp interface DES model helped better resolve smaller turbulence scales by comparison with a RANS model. The Aitken relaxation method combined with the least square mapping proved necessary to achieve stable solutions in cases of low-density ratio between the fluid and the immersed structure. The least square based projection helped reduce spurious force oscillations associated with the moving interface. The dynamic AMR further improved stability by minimizing grid leakage at the interface and in case of collisions. The combined solution proved stable for all cases studied, from the standard benchmark case in laminar flow to the pump case, which includes highly turbulent low with fast moving rigid surfaces which collide with an immersed object with a low-density ratio. 3. Result and discussion A validation of the flow solver including the sharp interface IBM implemented here, is available from (Specklin & Delauré, 2018). The present analysis focuses on the FSI coupling. Simulations and comparisons against three benchmark cases and two new experimental studies are included to test the accuracy of the proposed FSI model. The three benchmark cases include small linear deformations under hydrostatic forcing and two laminar flows with a very low-density ratio at Re = 100 and Re = 200. Two dedicated experimental studies to characterize the interaction between deformable bodies and fluid under forced oscillations and flow-induced deformations are then used to consider higher Reynolds number flows. These two test cases are referred to as the Forced Oscillation and Flow Induced Cases. In both 12 E. AKRAMI ET AL. Figure 4. Solver algorithm implementation. Red line: transfer of fluid stresses to the boundaries of the deformable body. Blue line: transfer of velocities of the deformable body to the fluid. Green line: transfer of contact model data to the deformable body. cases, tests have been performed with two rectangular rubber membranes of thickness 3mm and aspect ratios between the membrane length and its width AP = 3 and AP = 158 for overall dimensions 40×120×3 [mm] and 55×87×3 [mm] respectively. In both cases, the membrane’s transient deformations have been measured using a stereoscopic Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique with a system provided by Dantec Dynamics GmbH, Ulm Germany (Maček et al., 2021). The equipment includes two 1600×1200 pixels cameras with Gigabit Ethernet connection with a maximum bandwidth of 1000 [Mbit/S] and a maximum acquisition of 62 frames per second at full resolution, lenses for Q-400 cameras with a focal length of 17 [mm] and aperture of 1.4. Illumination was provided by two red HILIS illuminations consisting of 48 high power LED’s emitting cold light with a single colour optimized for 5×4 [cm2 ] area at a typical distance of 20 [cm]. Calibration has been performed using a high-quality calibration target also provided by Dantec Dynamics. A synchronization time box was used for data acquisition, and image processing was performed with the Istra 4D software (DANTEC Dynamics). ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS 13 Figure 6. Comparison of transient displacement responses at the mid-span of the elastic plate, including simulation from current solution (green), the solutions from (Khayyer et al., 2018) (red), and (Fourey et al., 2017) (blue) and the analytical solution (black). Figure 5. Schematic of the hydrostatic water column on an elastic plate (drawing not to scale). The experimental benchmarks presented here produced flow at Reynolds numbers Re = 1.35 × 104 for the Forced Oscillation using the length of the rag as the characteristic length and Re = 8.43 × 104 measured with hydraulic diameter for the Flow Induced Deformation. The simulation of the transport of a slender deformable solid passing through a centrifugal pump for inlet flow at Re = 1.43 × 106 is presented to illustrate the solver’s capability under practical and challenging flow conditions. All simulations in this study have been performed on the Kay Cluster of Ireland’s National High Performance Computer cluster, which is equipped with a 40core Intel Xeon Gold 6148 processor and 192 gigabytes of RAM with 400 gigabytes of local SSD. 3.1. Hydrostatic water column on an elastic plate This hydrostatic case considers the static deformation of elastic aluminum plate subjected to hydrostatic pressure, which is depicted in Figure 5. This test case was initially proposed by (Fourey et al., 2017) and adopted by (Khayyer et al., 2018) in FSI – Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) studies. The 5 [cm] thick and 1 [m] wide aluminium plate of density 2700 [kg/m3 ], Young’s modulus 67.5 [Gpa], and Poisson’s ratio 0.34, initially at rest, is subjected to a sudden hydrostatic pressure load. This pressure is exerted by a 2 m high water column. The wáter density is 1000 [kg/m3 ] and the gravitational acceleration is taken as 9.81 [m/s2 ]. The theoretical solution predicts that the static deflection at the mid-span of an aluminium plate under a hydrostatic pressure loading is 0.0685 [mm] at the equilibrium. The problem is simulated with a time step of t = 1 × 10−3 [s] and grid size of x = 0.02[m] for both fluid and solid domains. The transient maximum displacement is compared to benchmark results the ISPH-SPH simulation of (Khayyer et al., 2018) and the SPH-FEM simulation of (Fourey et al., 2017) as well as the analytical solution in Figure 6. The displacement is shown to reach a steady state well before of physical time. The The solution from the current FEM method is shown to converge asymptotically toward the equilibrium state with an error of against the analytical solution. Figure 7 illustrates the contours depicting fluid pressure and solid displacement profiles at the concluding time step of the simulation, revealing a cohesive and undistorted gradient in the distribution of pressure. 3.2. Laminar Turek-Hron FSI benchmarks This section considers low Re number flows and is based on the (Turek et al., 2010; Turek & Hron, 2006) problems consisting of deformation of an elastic solid in a channel flow, mounted in the lee of a cylinder in cross flow as illustrated in Figure 8. The square cross-section channel has a length L = 25 [m] and height H = 0.41 [m]. The cylinder of radius r = 0.05 [m] is located at c(0.2, 0.2 [m]) where the origin of the coordinate system is at the bottom left corner of the channel inlet. The slender elastic body has a length l = 0.35 [m] and a square cross-section of height h = 0.02 [m]. A Reference control point located at the end of this beam, which is initially at A = (0.6, 0.2 [m]) is tracked through time to characterize the deformation. The beam is assumed to be compressible elastic and is modelled by the St. Venant-Kirchhoff constitutive law. 14 E. AKRAMI ET AL. Table 1. Parameter setting for Turek-Hron FSI benchmarks. ρdb νdb μdb [kg/m · s2 ] ρf [kg/m2 ] νf [m2 /s] Ū[m/s] Re [kg/m2 ] Figure 7. Pressure of fluid and displacement of solid contour for hydrostatic water column on an elastic plate problem at t = 1 [s] Figure 8. Schematic of the Turek-Hron FSI benchmark. A slender elastic beam is mounted behind a stationary cylinder (drawing not to scale). In this model, the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor is calculated by the following formulation. S = λdb (trE)I + 2μdb E (49) where λdb and μdb are the Lamé coefficients, which are functions of the Poisson ratio νdb and Young’s modulus. A parabolic velocity profile of 1.5Ūy(H − y)/0.25H 2 is imposed as the inlet boundary condition defined as u(y) = and a constant pressure condition is set at the outlet. A zero-slip condition is imposed on fixed walls, including the cylinder surfaces. The elastic beam is clamped at the left-hand side using a Dirichlet boundary condition while other surfaces are modelled as an FSI2 FSI3 10000 0.4 5.0×105 1000 0.001 1 100 1000 0.4 2.0×106 1000 0.001 2 200 FSI interface. The fluid domain is discretized by 17,230 quadrilateral cells, while the deformable body has 728 linear (P1 ) quadrilateral elements. Turek-Hron proposes three FSI benchmark cases in laminar flows. The present study covers FSI2 and FSI3 only for flow Reynolds numbers Re = 100 and Re = 200, respectively. FSI3 is based on a zero-density difference and is particularly suitable for testing the solution’s ability to handle spurious forces at low Reynolds numbers. The physical properties and parameters of the fluid and deformable body are summarized in Table 1. Figure 9 shows the transient response in terms of the displacements of the control point A for FSI2 and FSI3 in the directions and compares the solution from the proposed FSI model against the Turek-Hron benchmark results. The displacements in the direction in particular are in close agreement with the benchmark data for both FSI2 and FSI3. Some differences can, however, be noticed with the amplitude of oscillations in thedirection in particular and to a lesser extent with the period. Four instants in time (1 to 4) are marked on the plots in Figure 9 (b) for the FSI2 case. The corresponding vorticity and body displacements are illustrated in Figure 10. They refer to the state of maximum, zero, minimum and zero displacements in the direction. Using a sinusoidal function [A. sin(2π .f .t + ϕ) + M] as a curve fitting function on fully developed flow for the x and y displacements facilitate a quantitative comparison against reference values. A, f and M represent the amplitude of deformation, the deformation frequency, and the mean value of the deformation, respectively. The nondimensional values obtained here are compared with the benchmark results in Table 2. The Strouhal number is defined by St = 2fr/Ū. The comparison confirms the accuracy of the proposed FSI solver in laminar flows with a significantly low-density ratio by comparison with other published results. 3.3. Forced oscillations The first of the two experimental test cases considered involves a deformable rectangular body subjected to rotational oscillations in a rectangular container filled by initially stationary fluid. The dimensions of the fluid ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS 15 Figure 9. Transient response of deformable body at the control point A, compared against (Turek & Hron, 2006) results: (a) xdisplacement for FSI2 case, (b) y-displacement of FSI2 case, (c): x-displacement for FSI3 case, (d): y-displacement for FSI3 case. Figure 10. Vorticity of fluid’s contour and displacement of the deformable body’s contour at four different times marked in Figure 9 (b). 16 E. AKRAMI ET AL. Table 2. Comparison of fitted response obtained in this study against benchmark data from (Turek & Hron, 2006), (Tian et al., 2014) and (Bhardwaj & Mittal, 2012). Case FSI2: ρdb /ρf = 10Re = 100 FSI3:ρdb /ρf = 1Re = 200 source Ax /2r Stx Mx /2r Ay /2r Sty My /2r Present results (Turek & Hron, 2006) (Bhardwaj & Mittal, 2012) (Tian et al., 2014) Present results (Turek & Hron, 2006) (Bhardwaj & Mittal, 2012) (Tian et al., 2014) 0.11 0.12 0.03 0.03 - 0.39 0.38 0.55 0.54 - −0.13 −0.14 −0.29 −0.27 - 0.77 0.81 0.92 0.78 0.35 0.36 0.41 0.32 0.18 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.27 0.26 0.28 0.29 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 - domain are 450×480×370 [mm] and the flow Reynolds number evaluated from the peak boundary velocity and the body length is Re = 1.35×104 . The deformable body is clamped at the end of a support arm, which is rotated about the horizontal axis, so that the flow induced by the motion is broadly perpendicular to the un-deformed membrane. The amplitude of oscillations was set in terms of the maximum angle of rotation of ∓5◦ forward and backward. Figure 11 illustrates the experimental setup of the tank, which is filled with water to a depth of 370 [mm]. The line of sight from the two DIC cameras is at an angle of approximately 60°. The exact position and orientation of the cameras relative to the measured surface are not needed. Captured images of a pre-defined target checkerboard plate are used instead to provide calibration settings through an automated calibration procedure, see Figure 11. The calibration target was chosen to be of a similar size to the region of interest. All images were recorded at the maximum available frame rate and resolution while processing used facet sizes of 19 pixels with a grid spacing of 17 pixels at 0.05 [s] intervals. Two rectangular 3 mm thick rubber membranes of aspect ratios AP = 3 and AP = 1.58 were modelled. The arm and the clamp have been simulated as an immersed rigid body moving forward and backward, inducing the motion in the deformable body clamped at the top surface, 35 cm above the bottom of the tank. The motion of the arm is imposed by a prescribed displacement condition derived from experimentally recorded displacements to simulate the oscillations. Strong FSI coupling conditions have been applied to the rest of the deformable body surfaces. The effect of free surface motion is not modelled due to the small impact on the deformable body dynamics and non-slip velocity conditions are applied to the sides of the tank. An FSI time step of t = 1 × 10−3 s has been used for all cases, giving a Courant Number below 0.8. No time step convergence has been performed. Since the FSI time step is less than the sampling time interval from the experiments, a linear interpolation has been adopted to calculate the boundary conditions for the supporting arm motion. The deformable body Table 3. Physical properties and coefficients of the FSI model. ρ f (kg/m2 ) μ(pa · s) ρ db (kg/m2 ) A10 (Mpa) A01 (Mpa) k(Gpa) 1000 1×10−3 1180 0.565 0.719 1.73 Table 4. H-grid at successive refinements for the fluid and deformable solid adopted for the Forced Oscillation case. Mesh reference Fluid: Cell count Solid: Node/element Count M1 M2 M3 M4 17,280 628/75 135,360 2373/384 704,888 5141/864 5,579,890 8965/1536 is discretised by an incomplete quadratic polynomial (P2 ) element with 20 nodes per element. The fluid and the deformable solid physical properties are detailed in Table 3. The grid convergence analysis was performed with the higher aspect ratio membrane (AP = 3), and the Forced Oscillation case. A series of H-grids have been tested under successive refinements to identify the spatial resolution, which provides grid converged results. The minimum size of the fluid grid tested before adaptive refinement is 1.0 × 10−2 , 5.0 × 10−3 , 2.9 × 10−3 , 1.7 × 10−3 m for Meshes M1, M2, M3 and M4, respectively. A two-level AMR was also applied to the fluid meshes twice per time step based on the proximity of fluid cells to the solid interface measured by the characteristic functions. A linear interpolation retrieves fluxes on divided faces by interpolating the velocity. The pre-AMR mesh counts for the solid and fluid grids are reported in Table 4 Simulation results are compared in Figure 12 against experimental measurements of displacements at the middle control point in the x and z directions over a period of 4 s of physical time. A stiff behaviour is observed with the low grid resolution showing a growing phase difference in spite of identical prescribed displacements imposed at the top boundary of the deformable body. This can be attributed to the low response time in the coarse grid case. An increase in mesh resolution provides much improved phase and amplitude predictions. To obtain a quantitative comparison of the grid convergence and measure the order of convergence, the fitting of a sinusoidal function is used for x and z direction displacements. Table 5 ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS 17 Figure 11. CAD rendering of Forced Oscillations test case, including water tank and camera setup. Insert: Experimental set-up with illumination. Table 5. Interpolated parameters of sinusoidal function for the Forced Oscillation case obtained from grid convergence analysis for deformable body AP = 3 in and directions. Source M1 M2 M3 M4 experiment Ax [mm] fx [Hz] Az [mm] fz [Hz] 1.16 1.97 2.32 2.44 2.43 1.37 1.39 1.42 1.43 1.43 6.48 8.33 9.27 9.28 9.83 1.38 1.41 1.43 1.43 1.43 shows the interpolated frequency and amplitude of both displacements for experimental measurements and four different grids. The comparison shown in Figure 12 indicates a very good overall agreement between the simulated displacements and experimental measurements. The maximum differences observed at the extremum points where maximum deformations occur, are observed at time t/T = 0.71. In this case, the relative difference with the experimental result, measured using the l1 norm is 13.2% and 11.3% for the z and x displacements, respectively, but this reduces to smaller single values typically below 3.2% and 2.9% for z and x displacement, respectively. The convergence of the relative differences between numerical and experimental results, taking the experimental results as the reference, are shown in Figure 13 for the fitted parameters. The frequencies are shown to exhibit a second-order convergence, while a third-order convergence is observed for the x direction amplitude. On the other hand, the amplitude of z direction is converged between grids M3 to M4. The grid convergence test result has been extended to the next problem since only the size of the deformable immersed body is different. Figure 14 depicts the Von-Mises stress contour of a deformable body AP = 3 at a full cycle of flapping. Within this cycle, the deformable body undergoes maximum deformation and experiences a peak at t = 1.94 s while the minimum happens at t = 2.09 s. Results with the shorter membrane AP = 1.58 using the M3 grid are given in Figure 15. The comparison against experimental measurements shows a slight difference happening in the first cycle, which reduces significantly in later cycles. The maximum relative error here is 22% and 18.5% for the x- and z-directions, respectively, at the time t/T = 0.78. This reduces to 1.6% and 0% for the x- and z-directions, respectively, when measured with two decimal place accuracy and averaged over the subsequent five cycles. Overall, an excellent agreement is again observed between the numerical and experimental results, as summarized in Table 6. The cases considered in this section were selected on the basis of the density ratio of 1.18. As reported in (Uhlmann, 2005), the minimum density ratio that a loose coupling can handle is 1.2. This sensitivity has been linked to the spurious forces caused by the IBM 18 E. AKRAMI ET AL. Figure 12. Grid convergence analysis from the transient displacement response of the deformable body AP = 3. The computational predictions are compared against experimental results for (a) z-direction displacement and (b) x-direction displacement. method as the Eulerian cells experience changes from fluid to solid and vice et versa and should be compounded by the higher velocity flow and solid transport considered compared to the test cases of Section 3.2. Spurious forces have been solved in the literature with loose coupling methods, but to the author’s knowledge, all existing solutions are problem specific. The present solution is intended to provide a versatile solver as a designing tool in the pump industry. The strong coupling has been found to be the most reliable method to alleviate the spurious forces, according to the literature review. 3.4. Flow induced deformations The second series of experimental measurements considered the response of a rubber membrane held in a turbulent flow. The membrane is attached to a vertical cylindrical pole placed in the 150×150 mm test section of a water tunnel in its symmetry plane. The membrane is placed vertically at 0° from the channel symmetry plane. The general FSI tunnel setup is illustrated in Figure 16. Flow field measurements of the tunnel without membrane and supporting pole were obtained from a stereoscopic three components planar Particle Image ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS 19 Figure 13. The absolute relative error for grid convergence analysis of deformable body AP = 3 for amplitude and frequency in x- and z-directions. Velocimetry (PIV) from Dantec Dynamics. The stereoscopic PIV relied on two FlowSense EO 4M pixel 15 Hz double frame cameras equipped with 50 mm f/1.4 lenses, 527 and 532 nm filters, a pair of 3D PIV Scheimpflug camera mounts. The planar sheet illumination was generated by a DualPower 65-15 laser generating a 532 nm beam and right angle light sheet optics Data acquisition and processing was performed by the Dantec Dynamic Studio software. PIV measurements were used exclusively to characterize the flow conditions where the inlet Figure 14. Deformable body AP = 3 at various time intervals represented by Von-Misses stress contour. of the computational domain is located relative to the cylindrical support. Tests were performed at a pump flowrate of Q = 40.5m3 /h, giving an area-averaged flow velocity Ū = 0.5m/s. The maximum standard deviation Figure 15. Transient displacement response for the deformable body AP = 1.58 compared against the experimental results in both xand z-directions. 20 E. AKRAMI ET AL. Figure 16. Experimental set-up for water tunnel with DIC system. Photo image with the water tunnel on the left hand-side, the cameras in the middle and the water tank with the DIC calibration target on the right hand-side. for this streamwise velocity measured by PIV ranged from 0.005 m/s to 0.006 m/s over the section occupied by the membrane and increased to 0.01 [m/s] that is 2% of the mean velocity towards the upper wall of the tunnel. The spanwise and vertical components of the mean flow velocity were measured to be within [1,2]% and [−1.5,4]% of the mean streamwise velocity, respectively. The simulation was performed assuming a uniform velocity aligned with the channel axis and a magnitude of 0.5 m/s giving a channel flow Reynolds number Re = 8.43×104 . Measurements of the membrane deformation were taken in the same section of the tunnel located after the flow conditioning part with the same DIC cameras and illumination as used in the forced oscillation case. Calibration settings and angle between cameras were kept unchanged. The experimental setup is shown in Figure 16. Measurement of deformations from the pre-stressed state was extracted from the trailing edge of the membranes along a line aligned with the mean flow direction. The corresponding computational model is illustrated in Figure 17. The fluid domain dimensions in the streamwise, spanwise and vertical directions are Lx = 0.15m, Ly = 0.15m and Lz = 1m. The vertical cylinder used to clamp the membrane has a diameter Dc = 0.016m and is located downstream of the inlet boundary with an offset Lc = 0.3m. The outlet boundary is located more than Table 6. Sinusoidal parameters comparison of numerical and experimental results of the Forced Oscillation case for deformable body AP = 1.58 in - and - directions. Source Experiment Numerical Ax [mm] fx [Hz] Az [mm] fz [Hz] 1.25 1.27 1.43 1.42 12.7 12.7 1.43 1.45 43Dc from the centre of the cylinder. The fluid domain is discretised by a cartesian stretched block mesh consisting of 70 × 70 × 320 = 1.568 × 106 cells. This corresponds to a mesh that is similar to the mesh M3 tested with the Forced Oscillation case. The deformable body is attached to the middle of the stationary cylinder in parallel to the fluid flow. Both AP = 3 and AP = 1.58 deformable bodies have been modelled in this Forced Induced Deformation case. The Finite Element elements tested were made of 3256 and 3664 P2 elements and 16,681 and 18,981 nodes, respectively. Table 3 describes the physical properties and coefficients used in this simulation. A uniform velocity inlet Ū = 0.5[m/s] boundary condition is used on the left-hand side of the fluid domain, while outlet boundary condition is imposed at the surface on the right-hand side. The lateral sides and the stationary cylinder are modelled as a non-slip wall boundary condition. A uniform distribution of turbulent kinematic viscosity-equivalent variable (ν̃) with prescribed value of 3 × 10−6 [m2 /s] has been applied to both inlet and ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS 21 Table 7. Maximum and Mean displacement values of deformable bodies with AP = 3 and 1.58 derived from experiments and simulations in the Forced Induced Oscillation problem. Maximum displacement [mm] Mean displacement [mm] Figure 17. Schematic of the simulation domain for the Flow Induced Deformation test case. A uniform velocity inlet condition is applied on the left boundary and an outlet condition is applied on the right boundary (drawing not to scale). outlet boundary conditions. Furthermore, the Spalding model has been employed to simulate wall functions at the boundary conditions adjacent to solid walls. The deformable body is attached to the cylinder by enforcing a Dirichlet boundary condition to be fixed at the place, and the rest sides have strong FSI coupling boundary conditions. Figure 18 provides the time evolution of the magnitude of displacement measured and predicted at the middle of the trailing edge of the deformable body extracted. The comparison for both AP = 3 and AP = 1.58 show that, although, the FSI model follows similar trends of displacement, differences exist. It should be noted that a simplified inlet boundary condition was employed for the simulations. A uniform and constant inlet velocity was imposed along with a uniform modified turbulent viscosity. This implies that the simulations did not aim to replicate the three-dimensional velocity fluctuations at the inlet, except for their influence on turbulent dissipation imposed through the modified turbulent kinematic viscosity. The removal of inlet fluctuations is expected to reduce the maximum deflection of the membrane, while the mean deflection should remain unaffected. The results presented in this study indeed demonstrate a more accurate comparison for the mean deflection. Instead of considering the transient dynamic response, the assessment focuses on the maximum and mean of the deformations over a time period of 10s. These results are shown in Table 7. The relative difference in the mean displacement compared to the experimental result, measured using the l1 norm, is 12.27% and 2.53% for AP = 3 and AP = 1.58, respectively. For the maximum displacement, this becomes 10.95% and 15.69% with AP = 3 and AP = 1.58. The difference between the simulated and measured displacements is shown to increase with the case AP = 3 AP = 1.58 Experimental Numerical Experimental Numerical 5.35 4.77 1.56 1.78 2.92 2.88 1.41 1.32 aspect ratio and associated increase in the amplitude of flapping. It is likely that variability in the flow velocity at the inlet is the main reason for the discrepancy observed here. The comparison of the power spectral density of displacement between numerical and experimental results, shown in Figure 19, again does show differences but also some similarities. Figure 19 (a) indicates that both the experimental and numerical displacement signals are made of two primary frequency ranges for deformable body AP = 3, [0.5 ∼ 1.4] Hz and [2.7 ∼ 3.9] Hz. Figure 19 (b) reveals that the deformable body AP = 1.58 is oscillating at lower frequencies with most energy within the range [0.66 ∼ 1.4] Hz. 3.5. Crossing deformable body through a pump In this section, a more practical application is considered. Single blade impeller pumps have been specifically designed to handle larger suspended solids and minimize the risk of clogging by thin, flexible membranes. Despite significant advances in anti-clogging performance, challenges remain to a large extent due to the complexity of physical processes involved in the formation of a pump blockage. Numerical tools do offer good prospects as design support tools for their ability to clarify these physical processes, but here again, challenges remain. The geometrical complexity, the high Reynolds number flow involved, the multi-physics and multi-scale characteristics inherent to an FSI problem all contribute to the difficulty in achieving accurate simulations. A single blade impeller pump produced by Sulzer Ltd is studied in this section. Its hydraulic performance has been studied previously by (Albadawi et al., 2019) using the Sharp Interface IBM method. A diffuse interface FSI was used in this instance to study a cloth-like deformable membrane assuming a zero-thickness and adopting a solver based on a massless variational derivative of the elastic energy for the deformable solid. The diffuse IBM and the solid solver demonstrated the feasibility of achieving predictions of the thin membrane, which were shown to be realistic. The model could not, however, correctly predict fluid surface stresses on the immersed surface due to the penalty-based IBM forcing. The current model addresses 22 E. AKRAMI ET AL. Figure 18. Temporal evolution of the magnitude of displacement of the deformable body (a) AP = 3 and (b) AP = 1.58 against experimental results in the flow-induced deformations test. this shortcoming, allowing for an accurate behaviour prediction of the deformable body. This case is considered here to confirm the suitability of the modelling solution for high Reynolds cases with a low density ratio between the flexible immersed structure in the presence of fast moving immersed rigid surfaces. Figure 20 provides an overview of the pump, showing the impeller inside the volute. The specific speed of√the pump is taken as ns = 56.4 which is defined as N Q/H 0.75 , where N,Q, and H are rotational speed [rpm], flow rate and head rise of the pump at the best efficiency point (BEP), respectively. The impeller with Dimp = 0.23[m] is rotating at ω = 150.8[rad/s] at its BEP flowrate QBEP = 0.055m3 /s. The impeller Reynolds number is defined as Ur Dimp /ν, where Ur is the circumferential velocity of the outer side of the impeller, which is calculated as Re = 4.66 × 106 in current problem. The impeller is modelled by the IBM model as a rotating rigid body using a surface mesh derived from an STL file definition. A deformable membrane has been placed at the pump inlet to characterize its dynamics and behaviour crossing the pump with 10 × 5 × 0.3cm. A velocity inlet boundary condition and pressure outlet have been imposed on the pump inlet and outlet, respectively, while the volute is considered as a non-slip wall. The impeller boundary condition is regarded as a surface mesh of IBM and surfaces of the deformable body are modelled as a strongly coupled FSI-IBM model, which can span freely in the fluid zone. Physical properties and coefficients are taken as Table 3 for fluid and deformable body. The gravity force is imposed by defining the gravitational force along the vertical direction, which triggers ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS 23 Figure 19. Power spectral density from displacement signals comparing the experimental and numerical results for (a) AP = 3 and (b) AP = 1.58. the buoyancy effect on the deformable body. (Specklin, 2018) found the optimum fluid grid size of a single blade impeller as Dimp /100 which leads to 0.002m cells size and 2 million cells in this problem. The deformable body has been discretised by 2800 incomplete P2 elements and 14,355 nodes with 0.0015 [m] grid size. Moreover, a twostep AMR refines fluid cells around the impeller and the deformable body to increase the accuracy of the gradient calculation and the interaction of the fluid and solids. The simulation time step has been taken as t = 1 × 10−5 s for both fluid and deformable body models in a way that the Courant number is maintained at less than 0.6. The non-dimensional time and non-dimensional residence time are defined as τ = t/t ∗ and τr = t/t ∗ , respectively, where t is the real-time and, t is the time taken by the deformable body to pass through the volute and t ∗ = volute net volume/flowrate is the turns-over Figure 20. Perspective view of the submersible pump problem configuration: Single-blade impeller (blue) inside the volute (transparent). The impeller rotates clockwise around the y-axis. time of the pump. The non-dimensional residence time τr represents how many times the fluid inside the pump should change to remove the deformable body once it enters the volute. 24 E. AKRAMI ET AL. Figure 21. The trajectory of the middle point of the deformable body as it flows through the volute is shown with the red spheres. Key moments are highlighted by blue points, and occur at τ1 = 0.0338, τ2 = 0.0619, τ3 = 0.1224, τ4 = 0.1322, τ5 = 0.1561, τ6 = 0.1576, τ7 = 0.1590, τ7 = 0.1590 and τ9 = 0.3334. (a) top view, (b) side view from the outlet line of sight and (c) side view showing the length of the outlet pipe. The non-dimensional residence time is calculated as τr = 0.3391 indicating that the pump can flush the deformable body in approximately one-third of the pump turnover time. A set of points in time have been selected to demonstrate the ability of the model to capture key behaviour and challenging FSI events, including collision with fast moving impeller. These are marked on the trajectory of the centre of gravity of the membrane Figure 21 where the time interval between successive red dots is τ = 0.0014. The deformable body is released horizontally at the inlet of the volute. Downstream flow experiences a rotational velocity due to the impeller rotation. As a result, the membrane moves around the inlet pipe and collides twice with the wall at points 1 and 2, as shown in Figure 21. The primary and secondary collisions are depicted in Figure 22. The mechanical response of the deformable body is shown in terms of the von Mises stress [Pa] used as an indicator of the yielding of a ductile body. The strong impact and pressure gradient of fluid in the secondary collision (point 2) causes the rotation of the deformable body. Thereafter, the deformable body is sucked directly into the impeller by the low-pressure zone in the impeller eye and experiences a two collision events with the top part of the impeller (Point 3 and Point 4). The first impact with the impeller (Point 3) induces a rotation of the deformable body, and the second (Point 4) serves to align the membrane with the horizontal plane at the top plate of the impeller. Pressure gradients and the centrifugal forces drive the membrane out of the impeller region. The velocity contour plot over the middle horizontal plane of Figure 23 illustrates the level of fluid mixing involved and the effect on the deformable body at τ = 0.1435 while the deformable body is leaving the impeller. After that point, the deformable body approaches the volute wall (Point 5) and collides with the leading edge of the impeller at τ = 0.1576 which is depicted in ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS 25 Figure 22. Collision of the deformable body with the inlet pipe of the volute and the top part of the impeller depicting points 1, 2, 3 and 4 marked in Figure 21. Contour colouring based scaled by the von Mises stress [Pa]. Figure 24 at Point 6. This strong impact induces a strong acceleration by the deformable body, propelling it rapidly out of the impeller. After a complete rotation, the deformable body starts sliding along the volute wall pulled by the flow. It collides and repeatedly slides, as illustrated in Figure 25 at Point 8. The last significant impact Happens after passing through the throat area of the volute when the deformable body detaches from the curved volute wall and approaches the diffuser wall directly (Figure 25 (b) at τ = 0.3334, Point 9). The deformable body exits the domain after that. This final test case has confirmed that the proposed methodology is able to achieve stable simulations under challenging conditions with low density ratio (ρdb /ρf = 1.18) and collision with fast moving boundaries. Developing such a robust analytical tool can help better understand the dynamic response of a deformable body in complex engineering applications, including for the design of reliable wastewater pumps. 4. Conclusion A novel robust FSI framework has been proposed to model slender deformable bodies and address issues arising from low-density ratios and compounded by high Reynolds flow and spurious forces caused by fast moving immersed solids. A second-order IBM with a velocity reconstructed sharp penalty approach has been adopted to capture precise gradients around the 26 E. AKRAMI ET AL. Figure 23. The contour of fluid velocity magnitude at a cross-section of the pump at when the deformable body is pushed outside of the impeller as the consequence of centrifugal force. Figure 24. Interaction of the deformable body with the leading edge of the impeller depicting points 5, 6 and 7 marked in Figure 21. immersed body, which is crucial for accurate FSI prediction. The deformable body has been modelled using a nonlinear IFEM method by P2 elements with a Hyperelastic material model. The interaction of the fluid and solid is coupled through a strong algorithm to reduce the spurious forces and maximize the stability of the solution in low density ratio. The fluid flow solver has been coupled to a modified IBM-DES turbulent model to simulate high Re number problems. A modified compact support domain MLS data mapping approximation has been implemented in the coupling to transfer information between fluid flow and deformable body. The solution ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS 27 Figure 25. Collision of the deformable body with the volute and leaving the pump depicting points 8 and 9 marked in Figure 21. has been assessed by comparison against two laminar FSI benchmark cases and four turbulent FSI experiments, including forced oscillations and flow-induced deformations for two different aspect ratios of the deformable body. Second or higher-order mesh convergence was achieved with the Force Oscillation case when combining uniform mesh refinement with AMR for local refinement around the immersed object. The comparisons confirm the ability of the FSI model to achieve stable and accurate simulation, including at low-density ratios and with high Reynolds number flow. The study of a slender flexible membrane transport through a centrifugal pump has also confirmed that stable computations are possible with immersed deformable bodies experiencing multiple impacts with fast moving boundaries. For this purpose, a new contact model inspired by the elastic collision and a frictionless contact model has been developed. This study exhibits certain limitations that merit attention in future research. First, the comparison of first-order statistics from Flow Induced FSI in turbulent flow showed key similarities in the oscillatory behaviour measured by the frequency and amplitude of motion but also some non-negligible differences. A factor which may have contributed to these differences is the simplified inlet turbulence boundary condition used. Future investigations should consider using detailed experimental data to specify time and spatial fluctuations at the inlet. Additionally, while the proposed contact model has shown promise in simulating multiple impacts with fast-moving boundaries, it would be useful to consider factors like elastic collision and frictional contact for a more realistic simulation of solid–solid interaction with and without lubrication. Disclosure statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). Funding This research was funded by Sulzer Ltd, Enterprise Ireland’s Innovation (EI) Partnership scheme (IP/2017/0674) and the Irish Research Council (IRC) (EBPPG/2019/12). Computation of all simulations has been performed on Kay cluster of Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) through dceng009c and dceng010c Class C projects. ORCID Ehsan Akrami Mathieu Specklin Yan Delaure References Adeeb, E., & Ha, H. (2022). Computational analysis of naturally oscillating tandem square and circular bluff bodies: a GPU based immersed boundary – lattice Boltzmann approach. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 16(1), 995–1017. 2060309 Albadawi, A., Specklin, M., Connolly, R., & Delauré, Y. (2019). A thin film fluid structure interaction model for the study of flexible structure dynamics in centrifugal pumps. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 141(6), 500–600. Aldlemy, M. S., Rasani, M. R., Tuan, T. M. Y. S., & Ariffin, A. K. (2018). 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Elsevier. This section provides further details of the Mooney-Rivlin model, and the nonlinear FEM deformable body model presented in section 2.2. (A1) J1 = −1/3 I 1 I3 (A2) J2 = −2/3 I 2 I3 (A3) 1/2 J3 = I 3 (A4) I1,E = 21 (A5) I3,E = (2 + 4trE)1 − 4E + 9 eimn ejrs Emr Ens 4 (A6) (A7) 1 −4/3 )I1,E − I1 (I3 )I3,E 3 2 −2/3 −5/3 J2,E = (I3 )I2,E − I2 (I3 )I3,E 3 1 −1/2 J3,E = (I3 )I3,E 2 ∂S = A10 J1,EE + A01 J2,EE + k(J3 − 1)J3,EE D= ∂E + kJ3,E ⊗ J3,E −1/3 J1,E = (I3 (A8) (A9) (A10) (A11) 1 (−4/3) − I3 (I1,E ⊗ I3,E + I3,E ⊗ I1,E ) 3 4 (−7/3) 1 (−4/3) + I 1 I3 I3,E ⊗ I3,E − I1 I3 I3,EE (A12) 9 3 2 (−5/3) (−2/3) = I2,EE I3 − I3 (I2,E ⊗ I3,E + I3,E ⊗ I2,E ) 3 2 (−5/3) 10 (−8/3) I3,E ⊗ I3,E − I2 I3 I3,EE (A13) + I 2 I3 9 3 1 (−3/2) 1 (−1/2) = − I3 I3,E ⊗ I3,E + I3 I3,EE (A14) 4 2 =0 (A15) (−1/3) J1,EE = I1,EE I3 J2,EE J3,EE I1,EE I2,EE = 41 ⊗ 1 − I I3,EE = 4I3 C −1 ⊗C (A16) −1 − I3 C −1 IC −1 (A17) Here shows the number of nodes per element. ⎡ N1 N=⎣0 0 t 0 N1 0 0 0 N1 N2 0 0 ... ... ... ⎤ 0 0⎦ Nn 3×3n (A18) B = t BL0 + t BL1 t (A19) t BL1 = A(θ) G ⎡ N1,x 0 ⎢ 0 N1,y ⎢ 0 ⎢ 0 t BL0 = ⎢ ⎢N1,y N1,x ⎣ 0 N1,z N1,z 0 ⎡ Appendix S = A10 J1,E + A01 J2,E + k(J3 − 1)J3,E I2,E = 4(1 + trE)1 − 4E N1,x ⎢N1,y ⎢ ⎢N1,z ⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢ t G=⎢ 0 ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎣ 0 0 Nn,x = 0 0 0 N1,y N1,x N1,z 0 0 0 0 0 N1,z 0 N1,y N1,x N2,x 0 0 N2,y 0 N2,z ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 N1,y N1,x N1,z N2,x N2,y N2,z 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ⎤ (A20) 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ Nn,z ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎥ Nn,y ⎦ Nn,x 6×3n (A21) ⎤ Nn,x Nn,y ⎥ ⎥ Nn,z ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎦ 0 9×3n (A22) ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn = J11 + J12 + J13 ∂x ∂ξ ∂η ∂μ (A23) ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS Nn,y = ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn = J21 + J22 + J23 ∂y ∂ξ ∂η ∂μ ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn = J31 + J32 + J33 ∂z ∂ξ ∂η ∂μ ⎡ ∂dy ∂dx 0 0 ∂x ⎢ ∂x ∂dx 0 0 ⎢ 0 ∂y ⎢ ∂dx ⎢ 0 0 0 ⎢ ∂y A(θ) = ⎢ ∂dx ∂dx ∂dy ⎢ ∂y 0 ∂x ∂y ⎢ ⎢ ∂dx ∂dy ∂dx 0 ⎣ ∂z ∂x ∂z ∂dx ∂dx 0 0 ∂z ∂y ⎤ ∂dw 0 0 0 0 ∂x ⎥ ∂dy ∂dw 0 0 0 ⎥ ∂x ∂x ⎥ ∂dy ∂dw ⎥ 0 0 0 ∂x ∂x ⎥ ∂dy ⎥ ∂dw ∂dw 0 0 ⎥ ∂x ∂y ∂x ⎥ ∂dy ∂dw ∂dw ⎥ 0 0 ∂x ∂z ∂x ⎦ ∂dy ∂dy ∂dw ∂dw 0 ∂z ∂y ∂z ∂y Nn,z = ∂Nn ∂dx = dxn ∂x ∂x −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn + J12 + J13 = dxi J11 ∂ξ ∂η ∂μ View publication stats (A24) (A25) (A26) (A27) ∂dx ∂Nn = dxn ∂y ∂y −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn + J22 + J23 = dxi J21 ∂ξ ∂η ∂μ ∂Nn ∂dx = dxn ∂z ∂z −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn −1 ∂Nn + J32 + J33 = dxi J31 ∂ξ ∂η ∂μ ⎡t (i) ⎤ 0̄ 0̄ σ̃ t (i) t σ̃ (i) σ = ⎣ 0̄ 0̄ ⎦ t σ̃ (i) 0̄ 0̄ ⎡ ⎤ 0 0 0 0̄ = ⎣0 0 0⎦ 0 0 0 ⎡ ⎤ t τ (i) t τ (i) t τ (i) 11 12 13 ⎢ (i) t (i) t (i) ⎥ t (i) σ̃ = ⎣t τ21 τ22 τ23 ⎦ t τ (i) t τ (i) t τ (i) 31 32 33 t (i) t (i) t (i) t (i) t (i) t (i) t (i) σ̂ = τ11 , τ22 , τ33 , τ12 , τ23 , τ31 31 (A28) (A29) (A30) (A31) (A32) (A33)