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STAT 201 Syllabus: Elementary Statistics for Social Sciences

American University of Beirut
School of Arts & Sciences
Department of Mathematics
STAT 201: Elementary Statistics for the Social Sciences
Spring 2024
Instructor: Lina Rahhal
Room 320 Bliss Hall
Lecture 1 at 9:30 am in Nicely 103 Lina Rahhal
Office Hours
Tuesday from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm
Thursday from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm
Catalogue |Course Description
STAT 201 Elementary Statistics for the Social Sciences
Data organization and frequency distributions; measures of central tendency and dispersion;
probability and random variables; binomial and normal distributions; estimation, and
hypothesis testing. Open only to arts students whose mathematical preparation does not allow
them to take STAT 210. Students who take STAT 201 will not receive credit for STAT 210,
STAT 230, or ECON 213. Every term.
Course Learning Outcomes
This is an introductory course in statistics, it introduces the following concepts:
• The nature of Statistics
• Variables & data, grouping data, graphs & charts, stem & leaf diagrams,
distribution shapes.
• Measures of center: the mean, the median & mode.
• Measures of variation: standard deviation and variance. The five summary
measures and box plots.
• Probability basics, events, some rules of probability.
• Discrete random variables
The normal distribution
The sampling distribution of the sampling mean, sampling error.
• Confidence interval for one population mean, estimating a population mean,
confidence interval margin of error.
• Hypothesis test for one sample mean, terms, errors and hypothesis
Course Resources
Textbook: Picturing the World, by Betsy Farber and Ron Larson.
Handouts: Some course material, including lecture notes, solution of some problems from the
book, extra problems not from the textbook plus their solution are available on the course
Moodle site.
Course Policies
Students are advised to attend all lectures during the assigned class time.
If you are unable to attend a session, it is your responsibility to have the material covered
during the missed session.
Course Assessment
Grading policy:
Exam 1
Exam 2
Final Exam
Class participation and attendance
Exam Dates.
Exam 1 on Thursday, February 22 at 9:30 am in Nicely 322
Exam 2 on Thursday, March 21 at 9:30 am in Nicely 322
University Policies:
Academic Integrity:
Please refer to AUB Student Code of Conduct:
https://aub.policytech.eu/dotNet/documents/?docid=147&public=true , in particular section
1.1, which concerns academic misconduct including cheating, plagiarism, in-class disruption,
and dishonesty. Please be aware that misconduct is vigorously prosecuted and that AUB has a
zero tolerance policy. Course policy is that credible evidence of cheating will result in course
Recommended Accessibility Statement to Acknowledge the Unique Learning Needs of
Students with Disabilities:
AUB strives to make learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or
experience academic barriers due to a disability (including mental health, chronic or
temporary medical conditions), please inform me immediately so that we can privately
discuss options. In order to help establish reasonable accommodations and facilitate a
smooth accommodations process, you are encouraged to contact the Accessible Education
Office: accessibility@aub.edu.lb; +961-1-350000, x3246; West Hall, 314.
In line with its commitment to the principle of equal opportunity in education and
employment, AUB policies protect you from discrimination on the basis of protected
characteristics, including discriminatory harassment and sexual harassment. Protected
characteristics include: race, color, religion, age, national or ethnic identity, sex, gender
or gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, disability, genetic
predisposition or carrier status, alienage or citizenship status, and political affiliation.
The policies are applicable to all the AUB Community. If you think you have experienced
discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sexual harassment, we encourage you to
inform the Equity/Title IX Coordinator, Mitra Tauk at 01-350000 ext.
2514, titleix@aub.edu.lb, report to a Title IX deputy at your faculty or at any other
faculty (www.aub.edu.lb/titleix), or report online (www.aub.ethicspoint.com). Reports
may be submitted anonymously or not. Please know that the University will maintain
the confidentiality of the complaint and privacy of the persons involved to the greatest
extent possible, consistent with its goal of conducting a thorough and complete
investigation and to the extent permitted by law. For the full Title IX syllabus statement,
please visit https://www.aub.edu.lb/President/TitleIX/Pages/syllabus.aspx.