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EGME 407 Heat Transfer Syllabus

EGME 407 - Heat Transfer
Dr. Darren Banks
Class Location
Class Time
Mo/We 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
Office Hours
Tu, 10:00 - 11:30 am
We, 1:00 - 2:30 pm
Course Description
Principles of heat transfer and their applications: introduction to conductive, convective and radiation heat transfer;
one-dimensional heat conduction; concepts of multi-dimensional conduction; convective heat transfer for internal
and external viscous flows; cross-flow and shell and tube heat exchangers; thermal system design.
Course Learning Outcomes
EGME 333
1. Define the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation.
Required Text
2. Solve for temperature distributions and heat
fluxes in 1- and 2-D conduction, under both
steady and transient conditions.
A Heat Transfer Textbook, 5th ed., Lienhard and Lienhard, Phlogiston Press / Dover Publications, 2019.
Available digitally at ahtt.mit.edu/.
3. Combine fluid flow, geometry, and surface conditions to determine convective heat flux, in
internal and external flows.
ABET Objectives
4. Use conduction and convection to model heat
5. Explore black-body and gray-body approximations of radiant heat transfer.
1. Identify, formulate, & solve problems by applying math, science, & engineering.
6. Compute radiation heat exchange between surfaces.
4. Ethical and professional responsibility.
The production of motion in the steam engine always occurs in circumstances which it is necessary to recognize, namely when the
equilibrium of caloric is restored, or (to express this differently) when caloric passes from the body at one temperature to another
body at a lower temperature.
- Sadi Carnot
EGME 407 - Heat Transfer
Course Schedule
Grading Specifications
Jan 22-24
Intro to heat transfer
Jan. 30- Feb. 1
1-D steady conduction
Feb. 5-7
2-D steady conduction
Feb. 12-14
Transient conduction
Feb. 19-21
Finite difference method
Mar. 4-6
Midterm 1
Convection concepts, internal flow
Mar. 11-13
Heat exchangers
Mar. 18-20
External flow convection
Mar. 25-27
Free convection and phase change
Apr. 1-3
Spring Recess
Apr. 8-10
Midterm 2
Apr. 15-17
Radiation concepts
Apr. 22-24
View factors, black body radiation
Apr. 29- May 1
20 % each
20 %
20 %
Holiday Feb. 19
Feb. 26-28
90 - 100%
80 - 89%
70 - 79 %
60 - 69 %
0 - 59 %
Percentages will be rounded to the nearest full percent. +/- grading will not be used. No curve or other
adjustment to this grading scale will be applied.
Course schedule is tentative and subject to change.
Realistic surfaces radiation exchange
May 6-8
Terrestrial energy balance, review
May 15
Final Exam: 11:00 am - 12:50 pm
The radiation left over from the Big Bang is the same as that in your microwave oven but very much less powerful. It would heat
your pizza only to minus 271.3 ◦ C - not much good for defrosting the pizza, let alone cooking it.
- Stephen Hawking
EGME 407 - Heat Transfer
Course Policies
Attendance and Quizzes
Attendance to synchronous lectures is encouraged but not mandated. In-class graded activities may be given during
any class meeting without prior announcement, and cannot be made up afterwards. Participation in asynchronous
activities is required.
Reading and Reflection
Before each topical lecture, a short reflection assignment and a reading quiz may be due on Canvas. The reflection
assignment is an open-ended question posed to provoke thought on the topic. The reading quiz is an open-book,
open-note quiz on specifics from within the assigned reading and the instructor’s posted notes. These are the student’s
responsibility to complete before the deadline. Late submissions will not be graded.
Exams are cumulative. Collaboration on exams is prohibited; any questions concerning the exam should be referred
to the instructor.
The final exam grade may be used to increase the midterm grades by 1/2 of the difference between them, rounded
down. Grades will only be increased by this method. A zero midterm grade is ineligible for this policy.
Exam solutions will not be posted. Discussion of exam solutions may be appropriate during class meetings. Further
inquiry pertaining to exams should be referred to the instructor at office hours or by appointment.
Workshops are due at the time and date posted on Canvas. Solutions will be posted after the workshop is due. It is the
student’s responsibility to review the solutions. Late workshops will not be accepted. Workshops should be scanned
and submitted to Canvas as a Portable Document Format (pdf) file. Corrupted or otherwise unreadable files will not
be graded. Workshops submitted anywhere other than Canvas will not be graded. Technical difficulties do not excuse
late submission of workshops.
Several course projects will be assigned. These projects may require MATLAB, MS Excel, and preparation of a formal
technical report (Word or LATEX). In-progress assignments may be due regularly. The projects may be completed in
pairs or alone.
Classroom Behavior
Do not be disruptive during class. Silence your cell phones and any other electronics. Adhere to the Netiquette policy
posted to Canvas for online interactions.
EGME 407 - Heat Transfer
Student Integrity
Abide by the University’s code of academic conduct. Academic dishonesty will result in a zero on the assignment and referral to Student Conduct, at a minimum. The code of conduct can be found at Student Resources,
https://www.fullerton.edu/deanofstudents/conduct/students.php. Ignorance of these policies does not excuse
violations thereof.
Emergency Policies
Be aware of what must be done if an emergency occurs. See Emergency Preparedness at http://prepare.fullerton.edu
for suggestions. In an emergency, call 911 or campus police at (657) 278-3333.
Accommodations for Special Needs
Please inform the instructor as soon as reasonably possible of any accommodations needed. For more information,
contact Disability Support Services http://www.fullerton.edu/DSS/.
Course announcements, assignments, and supplemental material will be posted to Canvas. Ensure the course’s page is
acccessible and check it frequently.
CSUF IT can help with technology and software concerns. They are available at http://www.fullerton.edu/it/.
Grade Reviews
If an assignment appears to have an error in grading, the student must notify the instructor within one week of
the assignment’s return to the student. The original assignment along with a written explanation of the error are
required for the instructor to review the grade.
Requests for adjustment to overall grades, including but not limited to requests for individual extra credit or opportunity to submit make-up assignments, will be ignored.
Information on advising on degree progress and other program questions may be found at
http://www.fullerton.edu/ecs/me/resources/undergraduate advising.php.
Instructor Communication
During the work week, the instructor will respond to email or other asynchronous messages within 24 hours. Messages
sent during the weekend, on a campus holiday, or during a recess from class will be responded to by the end of the
next business day. Voicemail will be answered the next time the instructor is in his office to check it.
There are two different things: there’s grilling, and there’s barbecue. Grilling is when people say, ’We’re going to turn up the heat,
make it really hot and sear a steak, sear a burger, cook a chicken.’ Barbecue is going low and slow.
-Guy Fieri