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COMM 315 Business Law & Ethics Syllabus Winter 2024

COMM 315
Business Law and Ethics
Section EC – Winter 2024
This syllabus is subject to change and any changes will be posted in the Announcements
section of your eConcordia portal.
Disclaimer: In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control,
the content and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.
About the Course
Special Note: The school term is 12 weeks long. The course
material is divided into 13 lessons. Lessons 3 & 4 are to be
read together in Week 3.
The instructor for this course is Frank Crooks.
Contact Information
You can email the course professor at: comm315@econcordia.com. This email address allows
you to contact your Professor directly with any general inquiries.
Note: Please allow for a 24-hour response time during the week (Monday-Friday). Teaching
Assistants check their messages once over the 48-hour weekend period and are not available on
statutory or university holidays.
Course Description:
Through the study of laws, ethical principles and court judgments, this course will introduce
students to important legal and ethical issues that they may encounter within a business
In today’s environment of social awareness, business can no longer focus solely on maximizing
profits and must recognize and respect its legal and ethical obligations to a wide range of
stakeholders, both within and outside of the business organization. These stakeholders include
employees, management, shareholders, directors, officers, the immediate community and society.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between law and ethics and how these
two principles should not be treated as mutually exclusive;
2. identify the appropriate steps to be followed in both the legal and ethical decision making
3. apply material learned in this course in order to analyze and propose solutions to legal and
ethical problems;
4. select effective solutions to legal and ethical issues that may be encountered within the
Require Course Material:
Textbook: Fundamentals of Quebec Business Law and Ethics, 2nd Edition (2016), Paladin
The textbook, in traditional paperback form, is available for purchase from the bookstore at
Concordia University (Book Stop). Students should consult the following website (see Delivery
Options / Store hours Pickup locations) to review the options offered by Book Stop to purchase
the textbook (curbside pickup, shipping to the student’s mailing address):
With regards to purchasing an electronic version of the textbook, students may purchase same
through the Concordia Bookstore:
Course Website
This is an eConcordia
at www.econcordia.com
Your eConcordia account will be valid until the end of the term for which you are registered.
Your account will allow you to access the online course material, which includes videos, notes,
Discussion Board (Q&A Forum), all graded course components, useful links, readings and many
more resources from the course website for the duration of the term.
This course will be taught and all assessments will be completely online. A midterm and/or a
final online exam will be provided through the Concordia Online Exams (COLE) platform. More
information about the COLE system may be found at the COLE website. Additionally, an online
proctoring tool called Proctorio will be used to provide proctoring during the exam. This type of
proctoring is known as auto-proctoring, as there is no invigilation during the exam. Instead, your
professor will review the recording after the exam.
Please note the following with respect to online live proctored exams:
That the exam will take place during the exam period at the designated date and time set
by the professor (midterm) or the Exams Office (final). All exam times will be set to
Eastern Standard/Daylight Time.
That Proctorio is used to help uphold academic integrity. Proctorio’s Terms of Service
may be reviewed at https://proctorio.com/policies. Recordings made and information
collected during the exam may be used for this purpose, in accordance with
the Academic Code of Conduct.
That your image, voice and screen activity, including IP address, may be recorded
throughout the duration of the exam.
That you are required to turn on your webcam and it must be pointed toward your face
and workspace at all times during the exam, failing which your exam may be deemed
That you must show your Concordia University identification card to validate your
identity. Alternative government-issued photo identification will be accepted, though it is
not recommended. Only identification in English or French will be accepted.
That any recording made will only be viewed by authorized university personnel and
personnel authorized pursuant to university policies (no external entity has authorization
to review the recording).
That you will be responsible for ensuring appropriate, properly functioning technology
(webcam, a microphone, appropriate browser and an ability to download any necessary
software, as well as a reliable internet connection with a minimum of a 3G connection).
That you are very strongly recommended to enter the virtual test site found at the COLE
website and become familiar with the software that will be used for your exam before
starting the exam.
That you will need a quiet place within which to take the exam. Earplugs may also be
used to allow you to focus for the duration of the exam. Noise cancelling headphones are
not allowed.
Students who are unable to write an exam because they are unable to meet the above
conditions and requirements are advised that they will need to drop the course. More information
can be provided on the next or alternative offering of this course by consulting the department.
Students are advised that the drop deadline (DNE) for this course is September 18, 2023.
Students who require additional accommodations for their exams due to a documented disability
should contact the Access Centre for Students with Disabilities as soon as possible
If you face issues during the exam, you should inform your professor of those issues
immediately. Please note that there are in-exam supports you should spend time getting to
know. Visit the COLE website for more information.
The Code of Conduct (Academic) at Concordia University states that Academic integrity is key to
academic success at Concordia University. More specifically, “The integrity of University academic
life and of the degrees, diplomas and certificates the University confers is dependent upon the
honesty and soundness of the instructor student learning relationship and, in particular, that of the
evaluation process. Therefore, for their part, all students are expected to be honest in all of their
academic endeavours and relationships with the University.”
Undergraduate Calendar 2023-2024, section 17.10
All students enrolled at Concordia University are expected to familiarize themselves with the
contents of this Code. Any form of cheating, or plagiarism, as well as any other form of dishonest
behaviour, intentional or not, related to the obtention of gain, academic or otherwise, or the
interference in evaluative exercises committed by a student is an offence under this Academic
Code of Conduct. Any attempt at or participation related in any way to an offence by a student is
also an offence.
Without limiting, or restricting, the generality of the above and with the understanding that the
following are to be considered examples only, academic offences include but are not limited to,
the carrying out, or attempting to carry out or participating in:
• Making, possessing and/or distributing copies of any test questions and/or examination
Contribution by a student to another student’s work with the knowledge that such work may
be submitted by the other student as their own;
Unauthorized collaboration between students and/or third parties;
Obtaining the questions or answers to an exam or using other unauthorized resources;
• Use of another person’s exam during an exam;
• Communication with anyone other than the instructor/invigilator during an exam and any
unauthorized assistance during an exam;
• Copying, posting or sharing the exam content, including exam questions, or a student’s
answers, both during and after submission of an exam;
• Impersonation
Graded Assessments
On-line Class Test #1
On-line Class Test #2
On-line Final Exam
Description of Graded Assessments
On-line Tests:
Two (2) on-line tests will be given during the term. Both tests will be accessed and
answered by the students on the Assessment page of the eConcordia course website.
The first on-line test (Test 1) will cover Chapters 1, 2 & 3 of the Textbook (Lessons 1-4), will
consist of 30 multiple choice questions and will be worth 30% of the student’s final grade in the
course. Lessons 3 & 4 are to be read together in Week 3.
The second on-line test (Test 2) will cover Chapters 4 & 5 of the Textbook (Lessons 5-7), will
consist of 30 multiple choice questions and will be worth 30% of the student’s final grade in the
Students will have 45 minutes to complete each of the on-line tests. There will be a 1 (one)
hour time window, the exact hours and dates are set out on the attached Course Agenda,
during which each on-line test will be available to the students for answering.
It is important to note that each student may only attempt to answer each test one time (repeat
attempts will not be permitted), and once a student starts a test, the student will only have
45 minutes to answer and submit the test.
Should a student start his/her test when there is less than 45 minutes remaining in the 1 (one)
hour time window, then the student must submit his/her test before the time window closes.
Regarding the two class tests:
1. The students will be allowed to consult their own copies of the textbook (hardcopy or e-version)
during the writing of the two on-line tests, however they will not be permitted to consult any
other notes, documents, slides, or resources whatsoever. Students may not share a textbook
during an exam.
2. Communicating with classmates, or any other persons, regarding any aspect of the exam or
course, once a student begins an exam, is not permitted.
3. Copying, posting or sharing the exam content, including exam questions, or a student’s
answers, both during and after submission of an exam, is not permitted.
4. Students may not ask any questions to the instructor during the writing of any test/exam.
5. COLE proctoring will not be used for the 2 online class tests.
On-line Final Exam
The end of term on-line final exam will cover Chapters 6, 7, 8 & 9 of the Textbook (Lessons
8-13). The final exam will be provided through the Concordia Online Exams (COLE) platform with
online proctoring.
The final exam will consist of 80 multiple choice questions and will be worth 40% of the student’s
final grade in the course. The date and time of the final exam will be set by the Exams Office and
will occur after the last day of classes. Students will have two hours to complete the final exam.
Students will be notified of the date and time of the final exam accordingly.
It is important to note that each student may only attempt to answer the final exam one time (repeat
attempts will not be permitted).
Should a student start his/her final exam when there is less than two hours remaining in
the final exam time period, then the student must submit his/her final exam before the twohour time period closes.
The final exam will be closed book:
1. Students are not permitted to consult any books, notes, documents, slides, or other
resources whatsoever during the writing of the final exam.
2. Communicating with classmates, or any other persons, regarding any aspect of the final
exam or course, once a student begins the final exam, is not permitted.
3. Copying, posting or sharing the final exam content, including final exam questions, or a
student’s answers, both during and after submission of the final exam, is not permitted.
4. Students may not ask any questions to the instructor during the writing of any test/exam.
All references to hours and dates that students receive from the instructor regarding midterm
and/or final exams will be based on the MONTREAL TIME ZONE (Eastern Time).
Review of exams by students during the Term:
Should COVID restrictions relating to health and safety be lifted and the Instructor receives
express permission from the University to meet students at school, in the Instructor’s office, then
the Instructor will go over exams in person with interested students at that time. Surgical grade
masks must be worn during office hours. Please be advised that due to issues of Copyright law
and the need to protect the confidential nature of all exam questions and answers, the Instructor
will not be able to display or discuss any exam questions/answers orally or using electronic
platforms such as YuJa or ZOOM.
No make-up tests will be granted except for serious medical reasons supported by original,
detailed, dated and signed medical documentation. Medical documentation must clearly indicate
the date and the reasons why the student’s condition rendered him/her incapable of writing the
test in question. No make-up test will be granted, unless notification of his/her inability to write the
test is given by the student to the instructor by email at the earliest possible opportunity. Except
for emergencies, this notification must be done prior to the test in question.
Subject to the provisions set out in the COVID-19 SYMPTOMS section of this outline, students
who do not provide appropriate medical documentation, as set out above, will receive a grade of
zero for the test that they did not write.
Please note: if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, you should contact Quebec Public
Health (1-877-644-4545) and follow their instructions. You are also required to consult
the Procedure for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases and complete the Self-Isolation form
under the My CU Account section the Student Hub (for students) or Carrefour (for faculty and
staff). Students who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should not come to campus.
Students who need to signal to their professors a short-term absence of up to two
consecutive days should consult the Short-Term Absence form (housed on the Student Hub),
which provides information regarding requests for short-term medical accommodation without
documentation like a medical note.
Should a student fail to write a class test due to the above referenced short-term absence, then
the Instructor shall decide whether to allocate said missing marks to another test that the student
has written (or will write), or to require the student to write a supplemental class test. Should a
student fail to write the final exam due to the above referenced short-term absence, then the
student will receive a grade of FNS/DNW in the course and will be required to comply with the
Exams Office policies regarding the possibility of writing a deferred final exam in a subsequent
school term.
Tutorial Companies
Please note that private tutorial companies, some of whom aggressively promote their services
on and off campus, are not authorized by Concordia University to distribute flyers on University
premises and may not use Concordia University facilities to promote or provide their services.
Concordia University and its academic departments do not have any affiliation with these
companies even though names such as JMSB, Concordia, or references to specific departments
often appear in a visible way. If you are interested in the University’s approved tutoring services,
consult the services listed in your course outline or other services listed on the University’s
Important Information
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity
Educational Technology Guidelines
Concordia Educational
Technology Guidelines for
Faculty and Students (the
Access Centre for Students with Disabilities
Concordia Library Citation & Style Guides
How to cite...
Course Communication Tools
eConcordia Policies
Final Exams Information
Final Exams
Technical Requirements
Technical Requirements
Tips for Studying Online
Studying Tips
Tips on how to reach online learning goals (learning
How to Succeed @ eConcordia
COMM 315 - Business Law and Ethics
Agenda – Winter 2024
All deadlines indicated are on the due date listed by 11:59 p.m. unless otherwise
This course is 12 weeks long and consists of 13 lessons.
Week 1 : January 15 - January 21
Lesson 1: Introduction to Law and the Quebec Legal System
January 15
Classes begin, Winter term
Week 2: January 22 - January 28
Lesson 2: Personal Rights (Part 1)
Week 3: January 29 - February 4
Lesson 3: Personal Rights (Part 2), Lesson 4: Personal Rights - Cases
January 29
Deadline to add winter-term courses
January 29
Deadline for withdrawal with tuition refund (DNE) from winter-term courses
Week 4: February 5 - February 11
Lesson 5: Principles of Contract Law
February 5
Q & A Session, Monday, February 5, 2024 @ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Zoom meeting ID: 863 4524 9615 Password: 754518
February 11
Class Test #1 (covers Lessons 1- 4)
Sunday February 11, 2024, 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Week 5: February 12 - February 18
Lesson 6: Principles of Contract Law - Cases
Week 6: February 19 - February 25
Lesson 7: Mandate
Reading Week: February 26 - March 3
February 26
Reading week begins
February 29
Deadline to submit required documentation to register with the Access Access
Centre for Students with Disabilities and request exam accommodations for the
Winter 2024 final examination period
March 01
President's Holiday - University Closed
March 03
Reading week ends
Week 7: March 4 - March 10
Lesson 8: Introduction to Forms of Business Ownership
Week 8: March 11 - March 17
Lesson 9: Employment Law (Part 1)
March 11
Q & A Session on Monday, March 11, 2024 @ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Zoom meeting ID: 863 4524 9615 Password: 754518
March 17
Class Test #2 (covers Lessons 5-7)
Sunday, March 17, 2024, 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Week 9: March 18 - March 24
Lesson 10: Employment Law (Part 2)
Week 10: March 25 - March 31
Lesson 11: Employment Law – Cases
March 29
University Closed
March 30
University Closed
March 31
University Closed
Week 11: April 1 - April 7
Lesson 12: Civil Responsibility
April 01
University Closed
Week 12: April 8 - April 14
Lesson 13: Ethics
April 08
Last day for instructor-scheduled tests or examinations
Week 13: April 15 – April 17
No lessons
April 15
Final Exam Review Session on Monday, April 15, 2024 @ 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Zoom meeting ID: 863 4524 9615 Password: 754518
April 15
Last day of classes
April 17
Deadline for academic withdrawal (DISC) from fall-term courses
Examinations Period: Thursday, April 18, 2024 – Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Final Exam date, time and location is posted on your Student Hub