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Industrial Standards in Electronics Lab

Standards In
an Electronics
Today's Agenda
What is the industrial standards?
The basic history of industry
standards for electronics
Technical Standards for devices
in our electronics laboratory
Industrial Standards in Electronics Engineering
A Historical Overview
Late 19th Century
Thomas Edison
Nikola Tesla
Earyrly 20th Century & Post-Word War II (1940s-50s)
• Pioneers who laid the foundations of electrical
engineering were developing electrical systems
and the need for standardizing voltage and
current became evident
• 1884 the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers AIEE was founded
• The emergence of digital electronics and ICs
revolutionized the industry. The protocols like
RS-232 for serial communication and TTL
levels for digital circuits were developed.
• The rise of computer networks and
telecommunications took to lead the
development of protocols for data
communications like Ethernet, USB, ISO/OSI
• In 1897, National Electrical Code(NEC) was
introduced in the US for safety regulations and
electrical installations.
• Also, International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) was established in Europe in 1906,
which aimed to standardize electrical
technologies on a global scale.
Late 20th Century - Present
• As the electronics manufacturing became
increasingly global, the need for international
standards became apparent.
• International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) and International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) very important organization for
harmonizing standards.
Industrial Standards of Equipment in Our
Electronics Laboratory
• Standards for:
⚬ Function Generator
⚬ Oscilloscope
⚬ DC Power Supply
⚬ Digital Multimeter
Industrial Standards Example for a
Function Generator
*Reference: User manual of ROHDE & SCHWARZ HMF2525/2550 Arbitrary Function Generator User Manual
Industrial Standards Example for a
Function Generator
• EN 61010-1:2011 (Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory
• Protection against electric shock *
• Mechanical hazards *
• Electrical and thermal hazards *
• EN 61326-1:2013 (Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - EMC
Requirements - Part 1: General Requirements) *
• EN 61326-2-1:2013 (Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - EMC
Requirements - Part 2 - 1: Particular Requirements) *
• EN 55011:2009 + A1:2010 (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Equipment - Radio-Frequency Disturbances
Characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurement):
⚬ It includes emissions requirements for systems that generate/use RF energy. **
* Source : webstore.iec.ch (Access Time: 16.10.2023)
** Source : standarts.iteh.ai (Access Time: 16.10.2023)
Industrial Standards Example for a
Function Generator
• EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:2009+A2:2009 (Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions):
⚬ Focuses on limiting harmonic current emissions from the public supply system. *
⚬ It determines limits of the harmonic currents that can be produced by equipment tested under specific
conditions. *
• EN 61000-3-3:2008 (Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - Limitation of Voltage
Changes, Voltage Fluctuations, and Flicker in Public Low-Voltage Supply Systems):
⚬ It considers limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations, and flicker in public low-voltage supply
⚬ It defines the limits of voltage changes caused by the equipment under test and provides the guidance
on evaluation methods. *
* Source : Keller, Reto B. Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility--In a Nutshell: Theory and Practice. Springer Nature, 2023.
Industrial Standards Example for an
*Reference: User manual of Tektronix TBS1000C Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Industrial Standards Example for an
*Reference : User manual of Tektronix TBS1000C Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Industrial Standards Example for an
*Reference: User manual of Tektronix TBS1000C Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Industrial Standards Example for an
*Reference: User manual of Tektronix TBS1000C Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Industrial Standards Example for a
Digital Multimeter
*Reference :User manual of FLUKE 8808A Digital Multimeter Getting Started Manual
Industrial Standards Example for a
Power Supply
*Reference: User manual of Hameg Programmable Power Supply HMP 2020/2030 Manual
What is the EN61000 standard ?
• EN 61000-1 (General):
⚬ It outlines general principles, definitions, and basic concepts related to electromagnetic compatibility. *
• EN 61000-2 (Environment):
⚬ EN 61000-2 standard addresses the definition of compliance levels for low-frequency conducted
disturbances in public power supply systems. *
• EN 61000-3 (Limits):
⚬ EN 61000-3 series addresses the limits for emission and immunity of equipment. **
■ EN 61000-3-2: Harmonic current limitation **
■ EN 61000-3-3: Prevention of Power Quality Disturbances (voltage fluctuations, flicker etc.) **
• EN 61000-5 (Installation and Mitigation):
⚬ It provides guidelines for minimizing electromagnetic interference at the installation level. *
* Source : webstore.iec.ch (Access Time: 16.10.2023)
** Source : Keller, Reto B. Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility--In a Nutshell: Theory and Practice. Springer Nature, 2023.
What is the EN61000 standard ?
• EN 61000-4 (Testing and Measurement Techniques): **
⚬ EN 61000-4 series addresses testing and measurement techniques for EMC. These standards
provide guidelines for testing the immunity of equipment against a variety of disturbances.
■ EN 61000-4-2: This standard focuses on electrostatic discharge (ESD) immunity testing.
■ EN 61000-4-3: Relates to immunity testing for RF magnetic fields.
■ EN 61000-4-4: This standard addresses electrical fast transient/burst immunity testing.
■ EN 61000-4-5: It deals with surge immunity testing.
■ EN 61000-4-6: This standard covers immunity testing againts conducted disturbances.
■ EN 61000-4-8: It addresses immunity requirements of equipment to radiated magnetic
disturbances at power frequencies.
• EN 61000-6 (Generic Standards): **
⚬ These standards provide specific EMC requirements and guidelines for various enviorements.
■ EN 61000-6-1: It provides EMC requirements for residential, commercial, public, and lightindustrial environments.
■ EN 61000-6-2: This standard covers immunity requirements for industrial environments.
■ EN 61000-6-3: It specifies emissions requirements for residential environments.
■ EN 61000-6-4: This part is a standard for emissions in industrial environments.
** Source : Keller, Reto B. Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility--In a Nutshell: Theory and Practice. Springer Nature, 2023.
EN 61000-4
• EN 61000-4-1 (Overview of Immunity Testing and Measurement Techniques): *
⚬ EN 61000-4-1 is an introductory standard for the series. It provides an overview of the various
immunity tests and measurement techniques defined in the EN 61000-4 series. This standard
offers guidance on understanding the purpose and principles of these tests.
• EN 61000-4-2 (Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test): **
⚬ It provides procedures and requirements for assessing how equipment can withstand ESD events,
such as human body discharges or discharges from neighboring objects.
• EN 61000-4-3 (Radiated Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test): **
⚬ This standard covers the evaluation of equipment's immunity to radiated RF fields. It includes
procedures for testing equipment in an anechoic chamber.
• EN 61000-4-4 (Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Test): **
⚬ It is about that the ability of equipment to withstand sudden and brief voltage disturbances,
such as those caused by switching and other fast transient events.
** Source : Keller, Reto B. Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility--In a Nutshell: Theory and Practice. Springer Nature, 2023.
* Source : webstore.iec.ch (Access Time: 16.10.2023)
EN 61000-4
• EN 61000-4-5 (Surge Immunity Test): **
⚬ EN 61000-4-5 outlines the surge immunity test, which assesses immunity requirements, test
setups, test procedures, test equipment related to voltage surges casued by switching and
lightning transients.
• EN 61000-4-6 (Conducted Immunity Test): **
⚬ EN 61000-4-6 addresses the conducted immunity test, which evaluates equipment's resistance
to conducted disturbances induced by radio-frequency fields.
• EN 61000-4-30 (Testing and measurement techniques - Power quality measurement methods):
⚬ It sets the framework for power quality measurement methods. It provides the procedures and
requirements for measuring the parameters of power quality in electrical supply systems. *
■ It defines the various parameters related to power quality, including voltage characteristics
(e.g., amplitude, harmonics, flicker), frequency, and other disturbances. ***
■ The standard specifies measurement techniques and instruments to assess these power quality
parameters. ***
⚬ EN 61000-4-30 is relevant in various settings, including industrial environments, power
utilities, research and development, and laboratories. As it is a standard related power quality,
this standard is crucial for a power quality analyzers and meters.
* Source : webstore.iec.ch (Access Time: 16.10.2023)** Source : Keller, Reto B. Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility--In a Nutshell: Theory and Practice. Springer Nature, 2023.
** Source : fluke.com/tr-tr/bilgi-edinin/blog/guc-kalitesi/iec-61000-4-30-sinif-a-standardi-benim-icin-ne-anlam-ifade-eder#country-picker-mobile (Access Time: 16.10.2023)
An Overview of the EN61326-1&2 Standard
• EN 61326-1 (Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - EMC
Requirements - Part 1: General Requirements):
⚬ Provides general requirements for immunity and emissions concerning EMC for electrical
equipment. *
• EN 61326-2 (Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - EMC
Requirements - Part 2 - 1: Particular Requirements):
⚬ It focuses on the test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria about
equipment with test and measurement circuits that are not EMC protected. *
⚬ This standard sets the criteria for equipment to remain functional, accurate, and reliable
even in environments with electromagnetic interference.
* Source : webstore.iec.ch (Access Time: 16.10.2023)