‘Sehyog’ – Bridging the Gap ‘Sehyog' is a platform for the changemakers, by the changemakers of 21st Century, through which we envisage to bridge the gap between the citizens and social movements. We are all social beings, affected by the various socio-economic a political changes. Pressing topics like climate change, human rights, poverty, social well being highly affect us, and we often try to lend our support to fight against the evil in one form or the other. This is from where the idea of ‘Sehyog has stemmed out. ‘Sehyog’ -Bridging the Gap- Defining the Problem Information Architecture Wire-Framing Low-fi Mid-fi Empathizing – Knowing the user Persona Affinity Diagrams High Fidelity Design Surveys & Interviews Competitive Analysis Prototyping & Scenarios & Story Boarding Ideate Presentation Evaluation Problem Statement Raghav is a politically aware and social driven person. He desires a platform where he can file petitions, raise funds and at the same time make contributions for causes he believes in. In this world of fake news and paid media, he also wishes for information about what’s going on currently ( all at a same place), so that he can easily help others and his contribution doesn’t go waste Solution Statement We aim to develop an App that helps the user like Raghav to File a petition, raise funds for a cause, connect people with similar causes, help people support petitions and contribute in fundraisers, and track them through the movement. It also makes sure users are aware of the latest happenings. Why ‘Sehyog’ The word “Sehyog” (सहयोग) in Hindi means support, and our initiative lives up to its name, by working relentlessly to uplift the downtrodden, empower the powerless and educate the uneducated. We aim to support the society by providing them solutions and a platform to work towards a cause. And today, we need your ‘Sehyog’ to take this forward. Defining the Problem Information Architecture Wire-Framing Low-fi Mid-fi Empathizing – Knowing the user Persona Affinity Diagrams High Fidelity Design Surveys & Interviews Competitive Analysis Prototyping & Scenarios & Story Boarding Ideate Presentation Evaluation PERSONA SCENARIO #1 ABOUT AVI BHANDARI DESCRIPTION: 29,Transmale Lower middle class Has been subjected to criticism for the past 5 years, been deprived of multiple opportunities and disrespected publicly several times. GOALS: FRUSTRATIONS: Growing up, he has faced a lot of discrimination but can’t seem to find a platform to fight this problem along with like minded people in order to uplift his community, and bring about a positive change Wants to work for the fundamental rights and upliftment of the LGBTQ+ community. Believes that people have been fed misinformation, and lack awareness of this particular community. Been working towards providing support to the community, he believes a lot can be done if people come together and act upon it NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS Needs a platform to spread accurate information about the problems faced by his community and raise awareness and possibly donations for the upliftment of the same. He wants a platform to find like minded people. PERSONA SCENARIO #2 ABOUT PRIYANKA SHARMA DESCRIPTION: 34, Female Job: HR Manager, Influencer (54k followers) Content: Health, self care and Social issues Generally vocal about social issues, wishes to make a difference in society, often seen working with different underprivileged Earns handsome Income, Sets aside some money for donation and public work GOALS: To reach out to his audience and bring about a change in times of unrest. She wishes to be able to use her position to get people to look into petitions and donate money for particular causes. FRUSTRATIONS: Sharing links on Instagram, where her majority audience is, is a pain and she is only able to share one link to a petition at a time, thus making the process of bringing about a change difficult. No such common platform to do everything together NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS She needs a single platform where she can direct her followers to find and fill all related petitions, find information about what's going on, and donate to help out. She also believes that people are not well informed about things happening around them and thus wishes to produce the complete and correct facts and opinions Defining the Problem Information Architecture Wire-Framing Low-fi Mid-fi Empathizing – Knowing the user Persona Scenarios & Story Boarding High Fidelity Design Surveys & Interviews Research Prototyping & Ideate Affinity Diagrams Presentation Evaluation https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11PIYc4hpAETadgYdzt3gFyXuSA3ObUCpDo4B6QFfCI/edit Defining the Problem Information Architecture Wire-Framing Low-fi Mid-fi Empathizing – Knowing the user Persona Scenarios & Story Boarding High Fidelity Design Surveys & Interviews Research Prototyping & Ideate Affinity Diagrams Presentation Evaluation Defining the Problem Information Architecture Wire-Framing Low-fi Mid-fi Empathizing – Knowing the user Persona Scenarios & Story Boarding High Fidelity Design Surveys & Interviews Research Prototyping & Ideate Affinity Diagrams Presentation Evaluation https://jamboard.google.com/d/1px4_wnBSpJkQg21joDTbO4_vjiCgszOZwWBe9Q SfxPQ/edit?usp=sharing Defining the Problem Information Architecture Wire-Framing Low-fi Mid-fi Empathizing – Knowing the user Persona Scenarios & Story Boarding High Fidelity Design Surveys & Interviews Research Prototyping & Ideate Affinity Diagrams Presentation Evaluation Competitive Analysis Milaap Application Spreads Awareness nonnon- cash donation NO NO NO Milaap A fundraiser website Change.org Change.org YES YES N/A GofundMe NO NO NO A website to file petitions GofundMe Sehyog YES YES YES A website to fund projects and movements Defining the Problem Information Architecture Wire-Framing Low-fi Mid-fi Empathizing – Knowing the user Persona Scenarios & Story Boarding High Fidelity Design Surveys & Interviews Research Prototyping & Ideate Affinity Diagrams Presentation Evaluation https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/YM0KAXhpfoYscAGZgJXQ01nPOpArmLyqDJlaf29Q3dR Sp1fAWBwRWiK08qjAVWFu https://jamboard.google.com/d/1krGgKR5iVaQ_iKmhNL5usyPy8HHPbHKNXp7i0 M1RI-U/edit?usp=sharing Defining the Problem Information Architecture & Task Flow Wire-Framing Low-fi Mid-fi Empathizing – Knowing the user Persona Scenarios & Story Boarding High Fidelity Design Surveys & Interviews Research Prototyping & Ideate Affinity Diagrams Presentation Evaluation https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/WlMWhe5GZ7tfrsEe8yX4KQVats7d14G4Z7JBm2qaHcK MdC0H4PqR4b210sSdmi8D https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/WlMWhe5GZ7tfrsEe8yX4KQVats7d14G4Z7JBm2qaHcK MdC0H4PqR4b210sSdmi8D Defining the Problem Information Architecture Wire-Framing Low-fi Mid-fi Empathizing – Knowing the user Persona Scenarios & Story Boarding High Fidelity Design Surveys & Interviews Research Prototyping & Evaluation Ideate Affinity Diagrams Presentation Low Fidelity Prototype MidMid-Fidelity Prototype Defining the Problem Information Architecture Wire-Framing Low-fi Mid-fi Empathizing – Knowing the user Persona Scenarios & Story Boarding High Fidelity Design Surveys & Interviews Research Prototyping & Evaluation Ideate Affinity Diagrams Presentation https://www.figma.com/file/61Y0hO5FK8VAvJyazhVa5B/Sehyog-Make-aChange?node-id=0%3A1 https://www.figma.com/proto/61Y0hO5FK8VAvJyazhVa5B/Sehyog-Make-aChange?node-id=1%3A2&scaling=min-zoom Defining the Problem Information Architecture Wire-Framing Low-fi Mid-fi Empathizing – Knowing the user Persona Scenarios & Story Boarding High Fidelity Design Surveys & Interviews Research Prototyping & Evaluation Ideate Affinity Diagrams Presentation https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10JeWejh2t36Jgad78r7uYeZI LmFJQMIcoDzqCaznT7I/edit Thanks! 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