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Tragic Hero Worksheet: Creative Writing Exercise

Isn't It Tragic? Assessment
You've been promoted from plebeian to playwright and are tasked with creating the starring character in a
modern-day tragedy. Your tragic hero should:
be a good person at the core, but with a tragic personality trait
come from a "noble" upbringing and seem to have it all
suffer terrible consequences and lose everything as a result of their tragic personality trait
Complete the table with your innovative ideas for a tragic hero and their journey to a tragic demise. Respond
in complete sentences using creative insight that reflects your understanding of the tragic hero archetype.
Name: Alexander o
My Tragic Hero's
Name and
In 2-3 sentences describe your tragic hero: Alexander is a kindhearted man and
wants to help everyone in need, even if he gets hurt in the process. He is very
trusting and loyal to his companions. He also gets roused up easily and gets easily
Locate, copy, and paste an image of what your tragic hero looks like or create an
image of your own:
My Tragic Hero's
My Tragedy's
Modern-Day Setting
My Hero's Tragic Flaw,
Ambition, impetuousness,
indecision, misplaced trust
or loyalty, or pride
External Forces
Which external factors
(like peer pressure) will
contribute to the tragic
hero's downfall?
In 2-3 sentences describe the time, place, social environment, and mood of your
tragedy: He is in Athens, Greece and it starts at a formal ball at sunset. The mood
is cheerful but quickly turns sullen.
The tragic flaw: Misplaced trust and loyalty
In 2-3 sentences explain how the tragic flaw is revealed: He mistrusted his best
friend which led him to hurt a lot of people without meaning to. While trusting
his friend, he went on a mission that ended in death of his beloved.
External force #1: Supernatural
External force #2: Peer pressure
What is the decision that leads to their downfall?
Trusting his best friend and fighting a big monster that resulted in a lot
of destruction.
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Plan Your Plot
Respond to each question
in 1-2 sentences.
What is their sudden or unexpected reversal of fortune? When do they hit rock bottom?
They hit rock bottom when they lose their beloved in the aftermath of
the battle with the monster.
When and how will the tragic hero discover they are responsible for their downfall?
He realizes his responsibilities when his beloved dies and he sees the
destruction of the town, he sees that he is at fault for the deaths of
What lesson will your audience learn from your tragic hero's demise?
That he has to learn who to put his trust in and he should always follow
his gut and not be influenced by others words.
Isn't It Tragic? Rubric
On Target
5-4 points
Tragic Hero's
Name and
(5 points)
Tragic Hero's
(5 points)
(5 points)
Tragic Flaw
(10 points)
Almost There
3 points
Needs Improvement
2-0 points
 The chart includes the tragic  The chart includes the tragic
hero's name and a thoughtful
hero's name and a
description that provides a
description that partially
complete picture of who they
provides a picture of who
they are.
 The tragic hero's name
and/or description are
missing, incomplete, or not
5 points
0 points
 The chart includes an image
of the tragic hero either
pasted or created by the
 The chart does not include an
image of the tragic hero
either pasted or created by
the student.
5-4 points
3 points
2-0 points
 The chart includes the time,
place, social environment, and
mood of the setting of the
 The chart may be missing
time, place, social
environment, and/or mood of
the setting of the tragedy.
 The chart is missing
information relating to
setting or the details are not
10-8 points
7-6 points
5-0 points
 The chart identifies the tragic  The chart identifies the tragic
flaw and thoroughly and
insightfully explains how it
will be revealed.
flaw and attempts to explain
how it will be revealed.
 The chart is missing the tragic
flaw and an explanation, or the
explanation is undeveloped or
Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
10-8 points
External Forces
(10 points)
Plan Your Plot
(20 points)
7-6 points
 The chart identifies and
 The chart identifies and
thoroughly explains two
attempts to explain two
external forces that lead to the
external forces that lead to the
tragic hero's downfall.
tragic hero's downfall.
5-0 points
 The chart is missing one or
20-16 points
15-12 points
both external forces and/or
their explanations, or the
explanations are undeveloped
or unclear.
11-0 points
 Each of the four plot
elements of the tragic hero's
journey are skillfully and
thoughtfully communicated
in complete sentences.
 There is an attempt to
 There is little to no attempt
identify each of the four plot
elements of the tragic hero's
journey, but one may be
missing, or the explanations
are vague.
to demonstrate planning of
the four plot elements of the
tragic hero's journey, or two
or more plot elements are
Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.