CS2020: CA2: STUDENT BUDGET TOOL Work submitted: Must be written by you (i.e., not plagiarised, not copied-and-pasted from other sources such as course materials, textbooks, or internet sources, or developed by Generative AI). Must not have been prepared in collaboration with others (collusion) Must be prepared by you and not by a third party (contract cheating). Must not use an automatic (“AI”) text generation service. Spell-checkers and grammarcheckers are allowed. Your attention is drawn to the University’s Code of Practice on Student Discipline (Academic) which outlines the standard penalties that will be applied to any student who is found to have committed academic misconduct. These penalties could include expulsion from the University. Course/assignment-specific information Student ID: Signature: (To make your signature, either type your name in the box, or sign by hand, photograph, and convert to pdf.) I confirm that the work I am submitting is my own work, written in my own words by me without help from other people or AI services. *** This cover sheet MUST be attached/uploaded along with your assessment. ***