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Unity in Diversity: Exploring India's Rich Heritage

diversity in India
India is a land of “Unity in diversity”. The high mountain ranges, vast seas , large
river-irrigated lands, countless rivers and streams, dark forests, sandy deserts, all
these have adorned India with an exceptional diversity. Among the people
there are numerous races, castes, creeds, religions and languages.
Meaning of “Unity in Diversity”
 The term “Unity in diversity” refers to the state of togetherness or oneness inspite of presence of immense diversity.
 “Unity in diversity” is based on the concept where the individual or social
differences in physical attributes, skin color, castes, creed, cultural and
religious practices, etc. are not looked upon as a conflict. Rather, these
differences are looked upon as varieties that enrich the society and the
nation as a whole.
 It means collective of differences which mark off one group of people
from other .
 It means variety of groups and cultures.
 We have such variety and abundance in India.
 We have variety of races, religions, casts, and cultures.
 For this India is known for its socio cultural diversity .
• It means instigation.
• A sense of one-ness, sense of we-ness.
 Has 29 states and 7 union territories.
 Total population of 1.38 billion.
 There are 23 official languages of 415languages and 900dialects
in India.
 National language is Hindi and most commonly used language is
English .
Racial diversity in India
 Racial diversity refers to people belonging to various races and ethnic
groups having different physical characteristics living together in India.
 Indian subcontinent has been divided into four racial groups- the Negritos, the
Proto-Australoids, the Proto-Australoids, the Mongoloids, and the Mediterraneans.
linguistic diversity
 Linguistic diversity is sometimes a specific measure of the density of
language, or concentration of unique languages together.
 India is a linguistically diverse country as different regions have
different languages. For example, people of Maharashtra speak
Marathi, whereas people living in Karnataka speak Kanada.
According to a survey, there are about 780 languages spoken in
Religious diversity.
 Religious diversity is the fact that there are significant differences in
religious belief and practice.
 India is the only country in the world to have so many
religions. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity ,
Zoroastrianism etc. are all practiced here.
Cultural diversity
 Diversity is the coexistence of different people, plants, animals, etc. It can
also be defined as the differences in individual characteristics of a person
or a thing. For example, India exhibits diversity as various people practise
different religions, speak different languages and have different ethnicity.
Food and culture
 They eat meat and milk products like cheese and butter. Kerala is a coastal
region. The fertile land and climate are suited to growing rice and a
majority of people here eat rice, fish and vegetables. The clothes they
wear: Ladakhi people wear woolen clothes including pashmina shawls
because it is very cold there.
 Though India has preserved it's traditions it has been absorbing customs
and traditions from several Invaders who settled down in India. In modern
India also, there is a great cultural diversity in various stages and regions of
our country.
 India is a large country.
 Different regions observe different climate.
 Spoken language in different state is different than other.
 People were different type of clothes.
 They celebrate different festival and different rituals.
 In spite of these diversities, people of India feel a sense of unity and oneness among them as Indian .
 Thus India is land of Unity in Diversity .
Adrito Chakrabarti
Class 6 B, Narayana School ,
Sonarpur , West Bengal