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21st Century Skills: Multimedia, ICT, and Digital Storytelling

LESSON 3 – 21st Century
What is Multimedia?
Multimedia is the use of a computer to present and combine text, graphics, audio, and
video with links and tools that let the user navigate, interact, create, and communicate.
Advantages of using Multimedia in Education
It has made education for specially-able students easier.
It spurs the students to learn more.
It is easier to learn from images rather than text.
Audios are the best source of improving pronunciation in students.
Graphics make learning process interesting and engaging.
Now-a-days even small kids have started using multimedia and have started learning at a very
early age because of multimedia.
Importance of using Multimedia in Education
Multimedia plays an important role in today’s society and in education because society now is
keeping up with the times. The multimedia is a good way for communication because it is easy
to communicate and understand what they say. After that, multimedia has animation, music,
video and more of this. It is easier to attract people to listen what you talking about.
Multimedia also is easier to deliver what you want to say. If they don’t know what you say, they
can see what you do in multimedia, because multimedia is making things easier to understand.
Multimedia Skills You Need to Become a Competent Artist
 Creativity
 Communication Skills
 Management Skills
 Problem-Solving Skills
Data Management and Queries Develop and manage data using spreadsheets to be able to
analyze that data and recognize trends and patterns such as Microsoft Excel.
Online Research
able to sift through all the information online to find what you need involving basic online
information management skills.
Email Management and Setup
able to effectively and successfully communicate via email.
Social Media Management
Use of social media such Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest in valuable
Desktop Publishing
Creation of materials that need to be printed and distributed such as fliers, brochures,
newsletters, and more. using desktop publishing software like MS Publisher, MS Powerpoint,
MS Word, Print Setting , and etc.
Online Collaboration
Sharing information with your coworkers, or friends, online such as a meeting to a shared
online calendar, providing feedback on a document through a web-based document
application, and holding an online video conference with colleagues.
Smartphones and Tablets
The use of smartphones and tablets so it is easily accessible during certain hours of the day.
Word Processing
In this day and age, it is expected that individuals know how to use word processing
technology to be able to produce written documents (including business letters, meeting
minutes, and more) using a computer processor such as Microsoft Word.
What is literary adaptation?
A comic strip is a sequence of drawings in boxes that tells an amusing story, typically printed in
a newspaper or comic book.
What is ICT?
ICT stands for 'Information Communication Technology'. Everyday usage of digital technology
includes when you use a computer, tablet or mobile phone, send email, browse the internet,
make a video call - these are all examples of using basic ICT skills and technology to
Literary adaptation is the adapting of a literary source (e.g. a novel, short story, poem) to
another genre or medium, such as a film, stage play, or video game.
It refers to the process of translating a creative work from one medium to another: a novel
adapted into a film, for example. Hamlet has been adapted into operas: Ambrose Thomas' 1868
version in French, and Franco Faccio's 1865 Amleto in Italian.
Digital Storytelling
Information and communications technology (ICT) skills refer to one’s ability to converse with
people through various technologies. Similar to information technology (IT), ICT refers to
technology use for regular, everyday tasks: sending an email, making a video call, searching the
internet, using a tablet or mobile phone, and more. Ironically, ICT skills could also include the
ability to use older communication technologies such as telephones, radios, and televisions.
Typically, ICT experts are called upon to integrate old communication technology with the new
technology. Almost every job requires some ICT skills, and many require hybrid skills, a skill
set that is a mix of technical and non-technical skills.
The process of crafting the digital story builds communication, creativity, visual and sound
literacy, and project management skills. Frames helps you engage your audience with features
like pan and zoom, the ability to match frame duration to sound recording, and more.