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My Favorite Type of Holiday

Robin-Philip Rehschuh – 11FO3
My Favorite Type
of Holiday
Table of contents
• Favorite Holiday Type
• Reasons for Preference
• Holiday Experiences
• Future Holiday Plans
• Importance of Holidays
• Recommendations/Evaluation
• Conclusion
Favorite Holiday Type
• less crowded city spots
• Airbnb or quality hotel
• good food, hotel breakfasts, local restaurants
• relaxed schedule with minimal plans
• self-organized
• Italy, Spain, and Portugal
Reasons for Preference
• freedom to plan my own itinerary
• personalized touch
• relaxation without a busy schedule
• unique and memorable experiences
Holiday Experiences
Portugal (Algarve)
• Road trip
• In April
• Stops: France and Spain (Barcelona)
• 28-hour journey
• stunning views
• Stunning coastal beauty
• Perfect mix: Beach, villages, cities
Austrian Mountain
• Own mountain hut in Austria
• Animals (cows and goats)
• Great views
• Winter getaway
• snowboarding
• Rome during the fall break.
• Beautiful city
• Lots of ancient buildings
• Napoli in the summer break.
• Really crowded, but the best pizza
• not very beautiful
Future Holiday Plans
• visit family in the United States
• Los Angeles
• New York (already visited)
• USA round trip
• Japan
• South Africa
• stunning landscapes
Importance of Holidays
• breaks from routine, recharge
• quality time
• exposure to new cultures
• memories
• road trip
• Freedom
• Diverse landscapes / hidden gems
• Choose your own pace
• Algarve region (Portugal)
• stunning coastal beauty
• Beaches
• charming villages
• perfect blend of relaxation and
• Rome (Must-Visit)
• rich history & cultural treasures
• personalized experiences
• flexibility
• Relaxation
• lasting memories
• central to a fulfilling and balanced life
What makes holidays (vacations) important to you?
Thanks for watching!
• Weihnachten in New York: Warum sich ein Besuch zur Adventszeit lohnt: in: geo.de, 08.10.2021, [online]
• Frühstück für 3 Personen. (n.d.). https://de.ritzcarltonberlin-experiences.com/vouchers/c454abd9-17c6-5660dcd0-c10fd6860737/fr%C3%BChst%C3%BCck-f%C3%BCr-3-personen
• Japan Reisedauer: Wie viele Tage sind ideal? | Tourlane: 25.08.2023, [online]
• Luxuriöse Villen & Ferienunterkünfte | Luxury Retreats | Airbnb Luxe. (n.d.). Airbnb.
• Everything else: own pictures and experiences