PROBATION EVALUATION FORM (PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL ) Employee Name: _______ Business: ________ ____ Position: Date in Position: __ ____________ “Probation Evaluation” is an opportunity for new employees to receive feedback on hisher positions! "he definitions of the ratin#s are as follows: Evidence of Skill: ! " E$cellent E$ceeds E$pectation %eets E$pectation Pe%fo%&'nce 'nd Co&eencie* 'nte#rity (eadership )kill *ob Performance +orkin# &ttitude ,ustomer -ocus &nalytical skills # N$A Do Not meets E$pectation ! " Not &pplicable # Problem )olvin# )kill Pro.activeness ,ontinuously seek learnin# opportunities and feedback 'nterpersonal and ,ommunication )kills ,ollaboration Ove%'ll Sco%e Secific *%en+,* (Ple'*e de*c%i-e -e,'vio% 'nd *i.'ion/ STAR): STAR): Secific '%e'* of develo&en 'nd 'cion* fo% ,e ne0 12#" &on,*: Pee%3* Co&&en*: Ne0 Move*: Pass probation ,ontinue service with performance improvement plan "e "erminate rminate the employment contract! Employee/s Name Date %ana#er/s Name Date 01 Director/s Name Date N$A