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No 1 Description of Question The aggregate of all the mutually interacting units – big or small, sentient or insentient together can be called a) Nature b) Institution c) Market d) Organisation Human beings are dependent on the _______ for soil, minerals and metals. 2 a) Material Order b) Bio Order c) Animal Order d) None of the above Clarity of harmony in nature, self-organization and innateness means clarity in ___________ 3 a) a) Thoughts b) b) Contemplation c) c) Understanding d) Realization What are the 3 things, the human has to focus on? 4 (I) To understand the coexistence (II) To ensure feeling and thought of coexistence (III) To live in coexistence, to live with authentication (IV) To live with preconditioning and sensation (V) To live with focus on being rich. a) I,IV,V b) III,IV,V c) II,IV,V d) I,II,III 5 Human beings have to live in coexistence witha) Human beings b) Rest of nature c) Both a and b d) None of the above 6 7 8 What is ensured when Human beings live with authentication in coexistence with other human beings? a) Excitement b) Physical facility c) Mutual happiness d) Mutual prosperity What is ensured when Human beings live with authentication in coexistence with rest of nature? a) Excitement b) Physical facility c) Mutual happiness d) Mutual prosperity Mutual prosperity meansa) Prosperity of both human beings and rest of nature. b) Prosperity of rest of nature and animals c) Prosperity of human beings and material order 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 d) None of the above To ensure justice from family to world family is said asa) Work b) Behaviour c) Undivided human society d) Judgment Which among the following feelings is not naturally acceptable to me? a) The feeling of relationship b) The feeling of harmony c) Feeling of struggle d) The feeling of co-existence What indicates “I will be in a state of continuous happiness”? a) By ensuring the feeling of relationship, harmony, co-existence b) By expanding my thought of how to live in relationship, harmony, co-existence c) By living with the outside world in relationship, harmony, co-existence d) All of the above What are the three realities to know for a human being? a) Knowledge of Self, body and physical facilities b) Knowledge of Individual, family and physical facilities c) Knowledge of human being, existence and human conduct d) Knowledge of body, physical facilities and utilization of physical facilities The property of a unit by virtue of which it ensures its participation in this existence is called itsa) Innateness b) Co-existence c) Natural characteristic d) Conformance The property or characteristic which can’t be separated from any of the units in this existence is called a) Innateness b) Co-existence (submergence) c) Natural characteristic d) Conformance What is the innateness of TULSI PLANT (OR ANY PLANT)? a) Existence+ growth b) Cruelty/non-cruelty c) Nurture/worsen d) Will to live in Self Self (I) or Jeevan is continuously active because a) Self is Gathansheel b) Self is Gathanpurna c) Self is energized and has activities d) All of the above Which among the following is not a Dynamic Activity? a) Authentication b) Determination c) Imaging d) Tasting Policy for intake-lifestyle to ensure health of Body a) Policy for enrichment for self b) Policy for enrichment for body c) Policy for enrichment for physical facilities 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 d) All of the above Suraksha of nature through enrichment, protection and right utilization leads to _______ in nature. a) Right Understanding b) Prosperity c) Fearlessness d) Coexistence The human goal at the level of society is _______. a) Prosperity b) Fearlessness c) Co-existence d) Right Understanding Competence in professional ethics refer to : a) Ability to utilise power effectively b) Ability to augment the universal human order c) Ability to make profit d) Both b and c Natural acceptance of values will develop……… a) Self-respect b) Power c) Harmony d) Prosperity ………….. is only a means to achieve what consider valuable for human being in an effective and efficient manner a) Technology b) Suggestion c) Power d) Education Humanistic education leads to ……… a) Human conduct, human constitution, and universal human order. b) Self-respect, Prosperity and dignity c) Professionalism, Attitude and Success d) Technology, Power and Individual Growth The role of education is essentially to facilitate ………. a) Holistic development b) Individual development c) Harmony d) Prosperity Competence in professional ethics refer to …. a) Ability to utilise power effectively b) Ability to augment the universal human order c) Ability to make profit d) Both (b) and (c) Purpose of value education is to….. a) Foster universal core values b) Make syllabus easy c) Develop value in individual d) Both (a) and (c) Values important for relationship are many they may include… a) Aggression b) Competition c) Integrity and character 29 30 31 32 d) Arrogance The definitiveness of ethical human conduct is understood in terms of definiteness of… a) Values, Policies and character b) Harmony, Prosperity and c) Respect, Dignity and Attitude d) Aggression, Competition and Integrity Humanistic constitution refer to … a) the creation of clear guidelines & policy framework b) safe guard social justice c) develop universal human order d) All of the above Humanistic constitution subsides conflicts raging from a) Family level to global level. b) Family to society c) Society to nation level d) Both (a) and (b) The salient features characterizing the competence in profession are: a) Clarity about the comprehensive human goal. b) Competence of mutually fulfilling behaviour. c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above 33 There are three broad criteria to guide the development of holistic technologies and system: a) Catering to appropriate needs and lifestyles b) People friendly c) Eco-friendly d) All of the above 34 What are the four orders in nature? a) Material Order, Plant /Bio Order, Animal Order, Human Order b) Material order, Court order, Government order, Human order c) Public order, Government order, Court order, Human order d) None of the above The human beings, animals, lumps of matter as well as various atoms and molecules, are all …….. a) Units b) Space c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above 35 Course Outcomes - After Completion of this course student will - CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 Answers: Q.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ans. a a c d c c d a c c Q.No 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ans. d c c b a c d b d b Q.No 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Name & Signature of Paper Setter:- Ashish Taywade Date:- Ans. d a a a a d d c a d Q.No 31 32 33 34 35 Ans. a c d a a