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BS ISO 8611:1991 Pallet Test Methods

BSI BS*ISO*B611 91 m Lb24669 0 4 5 9 4 7 0 370 m
Implementation of
IS0 8611 : 1991
General-purposeflat pallets
for through transit of goods Test methods
UDC 621.869.82 : 620.1
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
8611 : 1991
BSI BS*ISO*Bb11 91 W 1624669 0459471 207
BS IS0 8611 : 1991
Committees responsible for this
British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee
PKM/3, Package and unit load dimensions, upon which the following bodies
were represented:
British Apparel and lèxtile Confederation
British F’ibreboard Packaging Association
British Glass Manufacturers’ Confederation
British Industrial ”ruck Association
British Plastics Federation
British Retail Consortium
British Rubber Manufacturers’ Association Ltd.
British Soluble Coffee Manufacturers’ Association
British Timber Merchants’ Association
Chamber of Shipping
Chemical Industries Association
Department of Transport
Engineering Equipment and Materials Users’ Association
Federation of the Electronics Industry
Food and Drink Federation
Health and Safety Executive
Institute of Logistics
Ministry of Defence
National Materials Handling Centre
Power Fastenings Association
Pira International
Road Haulage Association Ltd.
Storage Equipment Manufacturers’ Association
Timber Packaging and Paliet Confederation
Standards Board and comes into
effect on
15 March 1995
Amd. No.
’Ext affected
0BSI 1995
The following BSI references
relate to the work on this
Committee reference PKM/3
Draft for comment 89/45169 DC
ISBN O 580 23920 9
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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1624669 0 4 5 9 4 7 2 1 4 3
BS IS0 8611 : 1991
National foreword
This British Standard reproduces verbatim IS0 8611 : 1991 incorporating
%chnical Corrigendum 1 : 1991 and implements it as the UK national standard.
It supersedes DD 188 : 1990 which is withdrawn.
This British Standard is published under the direction of the Consumer Products
and Services Sector Board whose %chnical Committee PKM/3 has the
responsibility to:
aid enquirers to understand the text;
- present to the responsible international committee any enquiries on
interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep UK interests informed;
monitor related international and European developments and promulgate
them in the UK.
NOTE. International and European Standards, as weii as overseas standards,are available from
Customer Services, MI, 389 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4AL.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from
legai obligations.
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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L b 2 4 b b 9 0459473 O B T
Second edition
General-purpose flat pallets for through transit
of goods - Test methods
Palettes plates d'usage général pour le transport de marchandises Mdthodes d'essai
Reference number
is0 861 1:1991(E)
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0459474 TLb
IS0 8611:1991 (E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the
work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the member
bodies casting a vote.
International Standard IS0 861 1 was prepared by Technical Commitlee
ISO/TC 51, Pallets for unit load method of materials handling.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition ( I S 0
8611:1988), and a wing pallet test (8.3) has been added
Ali rights reserved. No part of this pubiicatlon may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, InClIJding photocopying and microfilm, without
permlsslon In writing from the pubilsher.
International Organlzatlon for Standardization
Case Postale 56 CH-1211Geneve 20 Swltzeriand
Printed In Switzerland
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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BSI BS*ISO*BbLL 91 W 1624667 0 4 5 9 4 7 5 952
I S 0 8611:1991(E)
The tests specified in this International Standard are particularly appropriate for testing pallet prototypes. They may also be valuable in pointof-manufacture, quality assurance and field testing of pallets, but it is
not intended that these tests be used for research purposes. Tests to
establish data for pallet research will normally be considerably more
comprehensive than those contained in this International Standard.
The majority of pallets are of conventional timber design. The tests
specified in this International Standard are, to a large degree, applicable
to such pallets. As new designs and materiais, particularly plastics, are
introduced, a pallet which meets the requirements for conventional timber designs may, however, be unfit for use in normal transit by virtue
of undesirable properties. In such instances, the inclusion of special
tests and special climatic conditioning prior to testing may have to be
considered. Extension of the duration of the loading tests may also be
Suggested levels of performance in relation to the tests specified in this
International Standard are given in ISûíTR 10233:1989, General-purpose
flat pallets for through transit of goods - Perlormance requirements.
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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BSI BS*ISO*8611 91 W L b 2 4 6 6 9 0459476 8 9 9
I S 0 8611:1991(E)
General-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods
Test methods
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies test methods
for general-purpose flat pallets. The tests are principally intended for the evaluation of existing pallets
or of new designs oí pallet in relation to their designed load capacity
for the purposes of this International Standard, the
definitions given in IS0 445 apply.
4 Measurement and checking of test
The tests may also be of value in
a) testing individual pallet components:
b) development of prototype pallets:
research into basic performance (though these tests
are not as comprehensive as most research requires
see note 7);
d) evaluation of pallets from in-ilse failure siiuations;
e) testing al point of manufacture (unconditioned)
Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this International Standard At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid All standards are subject to revision, and parties to
agreements based on this International Standard
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying lhe most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and I S 0 maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards
I S 0 445.1984. Pallets for materials handling - Vocabulary.
- Complete, filled
transport packages - Horizontal impact tests
(horizontal or inclined plane test; pendulum test).
IS0 2244 : 1985, Packaging
Pallets selected for testing shall be checked to
ensure that materials, constriiction and dimensions
conform with any stated specification (see clause
4.2 The mass of each pallet shall also be determined and recorded, together with the moisture
content oí individual components at the time of
weigh ing (where appropriate)
5 Number of replicates and sequence of
When evaluating a pallet in relation to its designed
load capacity, a minimum of three replicates shall
be tested. The complete sequence of tests shall be
carried out consecuiively in the exact order laid
down in this International Standard. Wing pallets
shall undergo all eight tests listed in clauses 8 and
9; other types of pallets shall undergo seven tests,
i e excluding the test described in 8.3.
For each complete sequence of tests, the same
pallet shall be used, including those tests where it
is necessary to test the pallet across both of its
horizontal axes.
6.1 Temperature and moisture are known to affect
pallets of a number of materials both under test and
in the field. Conditioning prior to testing takes account of the reaction of the pallet material to the test
environment and ensures valid and repeatable test
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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I S 0 8611:1991(E)
A further purpose of conditioning is to predict the
behaviour of identical pallets under the extreme
conditions that may be encountered in transit while
loaded with goods.
Table1 includes details of conditioning environments relevant to pallet usage. They shall be
applied as follows:
a) the moisture content of timber pallets should not
be less than 18 %. If the moisture content is below this value, the test may proceed provided
that the moisture content of critical components
is recorded every 24 h until completion of the test
b) at least one specimen of a plastics pallet shall
be conditioned to environment A and a further
pallet to environment B;
c) at least one speciment of paper-based and
wood-based pallets shall be conditioned to environment C or D.
Composite pallets consisting of two or more
materials, for example hollow plastics blocks supporting
plywood decks, may have to undergo more extensive
6.3 Where conditioning is relevant and the whole
test laboratory cannot be maintained at the required
level, then tests shall commence within 1 h after the
pallet has been removed from the conditioning
chamber. When environments A and B apply, the
tests shall commence immediately aRer the pallet
has been removed from the conditioning charriber.
Table 1
Conditioning environment
Immediately after each individual test, specimens
subjected to environments A or B shall be returned
to the conditioning chamber for a minimum of 1 h.
6.4 For wood or wood-based materiais, a record
shall be made of the moisture content in selected
components at the beginning of the full test program me.
Accuracy of test apparatus
7.1 Test apparatus described in clauses 8 and 9
shall satisfy the following requirements:
a) in the design of the test equipment, the tolerances on all dimensions shall be & 2 %;
b) the resolution/acciJracy of measuring equipment
for tests shall be better than f 0,5 mm;
c) the accuracy of positioning of every component,
excluding the test load, shall be I2 mm;
d) the accuracy of positioning of the centre of gravity of the test loads referred to in clause 8 shall
be k 2 0 mm;
e) the total mass of the test loads used shall be
within I 3 % of the predetermined value.
7.2 No pari of any test rig shall deflect an amount
greater than 2 mm when under maximum test load.
7.3 The inclined-plane apparatus shall be constructed as specified in IS0 2244.
- Conditionina environments
Pallet material
Unprocessed (sawn) timber
with metal fastenings
No conditioning required [see 6.2 a)]
25 f 5
20 f 5
40 f 2
Paper-based and processed
wood (for example plywood,
particle board)')
No conditioning required
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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All metal
= Lb24667
0457478 b b l
IS0 8611:1991(E)
Static tests
For all static tests described in 8.1 t o 8.4, lhe test
load applied shall include in all cases the mass of
any load board and load applicators.
Load applicator
Load and load applicator placed
over outer Mock
Stacking test
r Load board
Load 7
The purpose of this test is to determine the compression strength of the pallet or pallet corner block
to localized vertical loads.
Deformation measurements
When tested in accordance with the method specified in 8.1.2, the change in the height,
of the top
deck at point A, as showri in figure 1, relative to the
ground (or test frame) shall be recorded
a) at the datum load (see 8.1 2);
b) at the beginning and end of the lull-load period;
c ) upon unloading, at the datum load (see 8.1.2),
every 5 min until successive readings are identical (limited to a maximum period of 1 h).
The deflection ai A is established by taking the
mean value of measurements at points A, and A?
(see figure 1).
L L o a d board (or test machine platen)
Load applicator over one outer block (deflection
measured at points A, and A,)
'"""7 rLoa
Load applicator
Similar measurements shall be made relating to
point B when the test is repeated on the diagonally
opposite corner (see 8.1.2).
flush with edge of pallet
8.1.2 Procedure
Place the pallet in a normal position on a flat, liard,
rigid, horizontal surface. Place a rigid load
200 mm x 200 mm
x 25 mrn over an outer block [as shown in
figurei a)] or, in the case of a stringer pallet, over
one end of a stringer [as shown in figure 1 b)].
Gradually apply the test load at a uniform rate from
O to 0,25R,
where R is the designed load capacity of
the pallet, assuming an evenly and uniformly distributed load. This shall be the datum for subsequent
deflection measurements.
Load board
b) Load appl/cator over one end of a stringer
(deflection measured at points A, and A,)
Figure! 1 -. Stacking test
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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L b 2 4 b b ï O459479 5 T B W
IS0 8611:1991(E)
Apply the full test load of l , l R , per loaded block, for
not less than 1 min and not more that1 5 min. If
deadweight is used for the test load, it shall be
symmetrically built up during loading. Keep the full
test load in place for a period dependent on the
pallet material (see table 2).
Reduce the test load to the datum load for the
necessary period [see 8.1.1 c)].
l a k e deflection measurements relating to point A
(see 8.1.1).
Repeat the test at point B (see figure i)so that the
test shall have been carried out on twc> diagonally
opposed corners of the pallet. l a k e a fiJrtlier set of
deflection measurements relating to poin! B (see
Alternatively the test may be carried out on
several corners simultaneously with an appropriate iricrease in full test load (¡.e. 2,2R on two coiners or 4,4R
on four corners).
Deflection measurements shall be made at all t1.e
corners under test
Table 2 - Test load duration for static tests
Pallet material
Unprocessed (sawn) timber with
metal fastenings
Paper-based and processed wood
(for example plywood, particle
Test period
All metal
Composite containing plastics
Pallet assembled with adhesives
Bending test
The purpose of this test is to determine t h e stiffness
and flexural strength of the coniple?e pallet
8.2.1 Defiaction measurements
When tested in accordance with t h e iiiethod spec¡fied in 8.2.2, the deflection at points A and 3, as
shown in figure 2, measiired relative to the ripper (or
lower) surface of the top or bottom decks and the
ground (or test frame) shall be recorded
a) al the datum load (seri! 8 2.2);
b) at the beginning and end of the full-load period;
c) upon unloading, at the da!iiin load (see 8.2.2),
every 5 min unlil successive readings are identical (limited to a maxinicim period of 1 h).
The distance between the decks, li, directly under
the load applicators shall be measured so that data
on the minimum fork entry heights tinder full load
cari be obtairied
Similar measurements shall be made at points C
and D and between the decks when the test is repeated along the second horimntal axis of the pallet
{see 8.2.2)
Place the pallet. top deck uppermost, on square (or
semi-circular) section supports positioned with their
m i d e edges (or centre lines) 75 mm from the outer
edge of ihe pallet (see figure 2).l h e load applicators
shall be positioned at 11,251, when measured as
shown, where I, is the distance between the inside
edges (square section) or ceriii-e lines (semi-circular
section) of the pallet 61ippoi-t~
(see íiyure 2).
Load applicators and supports *shall be flush with or
[iroject beyond the pillet. Edges shall be relieved
with 2 nim radii as s h o w it? ficlrire 3
Gradually applv the test loxi al a uniform rate from
O to 0.1R. This shall be th? datum for subsequent
deflection ineasiirements. Apply t h e full test load of
1,25R for not less thai-i 1 v i t i and not more than
5 min. If deadweight i!; iiced f o r the test load, it shall
be symnietricaliy built up diiririy loading. Keep the
full test load in place for a period dependent on the
pallet material (see table 2)
Reduce the test load t o lhe datum load for the
necessary Deriori [ s e e 8.2.l cJ1.
'rake deflection measurerrents at points A and B
(see 8 2.1).
Repeat the test along the semnd horizontal axis of
the pallet (¡.e. both leiigih and width are tested) with
the load applicators positioned at 0,2512 when
measured as shown from ihe inside edges or centre
Unes of the pallet suppcir%, vrliere ,/ is the distance
between inside edger, or i:entte lines of the pallet
supporis (see figure 2 aiirl 1igrrr.e3).
.4 further set of deflection rrie;xiurwnents shall be
take1 at points C and D ( s e i 82.1).
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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BSI BS*IS0*8611 ?II
= II624667 0457480
I S 0 8611:1991(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
Load board
Test load
Figure 2
- Bending test (see also figure3)
8.3 Wing pallet test
The purpose of this test is to determine the stiffness
and flexural strength of a complete wing pallet when
lifted with bar slings. The test shall be carried out
on wing pallets only. immediately after the bending
test described in 8 2.
Deflection measurements
When tested in accordance with the method specified in 8.3.2,the deflection at points A and B, as
shown in figure 4, measured relaiivc to the upper (or
lower) surface of the top or bottom decks aiid the
ground (or test frame) shall be recorded
c) upon unloading, at lhe datum load (see 8.3.2),
every 5 min until successive readings are identical (limited i o a niaximum period of 1 h).
8.3.2 Procedure
Place the wing pallet, top deck uppermost, on supports positioned beneath the wings of the top deck
such that each support touches the outer
stringer/bearer or blocks Each load applicator shall
be positioned such that lhe dimension from the inside edge oí the support to the outside edge of the
load applicator shall be 0.251,. as shown in figure 4.
Load applicators and supports are as described in
a) at the datum load (see 8.3.2);
b) at the beginning and end of the full-load period;
The test simulates the effect of bar slings but
not rope slings.
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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I S 0 8611:1991(E)
Dlmensions in mlliimetres
Line of contact
Line of contact
Figure 3
- Alternative pallet supports and/or load applicators
Dimensions in miiiimetres
y Load
Load board
Load applicator
Figure 4
- Wing pallet test (see also figure 3)
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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Test load
L b 2 4 6 6 9 0 4 5 9 4 8 2 O92
Gradually apply the test load at a uniform rate from
O to 0,lR. This shall be the datum for subsequent
deflection measurements. Apply the full test load of
1,25R for not less than 1 min and not more than
5 min. If deadweight is used for the test load, it shall
be symmetrically built up during loading. Keep the
fulltest load
in place for a period dependent On the
pallet material (see table 2).
Reduce the test load
to the
necessary period [see 8.3.1 c)].
load for the
Take deflection measurements at points A and B
(see 8.3.1).
Bottom deck test
l h e purpose of this test is to determine the stiffness
and flexural strength of the bottom deckboards between support points.
8.4.1 Deflection measurements
When tested in accordance with the method specithe deflections at points A, B, C and D,
fled in 8.4.2,
as shown in figure
5, measured relative to the upper
or lower surface of the bottom deck and the ground
(or test frame) shall be recorded
a) at the datum load (see 8.4.2);
b) at the beginning and end of the full-load period;
c) upon unloading, at the datum load (see 8.4.2),
every 5 min until successive readings are identical (limited to a maximum period of 1 h).
Similar measurements shall be made at points E, F,
and H. as shown in
when the
is repeated on the second horizontal axis of the Pallet
(see 8.4.2).
Place the top deck of the pallet downwards on a flat,
hard, rigid horizontal surface and place two square
or semi-circular section load applicators, as shown
in figure 5, so that the centres of the load applicators
are midway between the blocks or the stringers (i.e.
at 0,5Z., 0,5/, or 0,51,). The load applicators shall
project over or be flush with the edge of the pallet
base and shall be symmetrically placed about the
centre line of the pallet.
Gradually apply the test load at a uniforin rate from
O to 0,lR. This shall be the datum for subsequent
deflection measurements. Apply the full test load of
1,15X,in not less than 1 min and not more than
5 min. If deadweight is used for the test load, it shall
I S 0 861íA991(E)
be symmetrically built up during loading. Keep the
full test load in place for a period depending on the
pallet material (see table 2).
R d u c e the test load to the datum b a d for the
necessary Period (See 8.4.1).
Take deflection measurements at points A,
O (see 8.4.1).
B, C and
For all except stringer pallets, repeat the test along
the second horizontal axis of the pallet (¡.e. both
length and width shall be tested) with the Centres Of
the load applicators placed midway between the
blocks (¡.e. at 0,5Z4) [see figure 5 a) J.
A further set of deflection measurements shall be
taken at points E, F, G and H (see 8.4.1).
Impact tests
The purpose of impact tests it to simulate normal
levels of shock load which are typically transmitted
to pallets in through-transit and to determine the
resistance of the pallet to such loads.
For all three inclined-plane tests, the test load shall
be 0,075R.This test load comprises the load box
having a plan size of 600 mm x 800 mm (see
figure6) plus the load in the box, which shall be
placed in the box in a position dependent upon the
individual test requirements described below. The
detachable supporting edges shall be at least as
long as the pallet under test. The test load shall not
include the weight of the dolly.
For the first two inclined-plane tests (see 9.1.1 and
the dolly is raised 1 WO mm up the incline. For
the third test (see 9.1.3). it is raised only 750 mm
from the point of impact before release Each test
requires three impacts.
9.1.1 Shear test
l h e purpose of this test is to determine the shear
resistance between top and bottom decks. Measurements
When tested in accoidance with the method specified in,
the deflection changes x and y shall
be measured between points A and B and between
points C and D where construction makes this
possible (see figure7). The changes shall be recorded at a number of positions along the impacted
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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B S I BS*ISO*8611
9 1 9 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0 4 5 9 4 8 3 T29
I S 0 8611:1991(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
Centres of load applicators
Test load
(four-way entry)
Test load
b) Four-atringer pallet
Figure 5 - Bottom deck test with pallet inverted
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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E S 1 BS*ISO*Bb11
Lb24667 0459484 965
I S 0 8611:1991(E)
Dimensions in milllmetres
- _ _ +,#I
13 u
I ,
Figure 6 - Load box for inclined-plane tests
Figure 7
- Shear test - Points of measurement
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BSI BS*ISO*8611 71
1624667 0459485 8 T L 9
I S 0 8611:1991(E)
Secure a steel or high-density hardwood barrier,
90 mm x 90 mm in nominal cross-section and at
least as long as the longer dimension of the pallet,
to the face of the backstop. The upper edge of the
barrier shall be 15 mm above the bottom surface of
the pallet (top surface of the dolly) when the dolly is
in its lowest position (see figure 8).
Place the pallet on the dolly of the inclined-plane
testing machine so that when the forward edge of
the pallet is resting against the barrier, the dolly is
75 mm f 25 mm clear of it.
Attach the load box centrally on the pallet and load
with ballast to 0,075R such that loading is central to
the axis of movement down the rails but biased towards the higher end of the box.
Bring the dolly and the loaded pallet to a predetermined position up the incline 1000 mm from the
point of impact, then release.
Repeat the procedure twice more, repositioning the
pallet, load carrier and load before each impact and
then take measurements as specified in
Carry out a similar sequence of three impacts along
the second horizontal axis of the pallet and then
take the specified measiireinents.
Dimensions in miIiimetres
a) Poaition before releaas
bl Position at impact
Figure 8
- Inclined-plane shear test
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Lb2Llbb9 045948b 738
I S 0 8611:1991(E)
9.1.2 Top deck edge Impact test
The purpose of this test is to determine the shunting
resistance of the top leading edge deckboard and,
where applicable, the stringerboard. Measurements
Table3 gives appropriate spacing for impact
slops in order to enable lhe range of I S 0 pallets to be
tested with minimum resetting.
Table 3 - Impact stop spacing
Dlmensions in millimetres
When tested in accordance with the method specified in, deformations x , y , , y , and y3 (see figure 9) shall be recorded. The penetration depth and
general damage at points of impact shall also be
Pallet size
w 1)
IO00 to 1 140
550 Procedure
The inclined-plane tester described previously is
used with the impact stop shown in figure I O .
Place the pallet and load box loaded to a mass of
0,075Ron the dolly of the tester. The load should be
centrai to lhe axis of movement, but biased towards
the lower end of the box.
Align the impact stops with the fork openings of the
pallet at a height that allows the leading board to
touch the top surface of the blade at a point between
1 0 0 m m and 250 mm from the shank lace (see
figure 11). The points of impact shall be within this
area for each impact.
Raise the pallet with Ille dolly until the pallet is
1000 mm from the shank face (see figiire Il),
Repeat the procedure twice more, repositioning the
pallet and load box before each impact, and then
take measurements as specified in
For four-way pallets, carry out a similar sequence
of three impacts along the second horizontal axis of
the pallet and then take the specified measurements.
Figure 9 - Top deck edge impact test - Points of measurement
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IS0 8611:i991(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
Figure 10 - Impaci s t o p for top deck edge and corner impact test rigs
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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Lb24bb9 0459488 500
IS0 8611:1991 (E)
Dimensions in miiiimetres
ai Position before release
Position at impact
Position aíter setting up
impact stop height
Backstop -
bi Settineup position
Load box
ci Plan view of position before release
Figure 11 - Top deck edge impact test rig
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I S 0 8611:1991 (E)
Black impact test
NOTE 6 The test applies only to block pallets. Tests for
other types, including stringer pallets, are being considered for a future edition of this InternationalStandard.
The purpose of this test is to determine the resistance of pallet blocks to eccentric impacts at the
corners. Measurements
When tested in accordance with the method specified in, the displacements x , y and z and the
angles a and /? of blocks (see figure 12) shall be recorded after each impact, together with the indentation depth.
For circular blocks, only displacements y and z and
angle fi shall be recorded. Procedure
Place the pallet, with the load box loaded to 0.075R,
on the dolly of the tester. The load should be central
to the axis of movement, but biased to the upper end
of the box.
Place the pallet so that lines parallel with the direction of travel can be drawn from edges A of the impact stops through points on the front face of the
blocks, as shown in figure 13. The impact stops shall
be positioned accordingly with the top of their leading edge blades 75 mm above the top surface of the
Raise the dolly and pallet so that they will travel
750 mm before impact, then release.
Repeat the procedure twice more, repositioning the
pallet and load box before each impact and then
take measurements as specified in
Carry out a similar sequence of three impacts along
the second horizontal axis of the pallet and then
take the specified measui-einents.
The inclined-plane tester described previously is
used with the impact stop shown in figure I O .
Figure 12 - Displacements x . y and z and angles a and /7
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I S 0 8611:1991 (E)
Dimensions in rnillimetres
U r n p a c t stop
al Position before release
b) Plan view showing position of blocks
L w c t stop
L i m p a c t stop
CI Positions of pallets with square or round blocks
Figure 13
- Impact points in block impact test
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1 6 2 4 6 6 9 O459491 O T 5
I S 0 8611:1991 (E)
9.2 Corner drop test
9.2.2 Procedure
The purpose of this test is to determine the diagonal
rigidity of a pallet.
Drop the pallet, with the related diagonal AB vertical, freely onto the corner from a height H onto a
flat, hard, rigid, horizontal impact surface (see
figure 14). The drop height ZJ shall be as specified in
table4. Carry out the drop three times, always on
the same corner and from the same height.
9.2.1 Deformation measurements
When tested in accordance with the method specified in 9.2.2, the length of diagonal y (see figure 14)
shall be measured before the first drop and after the
third drop. The measurement shall be taken at the
same point in each cycle either when suspended or
in the released position after impact. To avoid the
effects of local deformation, the points A and B (between which the diagonal y is measured) shall each
be approximately 40 mm from the respective corners (see figure 14).
Figure 14
Mass of pallet,. ni
Drop height, ff
m Q 30
ni > 30
1 O00
- Comer drop test
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1624667 0459492 T 3 1
I S 0 8611:i991 (E)
10 Test report
A test report shall be drawn up and shall include the
following information:
any deviations froin the test methods specified in
this International Standard;
a) a reference to this International Standard;
g) the results of the static and impact tests carried
out in accordance with the methods specified in
clauses 8 and 9, respectively;
b) the number of identical pallets tested;
h) the date and place of test;
c) any deviations from any stated pallet specification as regards materials, construction and dimensions;
i) the signature of the person responsible for
carrying out the testing.
dla full description
Of the paliets3 including
moisture content (as appropriate), materials,
construction and dimensions;
e) the relative humidity, temperature and length of
conditioning of the pallets, together with relative
humidity and temperature of the testing laboratory at the time of testing (where appropriate);
NOTE 7 These tests are not as comprehensive as required by most research programmes: for example, accurate comparisons between wood pallets require long-term
conditioning to ensure moisture equilibrium, oven-drying
methods to obtain wood density and moisture content,
pre-selection of wood for preparation of specimen pallet,
taking account of factors such as slope of grain, position
of knots and extent of wane
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8611 : 1991
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