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Social & Developmental Psychology Assignment Cover Sheet

International College of Business and Technology
Assignment Cover Sheet
Module Number and Title
International Diploma in Psychology and
Social and Developmental Psychology
Student Name & No.
Please fill
Hand out date
Submission Date
Assessment type Duration/Length of Weighting of Assessment
Assignment 2
Assessment Type
Written assignment
1500 words
Learner declaration
I, …………………………………………. <name of the student and registration number>, certify that the
work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Marks Awarded
First assessor
IV marks
Agreed grade
Signature of the assessor
International College of Business and Technology
Module: Social and Developmental Psychology
Student: Please fill
Assignment: Assignment 2
Strong features of your work:
Areas for improvement:
Mark Awarded:
Module learning outcomes
1. Human Development
2. Introduction to Social Psychology
Understand the progress before birth and
stages of prenatal development.
Social Identity theory
Famous studies in Social Psychology
Describe the reflexes in infancy.
Personality and individual differences
Explain cognitive development in relation
to Piaget’s theory.
Cultural considerations
Explain moral development in relation to
Kohlberg’s theory.
Discuss the changes that take place in
Please read the assignment questions, assignment guidelines, and submission guidelines
carefully. You need to submit an individual coursework assignment of 1500 words.
Assignment Questions
1. Critically evaluate Piaget’s theory of cognitive development (750 words)
2. Choose one of the below studies and critically evaluate the study’s methods and findings
(750 words)
a. Milgram Obedience Experiment
b. Zimbardo Prison Experiment
c. Robbers Cave Experiment
Harlow's rhesus monkey experiment
Critically evaluate Piaget’s theory of
cognitive development (750 words)
State the assumptions made by the theory.
Provide the original citation.
Describe the stages of cognitive development.
Discuss the strengths and limitations of the
theory and highlight any similarities or
differences with other developmental theories.
Use APA 7th edition style of referencing and intext citations. You will need citations within the
answer as well as a reference list at the end
with the correct formatting.
Choose one of the below studies and
critically evaluate the study’s methods and
findings (750 words)
Milgram Obedience Experiment
b) Zimbardo Prison Experiment
Outline the key details of the study (aim of the
study, research design, sample size, sample
demographics, methods used, key findings).
Provide the original research citation.
Critically evaluate the research methods used in
the study by discussing the strengths and
limitations of the methodology.
Elaborate on the key findings of the study and
critically evaluate them.
Critically discuss the ethical considerations.
Support your points with citations.
Use APA 7th edition style of referencing and intext citations. You will need citations within the
essay as well as a reference list at the end with
the correct formatting.
Robbers Cave Experiment
d) Harlow's rhesus monkey experiment
L4 Marking Criteria
Further to the description listed in the 75% and 85% criteria: Work extends beyond the standard or
work expected at L4 and has features consistent with L5.
Students have demonstrated a full and detailed understanding of the set task and an ability to address
the assignment criteria at an excellent level.
Assessment criteria is addressed at a very good level.
There is strong evidence of an ability to apply detailed knowledge of the topic area. The writing style
is lucid; arguments are well structured, critical and clearly articulated. Basic assumptions are
challenged; the complexity of academic debate is acknowledged.
Assessment criteria is addressed at a good level.
A detailed knowledge of aspects of the topic area is shown; there is evidence of an ability to apply
such knowledge, and perhaps to extend and transform. The writing style is fluent and arguments are
well articulated and substantiated. An ability to evaluate evidence will be shown.
Assessment criteria is addressed at a good level.
A detailed knowledge of aspects of the topic area is shown; there is evidence of an ability to apply,
extend and transform this knowledge. The writing style is fluent and arguments are generally well
articulated and substantiated. An ability to evaluate evidence will be shown.
Assessment criteria is addressed at a good level.
A good knowledge of aspects of the topic area is shown; there is evidence of an ability to apply, extend
and transform this knowledge. The writing style is usually fluent and arguments are generally well
articulated and substantiated. An ability to evaluate evidence may be shown.
Assessment criteria is addressed at a satisfactory level.
A sound knowledge of underlying aspects of the field has been demonstrated throughout. There may
be some minor errors in presentation, but this does not detract from the clarity of expression. The
structure and format of arguments is appropriate and usually substantiated.
Assessment criteria is addressed at a satisfactory level.
A sound knowledge of underlying aspects of the field has been demonstrated. There may be some
errors in presentation, but this does not detract from the clarity of expression. The structure and
format of arguments is appropriate and usually substantiated.
Assessment criteria is addressed at a satisfactory level.
A sound knowledge of underlying aspects of the field has mostly been demonstrated. There may be
errors in presentation, but this does not detract from the clarity of expression. The structure and
format of arguments is generally appropriate and usually substantiated.
Assessment criteria is addressed at a threshold level.
A basic knowledge of the underlying aspects of the topic area is demonstrated throughout. Work is
appropriately structured though some key points may not be logically structured. Although there are
minor faults in the presentation of work the meaning is still clear. Arguments may be generally
substantiated, but may be under-developed in some places.
Assessment criteria is addressed at a threshold level.
A basic knowledge of the underlying aspects of the topic area is demonstrated. Work is appropriately
structured though key points may not be logically structured. Although there are faults in the
presentation of work the meaning is still clear. Arguments may be generally substantiated, but may
be under-developed.
Assessment criteria is addressed at a threshold level.
A basic knowledge of the underlying aspects of the topic area is demonstrated at times. Work is
appropriately structured though key points are not logically structured. Although there are major
faults in the presentation of work the meaning is mostly clear. Arguments may be substantiated at
times and may be under-developed.
The standard of work is unsatisfactory and might best be described as a narrow fail.
Work demonstrates limited knowledge of the topic and may also be irrelevant and inaccurate at times.
Expression of ideas may be confused and poorly expressed. However, understanding of the set task
has been demonstrated.
The standard of work is unsatisfactory and might best be described as a narrow fail.
Work demonstrates limited knowledge of the topic and may also be irrelevant and inaccurate.
Expression of ideas may be confused and clumsily expressed. However, understanding of some
elements of the set task have been demonstrated.
Work is unsatisfactory and represents a fail. Work demonstrates limited knowledge of the topic and
may also be irrelevant and inaccurate. Expression of ideas may be confused and clumsily expressed.
Work is of a poor quality and represents a clear fail. Work presented for assessment will demonstrate
minimal understanding of the set task. Work demonstrates little knowledge of the topic and little
ability to communicate effectively.
Work is very poor. Work presented for assessment demonstrates a misunderstanding of the set task,
be largely irrelevant and/or short.
Work presented for assessment may be short, incomplete and/or irrelevant and demonstrates a
serious lack of comprehension and/or engagement with the set task.
Zero will be awarded where no answer has been attempted. A zero may also be warranted following
an upheld allegation of unfair academic practice.
Submission Guidelines
Submission format
Report - MS Word
 Paper Size:
 Words:
1500 words
 Printing Margins:
LHS; RHS: 1 Inch
 Binding Margin:
½ Inch
 Header and Footer:
1 Inch
 Basic Font Size: 12
 Line Spacing:
 Font Style:
 Alignment:
Left align
The completed assignment should consist of
Please note that plagiarism is treated as a
the following documents:
for this assignment is the final date that
1. Cover Sheet/Title Page
serious offence and therefore the work you
produce must be individual and original
although you may work in groups in certain
You should submit a soft copy of your
completed assignment to ICBT through the
online Student Information System (SIS).
Please note that the submission date given
you can upload the assignment.
2. Feedback form
3. Assignment Brief + Marking Criteria