GLOBAL DEMOGRAPHY GLOBAL DEMOGRAPHY LEARNING OUTCOMES: •Discuss the relationship between population and economic welfare •Identify the effects of over population. •Differentiate the contrasting position over Reproductive health. MEANING OF DEMOGRAPHY • Demography comes from Greek word “Demo” means people and “graphy” means writing or description. • Demography means quantitative study of human person , • The study of statistics such as births, deaths, income, or the incidence of disease, which illustrate the changing structure of human populations. • Population are increasing and decreasing due to birth rate, death and migration LET US DEFINE BIRTHRATE LET US DEFINE BIRTHRATE Birthrate – is the number of individuals born in a population in a given amount of time. Human birth rate is stated as the number of individuals born per year per 1000 in the population. For example, if 35 births occur per year per 1000 individuals, the birth rate is 35. LIFE EXPECTANCY Life expectancy at birth is defined as how long, on average, a newborn can expect to live, if current death rates do not change. However, the actual agespecific death rate of any particular birth cohort cannot be known in advance. If rates are falling, actual life spans will be higher than life expectancy calculated using current death rates. Life expectancy at birth is one of the most frequently used health status indicators. Gains in life expectancy at birth can be attributed to a number of factors, including rising living standards, improved lifestyle and better education, as well as greater access to quality health services. This indicator is presented as a total and per gender and is measured in years. As of 2020 there are 7.8 billion people around the world, we cannot avoid this due to birth rate. WHY DO WE NEED STUDY DEMOGRAPHY? TO KNOW THE INTERCONNECTEDNESS OF POPULATION AND MIGRATION FAMILY- is the smallest unit of the society. The family is where quantitative study done because they have family members. DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN RURAL AND URBAN FAMILIES 1.URBAN FAMILIES –They live in cities, most Parents here is educated and professionals they want one or two kids they devote more in work than parenting they are preparing retirement and for their healthcare and future education of their children. 2.RURAL FAMILIES- There are Big families it has also have extended family because they live in their own house. Rural families they believed that their children takeover their farms, their Parents live with them and take care of their kids. Rural families are responsible agriculture lands to produce food for the people. Many rural families attracted to transfer to urban places because of economic opportunities but not all because they have many children. Some live temporarily and some live permanently due to work. It was said that 191 million people live in other countries than in their own. Some countries like to received immigrants because one reason they can offer lower salary but it also threat to the citizens of that country because reduces job opportunities to their citizens. Canada is the highest in terms of receiving immigrants. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF OVER POPULATION Depletion of Natural Resources Degradation of Environment Conflicts and Wars RISE IN UNEMPLOYMENT High Cost of living Pandemics and Epidemics Malnutrition, starvation and Femine Water Shortage Because of fast growing population around the world they think of family planning. 1. In china because they are over populated they implement one child policy. 2. Compulsory sterilization in Uzbekistan 3. In USA Tittle X The Republic health service Act provides access to contraceptives supplies and information to those in need priority for services is given to people with low income. 4. In Ghana and Bolivian government put into effect a family planning program that included the legalization of abortion. • Some women are fighting for their reproductive rights. In the first world countries or fast developing countries they were able to sustain growth because women are given freedom of choice and access to reproductive technologies. FEMINIST PERSPECTIVE According to feminist perspective the assumption of government that overpopulation is the cause of poverty and environmental degradation is a wrong notion. One suggestion that they need to do is equally distribution of wealth or equality. According to The United Nation in 1994 International conference about Population they suggested to teach women and educate about. The dangers of sexually transmitted disease. The effect of abortion Nature of human sexuality Responsible parenthood. Now because we have 7.8 billion and it is estimated to increase the number of population to 9.5 billion in 2050. 95 % of this population growth usually happen in the developing countries. The problem here is feeding these population so the FAO recommends that… Provide programs for Population and Security Investments in agriculture to prevent food insecurity. Craft long-term policy to illuminate extreme poverty. Social programs example food assistance. Consistent delivery health programs and given priority to education. This were the recommendations to solve the food insecurity of that will happen due continuous growing population.