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BA 310 Applied Statistics Course Syllabus - UOG

BA 310: Applied Statistics for Business Decisions
University of Guam
Fall 2023
Gary A. Hiles, Instructor
Phone: 475-7062
Fax: 475-7060
E-mail: hilesg@triton.uog.edu
Mailbox : SBPA Building 2nd Floor Room 206
Classroom: SBPA Building 2nd Floor Room 219
Withdrawal Deadline Without Transcript Record:
Voluntary Withdrawal Deadline with W Grade:
Petition to Withdraw Deadline:
August 22, 2023
October 4, 2023
December 7, 2023
Course Objectives:
This course addresses the principles and applications of quantitative methods for business and
economics. Course content is presented in four sections:
1. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) & Linear Regression and Correlation
2. Multiple Regression and Correlation Analysis & Time-Series and Forecasting
3. Index Numbers & Nonparametric Methods: Chi-Square Applications & Analysis of
Ranked Data
4. Statistical Quality Control & Introduction to Decision Making
Terminology, Business cases and computer applications are significant components of this
Our readings will be based on the text, Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics
(Fifteenth Edition) Publisher’s website: www.mhhe.com/lind14e
My goal is to make practical many of the principles demonstrated by theory and mathematical
models presented in the text. Your assignments will involve problem solving at two levels: the
quantative with an emphasis on solving equations and interpreting mathematical presentations of
business and economic data.
Class attendance, access to a computer with Microsoft Excel with and the course text. Written
assignments will consist of problems from the text and other materials distributed in class. They
are due on the date assigned. No late work will be accepted for grade. You will have four exams.
The exams will be held on the dates listed in the course schedule. No make-up exams will be
given without prior approval of absence for significant reasons. Make up quizzes will receive
one-half credit. Your grade will be based primarily on your performance on the exams.
Homework, quizzes, class attendance and participation are important to achieving these
objectives and also contribute to the course grade.
Tests: (4) Approx. 20% each - 80%
Quizzes & Homework
– 20%
University of Guam Statements
In line with our School’s program intent in developing ethical professionals, students must
adhere to honesty and giving credit (where applicable) to cited sources on exams and
assignments, respectively. Note that when making reference to published works (secondary data,
etc.), you must provide appropriate credit to your sources. Use the APA Manual as a reference
to how citations and how your reports are to be prepared. Absolutely no credit/points will be
granted for works where cheating (exams) and plagiarism are observed. Plagiarism will result in
automatic failure of the course.
Statement of Accommodation
For individuals covered under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), if
you are a student with a disability requiring academic accommodation(s),
please contact the Disability Support Services Office to discuss your
confidential request. A Faculty Notification letter from the Disability Support
Services counselor will be provided to me. To register for academic
accommodations, please contact or visit Sallie S. Sablan, DSS counselor in
the School of Education, office 110, disabilitysupport@triton.uog.edu or
telephone/TDD 671-735-2460.
Please refrain from the use of body sprays and perfumes which can cause allergic reactions.
No Recording Policy
Recording of online class meetings is not allowed. Not only is the delivery of course content the
intellectual property of the instructor, but students enrolled in the course have privacy rights.
Unauthorized recording and distribution of online courses may violate federal law.
Policy or Schedule Changes
Please see UOG’s webpage for Covid19 information updates and changes.