SAINT LOUIS COLLEGE OF BULANAO Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga OUTCOME- BASED SYLLABUS IN FLUID MECHANICS (Sci.109----BSED 3 MAJOR IN SCIENCE) Prepared By: Submitted To: CLAYDE JHON D. ADDUN, LPT Instructor THERESE GRAIL C. LAWAGAN, Ph.D. Dean for Academic Affairs Noted By: +BP. PRUDENCIO P. ANDAYA, CICM, D.D College President I. SAINT LOUIS COLLEGE OF BULANAO VISION- MISSION We, the Louisians, envision ourselves to be a Christ- centered community of PEACE for the good of our people and for the greater glory of God. Therefore, we commit ourselves to promote: Peace and Justice Consciousness, Ecological and Cultural Awareness, Academic Excellence and competence, Christian Discipleship and Community Leadership, Employability II. INSTITUTION‘S VISION- MISSION The College of Education is envisioned as a Christ-centered, academically competent and culture-responsive community of educational leaders committed to the formation and training of teachers who are: P – eace makers and peace builders in the work areas, in the community and in the nation; E – cological, social and culture-responsive locally, regionally, nationally and globally; A – cademically competent in the application, installation, operation, development, maintenance and administration, and operation, and maintenance. C – hristian leaders and discipline who are exemplars/ paragon of Christian values; and E – ducationally and professionally responsible thus can be easily employed. familiar with hardware installation, III: BSED PROGRAM OUTCOMES: After finishing the BSED program, the students should be able to: PROGRAM OUTCOMES KNOWLEDGE PO1-demonstrate basic and higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning PO2- exhibits a deep and principled understanding of the learning processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in their students. PO3- shows a deep and principled understanding of the hoe educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes. PO4- displays a meaningful and comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter they will teach. SKILLS PO5- apply a wide range of teaching process skills such as in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development taking into consideration the use of indigenous/ recycled materials, educational assessment and teaching approaches. PO6- innovate an alternative teaching approaches, take risks in trying out these innovative approaches and evaluate the effectiveness of such approaches in improving student’s learning. PO7- facilitates meaningful learning of diverse types of learners, in diverse types of learning environments, using a wide range of teaching knowledge and skills. ATTITUDE PO8- practices the professional, responsible, ethical and inclusive requirements of teaching profession. PO9- reflect on the relationships among the teaching processes of the students, the nature of the content/ subject matter, and the broader social forces hindering the school and educational processes in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices. PO10- exhibits the willingness and the capability to continue learning by collaborating with colleagues and other experts in their own fields in order to better fulfil their mission as teachers. VALUES PO11-create a peaceful classroom and inclusive learning friendly environment that provides opportunities and promotes potential of all kinds of learners; and, PO12 – model Christian leadership and discipleship to the school and to the community. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS IV: COURSE OUTCOMES After finishing the course, the students can: PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 CO1- Demonstrate deep understanding of scientific concepts and principles. CO2- Develop a qualitative understanding of fluid mechanics as described by Bernoulli’s and Pascal’s principles. CO3- Mathematically manipulate and apply quantitative problems in fluid mechanics. CO4- Develop appropriate scientific skills based on learned concepts and apply such skills to daily activities.. Legend: L- Learned Outcomes (knowledge, skills, and values) achieved in the subject P- Practiced the learned outcomes (knowledge, skills, values) O- Opportunity to learn and practiced knowledge, skills and values but not taught formally V. COURSE CODE: SCI.108 VI. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE: FLUID MECHANICS VII. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course deals with the science of fluids (liquids and gases). It discusses aerodynamics – the study of air and gases in motion; and hydrodynamics – the study of liquids in motion. It discusses principle relating speed, pressure and forces particularly Bernoulli’s and Pascal’s principles. It allows the students to gain knowledge of how this topic is applied to daily activities and solve practical problems. COURSE CONTENT Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILO) Course Content After finishing the lesson, the students should be able to: Assessment Task (Main Learning course Activities/ requirement Strategies to and Accomplish the assessment CILO methods and tools) NUMBE R OF HOURS (54HR/ Sem.) Time Frame Learning Resources/ Reference Materials Practice the expectations as indicated in the course; Define fluids Describe the basic concept of fluids Identify and describe the different phases /states of matter Define and describe density Differentiate and describe the densities of matter Describe and define specific gravity of fluids Define and describe pressure Define and differentiate atmospheric and gauge pressure Identify units used in density, specific gravity and pressure Solve problems involving density, specific gravity and pressure Orientation: Introduction of the Course Outline and major requirements for the whole semester Introduction to Fluids The Phases/States of matter - Density - Specific Gravity - Pressure - Atmospheric pressure and Gauge Pressure Orientation of Students on course outline. Discussion Problem Sets Cooperative/col laborative learning Quizzes Solving Exercises Problem Based Learning Computer Aided Instruction Day 1 (1 hour) Course/ Program Syllabus Day 2Day 18 m/chapter/three-states-of-matter/ sical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry_Textbook _Maps/Supplemental_Modules_(Physical_a nd_Theoretical_Chemistry)/Physical_Prope rties_of_Matter/States_of_Matter/Properties _of_Solids .htm -and-pressure/introduction-to-pressure 3 2 1 6 5 Modular: Quiz and activity Problem sets Modular: Hand outs Research works PrelimExam Describe and define Pascal’s principle Solve problems using Pascal’s equation Identify the different measurement of pressure Identify and describe the different gauges and barometer tools and equipment Define and describe Archimedes’ Principle Define buoyant force Pascal’s Principle - The Pascal’s Principle - Measurement of pressure: gauges and the barometer - Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle - Buoyant force Discussion Quizzes Cooperative/col laborative learning Problem Sets Problem Based Learning Exercises Computer Aided Instruction Assignments Modular: Individual activity Quiz Day 19Day 36 4 6 5 3 .html ature.html? gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8Z_4nrKa7gIVdNO WCh0ZogkHEAAYAiAAEgIOLvD_BwE ics/fluids/buoyant-force-and-archimedesprinciple/a/buoyant-force-and-archimedesprinciple-article Problem sets s/principle.htm Modular: Hans outs Research works MidtermExam Describe the flow of fluids and the rate of its flow Describe the equation of continuity Solve problems involving equation of continuity Define and explain Bernoulli’s principle Solve problems using Bernoulli’s equation Identify applications of Bernoulli’s principle and its uses in daily activities Fluids in Motion - Flow rate - Equation of continuity - Bernoulli’s Principle - Bernoulli’s Equation - Application of Bernoulli’s Principle Day 37Day 54 Quizzes Discussion Cooperative/col laborative learning Problem Based Learning Computer Aided Instruction Assignments Recitation Seatwork Modular: Quiz activity 4 3 2 7 2 ode11.html College physics, Robert L. Weber, Kenneth V. Manning, Marsh W. White, George A. Weygand; pages: 241-256 hapter/12-1-flow-rate-and-its-relation-tovelocity/ _web/continuity.html %27s_principle _web/Bernoulli.html cations.html Modular: Hand outs Research works FinalExam VIII. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: For the computation of the students’ respective grades, the following bases of evaluation shall be used: 1. Individual outputs (quizzes, seat works, assignments, quizzes, research works and experiments) 2. Periodical examinations 3. Performance Tasks IX. REFERENCES: A.Textbook: 1. General Physics 1, Diwa Learning System INC. pages: 212-225 2. College physics, Robert L. Weber, Kenneth V. Manning, Marsh W. White, George A. Weygand; pages: 241-256 X. GRADING SYSTEM: Averaging The grading system as indicated in the teacher’s and Students’ Handbook is as follows: PG = PCS + PT MG = MCS + MT 2 2 LEGEND: PCS – Prelim Class Standing PT – Prelim Test PG – Prelim Grade TFG = FCS + FT 2 MCS – Midterm Class Standing MT – Midterm Test MG – Midterm Grade FG/ AVERAGE = PG + MG+ TFG 3 FCS – Finals Class Standing FT – Final Test TFG – Tentative Final Grade