Culture of Beauty 1. A 1. Hair Care 2. Makeup 3. Skincare 5. Shaving 1. 2. 3. 4. B $187/month $242/year $135/year $43/few months 1. 2. 3. 4. C 6hrs/month 124hrs/year 11.7hrs/year 10hrs/year 2. A 1.Skincare 2.Shaving B 1. $39/year 2. $22/year C 1. 15hrs/year 2. 60hrs/year 3. In comparison to the total time of each chart, I have spent about 76.7 more hours per year in my beauty rituals. The concept of masculinity and feminity drastically differs when it comes to the definition and “meaning” of how it's portrayed today. Masculine characteristics and beauty rituals mostly focus of going to the gym and showing the bare minimum effort of basic hygiene, whereas feminity is centered around creating this façade of perfection as displayed within the media and capitalist consumerism. Whatever is trending, whatever product is deemed hot- or will give you “sexier characteristics” and make your skin just as flawless and bare like a 10-year-old little girl- is often more sought for to appease the male gaze or appease the idea of what is socially acceptable or presentable for a woman. In place of this time, I would much rather read a book, or build new hobbies for myself to enjoy my life and not waste time and energy appeasing that little voice in my head that occasionally worries about how others perceive me- and even if I'm valuable enough. Society participates in these rituals as a collective to uphold the false narrative that beauty is perfection. This leads to unnecessary judgement, as well as competitiveness against other women sometimes. Naomi Wolf says, “...the imaginary weapon being ‘beauty’... This constant comparison, in which one woman’s worth fluctuates through the presence of another divides and conquers. It forces women to be acutely critical of the ‘choices’ other women make about how they look. But that economy that pits women against one another is not inevitable” (pg284). Beauty becomes almost a social power within the Patriarchy. Instilling unrealistic social standards in which women must adhere by to obtain some sort of value or worth not only oppresses women day by day- but also somewhat imprisons women.