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Demand Management for Netafim in BZ

Demand Management for Netafim in BZ
The purpose of this document is to describe the changes required in MD and the maintainence of
planned independent requirements (PIR) in demand management, for the scenario embedding the
sales forecast given by Netafim for BZ products.
In addition to the MD screenshots provided of stock requirement list of the planning material and a
finished product.
1. Material Master:
1.1 Material Master data for the Planning Material (MRP3)
Strategy Group=60 (Planning with Planning material and with MTO) [NEW]
Consumption mode=2 (First Backwards and then forward consumption) [NEW]
Backwards Consumption period =61 (Looking back 3 month working days) [NEW]
Forward Consumption period= 61 (Looking forward 3 month working days) [NEW]
Availability Check – Not required. [NEW]
1.2. Material Master Data for finished product (MRP3):
Strategy Group=60 (Planning with Planning material and with MTO) [Change from Y6 for
Planning Material= a new material master and BOM for the common (non-Variant) [NEW]
components of the variant (finished products) materials. Required only for planning, no
Planning Plant= 1100 (BZ) [NEW]
Planning Conversion factor=The number of units of the planning material in the finished
product BOM. [NEW]
Availability Check – No change.
In Tab MRP4 field "Selection Method" should be empty since it is not a manufactured
Other MRP data same as in finished products
2. The BOM of Planning material contains the following:
3.Test Scenario:
3.1 Planning material forecast initialization for 7 months
3.2 Opening stock requirement list for a finished product before sales order entry
3.3 Individual requirements (MD73) with assigned Customer requirements - 920 in August,200 in
3.4 Opening stock requirement list for the planning material before a new sales order entry of the
finished product
The remaining independent requirements for August is 4,080 due to existing sales orders
amounting 920 units (the total QTY is 5,000. Of them 200 withdrawn already).
The remaining independent requirements for September are 4,800 due to existing sales
order amounting 200 units (the total QTY is 5,000).
No sales orders are assigned from October and on so the original QTYs are displayed.
3.5 New sales order entry for the finished product:
The ATP mechanism will confirm 4,080 PC for August (since this is the remaining unassigned QTY).
The remaining QTY will be confirmed for September.
3.6 Post saving the new sales order with the requested QTY (4,081) the stock requirements list for
the finished product will be updated accordingly:
3.7 Post saving the new sales order with the requested QTY (4,081) the stock requirements list for
the Planning Material will be updated accordingly:
3.8 Current Individual requirements (MD73) with assigned Customer requirements is updated
3.9 After MRP run the stock requirement list for the common sub-assembly takes into account the
dependent requirement derived from planning material:
Action Items:
Create planning materials (54 for Netafim)
Maintain material Master data for the planning material and the finished products.
Create BOM'S for the Planning materials containing common components\assemblies.
Decision with Maayan /Arik on 1 product family including several finished products from
Netafim forecast.