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Seduction Techniques E-book: Attraction & Inner Game

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Seducer Welcome!
In December 2006, Sweseduction.com been a year in the net. From the beginning the community
designed as a gathering place for a few clenched seducers, but with joy
we can present the page has evolved to become Sweden's best
seductionforum. To celebrate this, we have the grand seducers written a collection of articles that
now presents the public through this e-book. Article collection is primarily intended for
beginners in seduction, although experienced seducers benefit of the articles in
reflection purposes. During this release, we have also written a routine collection that you
will greatly benefit from out in the field. Look it up if you want.
Before you start reading the articles we just want to say that we hope that you have had an
interesting year as us, with a lot of hands-on practice. Hopefully you have also received
a great deal closes, (which we ifs already seen by all entertaining FR available on
page). Good luck to come and share with you by e-booken best you want. It is for everyone.
If you have questions about seduction, or need help to develop. Feel
freedom to add our Grand seducers below, on msn so we can set up a plan or take
you on some glorious nights out.
Regards / owners of sweseduction
Vincent msn: eanmusic@hotmail.com
Byron msn: zarathustra_83@hotmail.com
Caesar msn: caesarsweseduction@hotmail.com
DanjoZ msn: daniel_gofeng@hotmail.com
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Five pillars of attraction p.4
Chapter 2. The beginning of a change p.6
Chapter 3. How should you study the seduction? p.7
Chapter 4. Work on your inner game p.8
Chapter 5. Care of the outer p.9
Chapter 6. Basic concepts and procedures p.12
Chapter 7. Get out and rend and party and have fun! p.14
Chapter 8. Next level's material p.15
Chapter 9. A PUA on paper, but in the AFC field p.17
Chapter 10. Live the life p.19
Appendix 1. Glossary of Swedish p.20
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Chapter 1. Five pillars of attraction
Certainly it is an interesting phenomenon that some guys get more girls than others, regardless of
how they look. This magnetic force describes girls often as "it." Most likely, you
ever heard: He has "it" that no one else has! But the question is ... what is the
"IT" all seducers strive? AFC's usually rely on luck, or drag to
nearest liquor bottle to venture approacha. But we seducers know better, we have to plan!
Continuously, we work on our weaknesses and strengthen the positive characteristics to
reach our goal, ie to improve people and create attraction. It's like David Deangelo
says: Attraction isnt a choice. Once you know how to go about creating
attraction, there are no limits. By reading our article booklet and apply theories
in the field increased the chances of success significantly. To understand the relationship how to
creates attraction, I think in this introductory article highlighting five basic points,
every seducer should be aware of. Points are:
Appearance / Personal Style
high temperature
Emotional investment
Authority / Dominance
Appearance / Personal Style
You can not change your genes, but you can get a schyst style to maximize
possibilities Closa. A value face, body and a good personal style affects how
surroundings look at you and thus increase the chances of success. The goal should be to
highlight their identity and personal values from the clothes you wear. In this way,
You Congruent with the signals you send out. If you have a good style that girls notice
facilitated entire sargingprocessen then ride hopefully outset
exists. There are various disagreements whether protruding clothing (peacock style)
a seducer should wear. But in my experience increased prospects that if Closa
taking into consideration environmental standards on clothes. Socialize example with rockers
greater chance of Closa if you wear clothes that are closely related to the rock style. To
come up with worst brat style to a rock festival is protruding ifs, but demonstrates
probably low value when the environment is not likely appreciate the clothing choice. To
the range of targets, I recommend testing round and blend styles as long as you have a
basstil given. There are some general high value styles that are generally accepted in
Sweden. These are rock style and dandy style. There are certainly more, so test around!
Regarding skin care and exercise, Caesar wrote a good review, because the scout
article: Care of the exterior, available in this Article booklet.
high temperature
Seducers who are nice at the pub attracts girls as if they were being pulled
magnets. It is therefore important to pre-plan hours to maximize the chances
To get into the right mental state when it is time for sarging. When girls mainly party for
To have fun, you have the opportunity to exploit the situation by satisfying their
needs and automatically become the evening's central point. To get into the right mental state
I recommend you to plan the evening's activities in advance. Decide already in
the day the tavern you and your friends to go to, put on good music to end up in the right
atmosphere and drink moderately soft beverages at the pre-party! Neither too little or
too much. Once outside the pub shows that you have nice by to cheer on friends you
feel. Avoid looking around for targets as if you were chasing after them. A good trick is to
using 3-second rule to prevent the spying look. Do not put too high
expectations for the end result without lacerating because it's fun! When your target noticing
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nice you are, pressure, she quickly with your level, which makes the whole sargingprocessen
Emotional investment
People work so that the more we work and strive for something, the more we want
the. For example, spend money, your time and especially your soul to achieve a goal,
naturally becomes the target is also important for you. The phenomenon is called Emotional
and is extremely effective in seduction. Girls constantly seek confirmation from their
buddies by continually prove their social status. The choice of the guy is thus a
important emotional investment for her. The only question is the guy who gets high status
nag to the girls and take anyone? I think you get the point. When you lacerate,
was not too easy to get. Get the girl to adjust to your decisions and not vice versa.
One tip is to not make excessive demands on the girl at the beginning. If you for instance. asks
her to
buy a drink for you after the first minute, chances are that she denies your question.
Instead, you should start with an easy question, as she should keep your drink when you tie
shoes. Stairs then gradually the severity. The more the girl has to work for you,
the more value you will get in her eyes.
Most likely you have ever watched an exciting movie and when it was most
captivating happened to an acquaintance to explain the end of the advance. Your perceived
tension to the film
disappeared in seconds and interest as well. Similarly attraction disappear
if you let the girl read you as if you were an open book. But if instead you happen
miss the end of the movie, you feel enormous frustration of wanting to know more! This is how I
want you to rend girls! Create a need by withholding vital information. This
This creates the perception that it is she who lacerate you instead of vice versa. You
can also create Mystery by Peacock details. A nice necklace from Africa, or
another interesting accessory that arouses interest and glances. see the following
HB: Beautiful necklace
PUA: Ah, thank you, you know what .. it's magic!
HB: haha Really, how? (curious)
PUA: Well, it's a secret and I do not know if I can trust you yet ...
HB: Come on! Now I'm curious.
(The girl lacerate you instead of vice versa)
Authority / Dominance
Often associated authoritarians to power and money. A doctor has the power and
powers and he is also well-paid, the same goes for a företagsVD. It is
already a known fact that women are attracted to men with power and money, but as a seducer
there is other prerequisites, then you do not need to be rich and ride a sports car Svindyr
to attract girls (although it would be the optimal situation). Girls only requires
that guy has the motivation, ambition and desire to get on top of the necessary steps.
By radiating power and authority by blah. body language and moderately cocky attitude
you will gradually party's central focus and thus a dangerous girl magnet. The keyword
within the authority and domination is in control. Girls love to have control over
situation but the teeth of not having it! They dream of being carried away in a
emotional roller coaster where you have the control to determine its fate. Let example. not
girl get a wide choice of ether over the coming dejten, or if you should go to
dance floor or not. Make the decision for yourself and show the girl the way. With a strong
determination, she is sure to follow you. Domination show that you stand for what you
doing and that you are confident you are. It signals out that you have a good inner game and
is worthy of her. / Vincent
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Chapter 2. The beginning of a change
Do you remember how you came in contact with the seduction for the first time? Many
beginners experienced event exciting and felt curious of what knowledge could
give them. Others were unsure about the seduction really worked, but chose to invest
still. Generally speaking, there are very few who regret their choice. Becoming seducer often
involves a
big change, but for those who are fully committed development will result in a lot
some funny experiences. In this article I will highlight four steps
hopefully facilitate your ability to change.
A greater understanding
It happens now and then that I compare seduction with the movie "The Matrix". As in
the film, we humans have a choice regarding our view of reality. Either we choose
To understand how people and society works, or we continue to dream on in
constant denial. Believe it or not, but most people choose option two because. that is
happy with his life and comfortable enough to ignore reality. What choice PUA's do,
you probably already figured out. Do you want to live in denial, or do you want to know the truth
behind the way people really work? If you choose to bet, do it a lot! Otherwise
you fall back into your old patterns of behavior quicker than you think. Below I
recorded a basic point list of tips that facilitate the process of coming
Started with the change.
Step 1. - Analyze your personality
In order to change, you need to know who you are and what values you stand for.
Therefore, I recommend you to first reflect on your personality. Sign up good 10
properties and 5 you need to work on. Then you doing Mayer Briggs personality test,
that analyzes your personality profile further. Then save the result of thinking
in the future. A Swedish version of
Mayer Briggs test is available here:
Step 2 - Be open to new ways of thinking
Society has long influenced us to think in a special way and evaluate certain
qualities over others. The transition to becoming seducer sometimes requires that you
question your old approach to develop new ones. Of course, you should critically examine new
theories, but do not be too stubborn. By continuously testing methods in the field looks
Once you which ones fit your personal profile. The change to be seducer
will not happen overnight. But by gradually you think of the change
changing your behavior over time. Already after the first week you will see a difference, but was
Do not worry about the major changes observed after one or two months.
Step 3. Be honest with yourself
Evenings that you have decided to rend you should focus on sarging, even though it
may be appealing to drink as full as most other guys in the surroundings. often hear
I excuses such as: "I was too full" "The noise level was too high to rend" Or
"The place was target poor". If so, cry more, drink in moderation, or rend the
less beautiful girls just to hone your game. Excuses and denial are
probably the most common phenomenon of why people do not change. So make up your mind
today, to be honest with yourself!
Step 4. Dare to try new and crazy ideas
To be good in seduction you sometimes try new and crazy ideas in the field.
Have you decided to greet the 10 girls on the way to school / job do it! One
failure is perceived only embarrassing (the environment) as long as you do not represent your
action. But the guys who commit themselves to something is attractive for girls. Dare
expose you to fear. You will feel at ease when you complete the mission!
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Chapter 3. How should you study the seduction?
Many seducers have high expectations to develop and get quick results. To one
beginning feels a long reading list and all its theories as a big jungle. many wonder
also what one should read and how much practical training required to become a PUA. IN
this article I intend to highlight the most effective learning methods, as well as tell you about the
common mistakes many people make, so you can streamline your learning way for the future.
3 different learning methods
There are three general learning methods that virtually all seducers follow. I have chosen
to call them Theory syndrome, Entrepreneur syndrome and Flow. Depending on the
kind of person you are, dominates one of these. To develop the fastest way it is
important that you reflect on your learning method and compare with those I present
below to achieve the optimal condition.
The first learning method I call Theory syndrome. The reason why has to
that many theoretically exists people fall into this category. People who want to learn
everything in seduction before they want to go out in the field, are likely within this
category. A person who follows the theory of the syndrome is often theoretically skilled in
They accumulate lots of information, but well out in the field, they feel approach anxiety
due. they have too many ideas in your head at the same time. Hence, many prefer guys
in theory the syndrome to focus time on the Internet, making them the keyboard jockeys.
Theory syndrome is the least efficient learning method when it comes to seduction. But
just because you belong to this category does not mean that you will remain for the rest of the
life. You must go out and practice and do it today! Start with the lightest
routines and do not put too high expectations on earnings. A good goal is to
train out at least once per weekend. Make sure to practice the routines on msn and any
community pages, but do not focus on internetsarging. After a period of exercise outside in
field, your practical ability to catch up with the theoretical and then you have big
opportunities to be cruel in seduction.
The second learning method I call entrepreneurial syndrome. The method is often followed by
guys who are outgoing and practically gifted. They mainly goes out to have fun and
no border becomes part of the evening all the activities. Because the guys continuously
in contact with many people, they also easy for sarging. Many naturals
fall within this category and they care is often not about the girls themselves, but to have fun
for hours. Entrepreneur syndrome is very effective to a certain level, then stay
development of. The reason is that the guys do not learn the theoretical psychology
behind seduction. Therefore, many naturals rarely greater understanding within
seduction. If you recognize these traits, I recommend you
put up a schedule with 30-minute seductionstudier every day. 30 minutes is enough
for you will be even better in no time when the theoretical knowledge complements
previous practical experience in seduction.
The third and preferred learning method called Flow and it is the most effective
method to be cruel in seduction. People who end up in the flow is both
outgoing and have good theoretical learning. They have a perfect symbiosis between theory
and practicality, because they develop too quickly in seduction. A guy with
Flow is structured, but can unleash when the situation suits. Flow is, you might
notice a mix of the above two learning methods. Most likely, you also
known flow past at some point. The feeling occurs during an evening when everything feels
You notice how all eyes are on you and you are the room's central point.
To achieve constant Flow required great commitment to seduction. This means that you
sincerely appreciate what you're doing out in the field, which can be difficult for a beginner to
in the beginning due. all the new impressions. In order to achieve the Flow, I recommend that
you should not
set high goals for the evening. Instead, go out with the attitude that you should have
nice and focus on one task at a time. In the beginning, it may mean to deliver a
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opener and possibly a story. As experience increases and you become more smoothe your
game, you increase gradually the severity so you always have something new goals to strive
after. Finally, it is only you who sets the limits for how good you want to be in
Literature, fitness and flow
As a beginner, there are a lot of materials and theories of learning in seduction. But
to achieve flowering is recommended to focus on one book at a time, so you do not get
"Information overload" in the field. Post a schedule with 30 minutes of study each day
and to ensure that the reading will be done! Make sure to get routine of reading, much like eating
breakfast or brushing your teeth. The brain thus encouraged to think of seduction
daily causing your optimal I shine through with time. There are different
disagreements as to whether beginners should start with the inner game or outerwear
game. On Sweseduction.com we therefore work through a strategy and plan to make
studies easier. In the beginner section contains all the information available to you
need. There is also a reading list of recommended books to read. I
recommend you to complement the literature studies with sarging, at least once
week at the pub or on the private party. Choose an area to focus on the
sargingkvällen, as a beginner, it can be approaches. Gradually you develop your
target and with time it will be rewarded with a kiss close or more.
/ Vincent
Chapter 4. Work on your inner game
Many PUA gurus believe that your inner game will determine how cruel you will become in
seduction, and this article will therefore deal inner game and its effect on
seduction. Inner game is a right worn term in seduction and the reason is probably that
Inner game is so individual and general that it is difficult to pinpoint it. One thing
What works for one person may not work for another. Moreover, when people
comes in contact with seduction, they have different needs to work on his inner game, some
may already have good inner game and are confident while others do not have this
the development of which they have to work on his inner game before they can go out and rend
confident as a PUA to be. However, I would strongly emphasize that a strong inner game
required in order to be successful as a PUA, figuratively put, it is the linchpin
for success in the field.
I will take up the two parts which I think is very central for developing a
stable inner game; learning frame and the frame you will have when you lacerate or
generally staying around women. Frame is the underlying truth of the surroundings
perceived, for example, people say one thing but mean completely different, primarily in
contact with other people. But as I mentioned earlier, you can have a frame
depending on how you perceive the world and themselves, ie Learning frame.
Learning frame is about developing yourself as PUA. This means largely to
emphasizing the development of strong and try to avoid things that can stop even
development, ie denial thoughts and dare to do things that you usually do not
would (go outside their comfort zone) It's all about having a mindset that
we have to test a lot and do it often before they can be really good. At the same time
it is important not only focus on the results without the testing around to
find the right one that suits oneself and one's abilities. With strong inner game will
each district to be turned to one's advantage, because you do not get dissed for your person
without the
techniques you use. In this way, you will quickly get a clear picture of what
really works and what does not. The only way to fail is to not
try. With the right learning frame will you try to get as far in that game you
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can, which means that you will constantly increase your skill and development curve. If
you do not invest 100% in each set will feedback not to be satisfactory, which
demonstrates the importance to drive as far as you can in a set and not ejecta after driving a
To succeed with this learning frame must have the right attitude to
the environment and the world. This may sound a little hokey, but it all comes down to
has a positive outlook. If you are negative, whining and come with excuses
people will respond to you with the same negative energy while if you are positive
people will respond to you with positive energy and think that you are a fun guy to hang
Frame. This point is about how you should behave in the company of women.
Swinggcat has developed frame concept and it all comes down to you frame it
You are the price and it is the girl who is trying to win over you. Many AFC guys raise
the girl over her and allows her to dominate him. Girls is not attracted by this, which can
explain AFC boys scant success of the other sex. So stop attempt impress
girls by buying them drinks and say what you think they want to hear. If instead you have
frame that it is a self that is the price the girls see you as a challenge making
the easier will develop attraction for you if you play your cards right. Below
I scratched together some points on what to think about the current even frame;
Characteristic of prize
- Lead! Always
- Have standards and expectations. Set requirements for the girls.
- Pull her into your world, especially the first time you see her.
- Get the girls adjust to you, not vice versa!
- Be a challenge, demonstrating that you can lead.
- Have a good sense of humor, then you can easily get away with negs and push n pull.
When she laughs lowered her defense.
- Get the girls to feel comfortable. Not afc stuff without you must first be
comfortable with yourself.
- Be a dandy = metrosexual. Where a mixture of masculine and feminine. Tex keep track
the girl jokes and fashion stuff. Judge girls that they judge men.
- Push n Pull. Give comments and diss alternately.
Finally, I would say that this article took up the inner game of the seduction-purpose, what
to consider current even inner game when it comes to learning and seduction
to develop into a cruel PUA. Then I must point out that there are a lot of other things
in the inner game, for example, if you have to change the style or change behavior that is a
to load, but this has already been discussed in previous articles to some extent.
/ Byron
Chapter 5. Care of the exterior
You can not fix your genes but you can fucking take care of them! An important part of
succeed in PU and virtually everything else in society, too, is that you have confidence. IN
this chapter we will take up some points that help you get more confidence
and you feel better, namely grooming, dress and general care for themselves and their
body. Obviously, it is important that you feel comfortable with the shirt or thrive without hair on
The body of the party, if you do not, leave it be to buy the garment or keep
changing the part. In this article I will concentrate on clothing and style, the end has
I also posted some different outfits, for idea generation.
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The body and how to keep the wellgroomed.
For each body, there are a lot of tips on how to get just the body part and feel
good, foot, head massage and blah blah blah. Such things should not we take up. Although we
learn to take care of ourselves, we are still men and not Britta, 55. We
beginning with the bottom up.
Feet are one of those body parts women both love and hate. Does not matter what your woman
fancy feet so you should keep them cleana anyway: Toenails, should always be kept short, it
is probably nothing more disgusting than long and yellowish toenails. Hair on the feet, this is
individual, self I remove all the hair on the feet and toes, then I am not a fan of hair
at all. This can easily be done using an ordinary safety razor.
Sweat, smells a bitch bad, and it is unpopular. Solution?
fotype = & showBuy = true & action = showProdInfo
There is not much to say about the legs, in fact, more than to train them like other
body parts. Here, it differs greatly from person and person how you stick to hair
on the legs. I myself have very hairy legs, and hair on the legs, I think actually not
no particular problems.
If you have small cock 22 cm, so you can go and die, because then you'll never get a woman.
No, but seriously, this preference every single woman (pulls everyone together) tended pubic
Shaving or trimming, its up to you.
Abdomen / Chest
Same thing with the legs, personal choice is the key here if you have hair on
chest / stomach. Self avlägnsar I do everything with Veet FOR MEN, can be bought at ICA for
very cheap and useful.
Face / Head
Will not go into as much of the skin, but I link to this very good article by
J_fox instead. But things to consider: Noppa eyebrows if you have
McDonald eyebrows. Clean your ears at least every other day, an important thing is to wash
behind the ears, fat collected there) Brush your teeth three times a day (if there is
opportunity, otherwise 2) Nose hair is fetbort, use the hair clipper
Back / Shoulders
There is not much to say except that all the hair to be removed with Veet for Men.
Arms / Armpits
Always use deodorant. Self I shave underarms with a regular razor, then I
think it is ugly with armhålehår (up to each one), and it feels fresher and
you do not sweat as much.
Hands are something women teeth very much. It is a good enough reason to
taking care of their hands:
Do not bite your nails, cut them instead of them must always be kept short.
Clean the nails on the dirt under them
Hair should not be on the hands (according to me, removes all the hair with Veet)
Bubbly and clothing
Obviously you have to adapt the clothes they buy for their body type and taste. If you
have thin physique, you should definitely not use pösigare clothes then it makes you
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look even smaller. Same thing if you're toned / heavy, do not use tight clothes, looks
just clumsy and badly out. The taste is like the bat, even when it comes to fashion choices,
I will not give as many precise tip but more all-round information. We begin with
10 basic points:
1. Do not wear a "uniform" to you, ie be self-colored clothes. Tex so looking white t-shirt with
jeans better a blue t-shirt and blue jeans. Obviously, you should not have too many
colors and colors that clash with each other. Maximum 3 different colors.
2. Combine the right and was meticulous with details. Tex, you should always use the
the same color of your belt that you have on your shoes.
3. Never tshirt for shirt / polo shirt.
4. Buy a combining closet, switch between the type of clothing as well as the price tag.
Shoes / socks
The first thing that comes to mind now is that socks must blend into the shoes,
Use the same color of socks to shoes. There is not much that destroys a stylish outfit
as much as white socks to a pair of nice brown loafers. It is important to manage their
shoes and keep them clean. You should have at least two pairs of shoes in your closet, in addition
costume shoes .. A few simple, stylish sneakers for everyday use (eg Adidas
Stan Smith), a pair of fancy shoes, such as loafers (there are very nice and cheap at Zara).
Self I assume the shoes in my outfit and I manage barely 8 different pairs
shoes, in various shapes and colors.
Avoid finbyxor for everyday occasions such work. The most important thing is that pants
it sits perfectly along the entire leg. Then there are different kinds of style of the pants to be
sit in a certain way. If you want to have a good pair of jeans, you can expect to spend
1000kr and upwards of a couple of well-fitting jeans, it's worth the money because it is a good
investment. You should have a pair of dark and a pair of light blue jeans. I myself use me
almost entirely of drainpipe trousers when they fit my body type, but also the bootcut is
popularly. But I would recommend it to people who have thicker bones. For very good
jeans, I recommend Acne and Nudie. These brands have very many different
models in different colors and frictions.
T-Shirt / Pike / Shirt
It is very important that a t-shirt, well-cut. The perfect ending right at the trousers
start, it is relatively tight around the arms. I myself do not like t-shirts with particularly large
press without recommend you to use either a full white / full black t-shirt. Very
free and tidy. Levis has very stylish and well-fitting solid color T-shirts.
Piketröjor is one of my favorite pieces. For those who have a little bigger wallet
I recommend Burberry piketröjor when they are very smart and very good
fit. Otherwise, H & M piketröjor Also nice if you Vary them right and
the price tag is much smaller than the designers piketröjor.
You should have at least three shirts in your closet. A white and a black shirt That basic
Recommend H & M shirts When They have surprisingly good fit if you compare
with the price. In addition to the black and white shirt You should have a little more festive shirt
more cheerful color, perhaps with stripes or something. This shirt Bordes put it out a little more
money and Quantity at places other than H & M, I like Tiger of Sweden Shirts
very much.
Do not forget to never have a t-shirt under a shirt, if you feel uncomfortable without
slightly under so use a tank top, Which is not visible When you have undone them 2.3
buttons will be uppknäppda.
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Hope this article has given you a little foundation to build on.
For strength training:
For skin care:
/ Caesar
Chapter 6. Basic Concepts and Procedures
Now you all this. Time to get out there in the real world. It is first and foremost important issue
to you
Particular style of your routines That you feel comfortable with.
It May be a good idea to test different materials in different girls To See Their reaction,
so you get an idea of how it works. Customizing overpriced materials after yourself so
thatyour words match what you look like. You should tailor existing overpriced
Procedures So THAT They are comfortable for you When you start experimenting with them out
Quality over quantity
"Stick to what works, what does not ditch" is an important issue concept. Keep the routines
works and discard Those That do not. Routines very reminiscent of a couple
newly Quantity shoes. You have to "go into" the shoes so They adapt to you. You should not
learn a new routine, pull out on the field, try it a few times, then switch to the next routine.
Instead, You should experiment with the new routine, try to combine it with other
procedures, and thus find the best matches to you. If a routine
fail the first time, this meansthat Could you use it at the wrong time. Or so
did not match your body language consistent with the routine.
How do you knowthat it is worth keeping a routine?
To begin with, you need to make you familiar with the routine. What is your goal with the
When to use it and how do you use it? Suitable for all
Personalities or it will only work on one of your identities, you can use out there
on the field? Often you feel about routine here where it was Meant to meet. Our
attentive and look for signs That it worked. Is it That you expected
or something unexpected happened? There are always reactions of the girl. Even if the girl does
reacts so is overpriced the reaction itself. So be sure to look for reactions To See
if your routine has been successful. It happened That you expected?
Choose your "weapons" with care
Just like a giant laser cannon is not always the ideal weapon in any situation, so
Not all methods adapted to all different situational. The difference between a
successful approach and a failed approach, much depends on Whether you Manage to pick
developping the right method at the right time. Here we will go through some Effective Weapons
You Can
3-second rule
Mystery, one of the world's greatest seducer, believes That a good pickup artist Should Never
more than 3 seconds before he goes up to the girl he was going to try to Attract.
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The reason for this is partly Because she will start to wonder why you stand and
staring at her and then think you're a creep, and partly to avoid
Rising of nervousness and anxiety thoughts.
Cocky and Funny
How do you treat your little sister? Roughly, You should treat the girls as well. Was not
afraid to push a little with them, as long as you do it in a fun way. It is Cocky and
Funny to raise the temperature of the conversation. But beware of usingthis
too much. It is overpriced moonrise happen That it Becomes too much and too little Cocky
Funny or
vice versa. Customize this to a good level.
Congruience test
Sometimes it Can Be Difficult to tell if a girl is interested. What one can do is small
"Tests" Which cleverly shows she is Attracted or not. For example, you can
Let your hand rest on her lap and test if she takes it away. She lets IT REMAIN
You should reward her through an IOI (indication of interest). If she reacts negatively
You must punish her village "Negga" and then "freeze her out." Say Something
derogatory and ignore her. Start talking with someone else temporarily without showing
her any attention. After a while, make you yet another "congruience test"
she with a Greater Chance will accepted (do not test for the Sami) and
then rewarded. Women Also use this method, unconsciously we call "shit
tests ". She may, for example, ask if you like blonde girls. If you answer œthe on her
Send questions are rewarded with attractive, otherwise she responds with the opposite.
Demonstrate Higher Value. Translated, it Means Demonstrate higher value. This takes place
through either an act, a neg or a story That Increase your social value against
peoplearound your set. This is Necessary Usually in the beginning of a set Because girls
Often Feel They have Greater social value than you. It was, after all you went up to
them. View early on That you did not go to them Because You are interested in them.
Demonstrate Lower Value. Translated, the Demonstrate lower value. This is
Opposite to Demonstrate higher value. By going up to the girl and ask for
her name, number, or if she would like a drink as you show Signs That You Have
lower value than her. Samma Applies if you'd say your name. Ask yourself if
she really deserves to know your name. AFC husband's frequent by showing That the
Girl has a higher social value than themeselves. They thwart say stupid things like, "You are so
handsome. " An experienced pickup artist Usually do this in the Comfort phase (Mystery
Method) then
They want to level the value-level between himself and the girl.
This is an important issue concept in the pre Association rules. The owner of the frame is the
control, and is the dominant. You can see the frame as a string you tied down a little
paper on. You hang the front paws of a cat. Whoever has the string control
The piece of paper. The cat will soon try to get the little piece of paper and Bite
of the cord. As long as the cat does not get the piece of paper, you're in control
withyour string. In just the Sami way it works with the frame. Girls always try to
Take the frame from you. And as soon as you shed your frame so she will be completely
unimpressed by you. The frame is overpriced the Underlying Truth of the surroundings
around you are perceived. If you have a strong frame, you can even avoid
failures in other times would ask Obvious. If you have a really strong frame
you can wonder with almost anything.
Hook Point
To make openern + story more interesting, You should put something called
hook points. An example of this is The Following sentence: "I was Involved in Such a cruel
so you have no idea ... "If the girl asks you to tell on You should take this as an IOI.
Page 14
Push 'n Pull and Cat String Theory
If there is somethingthat girls are masters at it is Precisely this technology. It's Push n
Pull That makes many guys get confused and not know what girls feel and think. One
Second, They send signal That They are interested in but a few minutes later to send
The signal That They are totally uninterested. Adopting this Tactic female Into the
male world and use it against the women themeselves are Among the Most Effective You Can
do to create attraction. By taking two steps forward and then one back knows the girl
never really know if you are interested or not, and she will feel a need to
goat you interested. Unlike many alreadyloggedin experienced pickup artists so does the AFC's
the mistake of only push Which portrays them as demanding in the eyes of the beholder.
N Pull Push Technology Can Be Compared with Mysterys "Catstring theory".
Many think the AFC as follows:
Problem: The cat wants the piece of paper.
Solution: It gives the cat the piece of paper.
Results: The cat might play with a little piece of paper before it dumps the piece of paper and
go to something more interesting.
"Aha," said all the new puas. It is thus by not giving away the piece of paper
it will be interesting. "Then They argue like this instead:
Problem: The cat wants the piece of paper but can not access it.
Solution: Burn up the piece of paper.
Result: As soon as you burn up the piece of paper so the cat Becomes totally uninterested.
How fun it is to try to get somethingthat verifiably never going to get? Just in
Similarly, many girls say They do not like Brad Pitt. The reason for this is why
They have abandoned the idea to get in touch with him. He is "burned" for them,
Until They find a way to get in touch with him, signing the film, chat site
or similar. Then "suddenly" as he was dangling there in front of their feet, and all that is not
Thought They were overthrown in love with him begin to write letters and mail to him in the
hope That
"Get him".
Now is your arsenal of techniques at your disposal. Now it's just that you're going
use them. The next article will help you with. And remembering to get yourself
much experience you will soon make great progress. / DanjoZ
Chapter 7. Get out and rend and party and have fun!
It takes a longtime to Develop the right mindset and internalize it in your head and husband
natural behavior and thoughts. But I have Collected some quickfixtankar You Can
reflect on before you go out and rend.
Have no expectations of anything, it destroys your state! You should go on a barrel party with
the world's hottest babes of according to He Who invited you. You walk around and think at the
all week and loads of it During this period of time. When you get there it's a girl and
7 guys who are dying of poor bride. And your state of ice in the ground, then you
visualized images in front of you how to lacerate perfect and has Generally fun. This is the
a big no - no. Same scenario, but you have absolutely no expectations, this bodes up
well then you have not "lost" anything Because You did not expect anything.
Page 15
You succeed even If you fail!
Do not have too high Demands on you. For some established names When They were novices
became a man completely happy
When You Noticed the IOI, When It managed to open. They had succeeded. Though now that
you take it for Granted, it is not something you appreciate, what I mean Is that You should note
ask sour after the failure of the rhyme to 100%.
Have goals, but only as directives!
Have goals for the evening but only as weak directive! For I believe in them two
Above points, if you do not Achieve Your Goals for the evening, you lose the state and the
A vicious circle That just makes you feel worse and worse for the evening!
A night is not only seduction!
Have fun with your friends, talk to women without any intentions, this will
make you relaxed and get you in a good state That can later ask Further developed enough
to rend.
Women want to be approachade!
Why else would They spent hours in front of the mirror before the party to make themeselves
fine? They do it to show off, and how much fun it is to show up without gettin '
Attention? Zero, nada, nothing..så it is free to approacha them.
You are the price!
Place a higher value to you than the bride. When you talk with a hot female that's not you
Trying to win her heart and horniness. Without it, she has shown That she is
enough good-looking, smart, cool, whatever To Be With You!
When HB9an from the pub is not Attracted to you, it's her mistake, you feel sorry
about her for losing the glorious moments she had been able to have with you! And that
Most Important of all, she Should be punished When She beteer in a way you do not like.
"Attracton isnt a choice"
Masterfully expression of a master PUA David DeAngelo. You Can Attract Women
ice "out of your league" in appearance, age, etc ....
As I wrote EARLIER, this is only a couple of points That You Can think of the most
times a day. Fixed to implant strong enough mindsets to get your
reality being reality of others requires much more. One tip is to read Robert Dilts Belifes / Caesar
Chapter 8. Next Level's materials
Now, When you read the Basic Materials we have recommended and integrated IT intoyour
Personality is the time to take the next leap and learn more advanced material. I want
however, point out That it is Very Important That you read the basic materials first before
Starting the reading of the more advanced materials. This is Because it can create
any problems Which the Basic Books providesprofessional An Essential Understanding of
seduction while the advanced books thwart providesprofessional cutting edge knowledge in a
area. There Forester, it is advanced materials Which AIMS to Take You to the Next Level
into your game and not something thatwill give you a basic understanding.
Both we Sweseduction team and my staff opinion Is that You should load bothering
The Indirect and direct game. This way you'll have a great opportunity to expand your game
and your chances for success. Indirect and direct game is somethingthat can be combined
Page 16
with great advantage and this combination given you even more flexibility and benefits
A Very Important detail to note Is that You should note case for the temptation to plunge
everywhere seduction materials and devour it. We call this the community for
information overload, ie, you May have read hundreds of books and articles but When
You are actually out there ready for an approach Becoming mush in your head and you do not
nothing of what you read. This so-called phenomenon Occurs When Briefly reads
much material, but to test it Practically. with Therefore, I recommend everyone to take a
seduction-school time and rend while reading materials. Then you can get a
clearer picture of what works and how it works. This method of learning is
very good if you are Aiming to Become a good PUA. Read a few chapters, then test what
learned at the pub or the Internet and the school if you do not come into the tavern. The right to
Everything you read about the practical are of very great importance, then you absolutely Should
to Become a keyboard jockey who just sit in front of computer screens and responds to posts
theoretically correct but who have difficulty well to get out in the field and practice all the
He read about. The gist of this is then to read all of the materials and getting Gradually
Time to go out and rend it to read, this is everything!
Below I present some works that i think most Should read and as many
would classify as advanced;
Recommended reading :
Swinggcat - Real World Seduction + Swinggcat audio cource
Swinggcat is one of my personal favorites, and his game can be described as
"Manipulative" and Indirectly. While this is the case, the book recommended to all PUAs,
Whether They are running Directly or Indirectly. This Is Because Swinggcat conveys Majority
Very Important Concept In his bookthat all the PUAs in the community can benefit from.
Perhaps the Most Important concepts are frames (who dominates the Underlying social
Interaction) and Further That You should always Assume That the frame is a self That is the
Get the girl to chase you instead of the other way around. This May of course natural for
People with a very strong inner game, but knowing this is Very Important
and Effective. This so-called "prizing" can succeed through various methods
Swinggcat presents;
Push nPull, ie to Attract the girl first instance, a comment since it dissar
her, this is an extremely Effective method. Examples of this might be "I love your
shoes, but I do not like your shirt "
This requires, however, to some extents you have attraction beforehand so thateven the target can
Prizing, ie you have attractive staff Qualities That characterize you as a
many people want to hang out with. This must be combined with the frame, ie, That You Have
A Frame That you are a fun and attractive person who stands out as the price of
Loops, ie Swinggcats correspondence to Mysterys hoops. To throw out a sentence
or comment That the girl stuck in, When you do this, take one interaction at a
completely different way than regular report and it is a very good way to create attraction.
One example is the open loops where you say 'I am looking for three different properties of a girl
Then you say two of These Qualities to her and is withholding the third with
because "If I would say the third would you just say That you have it so I
wait and see if you have it or not. " In this way, you'll have touted bothering you as
price in the interaction and Simultaneously created mystique (as girls Drawn To That
moth to the light)
Page 17
Tyler Durden - TD essentials
TD Essentials is a collection of articles by pickup guru Tyler Durden. In this
Article collection uppmålar Tyler Their analysis of the game from an Indirect perspective
Dealing with varioussituations, Such as, inter alia, shit tests, procedures and amogs. For That you
The use of this collection of articles are required to have some basic knowledge of
seduction and you have some field experience.
This book is not a complete method without Analyzing the game and the community
Under the Microscope, Which can help you understand the seduction more Clearly. A frequently
directed criticism about Tyler
Durden Is that he is too analytical, he analyzes the social interactions in detail
Which can sometimes feel a little overkill but I definitely think thatthis is a
Article Collection That can deepen people's understanding of Seduction and the game.
Direct game
Juggler - Conversational Jujitsu + Charisma Arts Bootcamp
Juggler is one of the most prominent PUAs in the direct game, all right. Juggler
Turning to the Indirect Method on Several points, including That it is not Necessary
The use of procedures and materials. He finns advocates That One Should show interest
Directly to Their target, and talking to her in a way she invest time in
you, That the emotional investment. Juggler meansthat This Way Creates attraction and ice
Very Useful in sarge. Moreover, he has a slightly different model of sarge in
night club environment, he says That it Should be open Targets That are easy to open, this
get social proof says Juggler and then it is Easier to open other HB
targets. For Those Who want a more fundamental and basic review of the direct game
recommended The One - The Attributes.
There are a lot sedictionmaterial out there and this was the only one the picking
of what we think are the best and most rewarding. So our advice is to first focus on this
Materials and then you can read another. And now See that you read The Basic
the material before you take the step to the advanced. Good luck!
/ Byron
Chapter 9. A PUA on paper, but the AFC in field
Are you a serious pickup artist? So, That tells you That you are. Then you know for sure what a
pickup artist does? ... No, wrong answer. A pickup artist's main goal is not to pick up
Hundreds of girls. It just makes so-called "players". A pickup artist has a much larger
Goal ...
I'll start by telling you about my friend Roger. He's a pretty handsome guy in 21 years
Age. He's pretty father manicured hair, blue eyes and trimmed beard. At first
glance, he Appears as a handsome and good-looking young man. If I had to describe
he would most Moreover, even perceive him as a mästarraggare. He has
namely read almost all of seductionrelaterade That articles are to come by.
If you ask him for a good opener as he is given at least ten different answers back, and
all is always perfect. If you ask him for the steps to Attract a
woman he answers in detail how everything works. He can each small piece in the most
Talked about articles and books by heart, although in all honesty is not always
The most seductionmässigt correct texts he got hold of. So on paper, he is the
"Perfect PUA: n".
But life is not a piece of paper. Nor is it an Internet forum. Out in the real world
burst his perfect facade. At the time, then You should run your first opener
with him, thats wing, so you'll soon notice how he squirms of
Page 18
nervousness. Not only That, he Becomes uncertain and the words come out wrong. He begins to
That he really
Maintain the massive aunt identity of a mästarPUA Which he assumed When he
Sitting at home in the safe apartment and read through all the hundreds of articles and
books. His body language and tone of voice is no longer consistent with the Words
comes out of his mouth. As women happen to be experts in revealing
fraudsters as They reveal Him Directly. They notice what his main purpose is, namely That
Try to Attract Them, and the minute They Realize what his main Objective is to
They will put up his shield and Roger
Get Burned. Within a few minutes the entire PUA his facade cracked and there
All that remains is his "real me". The "I" that society has shaped him.
The tragedy "I" That is the reason why he sought out
seductionforumen. And that "self" is Certainly not much to cheer about. he can
not even to get someone interested enough to talk to him for five minutes.
So where is the problem, you might ask? Is it in the texts he has read? Can it
That ask any instruction given to him by all the different pickup artists in all kinds
books been misleading?
We Can Establish First of All That Roger is not alone. There are many guys That states
to ask fragrant combed the pickup artist, but actually They are in
The Same situation. They believe, like my friend, They are full-fledged PUAs but all They
do is to sit at home in front of your computer and read about other people's experiences and
technologies without
themeselves to carve out some human experiences. Again and again we are asked to go out and
practice, but there are Relatively few do That. "It is enough to read," said them. When Roger
well come with me out and face the reality as he notices That it is not at all a Page
with text. Suffice it suddenly is not to blindly follow a sentence written by someone else.
He must create Their own sentences based on the knowledge he has Acquired
home. The problem Is that once he tries to make it Appear he was uncertain and
unattractive. He has the knowledge, but are not able to download and use it. he can
simply can not carry the heavy facade he painted. The problem is thus one
completely else.
I'm sure you will agree with me when I say That you will not be measured by only
read about food in a cookbook. You must ask overpriced in action look up your resources to
then cook them for your learned knowledge. In the same way, so you get no girl
Attracted to you just by reading about how to do. You must ask overpriced in action
apply what you learned.
The only common factor for failure Rogers ice himself. Because HE
That he considers shouldhave Sufficient Knowledge To Be Able to Attract a girl, but what
he misses, he must also have the courage to pick up the knowledge and
reviewed to choose the right knowledge at the right time. The Roger there fore need to do is
Ransack itself. He must Realize That it is not the text That is the fault but rather
His own attitude.
Nature has RANKED us, and it is ruthless towards the weak. It has given us our
place in society, and we'll get our The Harvest to split That we deserve for where we stand on
Society's big ladder. If you are not satisfied with your allotted place Offered to you by us
the opportunity to learn a piece of Important knowledge to be able to break free and take better
That location you are more comfortable with. Although I was once unhappy with my allotted
place, so I did something about it.
Most of my time I spent to grind my own methods
Specially made for the Swedish climate. I'm not afraid to try new methods
Because in the end it is not about finding a girl. It is not about that
find hundred girls. It's more about finding it attractive in itself and showcase
there before everyone else. It's about being able to move freely in the society ladder and
Page 19
Acquire That well-paid top job and Supergirl. It's about learning
Rules to Become a successful person, eventhough it really is not. The
Interesting Is that everyone can get it, even Roger.
Chapter 10. Live the Life
Now that you have read all the articles, adapted them to your reality, read it
material we have recommended and thought about them and your situation, you have now come
A long way. If you were a beginner before you read through the articles you are now
A rAFC, congratulations! Now you have enough knowledge to know what you like and
prefer the seduction, the road is up to you now. The hardest part is over and the
many will ask a snowball effect to take place where you just get better and better.
Our purpose of These articles was to use our experience and knowledge to add
a good plan for how to developement within the seduction of the best and most direct way,
without all the hassles and information overload That so many are experiencing. So be sure to
Out These articles and save them, be sure to check them Several times so you are sure to
you have not missed anything important issue, or simply go back if it was something you thought
Particularly interesting and rewarding. So it's just to go out and rend full, and
Now you will probably have a major psychological understanding why the procedures work well
Which Ones You should use and Those That are less good. We enter Sweseduction team has
Also released a routine collection Which we have compiled and translated the procedures That
we believe
works well in sarge and we strongly recommend, so look it up!
Our purpose has been to give you the tools and knowledge to Improve the game and suffered
to ultimately improvement in seduction. As I said before, the road is now fully
Open to You and You Decide Which intersection you want to follow. Want to bet That
goat girlfriend or player? The choice is completely open and all of the Sweseduction team wishes
you goodluck.
Page 20
Appendix - Glossary in Swedish
Translated by Byron and Vincent
3-second rule
Mystery believes a PUA That Should Never wait more than 3 seconds before he goes up to his
target. This is to avoid the rising of nervousness and denial thoughts. The risk
To Be Discovered During Charging is overpriced higher after 3 seconds,
obviously Reduces the output.
Average Frustrated Conservative. It makes a nice guy, a guy who has not
any Pick Up Skills and rarely, if ever, manage- close to the target. It's about
too much if the person has a wrong mind-set and do not understand the driving forces
Behind the Game. He tails thwart for girls, for example, buy them flowers and so on. One
That stage most of the guys have been set.
Approach Invitation. Most thwart an unconscious act of the girls When They want you to talk
with them. For example, concern That she will give you EC, makes a lot of stupid questions, go
past you an extra time etc. Driving sets of girls give AI That Is The Easiest sets, then They
havealready shown interest to you.
Alpha Male Other Guy. Most Often in the context When you are in the first set and another Alfaguy
Trying cockblocka you, competition from other Alfa, so to speak. There AMOGThese techniques to solve situational.
Anti-end defense. Is built of girls bothering unconscious and conscious level. This
That bridal logic seeks to make her feel guilty / slutty Because she necked / had
Sex with you too fast without any comfort. Are thwart solved with comfort or time bridges.
Below Average Frustrated Chump. A Stage That is even worse than the AFC.
Briefly, a guy who is completely useless, due to various Reasons, with girls.
Boy Friend.
BF Destroyer
For different Reasons, girls sometimes say That They have a boyfriend. Do you have a tight
game feel
the likely attraction for you and need to make surethat does not fall into the trap. Most
guys do not understand this and leave the girl in peace. Instead of Accepting this
failure, you can add a comment småspydig then continue to work on
attraction. An example of a DB Destroyer comment is: "No, what cute When
are you getting married? "Most likely, the girl, explaining That She is not ready for and Such
there fore unknowingly qualify for you.
Bitch shield
A defense shield That the girls put up against unwanted approachs. The girl is autopilot
on Certain issues, ie Things That They are constantly being told by the AFC. This can eg ask
looks so good, "" What do you come from "and so on.
Page 21
Body rocking
In order not to seem needy can use the PUA Body rocking into Early
attraction phase. To Further describe the sign, it Means That The Guy leaning
away from the target as if he is about to leave her. The effect gives the illusion That
Target forced to show interest and IOI for the guy to stop.
In Mystery seducer Should Move girl between three destinations to create a
the apparent sense of comfort. This Means That the risk of lastminute resistance in
Significantly Reduced seductionfasen.
Body Language.
Buyer's remorse
Does the girl the day after you met didnt want to put more energy into your new
relationship. Most likely, you have not done enough in the Comfort phase, produces things in the
the girl does not know who you are and Realize That You Have Something In Common. Buyers
can remorse
avoided by Following Mysterys 7 hours of methodology and there fore not attracted the village
The ability to quickly six.
Cat Theory
Just as it attracts a cat Should be a PUA During a pick-up to be just outside the girl
Griffin, so she did not really get control of the situation. And if the girl's control, she
as a cat unimpressed.
Firmly and aggressively Increase the Amount of physical contact in order for this to lead to
sex with the girl's consent.
Cocky & Funny. A Technique That David DeAngelo Launched.
Compliance test
To see if a girl is interested in you can make small test That shows if she is
Attracted or not. In the beginning it is Important to test small hoops Which then developping into
Major. One example Is that you leave your hand on her knee and see if she will remove
the. If she lets it remain, reward her with an IOI, if she reacts negatively,
Negga and then freeze-out. After a few seconds, you make a Further congruience test
she with Greater chance will acceptance and Which is then rewarded. Women use
Also this method unconsciously we call shit tests. If you answer œthe on her
Send questions are rewarded with attraction, otherwise she responds with the opposite.
If you walk up to a group of girls but fails to entertain everyone, They Will
OMITTED Sooner Or Later, take off your target, then They do not Consider yourself to be
her. This phenomenon is called cock blocking and is a very common behavior out on
pub. To avoid the cock blocking the person can use the "lock-out" methods,
Which Means That locks the target to stop. If you as a guy walks up to a set
mixed with boys and girls can cockblocka other threats. This is done by smoothening
Amog techniques That May be Competitors to feel less worthy.
Crash & burn / C & B
Simply When your set goes to hell. Not to be confused with cockblock When another
person ruining your set.
Demonstrate Higher Value. A document, neg, or story That Increase your social value
Page 22
towards the people around your set. This is Necessary Usually in the beginning of the first set
Because girls thwart feel They have Greater social value than you.
Demonstrate Lower Value. Something AFC husband's frequent by showing That the girl has
Higher social value. For example. "You are so stylish and so on." PUA Usually do this in the
Comfort phase
When They want to level the value-level between himself and his target.
Eye Contact.
Fuck Buddy.
Field Test
Many PUAs use Their own canned material That is shaped by experience and unique
Appropriate to the situation. To ENSURE if eg routine works well in the field, so Should
person field test it at least 3-4 times and then analyze the results. A party
canned material works effectively in Special Circumstances, others are more generational rally
: According Mystery Method, Find Meet Attract Close.
Means That the girl refuses or does not arrive at a scheduled date.
Fool's Mate
: According Mysterys Estimates, it takes about 7 hours to ask the girl you're dating feels ready
to have sex. If you Manage to seduce her in less time called the Fool's mate. If you are
Looking for Further conditions Should Fool's mate avoided. The explanation is that girl the day
the risk of facing Buyers remorse and there fore do not respond to your call.
Field Report.
The frame is the Underlying Truth how the environment is perceived. For example,
People say one thing but mean completely different. Mystery believes That the owner of the
controls the communication. with Therefore it is an important issue thatyour frame is strong
enough So THAT you
avoid failures in other times would ask Obvious. If you have a really strong
frame, you can wonder with almost anything.
Fucking Ugly Girl. A really ugly bride who place themeselves on the 0-1 scale of 1-10.
This phenomenon is most common in Sweden and very easy to detect. Denial
is perhaps the biggest reason why people do not developmental or continue with Bath
Habits. The psychological explanation of the topic is thatthis defense mechanism controls
the human ego and thus protect the self. The degree of denial varies from person
to person, but generally speaking, one can say That the victim Denies
Tough truth and thus deficiencies in reality. To describe denial
on the basis of an example, one can take the AFC guy who finds the Reasons Why he does not
go up to the girl he gazed on the whole evening. The only way to avoid denial of ice to
Be aware of how to react in different situational and ask acquaintances about how They
perceive you.
Page 23
Grounding is a concept developed by the Mystery Which Mainly be used in a Comfort
The technology is based on That you produce your identity into a story to your target Should
get to take part and be impressed by this. In this way she can get insight into your
life history and are Attracted to this.
Hot Babe.
hired gun
Mystery COINED this term to thwart HBs who have been given a specific job due. His
appearance. For example, hired guns working as strippers, shop assistants and bartenders. Then
These girls are accustomed to guys encounter them need special procedures / methods to
will give effect.
Hook Point
To make openern + story more interesting Should be put hook points. One
example of this is The Following sentence: "I was Involved in Such a cruel thing, you expect
not ... "If the girl asks you to tell on You should take this as an IOI. Hook points can
Also ask Distressed During The sets by using a false takeaway mixed
with body rocking.
Showing the importance of using canned material tailored to the person's style
as well as personality. For stories to be interesting, They Should be reliable and
situation-not To Lose Their message. A person That does not take into account '
This is perceived as a low value, if not worse.
inner game
Inner game is by far the more important issue ingredient for a PUA. With a strong inner game
AFFECTED your outer game positively. Inner-game can be explained on how you look at
and what other people have the perception of you. In short, your identity.
Being a stylish and popular girl finns has some negative sides. In the long run it will ask
Hard With all the confirmation, especially if you're looking to have a nice evening with
friends. In order not to seem rude women Create an autopilot of the response That is
Effective to reject guys with. An example is The Following: "I have boyfriend." If a girl
describes this for you, says she thwart nothing negative, but You should take it as a sign
you've gone too harshly. Take it easy for a few minutes, then it's just that
Continue with the re-construction of the attraction.
Indicators of disinterest. Signals show That the girl is Clearly unimpressed by you.
Indicators of Interest. The opposite scenario of IOD simply.
Keyboard jockey
A person who considers himself PUA. He is versed in theory, but he spends time
sitting in front of the computer and write than to Test Their experience in the field.
Kinaesthetic. Physical touch, Usually in a sexual purpose. A natural Kino-flow ice
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Best way to get a kiss close, When it all flows out Automatically.
Last Minute Resistance. Just before the six questions the girls Consequences of What
come. This behavior is called Last Minute Resistance and thwart Occurs if the guy
has worked for some of the comfort phase. Mystery think that guy Should RESPOND to this
with a freeze-out, getting the girl to reflect on what she redeemed case she Denies
The lock-in propylene
In order not to risk cock blocking after the first negsen, you can lock in the PUA target
and get her to the remain in the discussion. This is done for example. by letting her keep in your
ice cream, or putting on her somethingthat you obviously want it back.
Mysterys model M3. Attract (A1, A2, A3 o), Comfort (C1, C2, C3, o) and Seduce (S1, S2 o
S3). For more information, read Mysterys "The Venutian Arts Handbook".
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs / Maslow
This hierarchical staircase has've become known in psychology and marketing.
The model is based on people Strive for different needs depending on Which the phase
Ice within. People who exist on the lowest step Strive survival
at any price. Once They have received the security linearization other needs. In Sweden are
The population of some of the higher stages. This is seen for example, the importance of status,
and DHV is the person's identity.
Mystery Method.
Neg / neg hit
A negative compliment That AIMS to show That you are not impressed by your targets
beautiful appearance. Certainly not an insult but rather a subtle negative
comment. advocated and developed of according to MM.
Shotgun neg
Often used in the beginning of the attraction phase and AIMS to Demonstrate why you do not
are interested in the target. The girl will probably wonder why and try to bring your
interest in return.
sniper neg
A Method That shows how the target She has just Demonstrated lower value. The purpose with
sniper negs Is that the target for this event would prove his better self, Which is a
sign of the IOI. An example of a sniper neg ice The Following statement: "You Yikes spa
just me ... ".
Tease neg
Often Compared with cocky funny attitude. Teas negs are fun and playful
comments as to call the target geeky example, The girl Usually RESPOND with a similar
counter-thrust That brings a fun atmosphere and Creates attraction.
Neuro Linguistic Programming. A kvasipsykologisk school, Which in various ways trying
hypnotize Their target.
A person can Potentially ruin your chances with your target, Usually
girlfriends to target.
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A common phenomenon in the AFC. They've become obsessed with just one specific girl
That persuades itself is unique and very special.
One Night Stand.
Pair Bonding
Means That you build up a love affair with the other six as at best hold
a lifetime. Women and men are different in pair bonding, May have it
evolutionary reasons to do where women Should choose a man who can protect the family. One
woman who does not follow this approach May in the long run is Often nicknamed as whore or
Reinforcing social proof. A PAWN can ask a girl in the social situation whatsoever,
The Difference Is that with Pivots These (Pawns) are not aware of this.
By standing out and developement your image through stylish clothes, people
Automatically've become interested in what is human, it is this peacocking about.
You see, hear and people know who you are. Peacock style is Also Good for your inner game
Because more people listen to what you have to say. the Therefore this is a good feature to start
even if you are new
This method is explained in That You have a simple discussion with the target, to launch
a more sexual phase leading to Kino, drawing close, etc.
A girl like you could use social proof That When You're Out and lacerate. Used to
Increase your social status of potential targets. Pivot is like pawns, but These (pivot) ice
prepared in advance.
Player traps
As above, the pick-up artist, it is very easy to fall for female divine beauty,
or enticed to Quickly Attract the girl in bed. These player traps are not
recommend in the Long Run When The girl is likely to fall in the buyer's
remorse or simply to disseminated up INITIALLY. Mystery reporting 3 player Which traps
Should follow his M3 model.
Player Trap 1. To Strive for mutual attraction.
Player Trap 2. To avoid comfort-phase to quickly jump into seducefasen.
Player Trap 3. To end up in buyer's remorse.
Pick Up Artist.
Push 'n Pull
Push n Pull technology is One of the Most Effective Methods of creating attraction. By
to take two steps forward and then one back know your target never really know if you are
interested or not. Many AFC's make the mistake of only Puscha Which portrays them
as needy in the viewer's eyes. N Pull Push Technology Can Be Compared with Mysterys "Cat
theory "Which Means Roughly the samething.
Recovering Average Frustrated Conservative. A person who realizes That the AFC but are taking
steps towards
To rectify the situation.
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Procedures can be described as a shorter version of the canned material, but Which Can
combined. Often routine created by a seasoned pick up artist who then field tested
for maximum results.
Used in the Comfort phase and means That the girl Should qualify, to Hope
she is good enough for you. This is Implemented with Various Issues, Such as , "Are you good at
to cook? "" Do you like animals? "and so on. The girl will perceive issues a shit
test if she is worthy to "invest in".
Seven-hour rule
According To MM, it takes about 7 hours That you have met a girl That She feels comfortable
to have sex with you. The exception calls the Mystery of the Fool's mate.
When you go out and pick up girls by making use of PUA techniques.
Super Hot Babe.
When a girl says or does somethingthat ice Meant To Assess how you will
react to this. If you fail, she will lose interest in you. Can bothering
done consciously and unconsciously.
social Proof
The Concept Refers to When You entertain a group or be seen with a good-looking girl, so does
your social status Among others HBs.
The girl Attempting to close / seduce.
The Venusian Arts
The concept of The Venusian Arts symbolizes knowledge of love and Relate to
woman's divine beauty. Mystery COINED this term with the reasonthat
seduction and manipulation Often misleading due perceived. its negative connotations and
meaning. As well Venusian arts practitioner, you have good social skills, talent to seduce
and Attract. Knowledge requires plenty dedication and practice, but
Create Greater Awareness and Understanding of seduction.
Time bridge
All nights out do not lead to one night stands. When you continue making During a date
another time and place, it is called "time bridge". A good time to finish an evening
border breath the Comfort-phase When The risk of buyer's remorse is lower.
Time Constraint
In order not to seem needy at the beginning of a set That You Can pick-up artist to use a Time
constraint Associated with openern. An example is The Following sentence: I can only stay
a minute, so this will go quickly. The effect makes the girl is relaxed and Reduce Their
defensive, then You should only stay for a short period. Samma method can
Distressed When you invite a girl home after a restaurant visit, to consciously Demonstrate That
you do not have plans for sex.
Token resistance
This phenomenon Can Be Difficult to analyze for the inexperienced seducer. Cams May
pretend to resist the right to not seem slutty. As a guy, you can choose two options
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1. You presses her, and hope to give the girl with him.
2. You play with and say That perhaps it would be best to stop.
Most likely, the girl react to this and unconsciously
qualify with a question "why".
Ugly Girl.
Way Below Average Frustrated Chump. So far down as you can get in the AFC hierarchy.
Wing / Wingman
A PUA That goes with you and lacerate, you work together as a team.