National Capital Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE - CALOOCAN CITY M.B. Asistio Sr. High School – Unit 1 SY: 2023-2024 CATCH-UP FRIDAY Lesson Plan Objectives: Topic: Materials: Date: January 12, 2024 Define the non-communicable diseases Recognize the concept of mental health disorders as non-communicable diseases Explore the impact of mental health on overall health. Non-Communicable Diseases (Mental Reference: World Health Organization Health, Diabetes, Cancer) Daily Routine: Clean sheets of paper/ bond Prayer papers Classroom Rules Pencil/ Ballpen Attendance Checking Motivation Short Clip About Mental Health Prior the activity, teachers are encouraged to begin the topic by sharing a quote, short clip or an issue related to mental health, emphasizing its importance. After, they have to present a situation they have encountered concerning mental health Reflection: 1. How do you feel while watching the clip, or in reading the quote? 2. Why is it important to know what mental health is? 3. How do you address stress at home, school and peer pressure? Activities / Application Non-communicable Diseases Familiarization (Values) The class will be divided into 4-5 groups. Each group will choose 2 non-communicable diseases their family, friends or themselves have contracted or experienced. The group will share this in class. (Time Allotment: 20-30 minutes) Processing Questions: 1. Why is mental health important? 2. Do you think, it is normal to feel this way? (Please take note to assure the students that no matter what they feel that moment is normal and acceptable.) Success Stories Related to Mental Health (Health) The class will be divided into 4-5 groups. Each student should have a bond paper, and pencil. They will be asked to draw a something that will best symbolize their feelings on that day event to be explained and shared within the group. Touch the Color Game (Time Allotment: 20-30 minutes) Stigma’s Related to Non-communicable Diseases (Peace) The class will be divided into 4-5 groups. Provide each with discussion handouts containing questions related to the key themes. Instruct them to discuss and note down their insights. (Time Allotment: 20-30 minutes) Valuing Declutter Your Mind Lead a brief whole class reflection. Ask learners to share one thing they learned or found interesting during the group presentations. Assignment Values Values Reflection Gallery Walk: Display student created reflections around the room. Allow learners to walk and read each other's reflections. Processing questions: 1. Why is important to take care of our health and prevent suicide? 2. Who are the people you can reach out should you have any health concerns? 3. How will you encourage other youths in promoting a healthy mind and body? Video Clips: Non-communicable Diseases Health Teachers ask the learners to share about their experience on the activities. Teachers ask reflective questions. Teachers may also ask learners to write journals Peace Summarize the key themes discussed during the activity. Homework: Assign a reflective task, such as writing a short paragraph about how they can contribute to peace education in their daily 1ives. Cancer: Mental Health: Diabetes: Adviser’s Reflection: a. No. of Students Attended b. No. of Students Learned c. Best Practices You Shared: d. Important Reaction of the Students during the discussion Teacher Prepared by: Christine V. Doloiras and Chellie Ronquillo TLE 7 Teacher Checked by: Aurora G. Jimenez TLE/TVL Department Head Noted by: Noel G. Quibuyen Principal II