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Computing Ethics Exam Questions

31. In the context of computing ethics, what is the
primary concern addressed by the principle of "data
a. Ensuring efficient data processing
b. Protecting intellectual property rights
c. Facilitating data sharing
d. Optimizing network performance
32. How does the ethical principle of
"nonmaleficence" relate to the development of
artificial intelligence?
a. Advocates for maximizing harm
b. Encourages responsible AI design to minimize
c. Promotes aggressive competition in AI
36. In computing ethics, what is the primary goal of
the principle of "social responsibility"?
a. Maximizing individual profits
b. Prioritizing technological advancement
c. Balancing individual and societal interests
d. Ignoring the social impact of technology
37. What term refers to the ethical principle that
emphasizes fair distribution of benefits and burdens
in society?
a. Justice
b. Autonomy
c. Fidelity
d. Utilitarianism
d. Prioritizes AI efficiency over ethical
38. How does the concept of "code of ethics" apply
to the computing profession?
33. What is the term for the intentional and
unauthorized alteration of information with the
intent to deceive?
a. Hacking
b. Cyberterrorism
c. Data manipulation
d. Social engineering
34. According to the ethical value of "honesty," what
is its significance in professional conduct?
a. Upholding truthfulness and transparency
b. Maximizing personal gain
c. Concealing information for personal benefit
d. Prioritizing personal opinions over facts
35. How does the concept of "technological
determinism" relate to ethical considerations in
a. Advocates for a deterministic approach in
b. Suggests that technology shapes society and
human behavior
a. Advocates for unrestricted technological
b. Establishes guidelines for ethical behavior
within the profession
c. Encourages the use of proprietary software
d. Prioritizes individual interests over societal
39. According to the ethical value of "integrity," what
is its role in professional conduct?
a. Upholding honesty and trustworthiness
b. Maximizing personal gain
c. Prioritizing self-interest over collaboration
d. Ignoring professional standards
40. What term describes the ethical principle that
emphasizes the importance of keeping promises
and agreements?
a. Responsibility
b. Fidelity
c. Justice
d. Autonomy
c. Promotes technological innovation at any cost
d. Opposes the use of technology in ethical