0 1 2 An Introduction Email is the most widely used medium of communication in organizations and businesses globally. Being an effective official communication tool, most of the official correspondence with our seniors, colleagues, vendors, customers, regulating agencies, funding agencies, et al, is done through email. Etiquettes are the manners that are acceptable socially and professionally. It is necessary, then, to observe some etiquettes which help us communicate our message in a clear, crisp and effective manner. Guidebook About the Guidebook This guidebook is aimed at providing necessary tips to make email communication professional, business-like & effective and to reduce the likelihood of misunderstanding, unintentional rudeness or offence when communicating by use of email. 3 4 Communication Modes of Communication Communication in Today’s Business In an organizational context there are various modes of communication through which employees interact. The modes used for communication are influenced by: Purpose Timing Urgency, and Extent (Width & Depth) of the interactions. It is critical for employees of today to be able to understand and use a particular mode effectively to conduct their business. It is even more critical to combine modes appropriately to get the best out ofdifferent the communication. The cross-cultural nature of interactions between employees deployed globally, demand consistent communication for seamless exchange of information. This poses a challenge to professionals of today to maintain a sound etiquette as regards to each of the modes of communication. 5 6 Email communication Email is an evolving communication medium and although it shares many of the qua qualities lities of other conventional modes, it is different in its character and etiquette. A well written message is more effective in conveying ideas and information and building strong relationships with peers, seniors, vendors and customers. Email communication, because of its speed and broadcasting ability, is the virtual carrier of modern day official correspondence. 7 Email communication Some of the communication are benefits of email Email can be sent to more than one recipients simultaneously. Since the email reaches to many people simultaneously, it is very essential to be first time right with the content of the mail. Email is ideal for business communication as it is useful for documenting information involving more than one person. Email is an effective tool for communication as one can include words, pictures, sounds and videoss – in fact, any kin video kind d of comp computer uter file file.. In order to have effective email communication, one needs to have a clear knowledge of composing, sending and managing emails. 8 Email communication Understanding email One to be aware of thewritten mail is purpose beinghas written. Every mail hasfor towhich depictthe a certain amount of professionalism of the author, which is oriented towards communicating a message tto o the reader/s of the mail. There is amail. and professionalism tone,Due mannerism in every care is supposed to be takenhidden while composing the mail, to avoid any miscommunication or chances of the mail getting misinterpreted. To author an email, one has to understand the purpose, structure and basic elements of the email. 9 Emai Em aill c com ommu muni nica cati tion on - Purpo urpose se Some of the most common purposes of email are Issuing instructions Reporting an event Seeking clarifications Providing updates & progress Intimating Intentions Raising a concern Conveying an agenda / future program Putting up a grievance Inviting partnership Putting up a business case Announcing a formal program Customer Communication Giving feedback Vendor communication Seeking approvals / Decisions 10 Emai Em aill com commu muni nica cati tion on - Stru Struct ctur ure e Structure of email The mail message primarily consists of four parts Addressees (Different types of receivers) Salutation, which is the mode of addressing a receiver Body of the message, which consists of the message to be delivered Closure of the communication with the sender’s signature i.e. sender’s name and contact details 11 Emai Em aill com commu muni nica cati tion on - Stru Struct ctur ure e Addressees Salutation A comprehensive consolidated purpose Details of the message Closure with summary of expected action points Salutation 12 B o d y o f t h e m e s s a g e 12 Emai Em aill com commu muni nica cati tion on - Stru Struct ctur ure e Salutation A polite expression of greeting or goodwill indicating respect and affection or regards is Salutation. Saluta tion. In tthe he contex contextt of email, it is a wor word d or phrase used to begin a letter or mess message age and carries many connotations. It can be: 1. An ac actt of ho honor nor o orr cou courteo rteous us re recogn cognitio ition. n. 2. An ac ackno knowled wledgeme gement nt or ex expre pressi ssion on of go goodw odwill ill 3. Wor Word d of gr greet eeting ing u used sed tto o beg begin in a ma mail il mes messag sage. e. 13 Salutation ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ An email communication must start and end with the salutation. Emails without salutation are not well perceived by the receiver Avoid using Hi or Hello in salutation Dear Sir/Madam (when we are sending the first communication to establish a contact). Dear Mr. / Ms. / Dr. / Professor + Surname as in: Dear Dr. Little, (when it is a formal relationship relati onship with th the e addre addressee ssee a and nd the writer does n not ot know know him or her personally). Dear Susan (when the writer knows the addressee personally and the two share a semi - formal relati relationship onship). ). Acknowledge with thank you, how are you, or appreciate your help! Always end your emails with "Thank you," "Sincerely," "Best regards“, something polite! ☺ ☺ Avoid using acronyms of the name. Also ensure that the name is spelled correctly. Address your contact with the appropriate level of formality. 14 Emai Em aill com commu muni nica cati tion on - Stru Struct ctur ure e Signature A mark or sign made by an individual on a document, physical or electronic, to signify knowledge, approval, acceptance, or obligation is a signature. The traditional function of a signature is evidential. It is to give evidence of: 1. The The pro prove vena nanc nce e of th the e do docu cumen mentt (id (iden enti tity ty)) 2. The int intent ention ion (wi (will) ll) of an iindi ndivid vidual ual wit with h rrega egard rd to tha thatt d docu ocument ment The signature in not solely to provide evidence of the identity of the contracting party, but rather to additionally provide evidence of deliberation and informed consent. 15 Signature ☺ Include your name, designation, department’s name, company’s name, address, contact numbers and email address in the signature ☺ Avoid informal signs in your signature ☺ Write your complete name, avoid using pet name ☺ Keep your signature simple, do not make it too jazzy Sample Signature:: Jati Jatin n Pa Pate tellSignature Company Secretary, Suzlon Energy Limited, "Suzlon", "Suzlon ", 5, Shrimali Society Society,, Navran Navrangpura gpura,, Ahmedabad-380009. India. Phone: +91-79-26471100. Fax: +91-79-26565540. Email: jatin.patel@suzlon.com 16 Emai Em aill com commu muni nica cati tion on - Stru Struct ctur ure e Body of the message The mail mail messag message e body is th the e email’s main con content. tent. Th This is genera generally lly carri carries es the information that is desired to reach the receiver and communicate the intent of the information sent. The body of the message should carry: • a cco omprehensive cco onsolidated purpose • followed by the details of the message. • an and db be e cclo lose sed dw wit ith h tthe he summ summa ary of ex expe pect cted ed acti action on po poin ints ts.. 17 Body of the message ☺ Start with the Purpose: The start should contain what the addressee is supposed to expect from the rest of the mail and should be comprehensive enough to arouse interest and urge him to go on. Basically it must set the context of the mail. ☺ Include the details: Be sure you are including all relevant details or information ☺ necessary to understand your request or point of view. Do not beat around the bush: Be concise and to the point. Do not make an e-mail longer than it needs to be. Remember that reading an e-mail is harder than reading printed communications and a long e-mail can be very discouraging to read. ☺ Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation: This is not only important because improper spelling, grammar and punctuation give a bad impression, it is also important for conveying the message properly. ☺ slang, jargon, high sou sounding nding diffic difficult ult words (imp (impressin ressing g with Avoid Jargons: Avoid slang, vocabul voc abulary ary), ), co colloq lloquial uialism ism,, sar sarcas casm m an and d cu curse rse wor wordsds- The Theyy on only ly iinvi nvite te misinterpretation and deletion. Write in plain and simple English 18 Body of the message ☺ should ould the ee-mail mail be person personally ally addres addressed, sed, it should Make it personal - Not only sh also include a personalized touch i.e. customized content. ☺ importan tantt to ad add d dis discla claimer imerss to your your Add disclaimers to your emails - It is impor internal and external mails, as and when necessary since this can help protect you from liability. business iness emails emails,, try n not ot to use Take care with abbreviations and emoticons - In bus abbreviations such as BTW (by the way) and LOL (laugh out loud). ☺ ☺ Remember ber th that at wh when en yo you u use formatting formatting in yo your ur Be careful with formatting - Remem emails, the sender might not be able to view formatting, or might see different fonts than you had intended. Wh When en using colors, use a color that is easy to read on the background. ☺ keep p your sent sentence encess to a maximum of 15-20 words. Avoid long sentences sentences - Try to kee Email is meant to be a quick medium and requires a different kind of writing than letters. 19 Composing an email Composing an email “One is what one writes”. How one communicates is an indication as to who and what kind of person s/he is. This step is key to communicate the message. There has to be a clear thought process and understanding of the subject, which the author of the mail is wanting to communicate. The author has to share the ideas, thoughts, and feelings in a coherent manner and have the idea, thought, and feelings understood by the reader. Think from the reader’s perspective to communicate better, since a communication is as good as it is perceived. 20 Composing an email Typical layout of email To field: Person / people you are sending the email to. Cc field: Carbon copy, Used when there are people involved in a discussion who require only to be informed about the communication. Bcc field: Blind Carbon Copy, used when emailing to a group of contacts who do not personally know each other. 21 To field Check that the address or addresses in the To: field are those you wish to initiate a discussion with / send your reply to. Cc field Use CcOveruse only when is important for those Cc, to know about the contents of the email. canitcause your emails to be you ignored. Include addresses in the Cc: field for those who you just want to inform. Use Cc: field sparingly - Try not to use the Cc: field unless the recipi recipient ent in the Cc: field knows why they are receiving a copy of the message. Bcc fieldfeature is given when you do not want to expose the email addresses of Bcc recipients to others. Ideally one should avoid using Bcc since it smacks of suspicion. It may be a better idea to forward a mail separately to the intended Bcc addressee. By this you would ensure that the Bcc addressee does not inadvertently expose you by replying to your mail. Don’t ever respond to an email on which you were just a Bcc. 22 Composing an email Subject Subject fieldSubject is th the e fir first th thing ing tthe he rec recipient ipient sees from sender’s message, sost it's a good idea to make sure it's free of errors. It accurately reflects the content of the email. It should ideally attempt to summarize the content in one-line, eliciting action / decision. A clear subject line enables the receiver to gauge the relevance and subject matter of the email. 23 Subject ☺ Do not send or forward a mail without subject ☺ Use a meaningful meaningful ssubject ubject - Try to u use se a subje subject ct that is me meaningfu aningfull to the recipient as well as yourself. If referring to a previous correspondence, use the same subject. ☺ Keep to a single subject when composing a message Good Example: (Subject line) Bad Example: (Subject line) Invitation: Renewable Energy Conference, Chicago, Aug 24-26 Renewable Energy Conference 24 Composing an email Reply Reply is used to revert to the sender of the message. Reply to All Reply to All is used if you need your message to be seen by each person who received the original message Attachment An e-mail attachment is a computer file which is sent along with an e-mail message as the part of the message. Attached messages may be sent in un-encoded or encoded form. Mail services have a limit on the size of messages which be sent and this limit may restrict may the size of files to received; be attached. 25 Reply, Reply to All ☺ ema ail rep reply Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions - An em must answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions. Moreover, if you are able to pre-empt relevant questions, the receiver will be grateful and impressed with your efficient and thoughtful behavior. ☺ Don't leave out the message thread - When you reply to an email, include the original mail in your reply, instead of 'New Mail'. Thread-less email will not provide enough information and you will have to spend a long time to find out the context of the email in order to deal with it. ☺ Refrain ain fro from m usi using ng tthe he Re Reply ply tto o All Use Reply to All only when needed - Refr feature blindly to give your opinion to those who may not be interested or should not have been included in the first place. Your response to the sender need not be communicated to all to avoid possible embarrassment at times. 26 Attachment ☺ When sending large attachments, always "zip" or compress them before sending. ☺ Never send large attachments without notice! Always ask what would be the best time to send them first. ☺ Learn how to resample or resize graphics before attaching them to an email. This will greatly reduce download time. ☺ Never open an attachment from someone you don't know. ☺ Be sure sure you yourr viru virus, s, ad adware ware and sspywa pyware re progr programs ams ar are e up to da date te an and d inclu include de scanning of your emails and attachments both incoming and outgoing. ☺ It is better to spread multiple attachments over several emails rather than attaching them all to one email to avoid clogging the pipeline. 27 Attachment ☺ Make sure the other side has the same software as yours before sending attachments attach ments or they may may not be able to open your attachment attachment.. Use PDF when possible. ☺ Never send business attachments outside of business hours and confirm that the format in which you can send can be opened by the other side. ☺ Suzlonians can take the support of the IT team to create a File Transfer Protocol Protoc ol (FTP) address address for their respective respective departmen departments ts to share bulk files >5 MB. 28 Sending an email Sending an email There is more to sending a mail than pressing the send button. The sender has to have a complete understanding of the subject of the mail, the addressee/s of the mail, and the intent of the mail. Before one does press the send button, the content of the mail needs to be thoroughly checked for correctness for typos, grammatical errors, punctuations, subject line and the content of fonts, the message shouldetc. be The consistent. The seriousness in handling these would predetermine the kind of response that the mail should seek, rendering one in command of the situation. 29 Sending an email ☺ Reading the mail b before efore you send iit, t, Read the email before you send it - Reading helps to correct mistakes, if any. Reading your email through the eyes of the recipient will help you send a more effective message and avoid misunderstandings and inappropriate comments. ☺ Don't send or forward emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks - By sendin sending g or even just forwa forwarding rding on one e libelou libelous, s, or offensive remark in an email, you and your company can face court cases resulting in multi-million dollar penalties. ☺ Don't forward virus hoaxes and chain letters - By fforw orward arding ing h hoax oaxes es yo you u use valuable bandwidth and sometimes virus hoaxes contain viruses themselves. Since it is very difficult to find out whether a chain letter is real or not, the best place for it is the recycle bin. 30 Sending an email ☺ Use templates for frequently used responses - Some questi questions ons you get o over ver and over again, such as directions to your office or how to subscribe to your newsletter. Save these texts as response templates and paste these into your message when you need them. You can save your templates in a Word document or create templates in MS Outlook. ☺ sender er send sendss an e e-mail -mail be because cause th they ey wish tto o receiv receive e a Answer swiftly - A send quick response. Therefore, each e-mail should be replied to preferably within the same working day. If the email is complicated, just send an email back saying that you have received it and that you will get back to them. ☺ Avoid Using Public Domain - Avoid Avoid us using ing yyour our p perso ersonal nal e emai maill id fro from m a public domain, for example peter_225@yahoo.co.in, to send official communication. 31 Sending an email ☺ Use proper structure & layout - Use sho short rt p para aragra graphs phs and bla blank nk lline iness between each paragraph. When making points, number them or mark each point as separate to keep the overview. ☺ CAPITALS TALS IIT T SEE SEEMS MS AS IIFF YOU Do not write in CAPITALS - IF YOU WRITE IN CAPI ARE SHOUTING. This can be highly annoying and might trigger an unwanted response in the form of a flame mail. ☺ use se the ac active tive voi voice ce of a verb wherev wherever er Use active instead of passive - Try to u possible. Good Example: (Active Voice) Bad Example: (Passive Voice) 'We will process your order today‘. 'Your order will be processed today'. 32 Sending an email ☺ Do not overuse the high priority option- Overuse of high priority option will make it lose its function when you really need it. Moreover, even if a mail has high priority, your message will come ☺ across as slightly aggressive if you flag it as 'high priority'. Do not copy a message or attachment without permission Do not copy a message or attachment belonging to another user without permission of the originator. ☺ Do not use email to discuss confidential information If you don't want your email to be displayed on a bulletin board, don't send it. 33 Sending an email ☺ Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT- Even more so than the high-priority option, you must at all times try to avoid these types of words in an email or subject line. Only use this if it is a really, really urgent or important message. ☺ Keep your language gender neutral - Avoid using senten sentences ces w which hich indicat indicate e gender bias. Good Example: (Gender Neutral Language) Bad Example: (Gender Neutral Language) ''The sales person should configure the email program'. ‘The salesman should configure his email program'. 34 Sending an email ☺ Do not forward chain letters - We can ssafely afely sa sayy that all of them are ho hoaxes. axes. Just delete the letters as soon as you receive them. ☺ Thiss wil willl alm almost ost a alwa lways ys an annoy noy Do not request delivery and read receipts - Thi your recipient before the message is even read. If you want to know whether an email was received it is better to ask the recipient to let you know if it was received. ☺ chancess are th that at your m message essage h has as Do not ask to recall a message - Biggest chance already been delivered and read. A recall request would look very silly in that case wouldn't wouldn't it? It is bet better ter just to se send nd an email to sa sayy that you have mad made ea mistake. mistak e. This will look mu much ch more hone honest st than tryi trying ng to recall a message message.. ☺ replying lying tto o spa spam m or b byy uns unsubscri ubscribing, bing, you are Don't reply to spam - By rep confirming that your email address is 'live'. Confirming this will only generate even more spam. Therefore, just hit the delete button or use email software to remove spam automatically. 35 Managing Your Mailbox Managing mailbox depicts themail kindbox of person s/heone’s is. The more clearly structured one’s is, with clearly demarcated folders of individuals and teams with whom the communication has taken place, the more the information is accessible quickly and also determines the behavior of the person. The existing feature of Inbox and Outbox for most of the mailing tools / software can be further structured by archiving the older mails and improving the functioning of the tool. 36 Managing Your Mailbox By default, all emails are received into a single mailbox and all messages sent are sorted in a single folder. It is therefore necessary to manage your email in a more structured way in order to have ease in retrieving messages. 37 Managing Your Mailbox 38 Managing Your Mailbox 39 Managing Your Mailbox ☺ inadequate equate ti time me / informa information tion in ha hand, nd, you Saving draft message - In case of inad can select select Save from the Fi File le menu to sav save e the message in Dra Drafts fts folder folder.. This helps to prevent you sending it by mistake if you have further information to add. ☺ field ld or do a mail mer merge. ge. Place th the e addresse addressess in the Bcc Mailings - Use the Bcc fie field if recipients do not know each other. A mail merge also allows you to use fields in the the message so that yo you u can, for instance, instance, addr address ess each recipie recipient nt personally. person ally. Fo Forr more inform information ation on ho how w to do a Word mail merge, consu consult lt the Help in MS Word. ☺ awa ware re ttha hatt wh when en yyou ou Take care with rich text and HTML messages - Be a send an email email in rich text or HT HTML ML format format,, the sende senderr might only be able to receive plain text emails. 40 41 Templates Introduction Templates by definition may mean a pre developed page layout in electronic or paper media used to make new pages with a similar design, pattern, style or content. The email templates save time while standardizing the communication that is sentdesigns to the that users.can These templates are ready-made be used as a basis for fast and high quality communication. The email templates are customizable and can provide value to the end user. On the following pages there are reference templates commonly used in discussion with colleagues, vendors and seniors. These templates are strictly for reference only. 42 Issuing Instruction Subject: Safety kit to be made available at site Dear John, It was brought to our notice about the kit required for the safety of the visitors who are intending to document certain processes of our turbines at the Rattlesnake site. I request you to take care of few things before any one is allowed in the site area. The people visiting have to be given the following: 1. Safety helmet 2. Safety shoes 3. Th The e saf safety ety d drill rill for tthe he vvisi isitor torss hav have e to b be e don done e and tthe he si site te ma manag nager er / in in-ch -charge arge has to b be e informed about the completion of the drill. 4. Th The e saf safety ety m mana anager ger ha hass to be wit with h the vvisit isitors ors d duri uring ng al alll tim times es th the e vis visito itors rs are at th the e sit site e are area. a. Please note that any eventuality at the site will be dealt with very seriously as the safety of our workforce and the visitors cannot be taken lightly. If anybody notices any discrepancy in following these rules, yyou ou may please feel free to contac contactt Mr. Jim Terry, the safety in-charge at tjim@suzlon.com Best regards, Anthony 43 Seeking Clarification Subject: Seeking Clarification Dear Thomas, With reference to your mail on purchase of cement required for civil work at Hallet Hill wind park, I seek some clarification about the specifications of the said material. I would like to know 1.Grade of cement to be procured 2.Quantity required for civil work 3.The location at which the material is to be delivered I want to bring to your notice that we have some stock of the certain grades of cement available in our inventory. I am sharing the list of the same as an attachment with you. you. Kindly confirm if any of the materials ava available ilable suits suits the requirement. requirement. Best regards, Steve Taylor 44 Intimating Intentions Subject: Invitation to be a part of a cross functional team Dear Mr. Chen, This is to bring to your kind notice the need for a cross functional team (CFT) for the purpose of disseminating the values of the company to the ranks and files of Suzlon. The HR team has nominated you to be a part of this cross functional team to highlight the specific value based actions in your BU. We request you to be the interface between the HR team and the workforce in your BU in order to bring about a certain measurable change in the culture of the people. We are proposing a basic questionnaire for the workforce which will help us track the evident changes in the attitude of people over a period of time. The HR team wishes to thank you in anticipation to be a part of the CFT. You’ll be further provided with a welcome kit to acquaint yourself better with the process. Best regards, Liu 45 Conveying an Agenda Subject: Q2 performance evaluation meeting Dear Everyone, This is to bring to your kind notice that a meeting has been called for evaluating the performance of the second quarter. We will be having a meeting next Friday from 2:00 PM-4:00 PM in the Conference Room No. 2. Apart from the evaluation, the vertical heads will also share with every one about about the the proceedin proceedings gs of Connect Connect 09 09 conference conference that that happene happened d on last last Saturday at ‘One Earth’. All the team members are expected to attend. Thank you, Marie Santos MEETING LOCATION: Conference Room No. 2 DATE: Friday, May 5th TIME: 2:00 PM-4:00 P.M. FOR: All team members SUBJECT: Connect 09 ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY 46 Convey Con veying ing an an Agend Agenda a – Fol Follow low u up p Subject: Minutes of the monthly review meeting held on 5th July 09 ‘ Dear All, Please find attached the minutes of the monthly review meeting held on the 5th of July ’09. The executive summary of the meeting is appended herewith. Action Points: Sr. No. Point Discussed Task Responsibility Timeline 1. Review overall performance of the team To discover deviation against target and decide on corrective actions. Mr. Ronald 25th July 2. SAP TEM module Implementation Implementation plan to be devised Mr. Nielsen 10th July 3. Integration initiation with BUs Plan to be put up for setting up a CFT to resolve common problems Mr. Bradman 15th July Note:: All other ongoing assi Note assignmen gnments ts to be compl completed eted and re reporte ported d as per the prepre-decid decided ed schedule. Best regards, Neil Sørensen. 47 Inviting Partnership Subject: support for making a process learning Soliciting module on S88 Commissioning Dear Charles, Greetings ! We propose to make an AV module on the commissioning process of S88 WTG. This comes in the wake of the strategic decision to standardize the commissioning process of S88 WTG across all geographies. We request SWECo to partner with us in making this module. We require support on the following lines 1. Subj Subjec ectt M Mat atte terr Exp Exper erti tise se 2. Sui Suitab table le lloca ocatio tion n to vvide ideo o do docum cument ent the pro proces cesss 3. Safe Safety ty perso personn nnel el to g gui uide de th the eu uni nitt We have been given to understand that few machines are getting commissioned in the 2 nd week of October. Please let us know the feasibility f easibility to capture the process during that period. Looking forward to your reply in affirmation. Warm regards, Timothy 48 Seeking Approval Subject: Request for Leave of Absence Dear Sir, I am requesting for leave of absence from June 27, 2006 to July 8, 2006 for the following reason. My physician has recommended that I refrain from working during this period in order that I regain my health by taking good rest. Please find attached the doctor’s recommendation for your perusal. While I was hoping hoDuring ping tomy work longer longerIsabel than than will he suggested, suggest ed,care I feelofthat I should defer to his judgment. absence, be taking my responsibilities at work. Sincerely, Kavi Ka vith tha a Aiyer Aiyer 49 Customer Communication Sub: Thank You for Your Sincere Comments Dear Mr. Zhang Thank you for your sincere comments on the performance of our product. As you may know, so few people take the time to let a manufacturer know when they are satisfied with a product. Our product is reliable and we excel in end-to-end solutions catering to its Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance. Needless to say, we’d be pleased to take our services services a step further further and keep the product product well taken taken care of. Don't be surprised surprised if you get a few thank you you mails from the key employ employees, ees, as they pride themselves in the quality of their work and love to hear from our family of customers. Best Regards, Wen Cai 50 Vendor Communication Subject: Requesting translation services information about Dear Mr. Martinez, We are currently developing our sales literature and web sites and are interested in translating these into five international languages apart from English. I would be grateful grateful if you could could send send us your brochur brochure e and price list about about your translation services. I look forward to hear from you. Yours faithfully Ricardo Lopez Marketing Manager 51 Raising a Concern Subject: Request Promissory Note for Extension of Time on Dear Mr. Jones, According to the terms and conditions of the promissory note which I have signed, I am obliged to pay the amount of $5,000 on June 15, 2009. I have been informed that the funds which were to be paid to me prior to the due date on the the note note,, have be been en delay delayed. ed. Need Needless less to say, say, th this is com comes es as a grea greatt disappointment to me. I have been assured, however, that these funds will be in my possession by July 7, 2009. I am requesting you to extend the due date on the promissory note for a period of one month month and for a ju just st consid consideratio eration n for the said exten extension sion be sugges suggested ted by you. I am looking forward for your early e arly response. Sincerely, Andrew Samuel 52 Giving Feedback Subject: Feedback on proposal submitted Dear Mr. Khan, Thank you for submitting your proposal for deve development lopment of eLearning module on O&M of our WTG. Your proposal was assessed by a panel of experts. We would like to bring to your notice our findings about the same. Positives: • Yo Your ur ex expe peri rien ence ce in th the e fie field ld is an adva advant ntag age e for for us • Av Avai aila labl ble e expe expert rtis ise e vi viss-àà-vi viss the the team team Concerns: • The tim timeli eline ne sshar hared ed iiss bey beyond ond o our ur ex expec pectat tation ions. s. We n need eed tto o rol role e out tthe he mo modul dule e by 25 25th th itself. • Cos Costt is as p per er tthe he ccurr urrent ent mark market et rates, rates, but loo lookin king g at tthe he sco scope pe o off th the e pr proje oject ct w we e wou would ld llike ike to renegotiate. Our Recommendations We would like to propose sharing the subject matter expertise from our end to help reduce the cost as well as the timeline. th Let us meet Saturday, 12 confirm youron availability. Best Regards, Krishnamurthy S. Sep ‘09, preferably first half to finalize the way forward. Please 53 Announcing a formal program Subject: FIRST Initiative Dear All, Today, thanks to you, Suzlon is the 5 th largest wind turbine manufacturer in the world and we continue to grow to higher levels of excellence. Our vision for Suzlon is to make our customers happy and to be a consistent, profitable winner in the market. But our profitability has a lot of scope to improve, our performance has to be more customer centric and costs have to be tightly reined in. To be No.1 there are some things we have to accomplish • Our Customers must be our top priority • Imp Impro rove ve pr pro oduct duct per erfo form rman ance ce and sale saless real realiz iza atio tion • Remove inefficiencies in our value chain Continued on next page… 54 Announcing a formal program Subject: FIRST Initiative continued… continued… So we are rolling out FIRS FIRSTT- Fundam Fundamenta entall Initiative Initiativess Resulting Resulting in Struct Structura urall Transformation. Here’s what you have to do to contribute • Deliver on your commitments • Acce Accept pt and and ado adopt pt to ch chan ange gess iin n pol polic icie ies, s, st stru ruct ctur ures es and and w wor orkf kflo lows ws • Act on your responsibilities • Work as One Team, as ONE SUZLON You will hear more about this program and its specific initiatives during the coming com ing weeks. Best Regards, Brad Miller 55 Putting up a Business Case Subject: learning Request module of travel for documentation of S82 Dear Ceon, My meeting with Mr. Rodrigues, regarding the documentation of the S82 WTG learning module, concluded with a couple of decisions that were mutually agreed upon. 1. Our team team to to go ahea ahead d with with the prod product uction ion of of Commissi Commissioni oning ng AV modu module le in China. 2. Th The e revi revised sed co cost st and and the the supp suppor ortt doc docum umen entt tto o be be for forwa ward rded ed to you you an and d Mr. Rodrigues. Continued on next page… 56 Putting up a Business Case continued… Subject: of travel…for documentation of S82 learning Request module continued Further to that, I’m attaching herewith, in MS word, the estimated costs of travel to Zhuozi wind park, China for video documenting the troubleshooting process of S82 WTG. 1. 2. 3. The The ttea eam m vis visit itin ing g the the lo loca cati tion on comp compri rise sess of of 3 peo peopl ple. e. They They wi will ll be be at at the the lo loca cati tion on fo forr 5 to 6 day dayss depe depend ndin ing g o on n tthe he wind wind speed speedss at at the location. The The tra trave vell to to and and fr fro o and and th the e sta stayy of of the the unit unit is bill billed ed to th the e cust custom omer er of the the module. 4. The The loc local al trav travel el of th the e uni unitt will will be al also so ta take ken n car care eo off by by the the cust custome omer. r. I’m attaching the itinerary of the team’s travel, in MS Word document, for your kind reference. Please make the necessary arrangements and bookings for the travel and stay of the unit. Please feel free to contact me if you have any query. Best Regards, Yao 57 Reference Resources To know more about email etiquettes, email do’s and don’t’s please referto the appended links: http://www.sideroad.com/Business_Etiquet te/businesshttp://www.sideroad.com/Business_Etiquette/businesse-mail-etiquette-basics.html http://www.webfoot.com/advice/email.top.php#why http://www.bspage.com/1netiq/Netiq.html http://www.netmanners.com/email-etiquette/10-e-mailetiquette-resolutions-for-2009/ http://www.iwillfollow.com/email.htm http://www.emailaddresses.com/guide_etiquette.htm http://www.learnthenet.com/english/html/65mailet.htm Click the icon to read the article on Email Etiquettes published in http://www.dynamoo.com/technical/etiquette.htm Tiny Nuances, Fine Finesse LandDscape LandDsc ape August ’’08 08 issue issue!! 58 Books to Refer E-mail: A Write It Well Guide: How To Write And Manage E-mail In The Workplace Author: Fisher168 Chan, Publisher: Write It Well, Number Janis of Pages: E-mail Essentials: How To Make The Most Of E-communication Author:: Mat Author Mattt Hai Haig g , Pub Publish lisher: er: K Koga ogan n Pag Page e, Number of Pages: 153 E-mail Essentials Author: Autho r: Ed Titt Tittel el , Publis Publisher: Academic demic Pre Press ss , Number of Pages: 298 her: Aca Managing Your E-mail: Thinking Outside The Inbox Author: Autho r: Chri Christina stina Cavana Cavanagh gh , Pub Publisher: lisher: John W Wiley iley & Sons , Number of Pages: 198 59 Feedback & Suggestions Please address all your queries/suggestions regarding the product to gld@suzlon.com 60 Tiny Nuances, Fine Finesse Dr. Abinash Panda with Madhura Joshi, Global Learning and Development Dr. The article reproduced from LandDscape August ‘08 issue BUSINESS EMAIL ETIQUETTE: Let me share with you one of my experience with e-dialogue (debating and dialoguing through e-mail). I was in communication with Jack on a very sensitive issue for quite some time through email. It was concerned with the developmental options available for Jill as a part of his Individual Developmental Plan. One fine morning I received a mail from Jill, where she had mentioned his interest areas. It was a shock to me. Later I realized that Jack had been marking all communication to Jill on “Bcc” line. Is it professional on the part of Jack to mark Jill on Bcc line? Is it fair on the part of Jill to respond to a mail where he has been Bcced? Both Jack and Jill have undoubtedly acted unprofessionally violating business e-mail etiquette. Though email was invented in the 1970s, its use as a vehicle for business communication and e-dialogue has never quite evolved. Poor grammar, grammar, typos and everything in between are quite common in e-mails we receive daily. Let me share with you the relevant portion of a mail, which I received last week (see the box). After going through the content, you will know what I mean. An Example Thanks for your efforts.I appreciate your answer answer.. I understand that my convincing to you was in vain. i.e "The cost of inhoused consultant is more than Rs 20,000 per day, But if you send delegate to the conference, the advantages are 1. He get trained 2. Prime querries of plant can be solved at our conferences and 3. Afterwards the delegate himself can TEACH TEACH & TRAINED all persons at plants. In this piece, I have mentioned fifteen key aspects of business e-mail etiquettes. 1. Spel Spelli ling ng:: Any recipient would be irritated if s/he receives a mail with plethora of spelling errors. It is within the control of the sender to use Spell checker before s/he shoots out the mail. Every single email program available, provides you a spell-checker spell-checker.. Please check the Help or Options sections of your email program and set up automatic spell-checking. If that doesn't help, perhaps a dictionary might. 2. Gra ramm mma ar: Only one solution for this is education. Buy a book, take a class or take help of colleagues who are good in grammar. 3. The Sub Subjec jectt Lin Line: e: Many a time we receive emails without any entry or RE: in the subject line. This is an instance of being inconsiderate to the recipient. Do you want them to guess the real subject of the email? How do you expect them to file this email to refer to it later? We need to put appropriate entry in the subject line, which captures the essence of the mail and is comprehensive. 4. Att Attach achmen mentt Size Sizes: s: Email programs do not allow attachments of unlimited sizes. While sending files with images we should take efforts to compress the images. Once the images are properly compressed, the file size becomes manageable to be sent. The largest size one should send should not be more than 2MB. If the attachment is too heavy the recipient faces a problem to download it. 5. Length Length of the E-m E-mail ail:: Not every communication needs to be documented in email. Keep your mail sweet and short. However, However, never send “one liner” to the recipient. I had a colleague who used to send one liner like “What do you think?”, “Next what? and so on! We should refrain ourselves from sending such one liners! GLOBAL LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT Winner of ASTD - BEST AWARD 2009 FOR LEARNING LEARNING EXCELLENCE This document is strictly for internal circulation only GOLDEN PEACOCK NATIONAL TRAINING AWARD 2008 continued on next page...