Find loca on Download the Data matrix Find the raw of my ID Extract 3 variables using loop Flowchart End Create plots for 3 variables Create table for slopes and discuss it Create table for 3 variables included sta s cal informa on Create plots for every month for each variable with fi ed line 1- Find where about in Canada or Alaska my grid is located (longitude, la tude). 2- Download the data matrix and insert it into Matlab, then find my raw with longitude and la tude using “find”. 3- Find the coldest and ho est day by extrac ng Mean monthly temperature and extreme Minimum and maximum monthly temperature by using loop. 4- Create plots for 3 meseries (Mean monthly temperature, max and min monthly temperature) using 3 extracted variables in p.3. 5- Create table and find the values for all month for mean T, extreme Max and extreme Min by dividing the meseries into 12 separate series. For each variable includes the sta s cal informa on (min, mean, median, mode, max, std). Calcula ng the star ng and ending indices with “startIdx” 6- Create plots, use a subplot for every month for each variable (Mean T, Extmin, extmax) for the 41 years and fi ed a line to each subplot to know the slope of each. Making a table with those slopes and explain if the temperature is decreasing or increasing by me, if it is increasing the slope should be above zero, and if it is decreasing the slope should be below zero. 7- Flowchart end.