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The Impact of Remote Work on Employee Engagement and the Utilization of Communication Techniques to Sustain Engagement

How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
Literature Review
The Impact of Remote Work on Employee Engagement and the Utilization of
Communication Techniques to Sustain Engagement
Work Structure, Autonomy, and Empowerment in an Organizational Context
Due to the hard climate for businesses, particularly human resource management,
businesses have shifted to remote work since the COVID-19 pandemic (De-la-Calle-Duran &
Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021). The significant changes in the social and work environments have
contributed to the implementation of new workplace procedures and rules that limit contact (Dela-Calle-Duran & Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021). As a result, employees have encountered
additional challenges, including disconnection from workplace needs, separating personal life
from work, and isolation, among other psychological dangers. Long hours, increased workloads,
and fewer rest intervals are all connected with remote employment.
Despite the benefits of working from home, remote working has resulted in changes such
as developing a regulatory framework to ensure employee engagement, training the entire team,
and eliminating aspects that could contribute to worker confusion such as overlapping processes
or instructions (De-la-Calle-Duran & Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021). As a result, employees who see
fairness in decision-making become more engaged and lessen their intention to leave, resulting in
increased satisfaction and business well-being. Thus, because remote working affects the social
and psychological workplace and organizational environment risk factors, the greater the
corporate justice, the lower the absence rate, and better employee health and engagement (De-laCalle-Duran & Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021).
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
Cultivation has an impact on workers' participation in an organization while they work
from home. According to catastrophe theory, a system experiences abrupt changes in employee
behavior when the variables governing them change on a continuous basis (De-la-Calle-Duran &
Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021). Similarly, employee intention to leave work is influenced by tension,
which influences the psychological condition of the worker and causes individual or job
unhappiness (De-la-Calle-Duran & Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021). A healthy organization provides
a secure and safe working environment by involving employees in the planning and
implementation of organizational practices and decisions. Organizational empowerment that
distributes power and control between workers and the enterprise results in decreased
resignations and absenteeism. Coaching new approaches to work to provide necessary skills,
generating opportunities, and motivating workers to create goals will result in increased worker
engagement and sustainability. Furthermore, paying attention to workers' mental health because
they may be exposed to anxiety, depression, or stress, successfully managing mental health in the
context of remote working ensure employee privacy, which could build trust, more affection, and
unity for each party assuming a similar sense of identity, leading to more employee engagement
(De-la-Calle-Duran & Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021).
Additionally, wages and confidence influence worker engagement since rewards and
trust-building with employers inspire employees. To avoid worker detachment and the formation
of invisible barriers to successful working, monetary and non-monetary rewards must take into
account workers' priorities (De-la-Calle-Duran & Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021). As a result,
matching remuneration benefits with H.R. ("Human resources") policies and supporting
organizational values and culture effect employees in such a way that when they observe, the
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
firm is interested in each demand, resulting in high engagement against lesser support and
interest levels. According to Pass and Ridgway's (2022) research, the COVID-19 epidemic
caused most businesses to adopt remote working as a "new normal." 50% of European workers
worked partially from home and in an organizational environment, while 12% worked from
home (Pass & Ridgway, 2022). As a result, the "new normal" has altered the requirement for and
reliance on abilities to manage virtual connections, posing issues for the human resource
department (HRD) (Pass & Ridgway, 2022). Employee recognition increases engagement,
especially through public messages and the expansion of developing digital awards in which they
are rewarded in front of everyone for team motivation (De-la-Calle-Duran & RodriguezSanchez, 2021). As a result, recognizing ways to boost employee engagement through mentoring
and continual communication, as well as building a culture of recognition and coaching, leads to
a higher level of worker involvement as a result of remote work arrangements and empowerment
(De-la-Calle-Duran & Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021).
Most firms in the United Kingdom and the United States have considered this working
style to save on space costs and embrace the cost-saving benefits of diverse working options, as
most people move to rural areas to work from home (Pass & Ridgway, 2022). Although not all
remote working experiences are pleasant, studies have found work-home interference, loneliness,
a lack of social support, autonomy, inefficient communication, and a high workload (Pass &
Ridgway, 2022). According to Pass and Ridgway (2022), HRD examines a larger working
context when developing worker engagement approaches and strategies, identifying work-family
conflict and environmental distraction obstacles as necessary to help employees who work from
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
Delany (2022) agreed that the firm's transparency in establishing methods for handling
remote working was essential. Workers rely on line managers for consistent task treatment
allocation, career growth gaps, and rewards, therefore transparency is critical (Delany, 2022).
Furthermore, Andriotis (2017) suggested that supporting remote working groups and establishing
engagement strategies from the ground up, because it is all about employee development,
influences the level of workers' engagement (Pass & Ridgway, 2022). Holloway and Rees
(2021), for example, observed that FTSE 350 business employees criticized about the
organization's transparency since they rarely participated in the strategy formulation process
(Pass & Ridgway, 2022). Furthermore, keeping up with rapid change, the emergence of digital
transformation, and its acceleration has come at the expense of personnel. As a result, there is
workforce polarization for those who work online and those who feel left behind by
technological development (Pass & Ridgway, 2022). Because the rate of technological change is
expected to accelerate, organizations are being advised to engage and develop workers without
leaving anyone behind in order to ensure they are upskilled and reskilled to avoid fragmentation
and segregation and to keep employees highly engaged.
Social exchange theory (SET) provides a comprehensive understanding of human
behavior and attitudes, particularly during times of crisis, in order to foster resilience and coping
methods (Cortez & Johnston, 2020). Social behavior exchange-based perspectives were
established in sociology and psychology, and have since been expanded to management in order
to comprehend the relationship between workers' involvement and the organization's
commitment to their need to maximize organizational performance (Cortez & Johnston, 2020).
Cortez and Johnston (2020) define SET as "any form of social exchange, tangible and intangible,
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
and material and non-material goods bartered between people." As a result, it entails rewarding
reactions and activities, such that human reward and social cost drive specific decisions and
behaviors; as a result, there is an interdependent status between individuals in connections
(Cortez & Johnston, 2020).
According to Granovetter (1973), SET establishes a relationship between social nodes in
order to produce, transmit, and control resources for mutual benefit among the groups concerned
(Cortez & Johnston, 2020). According to Powell et al. (2018), worldwide pandemics contribute
to individuals being assigned responsibilities with external and internal partners; hence,
imbalance causes distress. Tate et al. (2019) agreed that SET helps to explain working behaviour.
Individual voluntary behaviors, according to the idea, are driven by the expected reward from
others (Tate et al., 2019). For example, an individual considers others anticipating something in
return without specifying the nature of the exchange (Tate et al., 2019). Andrew and Sofian
(2012) observed that SET supports reciprocity views, such that when firms provide benefits to
employees such as salary, training, meaningful work, and autonomy, the employee reciprocates
with a higher level of engagement (Tate et al., 2019).
According to Einwiller et al. (2021), changing work environments and significant
individual and work-related uncertainty put work engagement on the line. Individual reciprocity
underpins SET connections (Einwiller et al., 2021). SET thus covers the deployment of company
resources that contribute to employee reciprocation through pro-social behaviors and attitudes
from an organizational standpoint (Einwiller et al., 2021). Furthermore, SDT ("SelfDetermination Theory") is regarded as a powerful theory for motivating employees and
promoting healthy behaviors (Ryan & Deci, 2020). The theory provides a motivational basis for
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
social and personality behavior regarding psychological requirements; thus, SDT predicts
motivational outcomes like as performance, vitality, worker engagement, and psychological
well-being (Ryan & Deci, 2020). SDT focuses on social organization issues that influence
worker satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The working environment created by colleagues,
employees' supervisors and workers, and higher-level managers influences workers' motivation,
wellness, and performance (Olafsen and Deci, 2020).
Randall and Lartey (2022) used EENDEED ("Enhancing Engagement Nurtured by
Determination, Efficacy, and Exchange Dimension") to assess employee engagement. As a
result, self-efficacy theory (SEFT), SDT, and SET were used to investigate intrinsic motivations,
with SEFT and SDT explaining the mutual advantages between the organization and employee
engagement (Randall & Lartey, 2022). SDT is defined by autonomy, competencies, and
relatedness, according to Randall and Lartey (2022). Competence refers to employees'
perceptions of the organization's effectiveness in carrying out tasks (Randall & Lartey, 2022).
When compared to feelings of restraint, autonomy entails a sense of independence, selfsufficiency, freedom, and self-direction (Randall & Lartey, 2022). As a result, workers'
autonomy is reflected through their choices, which contribute to their involvement. The
requirement for remote workers to connect with colleagues and the business in order to establish
a sense of belonging is referred to as relatedness (Randall & Lartey, 2022). Thus, meeting all of
these psychological needs adds to improved intrinsic motivation in employees. Workers' selfdetermination increases their degree of involvement, which leads to improved organizational
performance (Randall & Lartey, 2022).
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
According to Randall and Lartey (2002), self-efficacy theory involves the idea that
workers have the requisite skills and knowledge to execute and arrange a task in order to produce
a desirable output. Emotions, according to the idea, determine individual self-efficacy and signal
individual goal attainment levels. The interdependence state impacts commitment and
engagement through ongoing connection between the organization and personnel, as revealed by
SET (Randall & Lartey, 2022). Thus, SET, SDT, and SEFT imply that the relationship between
remote working and employee engagement for organizational productivity is dependent on
autonomy, worker development opportunities, recognition, and the condition of interdependence.
Increased autonomy increases workers' accountability to engage. According to Delany
(2021), managing employees remotely is an active process in which subordinate managers must
maintain close, personal contact with their employees. Remote work necessitates additional
abilities beyond those required in a face-to-face context, such as mentoring, coaching,
management expectations, and the ability to read body language (Delany, 2021). Remote
working expectations put line managers under strain owing to a lack of skills and training to
accomplish the assigned work, as well as home life responsibilities such as caring and illness.
Furthermore, Delany (2021) stated that growing remote working leads to inadequacies in line
management, which contributes to HRD's requirement to evaluate creating and remitting this
worker group. Autonomy as a virtual working environment highlights the significance of line
managers' engagement and employees' accountability to the arrangement in order to have
independence in modifying involvement techniques that fit teams and individuals (Pass &
Ridgway, 2022). According to Wang et al. (2021), autonomy can have both beneficial and bad
effects on remote working. Autonomy eventually aids in the management of home-work
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
pressures such as child care needs (Wang et al., 2021). As a result, enhanced autonomy
contributes to fewer remote working interferences by empowering and trusting individuals to
work when and how they want. Increased autonomy enables remote workers to be accountable
and engaged (Wang et al., 2021). As a result, this adds to the first hypothesis:
H1. Employee engagement is favorably predicted by remote working arrangements,
autonomy, and empowerment.
Research of Organizational Support and Communication
Remote working has gained in popularity as communication and information technology
have advanced. Remote working has been characterized as an area or flexible setting or
arrangement in which employees operate centrally, away from their offices or facilities, with
limited individual touch with their coworkers (Wang et al., 2021). Prior to the COVID-19
outbreak, a small group of remote employees experienced a horrible experience. Additionally,
organizations were not entirely prepared to sustain this new normal. As a result, millions of
workers were obliged to work remotely during the pandemic breakout, resulting in the global
experiment of working from home (Wang et al., 2021). Small and medium-sized firms in China
have experienced fast industrialization, economic, and urbanization growth (Rasool et al., 2021).
Due to fewer rules than large firms, SME ("small and medium-sized enterprise") employees have
been shown to suffer from low pay and toxic working environments such as harassment,
bullying, and exclusion (Rasool et al., 2021). As a result, such a working atmosphere reduces
employee engagement and motivation (Rasool et al., 2021).
When employees work remotely, the whole business working environment remains a
source of worry. A hazardous workplace endangers workers' health and safety (Rasool et al.,
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
2021). According to Rasool et al. (2021), employee engagement is a question of emotional and
physical support between workers and the organization. Employee productivity and the
organization benefit from workers' goals, the organization's vision, and support (Rasool et al.,
2021). The organization is creating a supportive and encouraging work environment in order to
increase employee engagement. Organizational support (O.S.) entails genuine care for the wellbeing of employees (Rasool et al., 2021). Rasool et al. (2021) argued that organizational support
reduces employee stress and burnout, that toxic environments are eliminated to increase worker
engagement, and that informal support is far superior to formal support.
A toxic work environment has been shown to relate to low employee engagement and
stress. Rasool et al. (2021) discovered that mediating variables, such as organizational support,
have a beneficial impact on workers' output and boost their commitment, engagement, and
performance. According to Wang et al. (2020) and Samma et al. (2020), when an organization
provides support to its employees, their emotional and cognitive evaluations improve, and their
engagement at work improves. According to COR ("conservation of resource") theory, exposing
an employee to a destructive working environment adds to negative impacts such as bad work
attitude, less interest, and commitment as compared to a cooperative working environment
(Samma et al., 2020). As a result, the hypothesis proposes that resource conservation drives
employee involvement and a favorable work-related mindset. According to COR theory, when
confronted with home-family conflict and dysfunctional organizational politics, workers do not
exhibit a positive attitude. However, they are likely to encounter unfavorable impressions of
workplace difficulties and problems, which will have a detrimental impact on their involvement
(Samma et al., 2020).
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
Workplace toxicity and workplace stress (W.S.) among workers can be reduced with
organizational support (Wang et al., 2020). The favorable association between organizational
support and leadership sharing in teamwork and dynamic work behavior minimizes toxicity in
the company environment as workers participate in leadership decision-making, enhancing their
job performance (Wang et al., 2020). Workers are motivated when they see administrative
assistance as leading to high output (Wang et al., 2020). According to stress theories, O.S.
contributes to workers' relaxation by reducing the stressor-strain relationship; for example, the
DCS (decision control support) model reflects that severe health issues in the workplace lead to
excess demand and a low level of control, along with insufficient organizational support (Wang
et al., 2020). Employees exchange their efforts and time at work for valued outcomes, according
to the O.S. hypothesis (Caesens & Stinglhamber, 2020). As a result, employees' remuneration
and other perks would become engaged and satisfied (Caesens & Stinglhamber, 2020).
As a result, management studies provide insights into the policies and tactics required by
human resource management by prioritizing employees first, teamwork, clear communication,
and the use of a modest readership (De-la-Calle-Duran & Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021). The study
examined factors impacting employee engagement using literature from prior studies and a
theoretical model. According to the study by De-la-Calle-Duran and Rodriguez-Sanchez (2021),
elements such as conciliation, balancing work and family life, cultivation, confidence, pay, and
communication reinforcement increased worker engagement. According to the impact of
conciliation on employee engagement, 40% of workers said that they were still working after the
epidemic (De-la-Calle-Duran & Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021). Because of reduced energy and
space requirements, among other things, this new working norm has permitted a more efficient
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
and productive staff (De-la-Calle-Duran & Rodriguez-Sanchez, 2021). Furthermore, pollution
levels have decreased, making sustainability a valuable economic asset. Employees have
benefited from remote work because it allows them to have a more balanced work-life, which
has increased engagement and satisfaction.
Furthermore, effective involvement requires good communication. Joint connections
across organizational units and the combination of corporate resources in industrial associations
result in the achievement of goals that could not be achieved alone, resulting in value co-creation
through mutually beneficial links (Cortez & Johnston, 2020). When the two people involved
follow the norms of trade, a relationship develops and strengthens through time, leading to trust,
loyalty, mutual involvement, and commitment (Khan et al., 2021). Employees who gain from the
organization's socioeconomic and economic resources, for example, will feel required to respond
and repay the enterprise, hence fostering worker engagement (Khan et al., 2021).
Galanti et al. (2021) observed that technological resources, such as email communication
and information exchange, contributed significantly; nonetheless, social interchange occurs
through a "richer" form of communication, with face-to-face being the "gold standard." As a
result, the organization has supported remote working by developing software and employing
technologies and interactive experiences that mimic face-to-face or team interaction in order to
ensure remote workers communicate effectively and sufficiently with others in order to deliver
their commitment and engagement for effective productivity (Galanti et al., 2021).
Human resource managers are improving in how they engage employees for healthier
output amid difficult times through innovation, creativity, and effectiveness. According to
Chanana and Sangeeta (2021), firms support employee engagement through communication in
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
order to improve the accuracy and honesty of information conveyed at the correct moment for
the effective commitment to assure productivity and consumer satisfaction. Increased dedication,
openness, and improved employee decision-making all lead to employee engagement (Chanana
& Sangeeta, 2021). According to Bedarkar and Pandita's (2014) employee engagement study,
leadership, work-life balance, and communication are significant determinants of workers'
commitment and arrangement (Chanana & Sangeeta, 2021). According to Larson et al. (2020),
providing different communication technologies, such as video conferencing, permits shared
knowledge, lowers feelings of isolation, and is necessary for complicated and sensitive
communication to ensure workers' involvement. Furthermore, Larson et al. (2020) argued that
keeping communication vibrant and exchanging information with employees will help to prevent
a toxic working environment while also increasing employee engagement because there are
possibilities for remote social connection. As a result, the second hypothesis is supported:
H2. Remote workers who report higher levels of O.S. and communication stay more
engaged than those who report lower levels of O.S. and communication.
The Establishment of a Sense of Connection with Team Members and Supervisors
Many remote employees describe feelings of social isolation and loneliness, citing a
desire for the informal connection of an office setting (Larson et al., 2020). In addition, Rasool et
al. (2021) stated that by eliminating toxic environments, organizations must support workers in
reducing stress and burnout and promoting participation through informal rather than formal
support. As a result, extroverts experience more isolation, particularly when they lack
opportunities to communicate with others in remote work environments (Larson et al., 2020).
According to Pianese et al. (2022), technology tools that facilitate employee surveillance and
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
monitoring, including as login and logout systems, aid in tracking actions and engaging
teleworkers to ensure they remain connected. Channels such as emails, phones, and chat aid in
communication and sustaining links with distant coworkers and team members in order to
strengthen a sense of belonging to the group or organization, hence influencing the efficacy and
dynamism of firm control (Pianese et al., 2022). Kimbe's (2011) research demonstrated that
virtual meetings can foster emotional connections among team members and create a community
of practices through shared interest among the team, leading to cross-organizational boundaries
(Pianese et al., 2022).
Concerns about ongoing productivity and individual well-being have arisen as a result of
widespread remote labor. Workers who are isolated and have lost a sense of connection to their
coworkers and their organization have low levels of engagement (Hafermalz & Reimer, 2020).
Employee benefits from remote working include autonomy and spatial and temporal flexibility in
the work process. However, feelings of isolation continue to be a barrier to remote working and
retaining a sense of organizational and social connection, influencing effective work
arrangements and worker engagement (Hafermalz & Reimer, 2020). Building and maintaining
connections thereby address problems to coordination and collaboration in order to increase
employee engagement (Hafermalz & Reimer, 2020).
Hafermalz and Reimer's (2020) data from several nurses in a research case to analyze the
influence of isolation observed that "shop talk" could be labeled irrelevant, despite the fact that it
is tied to vital learning. "When talking about other people and what happened to them, an
individual learns a lot" (Hafermalz & Reimer, 2020). Remote workers have been reported to
suffer from isolation as a result of a loss of connection with coworkers, missing out on office
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
"gossip" (Hafermalz & Reimer, 2020). Wang et al. (2020) found that maximizing telecommuting
in an organization must be aligned with employee negative assumptions in order to preserve the
benefits of remote working and cultivate an emotional connection between team members and
organization management in order to promote worker engagement.
Isolation, according to Van Zoonen and Sivunen (2022), is a key difficulty for personnel
who operate remotely, such as teleworkers and virtual teams. Disengagement, lower employee
well-being, low job satisfaction, and poor performance are the issues of severe isolation (Van
Zoonen & Sivunen, 2022). Studies have advocated occasional site visits to facilitate face-to-face
interactions with colleagues to alleviate remote employees' feelings of physical isolation (Nurmi
& Hinds, 2020). However, mediated communication has been shown to help overcome difficult
distant employee experiences because technology such as virtual interactions provide valuable
resources to workers (Van Zoonen & Sivunen, 2022). According to Van Zoonen and Sivunen's
(2022) theoretical framework, employee sense of belonging to the organization develops through
diverse resource availability such as social engagement and exchange with supervisors and peers.
Furthermore, Cooper and Kurland (2002) proposed that managers and remote workers
benefit from a training program to maintain open communication in order to reduce isolation and
loneliness while increasing employee engagement (Van Zoonen & Sivunen, 2022). According to
Nurmi and Hinds (2020), isolation and loneliness lead to negative well-being and employee
attitudes, such as behavioral reactions leading to physical disconnectedness, such as social
loafing and absenteeism, which leads to low remote employees' engagement. According to
Rofcanin et al. (2019) study on a diary MBA students, improved communication between
employees corresponds to a higher level of job engagement, which leads to better performance
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
ratings from supervisors. Low communication levels, on the other hand, result in decreased
engagement and performance evaluations due to employee disengagement due to loneliness
(Rofcanin et al., 2019).
Cultivating strong leadership in a virtual work environment is critical for increasing
employee engagement and a sense of belonging through informal connections. According to
Sinclair et al.'s (2021) transformational leadership approach, better communication through
consideration of employees' decision-making, rapid assistance, and comprehension of their work
would result in a higher level of engagement. Virtual huddles are used to improve employee
communication, and supervisors raise awareness of work and provide feedback to promote entire
involvement for organizational benefits in a reciprocal environment (Sinclair et al., 2021).
Buchler et al. (2020) observed that extensive usage of technology adds to the use of cellphones
and laptops, facilitating work connectivity. Workers, team members, and supervisors who are
connected in a meaningful way may perform better. However, constant connectedness exposes
employees to social pressure, harming their well-being and contributing to their disengagement
from work (Buchler et al., 2020).
According to Wontorczyk and Roznowski's (2022) study on remote working, excellent
organizational management leads to more employee involvement in work due to improved focus,
calm, and tranquility at home. Quietness, on the other hand, may lead to individual loneliness
and isolation, blurring the distinctions between work and home. Inconveniences such as the need
to contact team members, internet speed, and working environment also contribute to stress
(Wontorczyk & Roznowski, 2022). When it comes to work stress, Karasek (1979) emphasizes
the importance of social connection and direct ties with coworkers and superiors (Wontorczyk &
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
Roznowski, 2022). According to Hwang and Jung (2020), supervisors play an important role
when they have a good relationship with their employees, as support from superiors stimulates
employees and favorably influences work attitude, organizational engagement, and commitment.
Furthermore, less supervisory oversight in remote work leads to greater employee independence,
which reduces stress connected with such features (Wontorczyk & Roznowski, 2022). As a
result, good employee, supervisor, and team member interactions and connectedness foster a
sense of belonging and connection, which contributes to higher remote worker engagement. As a
result, the third hypothesis is supported:
H3. Remote employees who feel substantially associated with team members and
supervisors are more engaged at work.
Effective Communication Strategies for Employers to Foster High Levels of Engagement
Information, communication, and technology (ICT) offers benefits and drawbacks to
workers. Given increased information access and connectivity, employees may feel informed,
strengthened, and respected. However, it can cause job overload and disturbance, destroying
mental well-being, causing workers burnout or stress, and producing a work-life imbalance that
leads to conflict, influencing their general well-being (Ninaus et al., 2021). As a result,
communication necessitates the selection of appropriate communication channels based on the
Email communication, video conferencing, project management, and instant messaging
platforms address challenges that remote workers confront in order to increase organizational
communication value (Ninaus et al., 2021). Workers primarily desire grateful, polite,
sympathetic, and honest communication, and they emphasize the importance of informal
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
conversation (Ninaus et al., 2021). Work flexibility can be achieved by improved communication
tactics such as email and video conferencing, among others, when workers can work at any
location of their choice within their time frame and protocol, hence improving well-being.
According to Nagel (2020), greater autonomy can lead to greater flexibility, which improves
employee well-being and engagement. Thus, utilizing various communication channels or
platforms may result in better flexibility and possibilities to interact with supervisors and team
members for rapid and effective exchange, resulting in higher engagement.
Based on Lee's (2023) research, an online survey of a sample size of US employees
working full-time from home. According to the study, formal applications of ICT for workrelated objectives such as email, instant messaging, phone, and video conferencing were
favorably associated with workers' information access and interaction satisfaction, resulting in
improved engagement (Lee, 2023). Furthermore, communication is used for both informal and
formal concerns in order to facilitate successful internal interaction and worker participation
(Lee, 2023). As a result, good communication is critical to employee engagement.
Communication tactics, including regular check-ins and feedback, are vital for resolving
all employee difficulties. Workers' motivation was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic's
increased impact on the community, stress, and uncertainty (Begum et al., 2023). Employers
encouraged workers to stay involved by being transparent, accommodating, offering help, and
appreciating them (Begum et al., 2023). Regular check-ins for remote workers and
acknowledging their efforts have aided in maintaining a sense of belonging and connection with
the team or supervisors, thereby contributing to continuous information sharing to improve
organization productivity and performance (Begum et al., 2023). Begum et al. (2023) suggested
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
that because workers struggle to balance work and personal obligations, experience burnout, and
feel stressed as a result of growing workloads, companies must acknowledge and address these
difficulties. According to the research, establishing regular and clear communication to enable
higher engagement is one strategy to support employee motivation (Begum et al., 2023).
Furthermore, Hajjami and Crocco (2023) agreed that digital literacy, organizational
qualities, and mindfulness gained via effective communication are instances of supportive
leadership and job autonomy. According to Shaik and Makhecha's (2019) research on elements
contributing to GVT ("global virtual team"), technology-mediated communication allows for
distributed teamwork group collaboration. Active listening entails participating in sympathetic
and open communication in order to build a positive working environment. According to
Newman and Ford (2021), organizational culture facilitates a virtual workforce by implementing
new communication tactics and instruments to minimize the loss of informal contact. A schedule
of one-on-one calls or video meetings, for example, allows for open communication about
employee well-being, active listening for issues and frustrations, and reinforcing the
organization's culture, mission, and values, all of which lead to a higher level of remote worker
engagement (Newman & Ford, 2021).
As a result, solutions such as WebEx, Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams allow for
employee feedback and video conferencing to communicate with the team, as well as immediate
messaging notices (Newman & Ford, 2021). Furthermore, tools such as SharePoint, DropBox,
and OneDrive allow the worker to work on the information set concurrently without replication
issues (Newman & Ford, 2021). Providing all-inclusive technology training and infrastructure to
employees, as well as good communication, makes remote employees feel as if the organization
How Does Remote Work Affect Employee Engagement, and
Maintaining Engagement Using Communication Techniques
is invested in their performance, resulting in better engagement (Newman & Ford, 2021).
According to this review of the literature, while remote work employee engagement and
communication techniques to support higher engagement have been studied, there are some areas
that have not been studied, such as the impact of remote work on individual and team dynamics
around engagement, various productive interpersonal methods and approaches, and the role of
management (organization support) in raising engagement in remote job settings.
Begum, N., Islam, M. A., Sultana, U. T., Shanto, M. M. R., & Ali, M. M. (2023). Employee
Motivation during the Challenging Times of Covid-19 Pandemic: Strategies for
Success. Global Mainstream Journal of Law, Diplomacy, Psychology & Social
Sciences, 2(01), 1-9.
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