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Online Recipe Guide
Rhys Dowden
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program as well as making any
nutritional changes in order to determine if it is right for your needs. The Online Nutrition Guide by Operator Edge offers health, fitness
and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on the following material and all subsequent
information as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation.
The information distributed and promoted is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. By engaging in this program, you
acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility to consult with your physician regarding both your medical fitness to engage in this exercise
program and any medical or physical conditions which might arise during the course of your exercise program. If you have any concerns or
questions about your health, you agree to consult with a physician or other health-care professional.
You further agree to not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional in
connection with information or suggestions provided. The use of any information provided, distributed, and promoted is to be used solely at
your own risk. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.
Don’t perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always perform a warm-up prior to performing any type of physical activity. If you
experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately and arrange to be seen
and evaluated by a physician.
Developments in medical research may impact the health, fitness and nutritional advice that is promoted and distributed. No guarantee
can be given that the advice promoted and distributed will always include the most recent findings or developments with respect to that
particular subject.
All exercise poses possible risk of injury or death, depending upon your underlying medical condition. We advise everyone to take full
responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Do not take risks beyond your level of experience, expertise, training and fitness level.
Don’t perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified fitness professional (personal trainer or certified
strength and conditioning specialist).
By enrolling in the program, you agree to consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this health and fitness
All rights reserved. No part of the material may be reproduced in Australia or in any other country by any process, electronic or otherwise, in any material
form or transmitted to any other person or stored electronically in any form without the prior written permission of Operator Edge, except as permitted by
the Copyright Act 1969.
©2016 Copyright Operator Edge
Sydney, NSW 2009
First published 2016
Published by
Operator Edge
NSW 2009
Email: rhys@operatoredge.com
Internet: www.operatoredge.com
Rhys Dowden
Rhys grew up in various places in Queensland, with the majority of his childhood spent on the Sunshine Coast. He enlisted
in the Army at the age of 18 and served in the Royal Australian Armoured Corps for 4 and ½ years before discharging.
Rhys worked at Australia Zoo on Steve Irwin’s security detail for 6 months before taking work in Iraq as a contractor for
2 years. He then re-enlisted in the Army and passed the Commando Selection and Training Course in 2008. Rhys completed
2 tours to Afghanistan with the 2nd Commando Regiment, one as an Operator and one as a Sniper, before discharging in
2013 with a total of 10 years service.
As Owner of Operator Edge, Rhys’ extensive military and fitness experience along with many years of martial arts enables
him to provide a thorough level of mental conditioning, military, self-defence and strength and conditioning training.
Operator Edge
Ultimate Commando Omelette
3 slices of ham
Eggs – 3 for men or 2 for women
3 egg whites
½ cup avocado, sliced
2 asparagus stalks
5 cherry tomatoes
ADD sweet potato for extra carbs
Cooking Instructions
Heat ham in a pan over medium/high heat.
Remove from pan when done.
Beat eggs and egg whites together and pour into
pan. When eggs are cooked firmly enough to flip,
place ham, asparagus and tomatoes on one half
of the cooked eggs.
Flip open side of eggs over to cover the ham. Let
cook for 2-3 minutes, then flip omelette. Serve
with avocado.
Operator Edge
Peanut Butter and Banana Pancakes
Makes 2 servings (4 pancakes). We
recommend eating one serving and saving one
serving as a snack.
2 eggs
2 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tbsp Greek yoghurt
¾ punnet blueberries
½ banana (optional)
Cooking Instructions
Combine eggs, peanut butter and banana and
whisk until smooth.
Lightly grease a pan with coconut oil and heat
over med/low heat.
Pour the mixture into the pan and cook until
golden brown on both sides.
Serve with fresh Greek yoghurt, blueberries or
½ tsp coconut oil
Operator Edge
Salmon Scramble
Coconut oil
Eggs – 4 for men or 2 for women
Sliced smoked salmon – 3 for men or 2 for
¼ avocado, sliced
ADD 1 cup quinoa for extra carbs
¼ fresh lemon
Salt and pepper
Cooking Instructions
Heat pan lightly and grease with coconut oil.
Add eggs and continue to stir until they begin
to harden. Turn off the heat.
Add the smoked salmon to the eggs and stir
together. Remove from pan.
Add sliced avocado, lemon, salt and pepper
and serve.
For quinoa, boil on stove or use microwave oven
and add it as a side dish.
Operator Edge
Banana, Walnut and Quinoa Porridge
1 small banana
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 cup water
1½ cups quinoa
¼ cup walnuts
¼ cup blueberries
1 tsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp stevia
Cooking Instructions
Place a cup of water in a pan and boil. Add
quinoa and cover with lid. Lower heat and let
simmer for 8-10 minutes.
Turn heat off and let quinoa sit for 8-10 minutes.
Add quinoa to bowl with almond milk and top
with the chopped banana, walnuts, blueberries
and peanut butter.
Flavour with stevia and cinnamon. Leave out
stevia if you want it less sweet.
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Operator Edge
Eggs and Porridge
1½ cups oats
1 tsp stevia
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ cup mixed seeds
Cooking Instructions
Add oats to microwave safe bowl. Add water to
cover oats and cook on high for 1 minute, then
stir. Continue to cook in 30 second bouts until
Add stevia, cinnamon, seeds and blueberries
to serve.
¼ cup blueberries
Operator Edge
Cottage Cheese and Sweet Potato Omelette
Cooking Instructions
2 stripes prosciutto chopped
Lightly grease pan with coconut oil.
2-3 eggs
¼ cup egg whites
Mix all eggs, prosciutto, avocado, brocolinni and
goats cheese in a bowl and then pour into pan.
Half avocado
Cook eggs until are no longer runny.
2 tbsp goats cheese
Serve with salt and pepper and a squeeze of
fresh lime.
Handful brocolinni
Operator Edge
Banana Oats Pancakes
2 bananas
Cooking Instructions
2 eggs
Combine bananas, eggs, baking powder and oats
and blend.
½ cup oats
Grease a pan with coconut oil and add mixture.
½ tsp baking powder
Cook until golden brown.
5 strawberries
Serve with strawberries and maple syrup.
Operator Edge
Tuna Scramble
Cooking Instructions
2 eggs
Whisk eggs in bowl.
185g tin of tuna in oil
Grease pan with coconut oil.
4 chopped chillies
Add eggs, tuna, chillies and avocado in pan and
cook until eggs are not runny.
1 fresh lime
Salt and pepper
Half avocado
Serve with salt and pepper and a squeeze of fresh
Operator Edge
Vanilla Almond and Raspberry Porridge
¼ almond milk
¼ coconut milk
1 cup oats
Handful raspberries
Handful crushed almonds
Cooking Instructions
Place oats and water into a bowl and soak for
10 minutes. Soak overnight to make it extra
Combine all ingredients into saucepan and
cook on stove until creamy. Add in more milk as
Tsp pure vanilla extract
Operator Edge
Cooking Instructions
2 cups oats
Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
2 cups almonds
Pre-heat over to 120°C.
2 tbs chia seeds
Spread mixture on tray.
1 tbs cinnamon
4 tbs coconut oil
Bake 20-25 minutes in oven until golden brown,
turning halfway.
3 tbs maple syrup
Remove and stand to cool.
1 cup coconut flakes
Serve with greek yoghurt, strawberries and
¼ cup pipits
2 tbs sesame seeds
Operator Edge
Asian Chicken and Rice
Coconut oil
1½ cups chicken, cut into cubes
1½ cups brown or basmati rice
1½ cups frozen peas, carrot and corn
1 tbsp reduced salt soy sauce
1 tsp coconut oil
½ garlic clove
Small piece fresh ginger, finely grated
¼ tsp wasabi
Salt and pepper
Cooking Instructions
Heat pan to medium heat and grease with
coconut oil. Add chicken and cook till white but
still soft.
Cook rice until soft or use instant packages. Cook
frozen vegetables in microwave for required time.
Transfer all to a large bowl.
Add soy sauce, coconut oil, garlic, ginger and
wasabi in a jug and whisk until well combined.
Season with salt and pepper. Pour dressing over
rice and chicken.
Toss gently to combine.
Operator Edge
Satay Chicken and Vegetables
1½ cups chicken breast, sliced
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 cup broccoli
1 cup capsicum
ADD 1 cup brown rice for extra carbs
1 tsp coconut oil
Cooking Instructions
Heat pan to medium heat and add coconut oil
to grease. Add sliced chicken breast and cook till
white and still soft.
Add chopped capsicum and broccoli to pan.
Cook lightly then add peanut butter. Simmer
for a few minutes and remove from heat.
Serve on its own or with brown rice for
extra carbs.
Operator Edge
Tuna Rice and Vegetables
Cooking Instructions
Tinned tuna in spring water –
185g for men or 85g for women
Add all ingredients to a bowl and mix. Add lemon
juice and salt and pepper to flavour.
½ cucumber
Cook rice on high in microwave for 60 seconds.
5 cherry tomatoes
¼ red onion
Salt and pepper
1 tsp lemon juice
ADD 1 cup brown rice for extra carbs
Operator Edge
Chicken and Rice
500g chicken thighs
Cooking Instructions
800ml coconut milk
Combine chicken thighs with water, fish sauce,
ginger and garlic into saucepan and bring to boil.
2 tbs fish sauce
Reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
¼ garlic glove
Set aside to cool.
½ tbs ginger
Cook rice until soft.
250m water
Shred chicken.
1 cup rice
Place chicken on rice and serve with fresh chilli
and coriander.
Operator Edge
Crispy Chicken Strips and Chips
2 chicken breasts
2 eggs
½ cup rice flour
1 cup rice breadcrumbs
salt and pepper
1 large sweet potato
4 tbs coconut oil
Cooking Instructions
Cut chicken into strips. Whisk eggs in bowl. Coat
strips in rice flour, egg and rice breadcrumbs.
Fry in pan coated in coconut oil until golden
Cut sweat potato into strips. Combine in bowl
with oil and salt and pepper. Spread on baking
tray. Cook in oven on 200°C for 20 minutes,
turning halfway.
Operator Edge
Tuna and Egg Salad
Cooking Instructions
Handful of rocket and spinach
Poach or fry egg.
85g tin of tuna in oil
1 egg
Toasted papitas
Cut sweet potato into small chunks and roast in
oven on 200°C until soft.
Sprinkle sesame seeds
Combine all ingredients in bowl and serve.
Drizzle mayonnaise
1 sweet potato
Operator Edge
Mexican Mince Lettuce Tacos
2 large lettuce leaves
1½ cups lean beef mince
1 medium chopped tomato
½ smashed avocado
Cooking Instructions
Heat fry pan to medium heat. Add mince meat
and cook until it turns brown. Add Mexican spice
mix, stir through and cook for a further few
minutes until cooked.
½ cup grated carrot
Put lettuce leaves on a plate. Add mince, tomato,
carrot and avocado.
Mexican mixed spices
Add salt, pepper and lime to taste.
Salt and pepper
Lime to flavour
Operator Edge
Crumbed Salmon and Green Salad
Cooking Instructions
Coconut oil
Preheat oven to 180°C.
Salmon steak – 180g for men or
150g for women
Add almonds, cashews, pepper and salt to
blender. Blend until still in small pieces (not
½ cup almonds
½ cup cashews
1 tsp black pepper
¼ tsp salt
1 cup broccoli
½ cup green beans
½ cup snow peas
ADD 1 cup basmati rice for extra carbs
Heat fry pan to medium heat and add coconut
oil. Add salmon steak and sear both sides. Add
nut mixture to top of salmon and put the fry pan
and salmon in the oven for 10 minutes.
Boil water in a saucepan and add all green
vegetables. Simmer for a few minutes.
Serve salmon with vegetables and rice (if adding
Operator Edge
Naked Burger
1 lean beef pattie
1 cup spinach
1 slice tomato
Eggs – 2 for men or 1 for women
½ avocado, sliced
Sprinkle dukkah
Salt and pepper
Cooking Instructions
Pre heat pan to medium heat. Add lean beef
pattie and cook until no longer pink on the
inside. Remove the pattie and add egg to pan.
Fry till white and remove. Then add spinach to
low heat in pan and cook for a few minutes only.
Add spinach to plate. Top with beef pattie,
tomato, egg and avocado.
Sprinkle with dukkah and salt and pepper
to flavour.
Operator Edge
Zucchini Spaghetti Bolognaise
1 tsp coconut oil
1½ cups lean minced beef
½ garlic clove
½ onion
Mixed herbs
Salt and pepper
1 cup bolognaise sauce
1 large zucchini
Cooking Instructions
Heat coconut oil in a pan to medium heat. Add
onion and garlic, cooking till clear. Add minced
beef and cook till brown. Sprinkle mixed herbs
and salt and pepper.
Add bolognaise sauce, lower heat and allow to
simmer for 10 minutes.
Peel zucchini into thin strips. Steam for a few
minutes till soft.
Place cooked zucchini into a bowl and top with
bolognaise mixture.
Operator Edge
Mexican Mince Stuffed Sweet Potato
500g lean beef mince
1 large sweet potato
1 tin crushed tomatoes
1 red onion
1 capsicum
Tsp ground cumin
Tbs sweet paprika
Tsp ground crushed chilli
Cooking Instructions
Cover sweet potato in foil and roast in oven on
Grease pan with coconut oil. Add and cook onion
until soft. Add spices and meat and cook until
brown. Add capsicum and tomatoes.
Simmer for 20 minutes.
Add fresh coriander.
Cut sweet potato long ways and stuff with
mince. Top with sour cream and avocado.
Salt and pepper
Dollop sour cream
½ smash avocado
Operator Edge
Roast Chicken
1 uncooked chicken
Cooking Instructions
1 lemon
Cut lemon and insert into chicken along with
thyme. Coat chicken with oil and salt and pepper.
Salt and pepper
Put breast side up in oven dish.
Olive oil
Chuck in chunks of sweet potato and capsicum.
4-5 sprigs thyme
Cook on 180°C for 1½ hours or until chicken is
golden crispy.
1 sweet potato
1 capsicum
Operator Edge
Zucchini Pesto Chicken Pasta
500g chicken breast
2 zucchini
handfuls fresh basil
1 handful fresh parsley
1 handful toasted pinenuts
1 handful toasted macadamias
Cooking Instructions
Put basil, parsley, pine nuts, macadamias, lemon,
olive oil, fresh chill and salt and pepper into a
food pressor and blend until smooth.
Fry chicken in pan until brown.
Peel zucchini into thin spaghetti like strips and
add to chicken and cook until soft.
½ squeezed lemon
Place chicken, zucchini strips and pesto into bowl
and mix.
½ cup olive oil
½ tsp fresh chilli
Salt and pepper
2 zucchini
Optional: 3 tbs goats cheese
Operator Edge
Toasted Haloumi Wraps
Cooking Instructions
Quantity of haloumi
Cook haloumi in sandwich press until brown.
2 strips of prosciutto
Wrap in prosciutto and serve.
Operator Edge
Chocolate Soldier
Cooking Instructions
1 banana
Add all ingredients to blender, serve chilled.
¼ cup oats
Add ice as optional.
1 cup coconut milk
2 tbs cacao
2 fresh dates
1 scoop protein powder optional
Operator Edge
Mean Green
Cooking Instructions
1 banana
Add all ingredients to blender, serve chilled.
1 kiwi fruit
Add ice as optional.
Bunch spinach
1 cup coconut water
1 cup coconut milk
Handful almonds
Scoop protein powder
Squeeze of lemon
2 fresh dates
Operator Edge
Mango and Raspberry Picquet
Cooking Instructions
1 mango
Add all ingredients to blender, serve chilled.
1 cup coconut water
Add ice as optional.
¼ cup coconut milk
Handful raspberries
Scoop protein powder optional
Operator Edge
Berry Barnes
Cooking Instructions
1 banana
Add all ingredients to blender, serve chilled.
Handful of blueberries
Add ice as optional.
Handful of raspberries
Handful of strawberries
1 cup coconut water
¼ cup coconut milk
Scoop protein powder
Operator Edge
Green Beret
Cooking Instructions
1 scoop ASN HP100 vanilla protein powder
Combine all ingredients into a blender.
¼ cup plain Greek yoghurt
½ bunch spinach
Blend for 20 to 30 seconds, or until desired
consistency is achieved.
1 apple
Serve chilled.
¼ cup frozen mango
1 cup ice/water
Operator Edge
Chocolate Warrior
Cooking Instructions
1 scoop ASN HP100 chocolate protein powder
Combine all ingredients into a blender.
¼ small avocado
1 banana
Blend for 20 to 30 seconds, or until desired
consistency is achieved.
1 cup water/ice
Serve chilled.
Operator Edge
Mango Protein Shake
Cooking Instructions
1 scoop ASN HP100 banana protein powder
Combine all ingredients into a blender.
200ml coconut water
200ml water
Blend for 20 to 30 seconds, or until desired
consistency is achieved.
½ cup frozen mango
Serve chilled.
Operator Edge
Berry Shake
Cooking Instructions
1 scoop ASN HP100 vanilla protein powder
Combine all ingredients into a blender.
3 dried dates
¼ avocado
Blend for 20 to 30 seconds, or until desired
consistency is achieved.
300ml water
Serve chilled.
200ml coconut water
½ cup blueberries
½ cup kale
Operator Edge
Monkey Protein Shake
Cooking Instructions
1 scoop ASN HP100 banana protein powder
Combine all ingredients into a blender.
200ml coconut water
300ml water
Blend for 20 to 30 seconds, or until desired
consistency is achieved.
1 medium banana
Serve chilled.