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Mastering OSCEs: A Systematic Approach to Patient Encounters

A Step By Step Guide
To Mastering the OSCEs
and Patient Encounters
The Systematic Approach
Dr Al Imari, MD
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
 Medical authorities & faculties started to
implement the OSCE exams for clinical
and communication skills assessment of
medical students, clerks, interns,
residents, and graduates since the
 It is a standardized method of clinical
evaluation that eliminates bias.
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
 OSCE is a form of performance-based
testing used to measure candidates’
clinical competency.
 During an OSCE, candidates are
observed and evaluated as they go
through a series of stations in which they
interview, examine and treat
standardized patients (SP) who present
with some type of a medical problem.
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
 “The OSCE is an approach to the
assessment of clinical competence in
which the components of competence
are assessed in a planned or structured
way with attention being paid to the
objectivity of the examination”.
Harden, 1988
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
 “The OSCE examination tests a wide range of
skills thus greatly reducing the sampling error.
This very significantly improves the reliability of
the examination”
Harden, 1988.
 “The real power of this type of examination lies
in the ability of those responsible for teaching
and testing to examine their trainees with
imagination and forethought, in a reliable way,
in areas seldom or never tested before”.
Hart, 2001.
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
 The curriculum tells the staff what to teach...
 The OSCEs tells the students what to learn !
 And that is the point….
 What OSCE candidates should learn?
 What candidates can do rather than what they
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
 The application of their knowledge rather
than the recall of knowledge.
 The ‘WHAT’ to ask and do.
 The ‘HOW’ they ask and do.
 The ‘WHEN’ they ask and do.
 How do they organize themselves.
 How do they communicate with patients.
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
 What are OSCE examiners in medical schools
OSCE exams, residency exams, and national
OSCE exams are assessing candidates for?
 Sign up for further OSCE preparation info and
free report: “Turning competencies into
practice” By the American Medical Association
Council on Medical Education at
The Systematic Approach to clinical
 Around the same time, early 1980,
medical authorities started to endorse
the systematic approach to patient
encounters to assure a high level of
similar medical care to every patient.
 Every healthcare provider will deliver the
same Systematic Approach to any
patient complaint.
The Systematic Approach to clinical
 The Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
is a training program for doctors and Advanced
Practice/Critical Care Paramedics in the
management of acute trauma cases, developed
by the American College of Surgeons in 1980.
 The program has been adopted worldwide in
over 40 countries; its goal is to teach a
simplified and standardized approach to trauma
patients. Originally designed for emergency
situations, ATLS is now widely accepted as the
standard of care for initial assessment and
treatment in trauma centers.
The Systematic Approach to clinical
 Similarly, Advanced cardiac life support or
(ACLS) was developed by American Heart
Association, and a similar one by European
Resuscitation Council.
 It refers to a set of clinical interventions for the
urgent treatment of cardiac arrest and other life
threatening medical emergencies, as well as
the knowledge and skills to deploy those
The Systematic Approach to clinical
 Both ATLS and ACLS follow a step by step
systematic approach in which the healthcare
provider will follow the SAME way EVERY time
in clinical patient emergencies.
 It is focused, yet comprehensive.
 It assures that nothing will be missed
regardless of the provider knowledge, clinical
competency, stress or exhaustion.
 It is time efficient.
The Systematic Approach to clinical
 Similar systematic approaches were developed
for lab procedures and diagnostic medical
 Screening blood tests implemented.
 Varies guidelines are issued and revised
periodically by health authorities.
The Systematic Approach to The OSCEs
 OSCEhome developed a similar Step By Step
Systematic Approach to the OSCEs and patient
medical encounters.
 It is similar to ATLS & ACLS structure but for
history taking, physical examination, and
counseling for any patient complaint.
 It is focused, yet comprehensive.
 It is time efficient.
The Systematic Approach to The OSCEs
 A Step By Step Guide To Mastering The
OSCE and Patient Clinical Encounters
integrates both clinical and
communication skills in one Systematic
 Medical students, clerks, interns,
residents and graduates can manage
patient encounters as if they are on autopilot mode.
The Systematic Approach to The OSCEs
 Furthermore, it integrate communication
skills and dealing with difficult patients.
 In addition o instructing you ‘WHAT’ to
do or ask, it also contains carefully
phrased questions to be asked in
sequence.. The ‘HOW’ and ‘When’.
 It assures all the differentials are
covered, even if you forgot or stressed
The Systematic Approach to The OSCEs
 This assures good organization of the
 It is time efficient by eliminating the need
to figuring out the ‘WHAT’, ‘HOW’, and
‘WHEN’ to ask or do.
 The pre-memorized clear question sets
minimize patient confusion and
The Systematic Approach to The OSCEs
 Implementing it shows your competency
and organization skills.
 It assures patient satisfaction and
compliance leaving him with ‘a good
doctor’ impression.
 No cultural, language, or ethical
A Step By Step Guide to The Mastering
The OSCEs and Patient Encounters
 Was developed by OSCEhome in 2004.
 Already in use by thousands of medical
students, clerks, interns, residents, and
 Minimizes the needed time to master both
clinical skills and communication skills.
 Allows you to practice one system ONCE for all
your clinical evaluations and real life patient
A Step By Step Guide to The Mastering
The OSCEs and Patient Encounters