Uploaded by Mike Hunt

Hanma Calisthenics Workout Program

Program 1: Hanma Calisthenics
Day 1: Push-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Neck curls AMRAP Pull-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Leg raises
AMRAP Band squats AMRAP for 3 sets + Band shrugs (vertical torso) AMRAP
Day 2: Ring rows AMRAP for 5 sets + Neck extensions AMRAP Band OHP AMRAP for 5 sets +
Band calf raises AMRAP Band good morning AMRAP for 3 sets + Band curls AMRAP
Day 3: Diamond Push-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Neck side raises AMRAP Chin-ups AMRAP for 5
sets + Planks Band deadlifts AMRAP for 3 sets + Band shrugs (horizontal torso)
Day 4: Ring rows AMRAP for 5 sets + Neck curls AMRAP Band OHP AMRAP for 5 sets + Band calf
raises AMRAP Band good morning AMRAP for 3 sets + Band curls AMRAP
Day 5: Push-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Neck extension AMRAP Pull-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Leg
raises AMRAP Band squats AMRAP for 3 sets + Band shrugs (vertical torso)
Program 1.1: Advanced Hanma Calisthenics
Day 1: Ring push-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Band curls AMRAP + Band neck curls AMRAP Weighted
pull ups 3 to 5 reps for 3 sets + Behind the head band extension AMRAP Pistol squats AMRAP for 3
sets + Band shrugs (vertical torso) AMRAP Pull-ups AMRAP for 3 sets + Band chest flies AMRAP +
Band squats AMRAP
Day 2: Ring rows AMRAP for 5 sets + Hanging leg raises AMRAP + Band neck extensions/side
raises AMRAP Band OHP AMRAP for 5 sets + Band calf raises AMRAP Band deadlifts AMRAP for
3 sets + Band curls AMRAP Band triceps extension for 3 sets + Band good mornings AMRAP + Leg
raises AMRAP
Day 3: Decline push-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Band facepulls AMRAP + Band neck curls AMRAP
Weighted chin ups 3 to 5 reps for 3 sets + Band lateral raises AMRAP Chin-ups AMRAP + Band
shrugs (horizontal torso) AMRAP Band squats AMRAP + Behind the head band extension AMRAP +
Dead hangs
Day 4: Ring rows AMRAP for 5 sets + Band calf raises AMRAP + Band neck extensions/side raises
AMRAP Band rows AMRAP for 5 sets + Knee raises AMRAP Band good morning AMRAP for 3 sets
+ Band curls AMRAP Band Romanian deadlift AMRAP for 3 sets + Band shrugs AMRAP + Band calf
raises AMRAP