EFFECTIVENESS OF STUDENT INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OF SILLIMAN UNIVERSITY: PERCEPTIONS OF POST-INTERNS __________________ A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the Accountancy Department of the College of Business Administration of Silliman University Dumaguete City, Philippines _________________ In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of the BSA 43C (2018)-A ACCOUNTING RESEARCH __________________ By ANGELICA D. BACERRA PEARL LOUIE S. CALUMPANG BAVE R. ENRIQUEZ SZHAR ANDREI S. NOCETE ROELA DENISSE A. RALLOS To Dr. Loren Ann C. Lachica December 2022 ii Abstract An internship program's effectiveness is determined by its capability to provide students with hands-on training (Parveen & Mirza, 2012) to acquire soft and hard skills needed to mold their professional personalities (Schulz, 2008; Sahrir et al., 2016). Since most of the student internship programs in SUCBA are newly established, the public has yet to be made aware of the internships' effectiveness. Thus, the researchers embarked on this study to determine the effectiveness of the student internship programs in the College of Business Administration at Silliman University. The effectiveness of the SUCBA's student internship program was determined through the post-interns' perceptions of their achievement of the graduate attributes, which are soft and hard skills. 80 post-interns from SUCBA's BS Accountancy, BSBA Economics, BSBA Marketing Management, and BSBA Operations Management participated in a descriptive research study using survey questionnaires to gather data on the post-interns' achievement of graduate attributes and profiles of their respective student internship programs. Median analyses, interquartile range, and frequency distribution tables were then used to interpret survey results. Overall results show that the student internship programs in SUCBA are effective, with only BSBA Economics and BSBA Operations Management requiring further exposure to internship activities to improve their student internship program. Additionally, it was concluded that the online and face-to-face learning modalities are effective methods of learning instruction for student internship programs. ANGELICA D. BACERRA PEARL LOUIE S. CALUMPANG BAVE R. ENRIQUEZ SZHAR ANDREI S. NOCETE ROELA DENISSE A. RALLOS Researchers iii Acknowledgments The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to their research adviser - Dr. Loren Ann C. Lachica, for her patient guidance throughout their research journey. The researchers would also like to thank their panelists - Mr. Allison Ladero and Dr. Mirabelle J. Engcoy for their helpful critique. The team is also grateful for the help of Mr. Khristian Rei Rivera and Mr. Leonidas Cañete who entertained their questions regarding their respective department's student internship program and the provision of the graduate attributes used in the paper. The researchers would also like to acknowledge their parents for their encouragement and financial support throughout the study. Also, the researchers are forever grateful to their classmates and friends for the moral support they have given. Finally, it would be remiss not to mention the strength in body and mind given by the Almighty Father that allowed the researchers to complete the research paper successfully. ANGELICA D. BACERRA PEARL LOUIE S. CALUMPANG BAVE R. ENRIQUEZ SZHAR ANDREI S. NOCETE ROELA DENISSE A. RALLOS Researchers iv TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES xi CHAPTER I II III INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 2 Significance of the Study 3 Scope and Limitations 3 Definition of Terms 4 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 6 Related Literature 6 Theoretical Framework 11 Conceptual Framework 13 METHODOLOGY 14 Research Design 14 Research Environment 14 Respondent and Sampling Procedure 14 Research Instrument 15 Data Collection Procedure 19 Data Analysis Procedure 19 Ethical Considerations 23 v IV DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 24 Student Internship Program’s Profile 24 Required Internship Hours 24 Fulfillment of the Required Internship Hours 26 Interactions with Expert(s) of the Department’s Industry 31 Data Analysis on the Achievement of the Graduate Attributes BS Accountancy 38 BSBA Economics 48 BSBA Marketing Management 57 BSBA Operations Management 67 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 75 Summary of Findings 75 Conclusion 77 Recommendations 77 BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFERENCES 86 APPENDICES 87 V Appendix A – Transmittal letter Appendix B – Research Instruments Appendix B.1 – Summary of Graduate Attributes Appendix B.2 – Research Survey Questionnaire Appendix B.3 – Google Form Presentation of Questionnaire Appendix C – Informed Consent Form Appendix D – Request Letters Appendix E – List of Respondents Appendix F – List of Host Training Establishments Appendix G – Frequency Distributions Appendix H – Clearance from the University Review Ethics Appendix I – Curriculum Vitae of the Researchers vi LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page 1 Applicable Graduate Attributes for the Study 16 2 Interpretation of Likert Scale 18 3 Table for the Achievement of Graduate Attribute 21 4 Table for the Effectiveness of the Student Internship Program 22 5 Post-Interns’ Rendered Internship Hours 25 6 Fulfillment of the Required Internship Hours by BS Accountancy Post-Interns 26 Fulfillment of the Required Internship Hours by BSBA Economics Post-Interns 27 7 8 Fulfillment of the Required Internship Hours by BSBA Marketing Management Post-Interns 28 9 Fulfillment of the Required Internship Hours by BSBA Operations Management Post-Interns 29 10 Profiling Items Related to BSBA Marketing Management with No Interactions with Experts 34 11 Profiling Items Related to BSBA Operations Management with No Interactions with Experts 36 12 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration 38 13 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Communication 39 14 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity 40 15 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Continuous Professional Development 41 16 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility 42 17 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Technical Knowledge for Solving Problems within the Profession 43 vii 18 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/Programs/Projects 44 19 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools 45 20 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis 46 21 BS Accountancy Overall Achievement of Graduate Attributes 47 22 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration 48 23 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Communication 49 24 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity 50 25 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility 51 26 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Application of Theoretical Knowledge 52 27 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/Programs/Projects 53 28 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Contemporary Techniques/Tools 54 29 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis 55 30 BSBA Economics Overall Achievement of Graduate Attributes 56 31 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration 57 32 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Communication 58 33 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity 59 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility 60 34 viii 35 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Application of Theoretical Knowledge 61 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/Programs/Projects 62 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools 63 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis 64 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Social Skills 65 BSBA Marketing Management Overall Achievement of Graduate Attributes 66 BSBA Operations Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Planning 67 BSBA Operations Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Problem Solving 68 BSBA Operations Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Communication 69 BSBA Operations Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Leadership 71 BSBA Operations Management Overall Achievement of Graduate Attributes 73 46 Overall Achievement of Graduate Attributes per Department 75 47 Summary of Graduate Attributes of BS Accountancy 87 48 Summary of Graduate Attributes of BSBA Economics 88 49 Summary of Graduate Attributes of BSBA Marketing Management 89 Summary of Graduate Attributes of BSBA Operations Management 90 Recommended Graduate Attributes of BSBA Operations Management 91 52 Questionnaire for BS Accountancy 95 53 Questionnaire for BSBA Economics 99 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 50 51 ix 54 Questionnaire for BSBA Marketing Management 103 55 Questionnaire for BSBA Operations Management 107 56 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration 121 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Communication 121 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity 122 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Continuous Professional Development 122 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility 123 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Technical Knowledge for Solving Problems within the Profession 123 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/Programs/Projects 124 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools 124 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis 125 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration 126 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Communication 126 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity 127 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility 127 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Application of Theoretical Knowledge 128 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/Programs/Projects 128 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 x 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools 129 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis 129 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration 130 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Communication 130 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity 131 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility 131 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Application of Theoretical Knowledge 132 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/ Programs/Projects 132 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools 133 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis 133 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Social Skills 134 BSBA Operations Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Planning 135 BSBA Operations Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Problem Solving 136 BSBA Operations Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Communication 137 BSBA Operations Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Leadership 138 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page 1 Theoretical Framework 12 2 Conceptual Framework 13 3 Learning Modalities During the Student Internship Program 30 Post-interns’ Interactions with Mentors and Experts: Did they have constant or multiple interactions with experts? 31 Venn Diagram of BS Accountancy Post-Interns’ Interaction with Experts 32 Venn Diagram of BSBA Economics Post-Interns with Experts 33 Venn Diagram of BSBA Marketing Management Post-Interns with Experts 35 Venn Diagram of BSBA Operations Management Post-Interns with Experts 37 4 5 6 7 8 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study An internship program is a form of experiential learning that combines classroom knowledge and theory with hands-on experience (Position Statement: U.S. Internships, 2018). The purpose of the student internship program is to provide students with practical learning experiences in the work settings and demands of today's professional business environment (Parveen & Mirza, 2012). The student internship program instills soft and hard skills in students since soft skills play an essential part in molding professional personalities and complementing the hard skills obtained (Schulz, 2008; Sahrir et al., 2016). The achievement of these objectives is what makes an internship effective. Research findings show that internship programs are beneficial for students in developing skills. However, these benefits would not be achieved by those involved if the student internship is not effective. The current curriculums of the College of Business Administration at Silliman University (SUCBA) include an internship program for students. However, recent studies have not enlightened the general public about SUCBA's student internship program's effectiveness or capability to achieve the aforementioned objectives. Due to the new departments established, new internship programs were implemented in the school year 2021-2022. BS Accountancy has also implemented its student internship program for the first time in the same school year. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic that began in 2020 had SUCBA adopt online student internship programs as travel and work restrictions were still in place. These reasons led the researchers to study the effectiveness of the student internship programs in Silliman University College of Business Administration. 2 Statement of the Problem This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of student internship programs in the College of Business Administration in Silliman University for the school year 20212022 through the perceptions of post-interns. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the student internship program of the post-interns: a. Total number of required hours of internship, b. Name of host training establishments and other internship activities, c. Learning modalities during the student internship program, and d. Interaction with an expert? 2. How effective is the student internship program of the BS Accountancy department? 3. How effective is the student internship program of the BSBA Economics department? 4. How effective is the student internship program of the BSBA Marketing Management department? 5. How effective is the student internship program of the BSBA Operations Management department? 3 Significance of the study The findings of the study will be beneficial to the following: The student internship program coordinators. The study's results will assist the internship coordinators in further enhancing their student internship programs in the future. The future interns of SUCBA. This study will help inform future interns about the departments' student internship program and inform them in advance of the graduate attributes required before starting the student internship program. Future researchers and the SUCBA's library. It will be beneficial as a precedent for further studies with a similar topic. The study will be additional research on the student internship programs for the archives of the college’s library. Silliman University. This research will help the university advance in the field of study and expand its knowledge on the student internship programs. Scope and Limitations The scope of this study was limited to post-interns of the College of Business Administration from Silliman University for the school year 2021-2022. The respondents included were from the departments with more than five post-interns and are currently under the new curriculum. Departments with five or fewer post-interns were excluded from the study because the small population might not represent their student internship program well. Additionally, departments without student internship programs were also excluded from this study. The study took into account the profile of the student internship program. However, the researchers did not further analyze how these factors influence the effectiveness of the student internship program. 4 Definition of Terms Blended learning modality is the student internship program set-up where the postintern divides time between reporting to the physical place of the host training establishment and doing internship duties online via an electronic device. Effectiveness is the degree of how successful post-interns meet the graduate attributes of their business department. Expert is a professional who is knowledgeable about the industry to be learned by the post-interns Face-to-face learning modality is the student internship set-up where the post-intern reports to the physical place of the host training establishment. Graduate attributes are the soft and hard skills post-interns are expected to achieve after the student internship program. These are also used as the criteria to assess the effectiveness of the student internship program. Host Training Establishment (HTE) - authorized and registered entity, institutions or establishments in the Philippines that designs and implements internship programs. Learning modality is the method the post-interns participate in learning instruction. It is categorized as either face-to-face, online, or blended. Lecturer is a role taken by an expert during the student internship program wherein they discuss a topic or area of work then open the floor for discussion with the interns. Mentor is a role taken by an expert during the student internship program wherein they share their knowledge, skills, and experience with the interns to assist them in the progression of their careers. The mentor is readily available to interns for advice and guidance when the need arises. Online learning modality is the student internship program set-up where post-interns stay at home and all their internship duties are done online via an electronic device. 5 On-the-Job Training is a useful technique for acquiring new competencies and skills required for a job in a real or nearly actual working environment. Post-intern is a student who was enrolled in their respective internship subject of their department in the school year 2021-2022 Supervisor is a role taken by an expert during the student internship program wherein they are responsible for a group of interns or a specific area of work and make sure work is done correctly according to standards and rules. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A student internship program is an educational program that intends to connect academics with practical experience. It extends students’ practical skills and knowledge of what is necessary from the actual working environment (Anantadjaya, 2012). Multiple studies suggest that internship programs successfully equip interns with the skills and knowledge needed for their chosen industry. For example, a study by Dabke (2015) found that internship programs give students a view into the real world and a significant chance to develop both technical and soft skills necessary for goal achievement and organizational success. There are also international studies by Khalil (2015) and della Volpe (2017) that worked on the effectiveness of internship programs which indicate that students are generally satisfied with their experience with experiential learning and claimed that it has helped them participate in learning and enhance diverse skills. The findings of these studies therefore suggest that student internship programs are important since they provide students with professional preparation in a variety of ways. However, there are also studies that showed significant criticisms on the effectiveness of internship programs. A study found out that despite the fact that business departments and schools place a strong emphasis on internship programs, the extent to which business students are equipped for the real world of business has been called into doubt (D’Abate, Youndt, & Wenzel, 2009). In Malaysia, there has recently been a lot of worry about the quality of university graduates because many of the students produced by the colleges lack crucial job market preparedness. All of this has pushed the Malaysian government to place a greater focus on industry internships for university students during their studies (Renganathan et al., 2012). 7 Recent studies related to student internship programs in the Philippines showed that communication skills, analytical skills, decision making, and collaboration were frequently applied competencies during the student internship program, as assessed by the student interns (Sual & Plaza II, 2017; Javier, 2017). These studies revealed that the student internship programs provided an avenue for students to acquire practical knowledge, skills, and desirable attitudes for their prospective industries. According to the Summary of Findings and Recommendations of the Department of Labour and Employment (DOLE) in 2010, multiple industries have identified gaps in the lack of work experience and competency for new graduates. This report resulted in a proposal for tight implementation and monitoring of On-the-Job Training (OJT) work experience to be more relevant to the students' industry. DOLE further emphasized that this recommendation would improve the students' skills and resolve the problems. In their assessment, DOLE Region 6 (2015) also stated that there is a deficiency of students' training and skills required to meet the industry's standards. A recent study by Tindowen et al. (2019) evaluated the internship program of preservice teachers. The researchers of the said study discussed that the student internship program gave opportunities for the students to learn and apply relevant skills and knowledge to actual work settings. In addition, the researchers also concluded that regular evaluation and feedback should be required to fill the gaps regarding issues encountered by students during the said student internship program. Similarly, An & Mauhay (2016) recommended in their study regarding interns' feedback to review the studied student internship program to address problems that arose during the internship period. Given these facts, it is therefore important that the effectiveness of internship programs should be evaluated. 8 Related Studies The following relevant studies discuss the theories that support internship effectiveness and other related studies that serve as the foundation for this research. Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) and Situated Learning Theory (SLT) According to Experiential Learning Theory (ELT), learning is seen as a process in which information is generated and acquired by experience. Therefore, the learner gains new knowledge as a result of lived experience and reflective practice (Kolb, 1984). John Dewey's idea lies at the heart of experiential learning's philosophy. Dewey (1938) suggested that experience is constant and that the process of experiential learning is crucial. A recent study’s findings showed evidence that Dewey's educational theory continues to have an impact now as indicated by the inclusion of practical experiences in many disciplines' curricula (Brown et al., 2018). A lot of recent studies have shown that internships are highly influenced by the experiential learning theory and considered internships as one of the popular and successful experiential learning methods (Farazmand, Green and Miller, 2010; Gupta, Burns, and Schiferl, 2010; Karns, 2005). A study by Kapareliotis, Voutsina, and Patsiotis (2019) found out that the choice of colleges to include internships as a credit-bearing course in their academic curriculum stems from the belief that learning should be based not just on classroom-based pedagogies but also on hands-on experience gained in a real-world context. Another theory underlying the effectiveness of student internship programs is the Situated Learning Theory (SLT). A study by Stanley (2013) on the implementation of an internship program for the accounting department at Queensland University of Technology in Australia showed evidence that situated learning enhances student learning, thus 9 improving the effectiveness of internship programs. In this study, the application of situated learning theory to the internship program of accountancy students aided in making career options, aided in the transition from university to work, and that a work placement prior to graduation should be mandatory. A study by Catalano (2015) investigated the effectiveness of situated learning in facilitating the transfer of knowledge from an educational setting to its application in nonclassroom settings. The study found out that learning in situated environments transfers to real-world contexts more frequently and generates essential skills. Also, a study claimed that situated learning theory emphasizes the necessity of viewing learning as a process that extends beyond the transfer of knowledge. This study further claims that in and of itself, factual knowledge and content do not necessarily lead to learning but the interaction of the learner and the expert in the community of practice, as well as the progression of the former into a degree of competence in a contextualized situation is essential for learning (Mina Herrera, n.d.). Cattell’s Gf-Gc Theory and Investment Theory A study by Blanch (2015) evaluated the contribution of fluid and crystallized (Gf– Gc) abilities in the performance of a 1-week instructional process. The study found that the Gf dimension had a strong direct influence on learning rate, whereas crystallized abilities (Gc) had a substantial impact on learning performance overall. The study concluded that the cognitive abilities represented in the Gf–Gc theory acted in a proportionate combination to influence learning. According to Investment Theory (Cattell, 1943), fluid intelligence transforms into crystallized intelligence throughout time. In line with this, Hayes (1962) proposed that intelligence represented all the knowledge accumulated through hands-on application and experience. Bergersen & Gustafsson (2011) studied the development of knowledge and 10 skill in relation to programming. The study's overall findings confirm Cattell's investment theory, in which the influence of Gf and experience on skills is mediated through knowledge. Related Studies on Graduate Attributes According to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, Graduate Attributes are general learning outcomes that are transferable, non-discipline-specific skills developed by students during their stay at the higher education institution. A study by Chan (2012) in Hong Kong showed that the students developed a wide range of soft skills and graduate attributes that employers highly demand after participating in experiential learning, such as leadership, critical thinking, communication skills, and civic responsibility. A similar study by Schreck et al. (2019) in South Africa concluded that students were able to achieve and improve their graduate attributes after they participated in an experiential learning module. As a result of this approach, students improved their communication skills, personal qualities, and knowledge of their industry. The development of graduate attributes by higher education institutions is heavily linked to their role in cultivating graduates with a capacity for lifelong learning (Candy et al., 1994). The increased focus on graduate attributes in higher education is the rising evidence of demand from industry and employer groups for graduates to acquire generic attributes which reflect current economic and technical changes (Hager & Holland, 2006). The studies show that experiential learning methods effectively aided students in the achievement of soft skills and graduate attributes of their industry. For students to be prepared for job admissions in their industry, graduate attributes must be successfully achieved (Hurd et al., 2014). 11 For this study, the graduate attributes of Silliman University College of Business Administration summarize the skills and knowledge to be achieved during the student internship program. Theoretical Framework Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) is a dynamic and holistic theory on learning based on a cycle of concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. This theory is one of the foundations of experiential learning that emphasizes gaining knowledge through experience (Akella, 2010). According to Cooper et al. (2010), experiential learning supports several teaching and learning activities used in higher education. Through their experiences, students can observe, review, and reflect on their practical experiences and then critically evaluate the relationship between their experience to theory and other practices. Experiential learning includes work-integrated learning, internships, work-based learning, laboratory teaching, simulations, and service-learning experiences. In 1991, education theorists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger established the Situated Learning Theory (SLT). In this process, the opportunity to learn, acquire knowledge and skills is through participating in the community of your chosen field. The students reach professional competence through their active participation in the learning experience (Mina Herrera, n.d.). According to Stein (1998), students will practice real-life situations where they acquire knowledge and skills from an environment with professionals in the field. This will be based on their experience, including their relationships with other participants, the activities they engage in, the environmental factors they encounter, and the social order the community builds and maintains. Cattell’s Gf-Gc theory is about the two types of intelligence: fluid and crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence is the ability to solve problems, while crystallized intelligence 12 is the knowledge and skills acquired through education and experience in different areas. This theory expounds into Cattell’s investment theory on developing knowledge and skills through the continued influence of fluid intelligence to crystallized intelligence (Thorsen et al., 2014). Figure 1 Theoretical Framework ELT and SLT are two learning theories that affect Gf-Gc Theory on the acquisition of knowledge and skills through experiential learning. These learning theories influence the kind of experiences in the student internship program that will help post-interns gain skills more effectively. Therefore, if the post-interns achieve knowledge and skills during their internship, then the researchers may conclude that the student internship program is effective. 13 Conceptual Framework Figure 2 Conceptual Framework Figure 2 presents the conceptual framework of the study. It consists of the independent variable, the environment, and the dependent variable. This study focuses on determining the effectiveness of the student internship programs at SUCBA. The independent variable is the student internship program of the different departments. The environment influences the achievement of the graduate attributes. Once post-interns achieve the graduate attributes, the student internship program is deemed effective. Feedback concerning the effectiveness of the student internship program is relayed back to the student internship program to enhance it in the future. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research design, research environment, respondents and sampling procedure, research instrument, data collection procedure, data analysis procedure, and ethical considerations that will be used in the study. Research Design The study employed the descriptive research design to determine the effectiveness of the student internship programs in the College of Business Administration at Silliman University. In a descriptive research design, the study is more focused at the present condition of what is being studied than the reason behind its occurrence (Nassaji, H., 2015). In the case of the current research, the aim was to describe the current condition of the student internships of BS Accountancy, BSBA Economics, BSBA Marketing Management, and BSBA Operations Management. Research Environment The study was conducted at Silliman University, Dumaguete, through social media and email. The researchers contacted the respondents using the list of names who completed their respective internship subjects provided by SUCBA. The survey questionnaires had been distributed through the use of Google Forms. The online survey has been used because the respondents have already graduated from the university and are dispersed in different parts of the country. Respondents and Sampling Procedure The respondents of the study were the post-interns of the College of Business Administration in Silliman University in the school year 2021-2022. The respondents came 15 from the following departments: BS Accountancy, BSBA Economics, BSBA Marketing Management, and BSBA Operations Management. The post-interns were composed of 80 students, 23 from BS Accountancy, eight from BSBA Economics, 26 from BSBA Marketing Management, and 23 from BSBA Operations Management. Given the small population, the researchers used 100% of the post-interns as respondents. Research Instrument The survey questionnaire was administered by the researchers to the respondents after their student internship program (See Appendix B2 for the questionnaire). There were two (2) sections in the survey questionnaire. These were: 1. Post-interns’ information related to the student internship program. 2. Post-interns’ evaluation of the student internship program through the achievement of their department’s graduate attributes. The first section gathered detailed information regarding the independent variable of this study which is the student internship program, such as the total number of required hours of internship, the host training establishments the post-interns took their internship, the length of time they spent under each HTE, and the learning modality used during the student internship program (online, face to face, or blended). In addition, this section sought information regarding the environment to which the interns were exposed, such as their interaction with experts and internship activities that contributed to the post-interns’ required hours. 16 Table 1 Applicable graduate attributes for the Study. Graduate Attributes distinctive to Accountancy ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Collaboration Communication Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity Continuous Professional Development Professional and Social Responsibility Technical Knowledge for Solving Problems within the Profession Developments of Plans/Programs/Projects Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Graduate Attributes distinctive to Economics ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Collaboration Communication Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity Professional and Social Responsibility Application of Theoretical Knowledge Developments of Plans/Programs/Projects Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Graduate Attributes distinctive to Marketing Management ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Collaboration Communication Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity Professional and Social Responsibility Application of Theoretical Knowledge Developments of Plans/Programs/Projects Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools Critical Thinking and Through Analysis Social Skills Graduate Attributes distinctive to Operations Management ● ● ● ● Planning Problem Solving Communication Leadership 17 This section comprised an enumeration of graduate attributes for each department (See Appendix B1 for their descriptions). The graduate attributes are the general, soft, and hard skills that the post-interns are intended to achieve through the student internship program. The researchers acquired the graduate attributes for BS Accountancy from the BSA Internship Handbook from SUCBA, which the BS Accountancy Internship Coordinator provided. The graduate attributes for BSBA Economics and BSBA Marketing Management were written based on the Ched Memorandum Order no. 17 series of 2017. And the graduate attributes for BSBA Operations Management have been provided by the BSBA Operations Management Internship Coordinator. The second section of the survey questionnaire utilized a five-point Likert scale to obtain the evaluations of the post-interns regarding the ability of the student internship program in helping them achieve the graduate attributes corresponding with their respective departments. Point one (1) served as the lowest level of agreement and five (5) as the highest. 18 Table 2 Interpretation of Likert Scale Likert Scale Description Interpretation 1 Strongly Disagree The respondents strongly disagree with the statement. (Using the percentage scale, the respondent achieved 1%-20% of the graduate attribute.) Disagree The respondents disagree with the statement. (Using the percentage scale,the respondent only achieved 21%-40% of the graduate attribute.) 3 Undecided The respondents are doubtful whether the graduate attribute was achieved. (Using the percentage scale, the respondent only achieved 41%-60% of the graduate attribute.) 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree 2 The respondents agree with the statement. (Using the percentage scale, the respondent only achieved 61%80% of the graduate attribute.) The respondents strongly agree with the statement. (Using the percentage scale, the respondent only achieved 81% -100% of the graduate attribute.) Percentages were added to the Level of Agreement to assist the respondents in answering the questionnaire should the Likert Scale description be deemed insufficient for them to determine how much they achieved the graduate attributes. To test the validity and reliability of the survey questionnaire, a pretest was conducted using five respondents for each department in SUCBA that is included in the research. The respondents were asked by the researchers to answer several pre-test guide questions to test the survey questionnaire. The questions pertained to the questionnaire’s understandability, accuracy, appropriateness, and cohesiveness. The respondents found the questionnaire understandable; the statements were direct and concise. The respondents agreed that the researchers were able to use the terminologies 19 related to their department correctly. Changes to the questionnaire were made as a result of the feedback obtained from the respondents. These changes included making the questionnaire statements more inclusive to religion and additions related to specific areas of their department. Data Collection Procedure For this study, a survey questionnaire was used for the data collection on the effectiveness of the departments' student internship programs. The population of the respondents of this research has been determined from the number of post-interns who completed their internship subject from different departments of SUCBA of the school year 2021-2022. The names of these respondents have been collected from the SUCBA's office. The departments' graduate attributes have been obtained and used as the research's criteria and as a guide for the creation of the questionnaires. For the data collection, the respondents were contacted through social media and their Silliman University email by the researchers. The dissemination of the created survey questionnaire was done through the use of Google Forms. Data Analysis Procedure The first section of the survey was analyzed using a descriptive approach and presented through tables, graphs, and diagrams. The required number of hours per department has been narrated in a paragraph. A table was presented to show how the post-interns fulfilled the hours required in their student internship programs. A stacked bar chart presented the learning modalities of the student internship programs as well as the answers of the post-interns and whether they had constant interaction with experts in their respective industries. Lastly, a Venn diagram was utilized to show the experts' perceived roles during the student internship program. 20 The data that was gathered through the second section of the survey questionnaire was analyzed by using the descriptive statistical approach by completing median analysis, interquartile range analysis, and frequency distributions. A five-point Likert scale was utilized to determine the level of agreement the postinterns had on their achievement of each graduate attribute. Based on the utilized Likert scale, the researchers determined that the data's scale of measurement is an ordinal scale and median analysis is used to measure the central tendency of ordinal data types or ordinal scales. The median for each graduate attribute was calculated by determining the central value of each statement’s median. For an odd number of respondents, the median was the central value that divides the data in half. And for an even number of respondents, the median was the mean of the two central values that divide the data in half. Hence, a median of 4 would mean that the post-interns achieved the graduate attribute but may require further exposure to the respective graduate attribute for improvement. Table 2 shows the interpretation for each computed median in the achievement of graduate attributes. 21 Table 3 Table for the achievement of Graduate Attribute Median Interpretation 1 The graduate attribute was not at all achieved 2 The graduate attribute was not achieved due to minimal exposure 3 It is uncertain whether the graduate attribute was achieved 4 This graduate attribute was achieved however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. 5 This graduate attribute was achieved The median to determine the effectiveness of the student internship program was calculated by determining the central value of all the derived medians of the graduate attributes. For an odd number of graduate attributes, the median was the central value that divides the data in half. Moreover, for an even number of graduate attributes, the median was the mean of the two central values that divide the data in half. Hence, a median of 4 for all graduate attributes in the corresponding department would indicate that the internship program is effective. Table 3 shows the interpretation of each computed median in the effectiveness of the student internship program. 22 Table 4 Table for the effectiveness of the Student Internship Program Overall Median Interpretation 1 The student internship program is not effective in achieving all graduate attributes 2 The student internship program is not effective due to the lack of achievement of some graduate attributes 3 It is uncertain whether the student internship program is effective 4 The student internship program is effective however needs improvement in the achievement of some graduate attributes 5 The student internship program is effective in achieving most graduate attributes The researchers also used the Interquartile Range (IQR) to measure the variability for ordinal data and determine the data's spread for each graduate attribute. A smaller IQR corresponded to less variability in the responses of most post-interns on the Likert Scale. In contrast, a larger IQR corresponded to a more significant variation in the responses of the post-interns. Frequency distributions were used to determine the number of post-interns at each point on the Likert scale. This statistical method illustrated how post-interns' evaluations were spread in the measurement scale and identified the number of post-interns with answers outside the Likert scale. 23 Ethical Considerations To conduct the research ethically, the researchers, as dictated by the Data Privacy Act of 2012, informed the respondents of the nature of the study before asking for their consent to participate. A letter was attached to the questionnaires, requesting their consent and indicating the confidentiality of their responses. Their right to refuse to participate in the study had been respected. The data collected for the study have been kept confidential, and the names of the respondents have not been associated with their answers. The respondents' names have been requested from the SUCBA's office. Aside from their names, other personal information has not been collected by the researchers. The researchers secured the data collected through Google Forms, and the questionnaires and spreadsheets are only accessible to the researchers. Once the study is complete, the questionnaires and the spreadsheet files will be deleted for confidentiality and ethical purposes. The researchers have duly cited all the information used in the study to their original authors. The data collected have been analyzed by the researchers with the highest level of objectivity and remained unbiased throughout the research. CHAPTER IV DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION This chapter analyzes the findings on the effectiveness of the student internship program of courses from SUCBA. It is divided into two different sections. The first section describes the profile of the student internship program the post-interns had experienced. The second section reports the findings from the second part of the questionnaire on the achievement of their graduate attributes using the median analysis method, interquartile range, and frequency distribution. Student Internship Program’s Profile The researchers collated the department's student internship program profiles to understand its environment, which helped the post-interns achieve their graduate attributes. Required Internship Hours For BS Accountancy, the post-interns were required to render 400 hours on their student internship program, in accordance with CHED Memorandum No. 27 Series of 2017. For BSBA Economics, BSBA Marketing Management, and BSBA Operations Management, the post-interns were required to render 600 hours on their student internship program, in accordance with CHED Memorandum No.17 Series of 2017. 25 Table 5 Post-Interns’ Rendered Internship Hours Department Lacking the Required Hours Exact Required Hours Exceeding the Required Hours BS Accountancy 0 (0.00%) 22 (95.70%) 1 (4.30%) BSBA Economics 0 (0.00%) 6 (75.00%) 2 (25.00%) BSBA Marketing Management 17 (65.38%) 9 (34.62%) 0 (0.00%) BSBA Operations Management 4 (17.39%) 17 (73.91%) 2 (8.70%) Few post-interns from BS Accountancy, BSBA Economics, and BSBA Operations Management exceeded the internship hours required by their corresponding department. However, most post-interns from Marketing Management and some from Operations Management did not reach their required internship hours. 17 out of 26 respondents from the Marketing Management post-interns and four out of 23 Operations Management postinterns spent only 400 hours on their internship and did not reach their required internship hours. The researchers inquired for further information regarding the varying responses from the BSBA Marketing Management post-interns. Their internship coordinator, Mr. Leonidas Cañete, indicated that the required internship hours are 600, but the 200 credit hours had been taken from upskilling training the post-interns underwent. The researchers also inquired from the BSBA Operations Management internship coordinator, Mr. Khristian Rei Rivera regarding the varying responses from their department’s post-interns. The internship coordinator adjusted the required hours with regards to HTE internships in consideration to the delayed start due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He allowed the remaining hours to be credited from certifications, project 26 management, and other internship activities that are in line with the Operations Management course. Fulfillment of the Required Internship Hours BS Accountancy Table 6 Fulfillment of the Required Internship Hours by BS Accountancy Post-Interns No. of Postinterns HTE A (apply to all) 22 400 hours 1 400 hours HTE B HTE C Other Internship Activities Total No. of Hours 400 hours 400 hours 200 hours 1,000 hours For BS Accountancy, 100% of the post-interns interned at the same HTE and rendered 400 hours. However, one of them worked in two other HTEs and rendered an additional 400 and 200 hours, giving the said post-intern a total of 1,000 hours of internship. 27 BSBA Economics Table 7 Fulfillment of the Required Internship Hours by BSBA Economics Post-Interns Other Internship Activities No. of Postinterns HTE A (Apply to all) 3 600 hours 1 350 hours 250 hours 600 hours 1 400 hours 200 hours 600 hours 1 300 hours 300 hours 600 hours 1 600 hours 1 500 hours HTE B HTE C Total No. of Hours 600 hours 100 hours 260 hours 300 hours 700 hours 1,060 hours All BSBA Economics post-interns interned in the same host training establishment, but with duration differences. Of the 75.00% of post-interns who fulfilled the exact number of internship hours, three fulfilled their internship hours in only one HTE, and the other three post-interns in two HTEs. The post-interns interned in 6 different HTEs (See Appendix F). Two post-interns exceeded the required internship hours with one engaging in community service as part of their other internship activities and the other one interning in multiple HTEs. 28 BSBA Marketing Management Table 8 Fulfillment of the Required Internship Hours by BSBA Marketing Management Post-Interns No. of Postinterns HTE A HTE B 1 300 hours 100 hours 15 400 hours HTE C 400 hours 2 400 hours 4 600 hours Total No. of Hours 400 hours 400 hours 1 3 Other Internship Activities 200 hours 400 hours 400 hours 200 hours 600 hours 600 hours 600 hours The required 600 student internship hours for BSBA Marketing Management have been completed through interning at HTEs and participation in various seminars, webinars, and training. The post-interns interned in 11 different HTEs (See Appendix F). Of the 65.38% of post-interns who lacked the required internship hours, 16 spent their internship purely with HTEs, while one indicated that they spent their internship hours with training. Three of the nine post-interns who reached their required internship hours indicated that they fulfilled their required internship hours under an HTE and other internship activities like seminars/webinars and internship journals. The rest of those nine post-interns fulfilled their internship purely with HTEs only. 29 BSBA Operations Management Table 9 Fulfillment of the Required Internship Hours by BSBA Operations Management Post-Interns Other Internship Activities Total No. of Hours 200 hours 400 hours No. of Postinterns HTE A 1 200 hours 2 400 hours 400 hours 1 500 hours 500 hours 1 250 hours 350 hours 600 hours 4 400 hours 200 hours 600 hours 1 200 hours 100 hours 600 hours 2 500 hours 100 hours 600 hours 1 400 hours 8 600 hours 1 300 hours 300 hours 3 hours 603 hours 1 410 hours 200 hours 100 hours 710 hours HTE B 300 hours HTE C 200 hours 600 hours 600 hours The required 600 student internship hours for BSBA Operations Management have been completed through interning at HTEs and participation in various certifications, seminars, webinars, training, conferences, competitions, and meetings. The post-interns interned in 11 different HTEs (See Appendix F). Of the 17.39% of post-interns who lacked the required internship hours, three spent their internship purely with one HTE, while one post-intern spent it with an HTE and participated in meetings. Eight out of the 17 postinterns who reached their required internship hours indicated that they fulfilled the requirement purely through one HTE, seven indicated that they fulfilled it through two 30 HTEs along with other internship activities, and two post-interns indicated that they fulfilled it through multiple HTEs. Of the 23 post-interns from BSBA Operations Management, two post-interns exceeded the required internship hours, with both engaging in multiple HTEs and attending webinars as part of their other internship activities. Learning Modality used by the Host Training Establishment Figure 3 Learning Modalities During the Student Internship Program For BS Accountancy, all of the post-interns completed their student internship program on an online learning modality. Most post-interns completed their program on an online learning modality for BSBA Economics, BSBA Marketing Management, and BSBA Operations Management. For BSBA Economics, two post-interns completed their student internship program on a blended learning modality, and only one post-intern completed their student internship program on a face-to-face learning modality. Only one post-intern in BSBA Marketing Management completed their student internship program for each of 31 the face-to-face and blended learning modalities. For BSBA Operations Management, only one post-intern completed their student internship program on a blended learning modality. Interactions with Expert(s) of the Department’s Industry Figure 4 Post-interns’ Interactions with Mentors and Experts: Did they have constant or multiple interactions with experts? For BS Accountancy and BSBA Economics, all post-interns had multiple/constant interactions with an expert(s) of their respective industries during the student internship program. For BSBA Marketing Management, 84.62% of the post-interns had multiple/constant interactions with an expert(s) of their respective industries during the student internship program. For BSBA Operations Management, 65.22% post-interns had multiple/constant interactions with an expert(s) of their respective industries during the student internship program. 32 Most of the post-interns had multiple/constant interactions with mentors who shared their knowledge, skills, and experience with them to assist them in the progression of their careers. Others interacted with supervisors who were responsible for the postinterns or a specific area of work and made sure their work was done correctly according to standards and rules. Others learn from lecturers who discuss a topic or area of work. BS Accountancy Figure 5 Venn Diagram of BS Accountancy Post-Interns’ Interaction with Experts The 23 post-interns under the BS Accountancy department who had multiple interactions with experts had varying responses concerning the role that the experts played during the student internship program even though they all worked in the same 33 HTE. The one post-intern who interned in two additional HTEs interacted with experts who took on the roles of mentors and lecturers. BSBA Economics Figure 6 Venn Diagram of BSBA Economics Post-Interns’ Interaction with Experts All eight BSBA Economics post-interns had varying responses with regard to the roles the industry experts took. Out of the four post-interns who solely interned in one HTE, two interacted with experts who took on the role of mentor, supervisor, and lecturer. However, they completed their student internship program through different learning modalities. The remaining two post-interns answered with varying responses, solely interacting with experts who took on the role of mentor and supervisor, respectively. 34 For the post-interns who interned in multiple HTEs, two interacted with experts who took on the roles of both mentor and supervisor. However, they also completed their student internship program through different modalities. One of them interacted only with a mentor, and the other post-intern who was able to intern in three HTEs only interacted with supervisors. BSBA Marketing Management Table 10 Profiling Items Related to BSBA Marketing Management with No Interaction with Experts No. of Postinterns SunLife Insurance Dumaguete 1 400 hours 1 1 1 Save with Sheldon Little Boxes Solutions Other Internship Activities Total No. of Hours 400 hours 400 hours 400 hours 400 hours 400 hours 400 hours 400 hours All four post-interns with no interactions with experts lacked the required internship hours. Three of them interned in three different HTEs on an online learning modality. The SunLife post-intern indicated in the table is the only post-intern out of the seven postinterns from SunLife that did not interact with experts. The other post-intern with no interactions with experts only indicated training for their student internship program and was the only one who completed their internship on a face-to-face learning modality. 35 Figure 7 Venn Diagram of BSBA Marketing Management Post-Interns’ Interaction with Experts The 22 BSBA Marketing Management post-interns who answered that they had constant or multiple interactions with experts had varying answers, even with some postinterns in the same HTEs. Four of the eight post-interns who experienced interacting with experts who took on the role of mentors reached the required internship hours. The postinterns who experienced interacting with experts who took on the role of only supervisors or only lecturers lacked in their required internship hours. Only half of the post-interns who experienced interacting with experts who took on the roles of mentors, supervisors, and lecturers reached their required internship hours. Moreover, most of these post-interns who experienced all three interned purely in HTEs except the one who also had other internship activities. 36 Operations Management Table 11 Profiling Items Related to BSBA Operations Management with No Interaction with Experts No. of Postinterns PTIC 2 600 hours HuBenta Cocotel International Pru Life Other Internship Activities Total No. of Hours 600 hours 1 500 hours 100 hours 600 hours 1 400 hours 200 hours 600 hours 2 600 hours 1 1 600 hours 600 hours 600 hours 600 hours 600 hours All eight post-interns from the BSBA Operations Management department, with no interactions with experts, were able to satisfy their required internship hours and completed an online learning modality. Out of the six total post-interns in Hubenta, four of them had no interactions with experts. For Philippine Trade and Investment Center (PTIC), two out of seven post-interns had no interactions with experts. One out of two post-interns in Cocotel International had no interactions with experts. The PruLife post-intern is the only post-intern from the BSBA Operations Management department to intern in the HTE. 37 Figure 8 Venn Diagram of BSBA Operations Management Post-Interns’ Interaction with Experts The 15 BSBA Operations Management post-interns who answered that they had constant or multiple interactions with experts all had varying answers, although some of them worked in the same HTEs. 38 Data Analysis on the Achievement of the Graduate Attributes BS Accountancy Table 12 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration Statements Median IQR 1. The internship trained me to be an effective member in a team to assist in the execution of internship activities. 5 1.00 2. The internship gave me opportunities to effectively lead a team for an activity. 5 1.00 3. The internship made me recognize and value the different roles and contributions made by each member of the team. 5 1.00 4. The internship allowed me to assume shared responsibility in the creation of an effective plan. 5 0.50 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Collaboration shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. 39 Table 13 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Communication Statements Median IQR 1. The internship developed my skills in articulating complex ideas with respect to the needs of the support staff, my colleagues, and my superiors. 4 1.00 2. There were internship activities that allowed me to develop media communication techniques and presentation skills. 5 0.00 3. The internship trained me to communicate clearly and meaningfully with support staff, colleagues, and superiors. 5 1.00 4. The internship made me more aware of non-verbal cues and used them to enhance the quality of dialogue among the people around me. 4 0.50 5. The internship helped me feel comfortable and confident in communicating within the organization. 4 1.00 6. The internship taught me how to communicate effectively with different organizations outside the internship. 4 1.00 7. The internship trained me on how to communicate clearly and concisely in writing. 4 1.00 8. The internship taught me to choose the appropriate communication method (e.g. email, instant message, call, or video call) to best share information. 5 1.00 9. The internship educated me on how to exercise proper etiquette in all my interactions within and outside my working environment. 5 0.50 4 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 4 for Communication shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute, however, requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is small variation in the responses of the post-interns. However, statements 2, 3, 8, and 9 had a median of 5, which shows that the post-interns achieved these components of the graduate attribute. Statement 2, with an IQR of 0, shows no variation 40 in the responses from post-interns (See Appendix G - Table 57 for the frequency distribution). Table 14 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity Statements Median IQR 1. The internship allowed me to exercise honor and integrity in everyday tasks reflective of a true Business Professional. 5 1.00 2. The internship made me consider the impact of my actions on others. 5 1.00 3. The internship helped me understand more the value of performing in an honest, ethical, and consistent manner based on the core values of a true Sillimanian. 5 1.00 4. The internship trained my ethical and professional dispositions and conduct in a working environment. 5 0.50 5. The internship developed my sense of responsibility to act with competence and fairness in all that I do. 5 0.00 6. The internship allowed me to demonstrate knowledge of the use of ethical framework(s) in intellectual, social, and professional contexts. 5 0.50 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is small variation in the responses of the post-interns. Furthermore, statement 5 with an IQR of 0, shows no variation in the responses from post-interns. 41 Table 15 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Continuous Professional Development Statements Median IQR 1. The internship allowed me to engage in independent learning as a business professional for continual development. 4 1.00 2. The internship made me recognize the need to generate new knowledge to contribute to the business field during my internship. 5 1.00 3. The internship provided me with the opportunity to explore and pursue new experiences to learn knowledge that would allow me to adapt and be more productive in the workplace. 5 1.00 4. The internship taught me to commit to continuous professional development to adapt learning methodologies to approach diverse tasks. 4 1.00 5. The internship exposed me to specific job functions related to my course which allowed me to develop special skill sets within the profession. 5 1.00 6. The internship helped me determine what specialization is best for me in the industry. 4 2.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute With a median of 5, the post-interns assessed the graduate attribute related to Continuous Professional Development as achieved. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is small variation in the responses of the post-interns. Furthermore, statement 1, 4, and 6 had a median of 4, which shows that the post-interns achieved these components of the graduate attribute but needed further exposure to internship activities for improvement. However, statement 6, with an IQR of 2, shows a wider spread in the responses from post-interns as the only statement that received responses where few post-interns did not achieve this graduate attribute due to minimal exposure (See Appendix G - Table 59 for the frequency distribution). 42 Table 16 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility Statements Median IQR 1. The internship taught me the importance of performing professional care and competence within the profession. 5 0.00 2. The internship helped me understand the legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities in my profession. 5 1.00 3. The internship developed my knowledge, attitudes, and skills aiming to bring contribution to the community. 5 1.00 4. The internship taught me to conduct myself in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. 5 0.50 5. The internship made me recognize the importance of understanding ethics and relevant issues regarding my profession and its business environment. 5 0.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute With a median of 5, the post-interns assessed the graduate attributes related to Professional and Social Responsibility as achieved. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and there is a small variation in the response of the post-interns. Statements 1 and 5, with an IQR of 0, show no variation in the responses from post-interns. 43 Table 17 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Technical Knowledge for Solving Problems Statements Median IQR 1. The internship has given me opportunities to apply my knowledge of accounting tools in analyzing accounting information relevant to the client. 5 1.00 2. The internship allowed me to utilize prior knowledge about accounting principles in analyzing accounting information. 5 1.00 3. The internship taught me how to formulate solutions using my substantial knowledge of various tax principles, laws, and procedures. 4 1.00 4. The internship enabled me to use my theoretical knowledge in formulating a solution to solve managerial problems related to accounting. 5 1.00 5. The internship gave me opportunities to apply my understanding of auditing standards and concepts and the audit process in solving auditing problems. 5 1.00 6. The internship taught me the best practices and standards appropriate for a given accounting problem 4 1.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute With a median of 5, the post-interns assessed the graduate attributes related to Technical Knowledge for Solving Problems within the profession as achieved. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and there is a small variation in the response of the post-interns. However, statements 3 and 6 had a median of 4, which shows that the post-interns achieved these components of the graduate attribute but needed further exposure to internship activities for improvement (See Appendix G - Table 61 for the frequency distribution). 44 Table 18 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/Programs/Projects Statements Median IQR 1. The internship allowed me to design programs and plans to meet desired needs and requirements in my accounting projects/assignments. 4 0.00 2. The internship gave me opportunities to implement programs and plans to meet desired needs and requirements in accounting projects/assignments. 4 1.00 3. The internship taught me to objectively evaluate the programs and plans designed to solve accounting problems to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. 4 1.00 4. The internship developed my skills in making revisions into the plan in response to changes in the circumstances and needs of the accounting project/assignment. 4 0.75 4 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute With a median of 4, the post-interns assessed the graduate attributes related to the Development of Plans/Programs/Projects as achieved however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and there is a small variation in the response of the post-interns. One post-intern responded that there were no internship activities for all statements to allow its achievement (See Appendix G - Table 62 for the frequency distribution). 45 Table 19 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Usage of Contemporary Techniques and Tools Statements Median IQR 1. The internship gave me opportunities to utilize various accounting software (e.g. Quickbooks, Sage 50, Sprout Solutions, Excel) during the internship. 4 1.50 2. The internship taught me how to effectively utilize accounting software to aid me in finishing my internship activities/assignments. 4 1.50 3. The internship provided me with opportunities to apply current techniques in performing an effective audit. 4 1.00 4. The internship provided me with opportunities to apply current techniques in performing tasks related to the field of Tax Accounting. 4 0.50 5. The internship provided me with opportunities to apply current techniques in performing tasks related to the field of Financial Accounting. 4 0.50 4 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute With a median of 4, the post-interns assessed the graduate attributes related to the Usage of Contemporary Techniques and Tools achieved, however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and there is a small variation in the response of the post-interns. However, statements 1 and 2, with an IQR of 1.50, show a wider spread in the responses from post-interns as statements that received responses where few post-interns did not achieve the graduate attribute component in utilizing accounting software due to minimal exposure (See Appendix G - Table 63 for the frequency distribution). 46 Table 20 BS Accountancy Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Statements Median IQR 1. The internship provided me opportunities to analyze complex accounting problems. 5 1.00 2. The internship activities allowed me to experience identifying and defining appropriate accounting requirements for the given accounting problem. 5 1.00 3. The internship trained me to identify and gather relevant data from accounting systems and reports. 4 1.00 4. The internship taught me to consider the interests of the clients as well as professional norms when preparing accounting reports and the use of accounting software. 4 1.50 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis shows that the postinterns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and there is a small variation in the response of the postinterns. However, statement 3 and 4 had a median of 4, which shows that the post-interns achieved these components of the graduate attribute however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement (See Appendix G - Table 64 for the frequency distribution). The effectiveness of the student internship program is identified with the degree of how successful the post-interns were in achieving the graduate attributes of their department. Table 20 shows the overall achievement of the BS Accountancy’s graduate attributes. 47 Table 21 BS Accountancy Overall Achievement of Graduate Attributes Graduate Attributes Median IQR Collaboration 5 1.00 Communication 4 1.00 Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity 5 1.00 Continuous Professional Development 5 1.00 Professional and Social Responsibility 5 1.00 Technical Knowledge for Solving Problems within the Profession 5 1.00 Development of Plans/Programs/Projects 4 1.00 Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools 4 1.00 Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis 4 1.00 Overall Median 5 The overall median of the student internship program of BS Accountancy is 5, indicating that the student internship program is effective in achieving their graduate attributes. 48 BSBA Economics Table 22 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration Statements Median IQR 1. The internship trained me to be an effective member in a team to assist the execution of internship activities. 5 1.25 2. The internship gave me opportunities to effectively lead a team for an activity. 4 1.25 3. The internship made me recognize and value the different roles and contributions made by each member of the team. 5 1.25 4. The internship allowed me to assume shared responsibility in the creation of an effective plan. 5 1.25 5 1.25 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Collaboration shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1.25 indicates that the interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. However, all statements received responses from a few post-interns who are uncertain whether the graduate attribute was achieved. Furthermore, statement 2 had a median of 4, which shows that the post-interns achieved this component of the graduate attribute but required further exposure to internship activities for improvement (See Appendix G - Table 65 for the frequency distribution). 49 Table 23 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Communication Statements Median IQR 1. The internship developed my skills in articulating complex ideas with respect to the needs of the support staff, my colleagues, and superiors. 5 1.00 2. There were internship activities that allowed me to develop media communication techniques and presentation skills. 5 1.00 3. The internship trained me to communicate clearly and meaningfully with support staff, colleagues, and superiors. 5 1.25 4. The internship made me more aware of non-verbal cues and used them to enhance the quality of dialogue among the people around me. 4 1.00 5. The internship helped me feel comfortable and confident in communicating within the organization. 5 1.25 6. The internship taught me how to communicate effectively with different organizations outside the internship. 5 1.00 7. The internship trained me how to communicate clearly and concisely in writing. 5 1.25 8. The internship taught me to choose the appropriate communication method (e.g. email, instant message, call, or video call) to best share information. 5 1.00 9. The internship educated me how to exercise proper etiquette in all my interactions within and outside my working environment. 5 1.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Communication shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1.00 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. Furthermore, statement four had a median of 4, which shows that the post-interns achieved this component of the graduate attribute but needed further exposure to internship activities for improvement. However, all statements apart from statement one received responses 50 from one post-intern who did not achieve this graduate attribute due to minimal exposure (See Appendix G - Table 66 for the frequency distribution). Table 24 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity Statements Median IQR 1. The internship allowed me to exercise honor and integrity in everyday tasks reflective of a true Business Professional. 4 1.00 2. The internship made me consider the impact of my actions on others. 4 1.00 3. The internship helped me understand more the value of performing in an honest, ethical, and consistent manner based on the core values of a true Sillimanian. 5 1.25 4. The internship trained my ethical and professional dispositions and conduct in a working environment. 5 1.00 5. The internship developed my sense of responsibility to act with competence and fairness in all that I do. 4 1.00 6. The internship allowed me to demonstrate knowledge of the use of ethical framework(s) in intellectual, social, and professional contexts. 4 1.00 4 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 4 for Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 1.00 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. Furthermore, statements 3 and 4 had a median of 5, which shows that the post-interns achieved these components of the graduate attribute. (See Appendix G Table 67 for the frequency distribution). 51 Table 25 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility Statements Median IQR 1. The internship taught me the importance of performing professional care and competence within the profession. 5 2.25 2. The internship helped me understand the legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities in my profession. 4 2.25 3. The internship developed my knowledge, attitudes, and skills aiming to bring contribution to the community. 5 2.00 4. The internship taught me to conduct myself in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. 5 1.25 5. The internship made me recognize the importance of understanding ethics and relevant issues regarding my profession and its business environment. 5 1.25 5 2.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Professional and Social Responsibility shows that the postinterns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 2.00 indicates that the interquartile range has a wider spread compared to other graduate attributes with IQR of 1.00. Furthermore, statement two had a median of 4, which shows that the post-interns achieved this component of the graduate attribute but needed further exposure to internship activities for improvement. However, statements 1 and 2 received responses from a few post interns who did not achieve this graduate attribute due to minimal exposure. In addition, all statements received responses from few post-interns who are uncertain whether the graduate attribute was achieved (See Appendix G - Table 68 for the frequency distribution). 52 Table 26 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attribute: Application of Theoretical Knowledge Statements Median IQR 1. The internship helped me better demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of economic concepts, principles, and strategies. 4 1.25 2. The internship is where I learned how to apply the relevant economic concepts, theories, and principles in analyzing contemporary issues, perspectives, and policy choices. 4 0.50 3. The internship has activities that allowed me to synthesize economic arguments to arrive at well-reasoned judgments and decisions. 5 1.00 4. The internship gave me the opportunity to study and formulate strategies to economic situations that affect individuals, organizations, and society. 5 1.25 5. The internship taught me how to use data analysis in calculating and managing risk. 4 1.00 6. The internship activity gave me the opportunity to apply economic theories and methodologies to managerial decision-making problems. 4 1.25 4 1.13 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 4 for Application of Theoretical Knowledge shows that the postinterns achieved this graduate attribute however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 1.13 indicates that the interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. Furthermore, statement three and four had a median of 5, which shows that the postinterns achieved this component of the graduate attribute. However, all statements received responses from one post-intern who did not achieve this graduate attribute due to minimal exposure (See Appendix G - Table 69 for the frequency distribution). 53 Table 27 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/Programs/Projects Statements Median IQR 1. The internship gave me the opportunity to apply my theoretical knowledge into developing plans for economic situations. 4 1.25 2. The internship guided me in creating economic plans and strategies based on the economic trends and data from economic problems assigned. 4 0.25 3. The internship taught me how to objectively evaluate the plans and projects designed to address economic problems. 5 1.00 4. The internship taught me how to adapt to economic changes affecting the plans and projects designed for economic situations. 4 0.25 4 0.63 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 4 for Application of Theoretical Knowledge shows that the postinterns achieved this graduate attribute however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 0.63 indicates that the interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. Furthermore, statement three had a median of 5, which shows that the post-interns achieved this component of the graduate attribute. However, all statements received responses from one post-intern who did not achieve this graduate attribute due to minimal exposure (See Appendix G - Table 70 for the frequency distribution). 54 Table 28 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools Statements Median IQR 1. The internship taught me how to effectively and efficiently use tools such as Excel in recording and analyzing statistical data. 5 1.25 2. The internship taught me how to appropriately select and utilize visualization tools in recording, analyzing, and reporting data. 5 0.00 3. The internship is where I developed my application of mathematical principles like statistics, calculus, algebra, and other advanced mathematical topics to economic problems. 5 2.00 4. The internship has activities that helped improve my writing skills, especially in writing concise reports and speeches to convey the findings done during the internship program. 5 1.25 5 1.25 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1.25 indicates that the interquartile range has variations in the responses of the post-interns for different statements. Statement 2, with an IQR of 0, shows no variation in the responses from postinterns. However, Statement 3 received a response from one post-intern who did not achieve this graduate attribute due to minimal exposure (See Appendix G - Table 71 for the frequency distribution). 55 Table 29 BSBA Economics Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Statements Median IQR 1. Through the internship program, I learned how to analyze and interpret the economic data presented in textual, numerical, and graphical form. 4 2.00 2. The internship activities assisted me in making valid conclusions from the economic information presented and evaluating the relevance and reliability of my data. 5 1.25 3. The internship activities taught me how to critically evaluate micro views of how businesses acquire capital, generate profit, and efficiently produce goods and services. 4 1.50 4. The internship activities taught me how to critically evaluate macro views of how external economic factors can affect, and should influence, business decisions. 5 1.00 5. The internship developed my skills in identifying ways to mitigate risks in the economy that are potentially caused by future events. 4 1.25 4 1.25 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 4 for Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis shows that the postinterns achieved this graduate attribute however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 1.25 indicates that the interquartile range has variations in the responses of the post-interns for different statements. Furthermore, statement 2 and 4 had a median of 5, which shows that the post-interns achieved this component of the graduate attribute. However, all statements received responses from few post-interns who did not achieve this graduate attribute due to minimal exposure or are uncertain whether the graduate attribute was achieved (See Appendix G - Table 72 for the frequency distribution). The effectiveness of the student internship program is identified with the degree of how successful the post-interns were in achieving the graduate attributes of their 56 department. Table 29 shows the overall achievement of the BSBA Economics graduate attributes. Table 30 BSBA Economics Overall Achievement of Graduate Attributes Graduate Attributes Median IQR Collaboration 5 1.25 Communication 5 1.00 Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity 4 1.00 Professional and Social Responsibility 4 2.00 Application of Theoretical Knowledge 4 1.13 Development of Plans/Programs/Projects 4 0.63 Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools 5 1.25 Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis 4 1.25 Overall Median 4 The overall median of the student internship program of BSBA Economics is 4, indicating that the student internship program is effective in achieving their graduate attributes however needs improvement in the achievement of some graduate attributes. 57 BSBA Marketing Management Table 31 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration Statements Median IQR 1. The internship trained me to be an effective member in a team to assist the execution of internship activities. 5 1.00 2. The internship gave me opportunities to effectively lead a team for an activity. 4 1.00 3. The internship made me recognize and value the different roles and contributions made by each member of the team. 5 1.00 4. The internship allowed me to assume shared responsibility in the creation of an effective plan. 5 1.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Collaboration shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. However, statement 2 had a median of 4, which shows that the post-interns achieved these components of the graduate attribute but needed further exposure to internship activities for improvement. (See Appendix G - Table 73 for the frequency distribution). 58 Table 32 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Communication Statements Median IQR 1. The internship developed my skills in articulating complex ideas with respect to the needs of the support staff, my colleagues, and superiors. 5 1.00 2. There were internship activities that allowed me to develop media communication techniques and presentation skills. 5 1.00 3. The internship trained me to communicate clearly and meaningfully with support staff, colleagues, and superiors. 5 1.00 4. The internship made me more aware of non-verbal cues and used them to enhance the quality of dialogue among the people around me. 4 1.00 5. The internship helped me feel comfortable and confident in communicating within the organization. 5 1.00 6. The internship taught me how to communicate effectively with different organizations outside the internship. 5 1.75 7. The internship trained me how to communicate clearly and concisely in writing. 5 1.00 8. The internship taught me to choose the appropriate communication method (e.g. email, instant message, call, or video call) to best share information. 5 1.00 9. The internship educated me how to exercise proper etiquette in all my interactions within and outside my working environment. 5 1.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Communication shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. However, statement 4 had a median of 4, which shows that the post-interns achieved these components of the graduate attribute but needed further exposure to internship activities for improvement (See Appendix G - Table 74 for the frequency distribution). 59 Table 33 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity Statements Median IQR 1. The internship allowed me to exercise honor and integrity in everyday tasks reflective of a true Business Professional. 5 1.00 2. The internship made me consider the impact of my actions on others. 5 1.00 3. The internship helped me understand more the value of performing in an honest, ethical, and consistent manner based on the core values of a true Sillimanian. 5 1.00 4. The internship trained my ethical and professional dispositions and conduct in a working environment. 5 1.00 5. The internship developed my sense of responsibility to act with competence and fairness in all that I do. 5 1.00 6. The internship allowed me to demonstrate knowledge of the use of ethical framework(s) in intellectual, social, and professional contexts. 5 1.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. 60 Table 34 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility Statements Median IQR 1. The internship taught me the importance of performing professional care and competence within the profession. 4 1.00 2. The internship helped me understand the legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities in my profession. 4 1.00 3. The internship developed my knowledge, attitudes, and skills aiming to bring contribution to the community. 4 1.00 4. The internship taught me to conduct myself in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. 5 1.00 5. The internship made me recognize the importance of understanding ethics and relevant issues regarding my profession and its business environment. 5 1.00 4 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 4 for Professional and Social Responsibility shows that the postinterns achieved this graduate attribute however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. All statements that show a few post-interns did not achieve this graduate attribute due to minimal exposure. However, statements 4 and 5 had a median of 5, which shows that the post-interns achieved these components of the graduate attribute. One post-intern responded that there were no internship activities for statement 3 to allow its achievement (See Appendix G - Table 76 for the frequency distribution). 61 Table 35 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Application of Theoretical Knowledge Statements Median IQR 1. The internship provided me with opportunities to demonstrate my understanding of marketing principles and marketing tools or techniques used to capture the audience. 5 1.00 2. The internship allowed me to use my understanding of marketing tools and principles in addressing the consumer’s needs or requests. 5 1.00 3. Through the internship, I gained a better understanding of the marketing theories and techniques and their effective applications. 5 1.00 4. Through the internship I was able to learn the critical roles of each component in the marketing mix to solidify a product and/or service’s marketing strategy. 5 1.00 5. The internship provided opportunities which allowed me to experience and learn from different fields of marketing (market research, promotion, sales, etc.) 5 1.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Application of Theoretical Knowledge shows that the postinterns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. 62 Table 36 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/Programs/Projects Statements Median IQR 1. The internship helped me practice designing marketing proposals based on company needs. 5 1.00 2. Through the internship, I was able to implement the plans I have designed in the assigned marketing projects. 5 1.00 3. The internship program allowed me to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs that were used to meet the client’s needs. 5 1.00 4. The internship taught me to integrate competent marketing solutions that are appropriate to the client environment. 5 1.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Development of Plans/Programs/Projects shows that the postinterns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. 63 Table 37 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools Statements Median IQR 1. The internship activities helped me learn new marketing technology or new data analytics skills. 5 1.00 2. The internship provided me with the opportunity to put my knowledge of modern marketing techniques in the marketing profession. 5 1.00 3. Through internship, I was able to enhance and practice current skills, tools (Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) in recording and analyzing collected marketing data. 5 1.00 4. The internship taught me styles in digital marketing to efficiently and effectively execute digital campaigns for the client. 5 1.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. 64 Table 38 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Statements Median IQR 1. The internship enhanced my capability to innovate business ideas related to the marketing profession based on certain emerging industries 5 1.00 2. The internship gave me the opportunity to practice critical thinking in dealing with rapid changes in the marketing environment. 5 1.00 3. The internship allowed me to integrate analytical skills in examining collected data and form insights. 5 1.00 4. The internship provided opportunities to help me analyze practical problems surrounding the marketing profession. 5 1.00 5. Through the internship, I was exposed to different customer persona which allowed me to practice handling them and understand their purchase behavior in the process. 5 1.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis shows that the postinterns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. One post-intern responded that there were no internship activities for statement 5 to allow its achievement. Statement 5 also has one post-intern who did not achieve this graduate attribute due to minimal exposure. 65 Table 39 BSBA Marketing Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Social Skills Statements Median IQR 1. The internship provided case analyses that helped me develop social skills - the ability to persuade people to take specific actions. 4 1.00 2. Situational exposure during the internship allowed me to practice my social/persuasion skills. 5 1.00 3. The internship provided opportunities for simulations where I was able to perform presentation decks. 5 1.00 4. Through the internship, I was exposed to internship activities where marketing professionals demonstrate their methods of sales pitching. 5 1.00 5 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 5 for Social Skills shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and that there is a small variation in the responses of the post-interns. However, statement 1 had a median of 4, which shows that the post-interns achieved these components of the graduate attribute but needed further exposure to internship activities for improvement, this statement also has one post-intern who did not achieve this graduate attribute due to minimal exposure. Statement 2 has one post-intern who did not achieve this graduate attribute. Few post-interns responded that there were no internship activities for all statements to allow its achievement (See Appendix G - Table 81 for the frequency distribution). The effectiveness of the student internship program is identified with the degree of how successful the post-interns were in achieving the graduate attributes of their department. Table 39 shows the overall achievement of the BSBA Marketing Management graduate attributes. 66 Table 40 BSBA Marketing Management Overall Achievement of Graduate Attributes Graduate Attributes Median IQR Collaboration 5 1.00 Communication 5 1.00 Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity 5 1.00 Professional and Social Responsibility 4 1.00 Application of Theoretical Knowledge 5 1.00 Development of Plans/Programs/Projects 5 1.00 Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools 5 1.00 Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis 5 1.00 Social Skills 5 1.00 Overall Median 5 The overall median of the student internship program of BSBA Marketing Management is 5, indicating that the student internship program is effective in achieving their graduate attributes. 67 BSBA Operations Management Table 41 BSBA Operations Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Planning Statements Median IQR 1. The internship allowed me to advance my skills in forming plans based on the facts and resources available. 4 2.00 2. The internship allowed me to demonstrate knowledge of the use of ethical framework(s) in intellectual, social, and professional aspects in the creation of a plan. 4 1.5 3. The internship developed my skills in anticipating possible issues that have the potential to affect the success of our plans. 4 0.50 4. The internship helped me recognize the need to consider relevant risks involved throughout the plan creation process. 4 1.00 5. Through the internship activities, I have learned to have alternative strategies in case of setbacks in the original plan. 4 1.00 6. During the internship, I have featured innovative ideas and techniques in my creation of a plan. 4 2.00 7. The internship trained me to think and act quickly to keep up with the change of circumstances or demands of the project/assignment. 4 1.00 8. The internship allowed me to design programs and plans to meet desired business operations objectives. 4 1.00 9. Through the internship, I learned to create accurate financial plans. 4 1.00 10. The internship taught me to objectively evaluate the programs and plans designed. 4 1.50 4 2.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 4 for Planning shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 2 indicates a wider spread in the responses from post-interns. Of the 10 statements, only statements three and seven do not have responses that indicate that it was not achieved. The post-interns who answered that the graduate attributes were not achieved 68 were only a few and were from different HTEs (See Appendix G - Table 82 for the frequency distribution). Table 42 BSBA Operations Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Problem Solving Statements Median IQR 1. The internship provided me opportunities to analyze and understand real-world operations problems. 4 2.00 2. The internship provided me with opportunities to demonstrate my knowledge of fundamental operations concepts and management principles in dealing with problems. 4 1.00 3. The internship trained me to use information and communications technology to gather relevant data and other information. 4 1.50 4. The internship taught me how to evaluate the relevance and reliability of the data I collected. 4 2.00 5. The internship taught me to use data analytics tools to better visualize and interpret operations data. 4 1.75 6. There were internship activities that helped improve my data processing skills. 4 1.50 7. The internship trained me to use relevant analysis approaches in evaluating and making reasonable judgments in dealing with problems. 4 1.00 8. The internship helped me apply my theoretical knowledge in operations management in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions. 4 1.00 9. There were internship activities that helped me better understand the actual processes involving the current trends in operations (e.g. Lean Manufacturing, Total Quality Management, and Supply Chain Management). 4 1.50 10. The internship activities assisted me in interpreting and making valid conclusions from the information presented. 4 1.00 11. The internship allowed me to observe and learn the best practices in solving operations-related concerns. 4 2.00 69 12. The internship is where I learned to critically evaluate the inputoutput transformation process of an organization to make it more efficient. 4 1.50 13. The internship allowed me to analyze supply chain models and how they are applied to real life scenarios. 4 1.00 14. Through the internship, I learned to use application software that is integral to business operations efficiency (e.g. tracking and automation applications). 4 2.00 15. The internship made me recognize the need to generate new knowledge to contribute to the business field during my internship. 4 1.50 16. The internship provided me with the opportunity to explore and pursue new experiences to learn knowledge that would allow me to adapt and be more productive in the workplace. 4 1.50 17. The internship taught me to commit to continuous professional development to adapt learning methodologies to approach diverse tasks. 4 1.00 18. The internship helped me develop an in-depth knowledge of product design. 4 0.00 4 2.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 4 for Problem Solving shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 2 indicates a wider spread in the responses from post-interns. However, some post-interns responded that there were no internship activities for statements one, five, 13, 14, and 18 to allow its achievement. However, these post-interns were from different HTEs and did not represent the population that went to the HTE (See Appendix G - Table 83 for the frequency distribution). 70 Table 43 BSBA Operations Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Communication Statements Median IQR 1. The internship developed my skills in articulating complex ideas with respect to the needs of the support staff, my colleagues, and superiors. 4 1.50 2. There were internship activities that allowed me to develop media communication techniques and presentation skills. 4 1.00 3. The internship trained me to communicate clearly and meaningfully with support staff, colleagues, and superiors. 4 2.00 4. The internship made me more aware of non-verbal cues and used them to enhance the quality of dialogue among the people around me. 4 2.00 5. The internship helped me feel comfortable and confident in communicating within the organization. 4 2.00 6. The internship taught me how to communicate effectively with different organizations outside the internship. 4 2.00 7. The internship trained me how to communicate clearly and concisely in writing. 4 2.00 8. The internship taught me to choose the appropriate communication method (e.g. email, instant message, call, or video call) to best share information. 4 1.00 9. The internship educated me how to exercise proper etiquette in all my interactions within and outside my working environment. 5 1.00 4 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute The median of 4 for Communication shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and there is a small variation in the response of the post-interns. However, one post-intern responded that there were no internship activities for statement 6 to allow its achievement (See Appendix G - Table 84 for the frequency distribution). 71 Table 44 BSBA Operations Management Achievement of Graduate Attributes: Leadership Statements Median IQR 1. During the internship, I was able to show initiative in leading team activities. 4 1.00 2. The internship gave me opportunities to effectively lead a team for an activity. 4 1.00 3. When necessary, I was able to act as a moderator/facilitator during group meetings in the internship activities and assisted the team in reaching a decision or consensus. 4 2.00 4. During group activities in the internship, I was able to delegate tasks to team members effectively. 4 2.00 5. The internship made me recognize and value the different roles and contributions made by each member of the team. 4 1.00 6. The internship helped strengthen my ability to clearly communicate project goals and targets with team members. 4 1.00 7. The internship activities improved my time management skills when dealing with multiple projects. 4 1.00 8. During the internship, I was able to direct my team members towards the achievement of our goals and objectives. 4 2.00 9. The internship helped me become comfortable with making pivotal decisions that will affect the team. 4 1.00 10. During the internship, I was able to nurture good rapport between myself and my team members. 4 1.00 11. During internship activities, I was able to try motivating my team members and match different motivation approaches with the needs of the individual team member. 4 1.00 12. The internship taught me how to mediate between team members thereby establishing a cohesive team culture. 4 1.00 13. The internship gave me the opportunity to provide prompt feedback to team members during group activities. 4 1.00 14. During group activities, I was able to discuss what’s working well and what needs to be improved with my team. 4 1.00 4 1.00 Median per Graduate Attribute 72 The median of 4 for Leadership shows that the post-interns achieved this graduate attribute however requires further exposure to internship activities for improvement. The IQR of 1 indicates that their interquartile range only has a small spread and there is a small variation in the response of the post-interns. However, a few post-interns responded that there were no internship activities to allow the achievement for all the statements. However, these post-interns were from different HTEs and did not represent the population that went to the specific HTE (See Appendix G - Table 85 for the frequency distribution). The effectiveness of the student internship program is identified with the degree of how successful the post-interns were in achieving the graduate attributes of their department. Table 44 shows the overall achievement of the BSBA Operations Management’s graduate attributes. 73 Table 45 BSBA Operations Management Overall Achievement of Graduate Attributes Graduate Attributes Median IQR Planning 4 2.00 Problem solving 4 2.00 Communication 4 2.00 Leadership 4 1.00 Overall Median 4 The overall median of the student internship program of BSBA Operations Management is 4, indicating that the student internship program is effective however needs improvement in the achievement of some graduate attributes. CHAPTER V SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the study. Summary of Findings The profiling of the SUCBA student internship program shows that all of the postinterns from BS Accountancy and BSBA Economics, and majority of the post-interns from BSBA Operations Management, were able to render the required hours of the department's student internship program. Most post-interns from BSBA Marketing Management responded they lacked the required internship hours following the CHED memorandum. Most post-interns completed their student internship program through an online learning modality. In terms of interaction with experts, most post-interns indicated that they had multiple and constant interactions with experts. The table below shows a summary of the overall median of the achievement of graduate attributes per department. Table 46 Overall Achievement of Graduate Attributes per Department Departments Overall Median BS Accountancy 5 BSBA Economics 4 BSBA Marketing Management 5 BSBA Operations Management 4 76 BS Accountancy The data for the overall achievement of graduate attributes of BS Accountancy had a median of 5. Graduate attributes Collaboration, Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity, Continuous Professional Development, Professional and Social Responsibility, and Technical Knowledge for Solving Problems within the Profession had a median of 5. Moreover, graduate attributes with a median of 4 are Communication, Development of Plans/Programs/Projects, Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools, and Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis. BSBA Economics The data for the overall achievement of graduate attributes of BSBA Economics had a median of 4. Graduate attributes Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity, Professional and Social Responsibility, Application of Theoretical Knowledge, Development of Plans/Programs/Projects, and Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis had a median of 4. Moreover, graduate attributes with a median of 5 are Collaboration, Communication, and Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools. BSBA Marketing Management The data for the overall achievement of graduate attributes of BSBA Marketing Management had a median of 5. Graduate attributes Collaboration, Communication, Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity, Application of Theoretical Knowledge, Development of Plans/Programs/Projects, Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools, and Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis had a median of 5. Moreover, the graduate attribute with a median of 4 is Professional and Social Responsibility. 77 BSBA Operations Management The data for the overall achievement of graduate attributes of BSBA Operations Management had a median of 4. Graduate attributes Planning, Communication, Problem Solving, and Leadership had a median of 4. Conclusion The study looked into the departments in the College of Business Administration at Silliman University, which employed student internship programs for the first time in the school year 2021-2022, aside from BSBA Economics which had prior experiences. Given the study's findings, the researchers inferred several conclusions regarding the student internship programs' effectiveness: 1. Based on each department's achievement of graduate attributes, the researchers conclude that the student internship programs in the College of Business Administration of Silliman University are effective. 2. The student internship programs from BSBA Economics and BSBA Operations Management need further exposure in internship activities for improvement. 3. Both learning modalities are effective in the conduct of a student internship program. Recommendations Based on the summary of findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are suggested. The internship coordinators should look more closely into the internship activities that would help achieve the graduate attributes with a median of 4. The focus areas for 78 improvement in BSBA Economics are Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity, Professional and Social Responsibility, Application of Theoretical Knowledge, Development of Plans/Programs/Projects, and Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis. The focus areas for improvement in BSBA Operations Management are Planning, Problem Solving, Communication, and Leadership. The focus areas for improvement for BSBA Marketing Management are Professional and Social Responsibility. The focus areas for improvement for BS Accountancy are Communication, Development of Plans/Programs/Projects, Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools, and Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis. The graduate attributes for BSBA Operations Management should be enhanced by the internship coordinators (See Appendix B - Table 50 for the researcher’s recommended graduate attributes). The internship coordinator should provide access to internship handbooks. Additionally, a tracker is recommended for future interns to record how they fulfill the required internship hours. The tracker may be in journal templates, Excel worksheets, and any method deemed practicable by the department. Future interns can choose to have their student internship program in any of the learning modalities - online, face-to-face, and blended. 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The attached document contains chapters 1 to 5 of our thesis as well as the appendices for our tables, questionnaires, bibliography, respondents, etc. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our paper, please do not hesitate to contact us through email pearlscalumpang@su.edu.ph or through +63915 528 7060. We hope you find our thesis proposal satisfactory. Respectfully yours, BACERRA, ANGELICA D. CALUMPANG, PEARL LOUIE S. ENRIQUEZ, BAVE R.NOCETE, SZHAR ANDREI S. RALLOS, ROELA DENISSE A. 87 APPENDIX B - RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS APPENDIX B - 1 Summary of Graduate Attributes Table 47 Summary of Graduate Attributes of BS Accountancy Attribute Description Collaboration Function effectively as a member and leader of a team, valuing the different roles within a team to accomplish a common goal. Communication Articulate complex ideas and communicate clearly and meaningfully with support staff, colleagues, and superiors to create a productive and healthy work environment. Possessing characteristics of Honor and Integrity Exercise honor and integrity in everyday tasks that are reflective of a true Business Professional. Continuous Professional Development Recognize the need for and engage in planning selflearning and improving performance as a foundation for continuing professional development. Technical Knowledge for Solving Problems within the Profession Apply knowledge of accounting tools, principles, and practices in analyzing and evaluating information and problems relevant to the client. Understand best practices and standards and their applications. Development of Plans/Programs/Projects Design, implement, and evaluate programs and plans to meet desired needs and requirements in every accounting project/assignment. Integrate competent solutions into the client environment to ensure effective and efficient operations. Contemporary Techniques Usage Apply knowledge in current techniques, skills, tools, and practices necessary for the Accounting profession. Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Analyze complex problems and identify and define the accounting requirements appropriate to its solution. Identify and analyze relevant data and client information needs vis-à-vis professional standards taking them into account in the selection, evaluation, and administration of accounting systems and in preparing accounting reports. 88 Table 48 Summary of Graduate Attributes of BSBA Economics* Graduate Attributes Description Collaboration Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams and knows how to manage conflict in the workplace. Communication Articulate complex ideas and developments in economics. And effectively communicate with stakeholders, support staff, colleagues, and others in a multi-disciplinary and multicultural environment, both in oral and written forms. Possessing characteristics of Honor and Integrity Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards. Professional and Social Responsibility Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility Application of Theoretical Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of economic principles and strategies and apply them into standard business practices Development of Plans/Programs/Projects Demonstrate the ability in applying economic principles and strategies to develop and/or evaluate economic plans or projects. Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools The ability to apply information and communication technology skills as required by the business environment. Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Use of critical thinking in interpreting and making evaluations, assumptions, or valid inferences in both micro and macro views. *according to the Ched Memorandum Order No. 17 Series of 2017 89 Table 49 Summary of Graduate Attributes of BSBA Marketing Management* Graduate Attributes Description Collaboration Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams and knows how to manage conflict in the workplace. Communication Articulate complex ideas and developments in marketing. And effectively communicate with stakeholders, support staff, colleagues, and others in a multi-disciplinary and multicultural environment, both in oral and written forms. Possessing characteristics of Honor and Integrity Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards. Professional and Social Responsibility Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility. Application of theoretical knowledge The ability to appropriately use marketing management tools, principles, and concepts for application in relevant situations in the marketing environment. Development of plans/programs/projects The ability to develop, plan and implement marketing related activities as well as conduct market research. Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools The ability to apply information and communication technology skills as required by the business environment. Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis The ability to use critical thinking skills in innovating and analyzing ideas and activities related to the marketing profession. Social Skills The ability to persuade people into taking specific actions like purchasing a product. And the ability to lobby for adoption, or to promote an advocacy. *according to the Ched Memorandum Order No. 17 Series of 2017 90 Table 50 Summary of Graduate Attributes of BSBA Operations Management Graduate Attributes Description Planning Assess, delegate, and mitigate risks by examining available resources to achieve the desired outcome. Problem Solving Ability to recalibrate the existing environment to provide enhancement and mitigating strategies. Show innovativeness, resourcefulness, clarity, and technical skills in solving the problem at hand. Communication Ability to work as a component in an organization regardless of cultural nature. Leadership Ability to accept tasks and lead a team to achieve the desired organizational outcomes 91 Table 51 Recommended Graduate Attributes of BSBA Operations Management Graduate Attributes Description Collaboration Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams and knows how to manage conflict in the workplace. Communication Articulate complex ideas and developments in marketing. And effectively communicate with stakeholders, support staff, colleagues, and others in a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment, both in oral and written forms. Possessing characteristics of Honor and Integrity Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards. Professional and Social Responsibility Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility. Technical Knowledge for Solving Problems within the Profession Students demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of fundamental operations concepts, management principles, and relevant analysis approaches in evaluating and making reasonable judgements when dealing with problems. Development of plans/programs/projects Demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate programs and plans to ensure effective and efficient operations. Usage of contemporary techniques/tools Apply knowledge in current techniques, tools, or practices necessary to maximize efficiency and achieve successful operations of the organization. Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Demonstrate the ability to comprehend real-world problems, gather and interpret necessary data to formulate into a structured problem. Application of Operations Management Knowledge and Skills for Product Creation Demonstrate the ability to recognize unsatisfied needs of customers and develop organizational design and processes to satisfy those needs. *Operations Management Skills based on University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign Learning Outcomes, Operations Management, BS and University of St. La Salle Undergraduate Program, Major in Operations Management 92 APPENDIX B - 2 RESEARCH SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE I. POST-INTERNS’ INFORMATION RELATED TO THE STUDENT INTERNSHIP PROGRAM: Instructions: Fill in the details of your student internship program. 1. Total number of required hours of internship: _________ 2. List down the names of the companies and internship activities (e.g. seminars, trainings, conferences) that counted towards the required internship hours. Indicate the amount of time spent in each one. Ex. 1. Hotel Essencia - 150 hours 2. Veterans Bank - 150 hours 3. Webinars/Seminars - 50 hours 4. Trainings - 50 hours ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3. What learning modality was used by company indicated in #1? (Please select one for each company) Company Online Face-to-Face Blended (Both Online and Face-to-Face) Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 4. Did you have multiple/constant interactions with expert(s) of your industry during the internship? ● Yes ● No 5. If yes, what type of role did the experts take during the internship? Mentor - The professionals share their knowledge, skills, and experience with the interns to assist them in the progression of their careers. The mentor is readily available to interns for advice and guidance when the need arises. 93 Supervisor - The professionals are responsible for a group of interns or a specific area of work and make sure work is done correctly according to standards and rules. Lecturer - The professionals discuss a topic or area of work then open the floor for discussion with the interns. Company Mentor Supervisor Lecturer Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Others:(Please indicate below) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________ II. POST-INTERNS’ EVALUATION ON THE ACHIEVEMENT OF GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES What are Graduate Attributes? According to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, Graduate Attributes are general learning outcomes that are transferable, non-discipline-specific skills developed by students during their stay at the higher education institution. Instructions: Read each statement carefully and select the level of agreement according to your achievement of the graduate attributes during your student internship. Level of Agreement: NA - Not Applicable - During the internship program there were no internship activities that allowed me to achieve this graduate attribute. 1 - Strongly Disagree - I am certain I did not achieve this graduate attribute. (Using the percentage scale, I think I only achieved 1%-20% of the graduate attribute.) 2 - Disagree - I did not achieve this graduate attribute due to the minimal exposure to internship activities that improve this skill. (Using the percentage scale, I think I only achieved 21%-40% of the graduate attribute.) 3. Undecided - I can’t decide whether I achieved this graduate attribute or not. (Using the percentage scale, I think I only achieved 41%-60% of the graduate attribute.) 94 4 - Agree - I achieved this graduate attribute but required further exposure for improvement. (Using the percentage scale, I think I only achieved 61%-80% of the graduate attribute.) 5 - Strongly Agree - I am confident to say that I achieved this graduate attribute through the internship program. (Using the percentage scale, I think I only achieved 81% -100% of the graduate attribute) 95 For BS Accountancy Table 52 Questionnaire for BS Accountancy Rating Attributes Post-Interns’ Evaluation on the Achievement of Graduate Attributes Graduate Attributes Collaboration The internship trained me to be an effective member in a team to assist in the execution of internship activities. The internship gave me opportunities to effectively lead a team for an activity. The internship made me recognize and value the different roles and contributions made by each member of the team. The internship allowed me to assume shared responsibility in the creation of an effective plan. Communication The internship developed my skills in articulating complex ideas with respect to the needs of the support staff, my colleagues, and my superiors. There were internship activities that allowed me to develop media communication techniques and presentation skills. The internship trained me to communicate clearly and meaningfully with support staff, colleagues, and superiors. The internship made me more aware of non-verbal cues and used them to enhance the quality of dialogue among the people around me. The internship helped me feel comfortable and confident in communicating within the organization. The internship taught me how to communicate effectively with different organizations outside the internship. The internship trained me on how to communicate clearly and concisely in writing. NA 1 2 3 4 5 96 Graduate Attributes Continuous Professional Development (continuation) The internship taught me to choose the appropriate communication method (e.g. email, instant message, call, or video call) to best share information. The internship educated me on how to exercise proper etiquette in all my interactions within and outside my working environment. Possessing characteristics of Honor and Integrity The internship allowed me to exercise honor and integrity in everyday tasks reflective of a true Business Professional. The internship made me consider the impact of my actions on others. The internship helped me understand more the value of performing in an honest, ethical, and consistent manner based on the core values of a true Sillimanian. The internship trained my ethical and professional dispositions and conduct in a working environment. The internship developed my sense of responsibility to act with competence and fairness in all that I do. The internship allowed me to demonstrate knowledge of the use of ethical framework(s) in intellectual, social, and professional contexts. Continuous Professional Development The internship allowed me to engage in independent learning as a business professional for continual development. The internship made me recognize the need to generate new knowledge to contribute to the business field during my internship. The internship provided me with the opportunity to explore and pursue new experiences to learn knowledge that would allow me to adapt and be more productive in the workplace. The internship taught me to commit to continuous professional development to adapt learning methodologies to approach diverse tasks. The internship exposed me to specific job functions related to my course which allowed me to develop special skill sets within the profession. NA 1 2 3 4 5 97 Graduate Attributes Continuous Professional Development (continuation) The internship helped me determine what specialization is best for me in the industry. Professional and Social Responsibility The internship taught me the importance of performing professional care and competence within the profession. The internship helped me understand the legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities in my profession. The internship developed my knowledge, attitudes, and skills aiming to bring contribution to the community. The internship taught me to conduct myself in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. The internship made me recognize the importance of understanding ethics and relevant issues regarding my profession and its business environment. Technical Knowledge for Solving Problems within the Profession The internship has given me opportunities to apply my knowledge of accounting tools in analyzing accounting information relevant to the client. The internship allowed me to utilize prior knowledge about accounting principles in analyzing accounting information. The internship taught me how to formulate solutions using my substantial knowledge of various tax principles, laws, and procedures. The internship enabled me to use my theoretical knowledge in formulating a solution to solve managerial problems related to accounting. The internship gave me opportunities to apply my understanding of auditing standards and concepts and the audit process in solving auditing problems. The internship taught me the best practices and standards appropriate for a given accounting problem. Development of Plans/Programs/Projects The internship allowed me to design programs and plans to meet desired needs and requirements in my accounting projects/assignments. NA 1 2 3 4 5 98 Graduate Attributes Continuous Professional Development (continuation) The internship gave me opportunities to implement programs and plans to meet desired needs and requirements in accounting projects/assignments. The internship taught me to objectively evaluate the programs and plans designed to solve accounting problems to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. The internship developed my skills in making revisions into the plan in response to changes in the circumstances and needs of the accounting project/assignment. Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools The internship gave me opportunities to utilize various accounting software (e.g. Quickbooks, Sage 50, Sprout Solutions, Excel) during the internship. The internship taught me how to effectively utilize accounting software to aid me in finishing my internship activities/assignments. The internship provided me with opportunities to apply current techniques in performing an effective audit. The internship provided me with opportunities to apply current techniques in performing tasks related to the field of Tax Accounting. The internship provided me with opportunities to apply current techniques in performing tasks related to the field of Financial Accounting. Critical thinking and thorough analysis The internship provided me opportunities to analyze complex accounting problems. The internship activities allowed me to experience identifying and defining appropriate accounting requirements for the given accounting problem. The internship trained me to identify and gather relevant data from accounting systems and reports. The internship taught me to consider the interests of the clients as well as professional norms when preparing accounting reports and the use of accounting software. NA 1 2 3 4 5 99 For BSBA Economics Table 53 Questionnaire for BSBA Economics Rating Attributes Post-Interns’ Evaluation on the Achievement of Graduate Attributes For BSBA Economics Graduate Attributes Collaboration The internship trained me to be an effective member in a team to assist the execution of internship activities. The internship gave me opportunities to effectively lead a team for an activity. The internship made me recognize and value the different roles and contributions made by each member of the team. The internship allowed me to assume shared responsibility in the creation of an effective plan. Communication The internship developed my skills in articulating complex ideas with respect to the needs of the support staff, my colleagues, and superiors. There were internship activities that allowed me to develop media communication techniques and presentation skills. The internship trained me to communicate clearly and meaningfully with support staff, colleagues, and superiors. The internship made me more aware of non-verbal cues and used them to enhance the quality of dialogue among the people around me. The internship helped me feel comfortable and confident in communicating within the organization. NA 1 2 3 4 5 100 Graduate Attributes Communication (continuation) The internship taught me how to communicate effectively with different organizations outside the internship. The internship trained me how to communicate clearly and concisely in writing. The internship taught me to choose the appropriate communication method (e.g. email, instant message, call, or video call) to best share information. The internship educated me how to exercise proper etiquette in all my interactions within and outside my working environment. Possessing characteristics of Honor and Integrity The internship allowed me to exercise honor and integrity in everyday tasks reflective of a true Business Professional. The internship made me consider the impact of my actions on others. The internship helped me understand more the value of performing in an honest, ethical, and consistent manner based on the core values of a true Sillimanian. The internship trained my ethical and professional dispositions and conduct in a working environment. The internship developed my sense of responsibility to act with competence and fairness in all that I do. The internship allowed me to demonstrate knowledge of the use of ethical framework(s) in intellectual, social, and professional contexts. Professional and Social Responsibility The internship taught me the importance of performing professional care and competence within the profession. The internship helped me understand the legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities in my profession. The internship developed my knowledge, attitudes, and skills aiming to bring contribution to the community. The internship taught me to conduct myself in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. NA 1 2 3 4 5 101 Graduate Attributes Professional and Social Responsibility (continuation) The internship made me recognize the importance of understanding ethics and relevant issues regarding my profession and its business environment. Application of Theoretical Knowledge The internship helped me better demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of economic concepts, principles, and strategies. The internship is where I learned how to apply the relevant economic concepts, theories, and principles in analyzing contemporary issues, perspectives, and policy choices. The internship has activities that allowed me to synthesize economic arguments to arrive at well-reasoned judgments and decisions. The internship gave me the opportunity to study and formulate strategies to economic situations that affect individuals, organizations, and society. The internship taught me how to use data analysis in calculating and managing risk. The internship activity gave me the opportunity to apply economic theories and methodologies to managerial decisionmaking problems. Development of Plans/Programs/Projects The internship gave me the opportunity to apply my theoretical knowledge into developing plans for economic situations . The internship guided me in creating economic plans and strategies based on the economic trends and data from economic problems assigned. The internship taught me how to objectively evaluate the plans and projects designed to address economic problems. The internship taught me how to adapt to economic changes affecting the plans and projects designed for economic situations. NA 1 2 3 4 5 102 Graduate Attributes Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools The internship taught me how to effectively and efficiently use tools such as Excel in recording and analyzing statistical data. The internship taught me how to appropriately select and utilize visualization tools in recording, analyzing, and reporting data. The internship is where I developed my application of mathematical principles like statistics, calculus, algebra, and other advanced mathematical topics to economic problems. The internship has activities that helped improve my writing skills, especially in writing concise reports and speeches to convey the findings done during the internship program. Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Through the internship program, I learned how to analyze and interpret the economic data presented in textual, numerical, and graphical form. The internship activities assisted me in making valid conclusions from the economic information presented and evaluating the relevance and reliability of my data. The internship activities taught me how to critically evaluate micro views of how businesses acquire capital, generate profit, and efficiently produce goods and services. The internship activities taught me how to critically evaluate macro views of how external economic factors can affect, and should influence, business decisions. The internship developed my skills in identifying ways to mitigate risks in the economy that are potentially caused by future events. NA 1 2 3 4 5 103 For BSBA Marketing Management Table 54 Questionnaire for BSBA Marketing Management Rating Attributes Post-Interns’ Evaluation on the Achievement of Graduate Attributes For BSBA Marketing Management Graduate Attributes Collaboration The internship trained me to be an effective member in a team to assist the execution of internship activities. The internship gave me opportunities to effectively lead a team for an activity. The internship made me recognize and value the different roles and contributions made by each member of the team. The internship allowed me to assume shared responsibility in the creation of an effective plan. Communication The internship developed my skills in articulating complex ideas with respect to the needs of the support staff, my colleagues, and superiors. There were internship activities that allowed me to develop media communication techniques and presentation skills. The internship trained me to communicate clearly and meaningfully with support staff, colleagues, and superiors. The internship made me more aware of non-verbal cues and used them to enhance the quality of dialogue among the people around me. The internship helped me feel comfortable and confident in communicating within the organization. The internship taught me how to communicate effectively with different organizations outside the internship. The internship trained me how to communicate clearly and concisely in writing. NA 1 2 3 4 5 104 The internship taught me to choose the appropriate communication method (e.g. email, instant message, call, or video call) to best share information. Graduate Attributes Communication (continuation) The internship educated me how to exercise proper etiquette in all my interactions within and outside my working environment. Possessing characteristics of Honor and Integrity The internship allowed me to exercise honor and integrity in everyday tasks reflective of a true Business Professional. The internship made me consider the impact of my actions on others. The internship helped me understand more the value of performing in an honest, ethical, and consistent manner based on the core values of a true Sillimanian. The internship trained my ethical and professional dispositions and conduct in a working environment. The internship developed my sense of responsibility to act with competence and fairness in all that I do. The internship allowed me to demonstrate knowledge of the use of ethical framework(s) in intellectual, social, and professional contexts. Professional and Social Responsibility The internship taught me the importance of performing professional care and competence within the profession. The internship helped me understand the legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities in my profession. The internship developed my knowledge, attitudes, and skills aiming to bring contribution to the community. The internship taught me to conduct myself in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. The internship made me recognize the importance of understanding ethics and relevant issues regarding my profession and its business environment. NA 1 2 3 4 5 105 Graduate Attributes Application of theoretical knowledge The internship provided me with opportunities to demonstrate my understanding of marketing principles and marketing tools or techniques used to capture the audience. The internship allowed me to use my understanding of marketing tools and principles in addressing the consumer’s needs or requests. Through the internship, I gained a better understanding of the marketing theories and techniques and their effective applications. Through the internship I was able to learn the critical roles of each component in the marketing mix to solidify a product and/or service’s marketing strategy. The internship provided opportunities which allowed me to experience and learn from different fields of marketing (market research, promotion, sales, etc.) Development of Plans/Programs/Projects The internship helped me practice designing marketing proposals based on company needs. Through the internship, I was able to implement the plans I have designed in the assigned marketing projects. The internship program allowed me to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs that were used to meet the client’s needs. The internship taught me to integrate competent marketing solutions that are appropriate to the client environment. Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools The internship activities helped me learn new marketing technology or new data analytics skills. The internship provided me with the opportunity to put my knowledge of modern marketing techniques in the marketing profession. Through internship, I was able to enhance and practice current skills, tools (Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) in recording and analyzing collected marketing data. The internship taught me styles in digital marketing to efficiently and effectively execute digital campaigns for the client. NA 1 2 3 4 5 106 Graduate Attributes Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis The internship enhanced my capability to innovate business ideas related to the marketing profession based on certain emerging industries The internship gave me the opportunity to practice critical thinking in dealing with rapid changes in the marketing environment. The internship allowed me to integrate analytical skills in examining collected data and form insights. The internship provided opportunities to help me analyze practical problems surrounding the marketing profession. Through the internship, I was exposed to different customer persona which allowed me to practice handling them and understand their purchase behavior in the process. Social Skills The internship provided case analyses that helped me develop social skills - the ability to persuade people to take specific actions. Situational exposure during the internship allowed me to practice my social/persuasion skills. The internship provided opportunities for simulations where I was able to perform presentation decks. Through the internship, I was exposed to internship activities where marketing professionals demonstrate their methods of sales pitching. NA 1 2 3 4 5 107 For BSBA Operations Management Table 55 Questionnaire for BSBA Operations Management Rating Attributes Post-interns’ Evaluation on the Achievement of Graduate Attributes For BSBA Operations Management Graduate Attributes Planning The internship allowed me to advance my skills in forming plans based on the facts and resources available. The internship allowed me to demonstrate knowledge of the use of ethical framework(s) in intellectual, social, and professional aspects in the creation of a plan. The internship developed my skills in anticipating possible issues that have the potential to affect the success of our plans. The internship helped me recognize the need to consider relevant risks involved throughout the plan creation process. Through the internship activities, I have learned to have alternative strategies in case of setbacks in the original plan. During the internship, I have featured innovative ideas and techniques in my creation of a plan. The internship trained me to think and act quickly to keep up with the change of circumstances or demands of the project/assignment. The internship allowed me to design programs and plans to meet desired business operations objectives. Through the internship, I learned to create accurate financial plans. The internship taught me to objectively evaluate the programs and plans designed. Problem Solving The internship provided me opportunities to analyze and understand real-world operations problems. The internship provided me with opportunities to demonstrate my knowledge of fundamental operations concepts and management principles in dealing with problems. NA 1 2 3 4 5 108 Graduate Attributes Problem Solving (continuation) The internship trained me to use information and communications technology to gather relevant data and other information. The internship taught me how to evaluate the relevance and reliability of the data I collected. The internship taught me to use data analytics tools to better visualize and interpret operations data. There were internship activities that helped improve my data processing skills. The internship trained me to use relevant analysis approaches in evaluating and making reasonable judgments in dealing with problems. The internship helped me apply my theoretical knowledge in operations management in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions. There were internship activities that helped me better understand the actual processes involving the current trends in operations (e.g. Lean Manufacturing, Total Quality Management, and Supply Chain Management). The internship activities assisted me in interpreting and making valid conclusions from the information presented. The internship allowed me to observe and learn the best practices in solving operations-related concerns. The internship is where I learned to critically evaluate the inputoutput transformation process of an organization to make it more efficient. The internship allowed me to analyze supply chain models and how they are applied to real life scenarios. Through the internship, I learned to use application software that is integral to business operations efficiency (e.g. tracking and automation applications). The internship made me recognize the need to generate new knowledge to contribute to the business field during my internship. The internship provided me with the opportunity to explore and pursue new experiences to learn knowledge that would allow me to adapt and be more productive in the workplace. NA 1 2 3 4 5 109 Graduate Attributes Problem Solving (continuation) The internship taught me to commit to continuous professional development to adapt learning methodologies to approach diverse tasks. The internship helped me develop an in-depth knowledge of product design. Communication The internship developed my skills in articulating complex ideas with respect to the needs of the support staff, my colleagues, and superiors. There were internship activities that allowed me to develop media communication techniques and presentation skills. The internship trained me to communicate clearly and meaningfully with support staff, colleagues, and superiors. The internship made me more aware of non-verbal cues and used them to enhance the quality of dialogue among the people around me. The internship helped me feel comfortable and confident in communicating within the organization. The internship taught me how to communicate effectively with different organizations outside the internship. The internship trained me how to communicate clearly and concisely in writing. The internship taught me to choose the appropriate communication method (e.g. email, instant message, call, or video call) to best share information. The internship educated me how to exercise proper etiquette in all my interactions within and outside my working environment. Leadership During the internship, I was able to show initiative in leading team activities. The internship gave me opportunities to effectively lead a team for an activity. When necessary, I was able to act as a moderator/facilitator during group meetings in the internship activities and assisted the team in reaching a decision or consensus. NA 1 2 3 4 5 110 Graduate Attributes Leadership (continuation) During group activities in the internship, I was able to delegate tasks to team members effectively. The internship made me recognize and value the different roles and contributions made by each member of the team. The internship helped strengthen my ability to clearly communicate project goals and targets with team members. The internship activities improved my time management skills when dealing with multiple projects. During the internship, I was able to direct my team members towards the achievement of our goals and objectives. The internship helped me become comfortable with making pivotal decisions that will affect the team. During the internship, I was able to nurture good rapport between myself and my team members. During internship activities, I was able to try motivating my team members and match different motivation approaches with the needs of the individual team member. The internship taught me how to mediate between team members thereby establishing a cohesive team culture. The internship gave me the opportunity to provide prompt feedback to team members during group activities. During group activities, I was able to discuss what’s working well and what needs to be improved with my team. NA 1 2 3 4 5 111 APPENDIX B - 3 GOOGLE FORM PRESENTATION OF QUESTIONNAIRE 112 113 114 115 APPENDIX C - INFORMED CONSENT FORM Dear Respondent, Good day! We are 4th year students from Silliman University, taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. As a requirement for the completion of our subject, BSA 43C - Accountancy Research, we are conducting a survey for our paper entitled, “Effectiveness of Student Internship Programs in the College of Business Administration of Silliman University: Perceptions of Post-interns.” With the aim of improving the student internship programs achieving the graduate attributes set out in each department, may we request you to answer the questionnaire based on your experience during the internship? Your answers will be greatly appreciated. Rest assured, these will be used solely for the purposes of this paper and will be kept in strict confidentiality. Thank you and God bless! Respectfully yours, Bacerra, Angelica D. Calumpang, Pearl Louie Enriquez, Bave R. Nocete, Szhar Andrei S. Rallos, Roela Denisse A. ______________________________________________________________________ Data Privacy Statement In compliance with the Data Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) effective since September 9, 2016, this is to certify that I give consent to the researchers to collect, use, store and process my responses for the purpose of this study by clicking the box beside "I consent". I understand that the researchers are taking necessary precautions to assure the utmost confidentiality of my personal information. In the event that I do not give my consent to record my response, I can click the box beside “I do not consent” which then will direct me to the submission form. ◻ I consent ◻ I do not consent 116 APPENDIX D - REQUEST LETTERS August 31, 2022 [Internship Coordinator’s Name] [Position] [Department] College of Business and Administration Dear Ma’am/Sir: Warmest greetings! We are 4th year BS Accountancy students currently enrolled in BSA 43C - Accountancy Research class. In this class we are pursuing a research paper that aims to determine the effectiveness of the student internship programs using [specific course] graduate attributes as the criteria. We hope that this research will provide the courses in the college relevant information that can help enhance the internship experience of students. In line with this, may we request from you a copy of your course's Internship handbook containing the graduate attributes? Should you have any questions or clarifications, feel free to communicate with us through Pearl Louie S. Calumpang via pearlscalumpang@su.edu.ph or through phone at 09155287060. We hope for your positive response. Thank you and God bless! Respectfully yours, Angelica D. Baccera Pearl Louie S. Calumpang Szhar Andrei S. Nocete Roela Denise A. Rallos Noted by: Loren Ann C. Lachica BSA 43C - Adviser APPENDIX E - LIST OF RESPONDENTS Bave R. Enriquez 117 September 8, 2022 WILMA M. TEJERO, PH.D. Dean, College of Business Administration Silliman University Dear Dr. Tejero: Warmest greetings! We are 4th year BS Accountancy students currently enrolled in BSA 43C - Accounting Research class. In our research, we aim to determine the effectiveness of the internship programs using graduate attributes as the criteria. We hope that this research will provide the courses in the college relevant information that can help enhance the internship experience of students. The respondents will be the previous 4th year students of the BS Accountancy, BSBA Operations Management, BSBA Economics, and BSBA Marketing Management courses from the SY 2021-2022. The group will use 100% of their population for our analysis. In line with this, we would like to ask your good office for the names of the 4th year students from the courses mentioned above that were enrolled in their internship subjects for the SY 2021-2022. We hope for your positive response. Thank you and God bless! Respectfully yours, Angelica D. Baccera Pearl Louie S. Calumpang Szhar Andrei S. Nocete Roela Denise A. Rallos Noted by: Loren Ann C. Lachica BSA 37P - Adviser Bave R. Enriquez 118 Enumerated below are the list of post-interns from the different departments of Silliman University College of Business Administration for the SY 2021-2022. All lists were secured from the SUCBA Office. BS - Accountancy 1. Banta, Jane Ellaine S. 2. Cafe, Thea Philline T. 3. Catacutan, Mhel Jane U. 4. Debuyan, Melyn Joy D. 5. Dela Cruz, Hannah Gene O. 6. Galicia, Francine Alyssa F. 7. Gravador, Chevonne Dessilette D. 8. Gumalo, Andrea Lorraine B. 9. Lampago, Caryl Joy C. 10. Manimtim, Ramon Vincent T. 11. Misa, Julmar Joseph B. 12. Montenegro, Iniaki Emmanuel V. 13. Palma, Kiara Florentyna P. 14. Patula, Mary Amethyst A. 15. Pelarios, Irene F. 16. Refugio, Princess Hilary E. 17. Remulta, Nicole Claire C. 18. Salvoro, Mary Therese E. 19. Sanchez, Jude L. 20. Santes, Jennine Fel C. 21. Siega, Gg Marize M. 22. Villamor, Ericka Ashley 23. Yray, Johanna Ces B. BSBA - Economics 1. Dahili, Novah Jane A. 2. Elumba, Kyrra Jhon A. 3. Eran, Aira Cristelle E. 4. Kinilitan, Richelyn S. 5. 6. 7. 8. BSBA - Marketing Management 1. Abcede, Jasmin Grace 2. Aranas, Jasper Axel 3. Baldomar, Shen 4. Barrera, Cyle Ellery 5. Bernadez, Jean Leonardo 6. Carido, Jeff Yrneh 7. Dela Pena, Steve Allan 8. Duhilag, Jemimah Fe 9. Ela, Sydney 10. Haloc, Altrexy 11. Ibarra, Sofia 12. Japin, Claire Monic 13. Maquiling, Nick Zhydell 14. Ng, Dominic Zi Ann 15. Nolasco, Kate Angela 16. Polino, Erica Chin 17. Probadora, Bea Alexa 18. Salin, Teddy 19. Sardua, Kamille Faith 20. Solamillo, Jaya Mae 21. Sorronda, Wesley Orson 22. Suasin, Angel Lyn 23. Sun, Meljohn Lester 24. Turtoga, Chariz Jamaica 25. Valor, Shiloh Mel 26. Zerna, Casey Lozada, Sirach R. Magat, Nathalie R. Paladin, Nicha Marie A. Rendoque, Phoebe Ann P. 119 BSBA - Operations Management 1. Badilla, Alliah Ann P. 2. Bayhonan, Miguel Luis P. 3. Bendijo, Lore Grace V. 4. Bolongaita, Rosedemae B. 5. Calumpang, Riva Ryen P. 6. Choi, Keilla Wilson S. 7. Chu, Henilyn A. 8. Coloyan, J-Alexa G. 9. De la Torre, Regie Nicole V. 10. Empeso, Gell T. 11. Endres, Winona Jane C. 12. Escobar, Jan Jessiah B. 13. Hascoet, Robbie Trisha S. 14. Iligan, Marilit K. 15. Kadusale, Sweet Lady G. 16. Lavilla, Nicole Cait E. 17. Lomotos, Mark Gian P. 18. Lumbania, Sianna Mirajune 19. Morillo, Castor Troy B. 20. Mutia, Jacqueline P. 21. Omangay, Apple Joyce G. 22. Ontal, Jess Angelo V. 23. So, Recca Marie S. 120 APPENDIX F - LIST OF HOST TRAINING ESTABLISHMENTS BS Accountancy 1. KPMG 2. Emma - The Sleep Company 3. Philip Morris International BSBA Economics 1. Philippine Trade and Investment Center 2. Lamudi Philippines 3. PruLife UK 4. Local Government Unit - LGU - Tanjay City Sangguniang Panlungsod BSBA Marketing Management 1. FoodPanda 2. Cocotel International 3. Partipost Philippines Inc. 4. Select Training and Management Consultancy LLC 5. LMS Solutions Philippines 6. Sun Life Financial DGTE 7. My Amazon Guy 8. Diglog 9. Little Rock Property Buyers 10. Little Boxes Solutions 11. Save with Sheldon 12. Reverse Marketing Agency BSBA Operations Management 1. Cocotel International 2. Hubenta 3. Pru Life insurance 4. MyKuya 5. Philippine Trade and Investment Center 6. Oro China Group of Companies 7. Katell Custom Grocers 8. Antulang Beach Resort 9. Ace Summit 10. Melham 11. ZT Gas 121 APPENDIX G - FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS BS Accountancy Table 56 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 60.87% 34.78% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 60.87% 30.43% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 65.22% 26.09% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 73.91 21.74% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% Table 57 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Communication Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 47.83% 43.48% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 78.26% 17.39% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 52.17% 34.78% 13.04% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 21.74% 52.17% 26.09% 0.00% 0.00% 5 0.00% 34.78% 56.52% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 6 8.70% 30.43% 47.83% 8.70% 0.00% 4.35% 7 4.35% 43.48% 39.13% 13.04% 0.00% 0.00% 8 4.35% 52.17% 34.78% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 9 0.00% 73.91% 17.39% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 122 Table 58 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 56.52% 26.09% 13.04% 4.35% 0.00% 2 0.00% 65.22% 30.43% 0.00% 4.35% 0.00% 3 0.00% 69.57% 26.09% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 73.91% 21.74% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% 5 0.00% 82.61% 13.04% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% 6 0.00% 73.91% 21.74% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% Table 59 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Continuous Professional Development Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 47.83% 43.48% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 65.22% 26.09% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 56.52% 34.78% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 43.48% 39.13% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% 5 0.00% 56.52% 26.09% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% 6 0.00% 30.43% 39.13% 21.74% 8.70% 0.00% 123 Table 60 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 78.26% 17.39% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 69.57% 26.09% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 56.52% 34.78% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 73.91% 21.74% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% 5 0.00% 78.26% 17.39% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% Table 61 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Technical Knowledge for Solving Problems Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 60.87% 34.78% 0.00% 4.35% 0.00% 2 0.00% 60.87% 34.78% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 47.83% 39.13% 13.04% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 52.17% 34.78% 13.04% 0.00% 0.00% 5 0.00% 69.57% 21.74% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 6 0.00% 47.83% 39.13% 13.04% 0.00% 0.00% 124 Table 62 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/Programs/Projects Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 4.35% 21.74% 52.17% 17.39% 4.35% 0.00% 2 4.35% 21.74% 43.48% 30.43% 0.00% 0.00% 3 4.35% 17.39% 47.83% 30.43% 0.00% 0.00% 4 4.35% 26.09% 52.17% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% Table 63 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Usage of Contemporary Techniques and Tools Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 39.13% 34.78% 21.74% 0.00% 4.35% 2 0.00% 26.09% 34.78% 26.09% 8.70% 4.35% 3 0.00% 39.13% 47.83% 13.04% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 26.09% 56.52% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% 5 0.00% 26.09% 56.52% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% 125 Table 64 BS Accountancy Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 52.17% 39.13% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 52.17% 43.48% 4.35% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 43.48% 47.83% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 47.83% 26.09% 26.09% 0.00% 0.00% 126 BS Economics Table 65 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 50.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 25.00% 37.50% 37.50% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 50.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 50.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% Table 66 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Communication Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 62.50% 25.00% 12.50% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 62.50% 25.00% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 3 0.00% 62.50% 12.50% 12.50% 12.50% 0.00% 4 0.00% 37.50% 50.00% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 5 0.00% 62.50% 12.50% 12.50% 12.50% 0.00% 6 0.00% 62.50% 25.00% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 7 0.00% 62.50% 12.50% 12.50% 12.50% 0.00% 8 0.00% 62.50% 25.00% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 9 0.00% 62.50% 25.00% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 127 Table 67 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 37.50% 50.00% 12.50% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 37.50% 50.00% 12.50% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 50.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 50.00% 37.50% 12.50% 0.00% 0.00% 5 0.00% 37.50% 50.00% 12.50% 0.00% 0.00% 6 0.00% 37.50% 50.00% 12.50% 0.00% 0.00% Table 68 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 62.50% 0.00% 12.50% 25.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 37.50% 25.00% 12.50% 25.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 50.00% 12.50% 37.50% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 50.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5 0.00% 62.50% 12.50% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 128 Table 69 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Application of Theoretical Knowledge Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 25.00% 25.00% 37.50% 12.50% 0.00% 2 0.00% 25.00% 50.00% 12.50% 12.50% 0.00% 3 0.00% 50.00% 37.50% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 4 0.00% 50.00% 25.00% 12.50% 12.50% 0.00% 5 0.00% 37.50% 50.00% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 6 0.00% 25.00% 37.50% 25.00% 12.50% 0.00% Table 70 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/Programs/Projects Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 37.50% 37.50% 12.50% 12.50% 0.00% 2 0.00% 25.00% 62.50% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 3 0.00% 50.00% 37.50% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 4 0.00% 25.00% 62.50% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 129 Table 71 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 62.50% 12.50% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 87.50% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 50.00% 12.50% 25.00% 12.50% 0.00% 4 0.00% 62.50% 12.50% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% Table 72 BSBA Economics Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 37.50% 25.00% 25.00% 12.50% 0.00% 2 0.00% 50.00% 25.00% 12.50% 12.50% 0.00% 3 0.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 50.00% 37.50% 0.00% 12.50% 0.00% 5 0.00% 37.50% 37.50% 12.50% 12.50% 0.00% 130 BSBA Marketing Management Table 73 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Collaboration Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 53.85% 38.46% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 38.46% 42.31% 15.38% 0.00% 3.85% 3 0.00% 61.54% 34.62% 3.85% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 69.23% 26.92% 0.00% 3.85% 0.00% Table 74 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Communication Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 53.85% 38.46% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 61.54% 34.62% 3.85% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 57.69% 38.46% 3.85% 0.00% 0.00% 4 3.85% 38.46% 38.46% 11.54% 7.69% 0.00% 5 0.00% 57.69% 23.08% 19.23% 0.00% 0.00% 6 0.00% 50.00% 23.08% 23.08% 0.00% 3.85% 7 0.00% 57.69% 26.92% 11.54% 3.85% 0.00% 8 0.00% 65.38% 23.08% 11.54% 0.00% 0.00% 9 0.00% 61.54% 30.77% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 131 Table 75 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Possessing Characteristics of Honor and Integrity Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 57.69% 34.62% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 61.54% 34.62% 3.85% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 65.38% 26.92% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 53.85% 38.46% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 5 0.00% 61.54% 30.77% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 6 0.00% 57.69% 26.92% 15.38% 0.00% 0.00% Table 76 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Professional and Social Responsibility Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 38.46% 50.00% 3.85% 3.85% 0.00% 2 0.00% 46.15% 38.46% 3.85% 7.69% 0.00% 3 3.85% 65.38% 42.31% 0.00% 7.69% 0.00% 4 0.00% 53.85% 23.08% 11.54% 7.69% 0.00% 5 0.00% 53.85% 26.92% 7.69% 7.69% 0.00% 132 Table 77 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Application of Theoretical Knowledge Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 53.85% 34.62% 11.54% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 53.85% 34.62% 11.54% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 57.69% 30.77% 11.54% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 61.54% 30.77% 3.85% 3.85% 0.00% 5 0.00% 61.54% 34.62% 3.85% 0.00% 0.00% Table 78 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Development of Plans/Programs/Projects Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 61.54% 26.92% 11.54% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 50.00% 42.31% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 50.00% 42.31% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 53.85% 34.62% 7.69% 3.85% 0.00% 133 Table 79 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Usage of Contemporary Techniques/Tools Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 61.54% 26.92% 11.54% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 57.69% 38.46% 3.85% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 65.38% 26.92% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 4 3.85% 53.85% 42.31% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Table 80 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Critical Thinking and Thorough Analysis Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 53.85% 38.46% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 2 0.00% 53.85% 38.46% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 3 0.00% 69.23% 19.23% 11.54% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 53.85% 30.77% 15.38% 0.00% 0.00% 5 3.85% 53.85% 11.54% 11.54% 11.54% 0.00% 134 Table 81 BSBA Marketing Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Social Skills Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 7.69% 42.31% 30.77% 15.38% 3.85% 0.00% 2 3.85% 53.85% 19.23% 19.23% 0.00% 03.85% 3 11.54% 46.15% 38.46% 3.85% 0.00% 0.00% 4 15.38% 46.15% 23.08% 15.38% 0.00% 0.00% 135 BSBA Operations Management Table 82 BSBA Operations Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Planning Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 30.43% 30.43% 34.78% 4.35% 0.00% 2 0.00% 26.09% 30.43% 34.78% 8.70% 0.00% 3 0.00% 26.09% 56.52% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% 4 0.00% 34.78% 43.48% 17.39% 4.35% 0.00% 5 0.00% 34.78% 43.48% 13.04% 8.70% 0.00% 6 0.00% 39.13% 30.43% 21.74% 8.70% 0.00% 7 0.00% 39.13% 43.48% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% 8 0.00% 39.13% 39.13% 17.39% 0.00% 4.35% 9 4.35% 21.74% 30.43% 26.09% 8.70% 8.70% 10 0.00% 34.78% 39.13% 17.39% 4.35% 4.35% 136 Table 83 BSBA Operations Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Problem Solving Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 4.35% 30.43% 26.09% 21.74% 13.04% 4.35% 2 0.00% 17.39% 43.48% 17.39% 21.74% 0.00% 3 0.00% 39.13% 34.78% 17.39% 8.70% 0.00% 4 0.00% 39.13% 30.43% 26.09% 4.35% 0.00% 5 4.35% 26.09% 39.13% 21.74% 8.70% 0.00% 6 0.00% 26.09% 30.43% 30.43% 13.04% 0.00% 7 0.00% 21.74% 34.78% 34.78% 8.70% 0.00% 8 0.00% 21.74% 39.13% 26.09% 8.70% 4.35% 9 0.00% 21.74% 30.43% 21.74% 17.39% 8.70% 10 0.00% 21.74% 43.48% 17.39% 17.39% 0.00% 11 0.00% 30.43% 34.78% 21.74% 8.70% 4.35% 12 0.00% 26.09% 34.78% 21.74% 13.04% 4.35% 13 8.70% 21.74% 34.78% 17.39% 13.04% 4.35% 14 8.70% 30.43% 21.74% 30.43% 8.70% 0.00% 15 0.00% 43.48% 30.43% 17.39% 8.70% 0.00% 16 0.00% 47.83% 26.09% 17.39% 8.70% 0.00% 17 0.00% 39.13% 39.13% 13.04% 8.70% 0.00% 18 8.70% 21.74% 47.83% 13.04% 4.35% 4.35% 137 Table 84 BSBA Operations Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Communication Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 0.00% 47.83% 26.09% 21.74% 4.35% 0.00% 2 0.00% 39.13% 39.13% 17.39% 0.00% 4.35% 3 0.00% 39.13% 26.09% 30.43% 0.00% 4.35% 4 0.00% 34.78% 30.43% 26.09% 4.35% 4.35% 5 0.00% 34.78% 21.74% 30.43% 4.35% 4.35% 6 4.35% 34.78% 21.74% 30.43% 4.35% 4.35% 7 0.00% 34.78% 30.43% 26.09% 4.35% 4.35% 8 0.00% 47.83% 34.78% 13.04% 4.35% 0.00% 9 0.00% 52.17% 26.09% 17.39% 4.35% 0.00% 138 Table 85 BSBA Operations Management Frequency Distribution of Graduate Attributes: Leadership Statements N/A 5 4 3 2 1 1 13.04% 30.43% 39.13% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% 2 8.70% 30.43% 39.13% 17.39% 4.35% 0.00% 3 17.39% 26.09% 30.43% 17.39% 8.70% 0.00% 4 17.39% 30.43% 26.09% 26.09% 0.00% 0.00% 5 4.35% 34.78% 43.48% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% 6 8.70% 26.09% 47.83% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% 7 0.00% 43.48% 34.78% 17.39% 4.35% 0.00% 8 8.70% 26.09% 34.78% 26.09% 4.35% 0.00% 9 8.70% 39.13% 30.43% 17.39% 4.35% 0.00% 10 8.70% 39.13% 34.78% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% 11 8.70% 39.13% 34.78% 17.39% 0.00% 0.00% 12 8.70% 39.13% 39.13% 13.04% 0.00% 0.00% 13 8.70% 30.43% 43.48% 13.04% 4.35% 0.00% 14 8.70% 30.43% 47.83% 13.04% 0.00% 0.00% 139 APPENDIX H - CLEARANCE FROM THE UNIVERSITY REVIEW ETHICS COMMITTEE 140 APPENDIX I - CURRICULUM VITAE OF RESEARCHERS BACERRA, ANGELICA D. Home Address: Natan, Diplahan, Zamboanga Sibugay Mobile Number: 0951 261 2102 Email: angelicadbacerra@su.edu.ph DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Age: 23 Birth Date: September 14, 1999 Nationality: Filipino Sex: Female Birthplace: Natan, Diplahan Zamboanga Sibugay Civil Status: Single EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Junior High School: St. Paul School of Buug Senior High School: Saint Columban College College: Silliman University ORGANIZATION INVOLVEMENT & ACHIEVEMENTS ● Intern, Sycip Gorres Velayo & Co. (2022) ● Member, Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (2018 - Present) 141 CALUMPANG, PEARL LOUIE S. Home Address: Bucandala II, Imus City, Cavite Mobile Number: +(63)915 528 7060 Email: pearlscalumpang@su.edu.ph DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Age: 23 Birth Date: November 8, 1999 Nationality: Filipino Sex: Female Birthplace: Cavite City, Cavite Civil Status: Single EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Junior High School: Imus National High School Senior High School: STI College - Dasmariñas College: Silliman University College of Business and Administration (2018 - Present) ORGANIZATION INVOLVEMENT & ACHIEVEMENTS ● Intern, KPMG R.G. Manabat & Co. Distance Learning Internship (2022) ● Asst. Sec., Silliman University Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (2021 2022) ● 2019 Civil Service Exam passer (Professional level) 142 ENRIQUEZ, BAVE R. Home Address: Aglipay Street, Tupas, Manjuyod Mobile Number: 09975616651 Email: baverenriquez@su.edu.ph DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Age: 23 Birth Date: September 26, 1999 Nationality: Filipino Sex: Female Birthplace: NOPH, Dumaguete City Civil Status: Single EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Junior High School: Manjuyod Science High School Silliman University Senior High School College: Silliman University College of Business and Administration (2018 - Present) ORGANIZATION INVOLVEMENT & ACHIEVEMENTS ● Intern, KPMG R.G. Manabat & Co. Distance Learning Internship (2022) ● Registrations and Evaluations Committee Co-head, COMSO (2021 - 2022) ● Member, Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (2018 - Present) 143 NOCETE, SZHAR ANDREI S. Home Address: E.J. Blanco Ext. Corner St. Jerome, Daro, Dumaguete City Mobile Number: 09457634390 Email: szharsnocete@su.edu.ph DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Age: 22 Birth Date: July 19, 2000 Nationality : Filipino Sex: Male Birthplace: Dumaguete City Civil Status: Single EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Junior High School: Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial Dumaguete Science High School Senior High School: Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial Dumaguete Science High School College: Silliman University ORGANIZATION INVOLVEMENT & ACHIEVEMENTS ● Intern, KPMG R.G. Manabat & Co. Distance Learning Internship (2022) ● Public Relations Officer, CBA Student Council (2021 - 2022) ● Volunteer, Victory Dumaguete (2016 - Present) 144 RALLOS, ROELA DENISSE A. Home Address: Brgy. Tambulilid, Camella Homes Lapradera, Ormoc City Leyte Mobile Number: 0906 859 1246 Email: roelaarallos@su.edu.ph DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Age: 22 Birth Date: March 9, 2000 Nationality: Filipino Sex: Female Birthplace: Ormoc City Civil Status: Single EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Junior High School: New Ormoc City National High School Senior High School: Silliman University Senior High School College: Silliman University College of Business and Administration (2018 - Present) ORGANIZATION INVOLVEMENT & ACHIEVEMENTS ● Intern, KPMG R.G. Manabat & Co. Distance Learning Internship (2022) ● Auditor, Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (2021- 2022) ● Co-Chairperson, Silliman University Student Government Educational Services Committee (2021-2022)