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Tactical Bodyweight 6-Week Training Plan

Welcome to your Tactical Body-Weight 6-Week Training Plan. Prepare to be
pushed to your limit physically and mentally every single session.
Firstly, Thank you for having the courage to take these steps in starting your
training. If you can put in the hard work I can guarantee you will start seeing the
results you deserve. This training plan is designed to be easily performed anywhere,
anytime with no need for any additional equipment.
This bodyweight training is like no other you have seen before. To get results and
get them fast I have used a specific three phase system for each bodyweight
workout that combines Ladders, EMOM’s and Accumulation. Basically, demanding
your all. You will also have endurance sessions throughout your week to enhance
your performance. There is no room for half assed work around here.
Your training is also laid out in a specific game style format, so you stay motivated
and can actually start seeing your progress. Over the following pages I will elaborate
more on your training, schedule and how to perform this plan, so make sure you
read over these pages carefully.
Mental Toughness is also a vital component of these body weight sessions so keep
pushing hard and focus on the end goal. It’s not easy but if you stick it out you will
push past your current mental boundaries and it will become easier with time.
All in all, if you can stick to this schedule and push through your workouts, I can
guarantee you will destroy your current fitness levels, improve your physique,
become mentally tougher and achieve the end goal of becoming HARDER TO KILL.
Each week your schedule will consist of 2x endurance sessions and 3x
bodyweight sessions. For endurance sessions you have a choice, you can pick
any one of the sessions based on your goals from the endurance section of
this plan.
For your bodyweight sessions, each workout will be broken up into three
sections. This is to change up the tempo, keep your muscles guessing and also
give you plenty of variety throughout your training. There are four sections in
total which we will be rotated each workout.
Ladders, EMOM’s, 30/30’s & 15/45’s, Accumulation.
I have explained in detail how to perform each section below:
EMOM stands for “Every minute on the minute”. Meaning, when you begin
that timer, start performing all of the required exercises before that minute is
up. When the next minute rolls around start again till you finish the required
exercises for that minute. Your rest will be the time you have spare after all of
the required reps for each exercise are performed. The faster you perform
them, the more rest you will get.
For example;
0:00 Start
0:30 Finish reps, rest 30 seconds
1:00 Start 2nd round
1:35 Finish 2nd round, rest 25 seconds
2:00 Start 3rd round
2:37 Finish third round, rest 23 seconds.
**The above is just an example, your finish times will vary. Work fast but
keep your form up throughout.
Do this until the time required is complete. For 10 minutes you will have
completed 10 rounds. You will notice you will get fatigued as the time goes on
but keep pushing through.
Perform your first repetition pause, then move through to the next repetition
of 2, pause, then 3 pause, and so on until you reach the highest repetition
required, now rest. Work from the lowest rep right up to the highest. A ladder
of 1-4 would look like this:
1-2-3-4 when finished will equal a total of 10 reps all up.
1-2-3-4 And be counted like this 1 - 1,2 - 1,2,3 - 1,2,3,4
The goal is to get volume in good quality reps so make each rep count.
This refers to time spent exercising and time spent resting. The first number is
the time spent exercising and the second spent resting.
When it comes to 30/30s obviously it wouldn’t matter if you confused them but
with the explosive exercises which are prescribed at 15/45 so you have greater
energy will be a nightmare if you try and perform them for 45 seconds with 15
seconds rest. Perform the exercise in this style until the required time is
Where you accumulate a certain amount of reps for either a set time or a
number of repetitions. This means it doesn’t matter how many sets it takes you,
or how long, just get the job done. Break up the sets if you have to, to make
sure you achieve this goal.
If it says Front Plank for 3 minutes and you can only hold for 1 minute you
can perform 3x 1minute sets to reach your objective. Any rest between
sets is not included as the entire time.
If you do break it up the goal is to have as few rest periods as possible. For
instance if you are required to do 90 seconds, I would rather you do 3 sets of 30
seconds than 9 sets of 10 seconds. If you know you can perform it all in one go
then that is perfect, we are striving for this.
Between phases during the workouts, I recommend resting between 2-3
minutes in order to recover so you can put your all into each phase.
Lie flat on your back on the floor with
your legs extended and your arms
alongside your hips, palms down. From
here, lift your legs approximately 6” off
the floor. Press your low back firmly
into the floor (place hands under hips if
you have a weak low back).
Keep your legs straight as you raise
one leg higher, then switch in a
constant rhythm. Move your legs up
and down in a fluttering motion.
These are performed with a 4 count
with each movement being a 1 count.
The easiest way to count when
performing these and trying not to lose
count is as follows.
1-2-3-1, 1-2-3-2, 1-2-3-3, 1-2-3-4...
Lie flat on your back on the floor with
your arms stretched up over your
head, your knees should be bent, and
the soles of your feet facing one
another. Imagine a groin stretch.
In one fluid movement, raise your
upper body up so you’re now in a
sitting position as you reach forward
with both hands to touch your feet.
Slowly lower yourself back to the
starting position and repeat.
This exercise is very simple and is just
performed by lying flat on your back,
legs outstretched. Arms down by your
hips. From here with straight legs lift
your feet 6” off the ground.
Hold for as long as possible. To make
it more difficult, perform wearing
combat boots.
Lay down on the floor with your head
and shoulders raised looking between
your legs. Your knees should be bent
at 90 degrees with the soles of the feet
flat on the floor.
From here alternate touching each
ankle with your hands by moving from
side to side keeping your head and
shoulders raised off the floor the
entire time.
Lie flat on your belly. Raise your feet
and arms off the deck with your arms
stretched out in front of you. Sweep
your arms back to your thighs and
then all the way forward again,
imagine as if you are swimming. Do
this at a constant speed, not too fast
or too slow to get the most out of this
NOTE: During this plan, up and
back is counted as 2 Repetitions.
Stand underneath the bar but instead
of facing the bar like normal, stand
side on so the bar is running directly
over your head. Reach up and grab
the bar with one hand directly in
front of the other with your hands
Pull your head to one side of the bar
for one rep, and then to the other
side of the bar on the next rep and
repeat. Preferably alternate which
hand is in front each set to avoid any
possible muscle imbalances.
During this program I recommend
performing this exercise either at the
top position on the Dip bars or hanging
off the pull-up bar. It can be performed
directly on the ground, but this is quite
advanced and requires great core
strength and flexibility. If you have no
trouble performing it on the ground
and want more of a challenge then go
ahead but I recommend most start
with the easier versions.
To perform this exercise, you will
keep your legs straight and bring
your feet up to waist height. Your
body should resemble an “L”. From
here hold this position as long as
To perform from the ground. You will
already be sitting in the “L” position.
From here, plant your hands down at
around the midway position of your
thighs. Push your hands into the
ground and lift yourself off. Hold for as
long as possible. *You may need to use
small blocks or bricks for this to make it
slightly easier or if you lack flexibility.
Your training includes 2 x Endurance sessions each week. If you want to add
an extra challenge then yes you can add one more endurance session to
your week but I recommend no more than 3 per week. The body-weight
training will greatly improve your endurance levels, but if you need to swim,
run or ruck for your line of work then ideally you will still complete a
number of sessions per week focusing on this area.
I have provided a range of workouts for you to pick from for each of the
following categories, Swimming, Rucking and Running. Depending on your
goals, choose one of the workouts in any of the three categories to perform
on your endurance day. All of these workouts can be done at your own pace
and adjusted for your work/ lifestyle needs.
A variety of running workouts should be used to improve your overall performance. If you are
only focusing on long slow runs, your cardiovascular endurance will improve but come testing
day of your 1.5 Mile run, you may find you have not improved as much as you hoped for.
Try and vary the land you are running on. You may be tested on the road but to break up the
monotony and take some stress off your joints add in a beach run every now and then. Trail
runs are also great as they are usually required for specific jobs and build up greater muscular
Depending on your needs, you should alternate running in your PT kit / running shoes and
Fatigues / Combat boots. Choose one of the following options;
1.) 3-8 Miles:
Aim for 7.30 minute miles during these runs.
2.) 3-8 Miles:
With 2x 30 second surges per mile. Surges can be added into your run where you like but
make sure to perform at least two per mile.
3.) 20 Minutes HIIT 1 minute ON / 1 minute OFF:
Aim for 300m during the ON phase and continue walking during the OFF phase. Distances
will vary greatly depending on land you are performing this on e.g. Flat, beach, hills.
4.) Medium to Long Sprints:
Break up any distance between 1.5 3miles with
sprints. Use a 1:1 or 1:1.5 Work-to-rest ratio for
All sprints.
For example;
If you run 400m in 60 seconds, then you
should rest for 60-90 seconds
2x 800m
2x 400m
6x 400m
4x 200m
3x 800m
4x 400m
4x 800m
3x 400m
2x 200m
Time should be spent focusing on “Speed
Rucks” to work on moving fast while carrying
weight on your back and building up the muscles and endurance necessary for this. Also
“Long Rucks” to get used to having a heavy
load on your back for a long period of time
and building up the mental toughness to be
able to handle this with ease.
**For all Rucking begin with 25lbs but build up
over time to a maximum of 75lbs.
Speed Rucks :
Maintain a fast pace but never run while carrying a heavy load on your back as this increases
risk of injury. Record times and aim to beat
3 Miles
Aim for under 40 Minutes.
5 Miles
Aim for under 72 Minutes.
2.) Long Rucks :
These are ideally performed on trails or hilly
terrain. For extra mental toughness training,
refrain from using music during these
workouts. It is good to partner up however.
Perform this for 5 Miles+
Although the distance isn’t as important here,
the main focus is to be continually moving for
a long period of time. The real aim is to complete 90-180 minutes of walking while carrying
a heavy load.
1.) Continuous Swim
Swim continuously for 30-45 Minutes,
alternating strokes between freestyle,
breaststroke and combat side stroke. This can
be performed in swimwear or wearing
fatigues, with or without fins depending on
your needs.
*Swim to the bottom of the deep end : This
can be added on to your continuous swim
sessions and every time you reach the deep
end dive down and touch the pool floor before
rising and continuing your swim.
2.) Swim Sprints
Always warm up with a 200m swim before you
begin any swim sprints. Here are some
workouts for you to try.
10 x 50m -
Rest 45-60 seconds between sprints.
5 x 100mRest 75-90 seconds between sprints.
2 x 200m / 2 x 100m / 3 x 50m-
Rest between 60-90 seconds respectively.
3.) Underwater
It is good to practice swimming underwater to
become more efficient at breath control and
also increase water confidence. However,
never perform these exercises alone. Always
make sure you have a friend or a lifeguard
While swimming underwater, you should aim
to swim as efficiently as possible while using
as little energy as possible. Trying to swim at
max intensity will just cause you to run out of
breath very FAST!
Practice 5-7 Max distance Swims underwater,
rest 60 seconds between swims. Once again
these can be performed in swimwear or
fatigues depending on your goals.
The best way to warm up is by beginning each session with a low intensity aerobic
activity then following that with a small dynamic warm-up. Warming up is compulsory
and will set you up for a great workout and minimize injuries. The goal is to get the
blood flowing and build up a light sweat so your muscles are ready for what’s to come.
Also, please refrain from stripping down the minute you step foot into a gym. Wearing
warm clothes is recommended at this time to help raise the body temperature and
speed up the process.
Choose any low intensity activity you
like and perform that for 5-10 minutes.
Whether you want to jog, cycle, row,
walk or perform some shadow boxing
make sure this is the first thing you do.
Follow your low intensity workout with
a small dynamic warm-up to fully
prepare the body for the onslaught.
Work through a range of movement
patterns specifically chosen to get the
muscles, ligaments and tendons ready
for action.
After each workout, take 5-10 minutes minimum to engage in a cool down. Perform a
slow jog or walk for between 800-1000m then slowly work into some static stretching
targeting the areas you have worked that day or areas that may be sore from previous
days workout.
If you are experienced in using a foam roller or lacrosse ball, by all means use it but if
you aren’t make sure you get some assistance.
Pull-ups 1–4
(2 Rounds)
Chin-ups 1–4
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between ladders.
Parallel bar dips x5
Leg raises x5
Arm Haulers x10
4 Count Flutterkicks x50
Rest 1 Minute
Plank x 3 Minutes
Push-ups 1–10
Commando Pullups 1-5
(2 Rounds)
Diamond Push-ups 1–5
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between each ladder
Walking lunges x 3mins
Mountain Climbers x 3mins
Crunches x 3mins
*Rest 1 -minute between each exercise
L-sit hold x 60 seconds
Rest 1 minute
Heel Taps x 100 reps
Air Squats 30/30 x 3 minutes
Static Lunges 30/30 x 3 minutes
Split Jumps 15/45 x 3 minutes
*Rest 1minute between each exercise
Burpees x 5
Mountain Climbers x10
(1 Count)
Sit-ups x 5
6” hold x 2 minutes
Rest 1 minute
Supermans 15/15 x 2 mins
Endurance session
Pull-ups 1–5
(2 Rounds)
Chin-ups 1–5
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between ladders
Parallel bar dips x6
Leg raises x7
Arm Haulers x11
4 Count Flutterkicks x 60
Rest 1 minute
Plank x3.5 Mins
Push-ups 1–12
Commando Pullups 1-6
(2 Rounds)
Diamond Push-ups 1–6
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between each ladder
Walking lunges x 3.5mins
Mountain Climbers
Crunches x 3.5mins
*Rest 1 -minute between each exercise
L-sit hold x90 seconds
Rest 1 minute
Heel Taps x120 reps
Air Squats 30/30 x3.5 mins
Static Lunges 30/30 x3.5 mins
Split Jumps 15/45 x3.5 mins
*Rest 1minute between each exercise
Burpees x 6
Mountain Climbers x10
(1 Count)
Sit-ups x 5
6” hold x 2 mins
Endurance session
Testing day
(see next page)
Rest 1 minute
Supermans 15/15 x 2 mins
Complete all of the exercise
reps in under 20 minutes to
pass this testing day and
move to the next level.
Move through the exercises
and complete the full reps
required before moving onto
the next exercise.
TIP: try and break it up into
manageable sets to help
you work through faster.
If you fail this test you must
repeat level one again both
weeks 1 and 2. So give it
everything you’ve got.
Pull-ups 1–6
(2 Rounds)
Chin-ups 1–6
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between ladders.
Parallel bar dips x7
Leg raises x7
Arm Haulers x12
4 Count Flutterkicks x70
Rest 1 Minute
Plank x 4 Minutes
Push-ups 1–14
Commando Pullups 1-7
(2 Rounds)
Diamond Push-ups 1–7
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between each ladder
Walking lunges x4.5mins
Mountain Climbers
Crunches x 4.5mins
*Rest 1 -minute between each exercise
L-sit hold x2 mins
Rest 1 minute
Heel Taps x 140 reps
Air Squats 30/30 x 4.5 mins
Static Lunges 30/30 x 4.5 mins
Split Jumps 15/45 x 4.5 mins
*Rest 1minute between each exercise
Burpees x 7
Mountain Climbers x14
(1 Count)
Sit-ups x 7
6” hold x3 minutes
Rest 1 minute
Supermans 15/15 x3 mins
Endurance session
Pull-ups 1–7
(2 Rounds)
Chin-ups 1–7
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between ladders
Parallel bar dips x8
Leg raises x8
Arm Haulers x13
4 Count Flutterkicks x 80
Rest 1 minute
Plank x4.5 Mins
Push-ups 1–15
Commando Pullups 1-8
(2 Rounds)
Diamond Push-ups 1–8
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between each ladder
Walking lunges x 5.5mins
Mountain Climbers
Crunches x5.5mins
*Rest 1 -minute between each exercise
L-sit hold x2.5 mins
Rest 1 minute
Heel Taps x150 reps
Air Squats 30/30 x5.5 mins
Static Lunges 30/30 x5.5 mins
Split Jumps 15/45 x5.5 mins
*Rest 1minute between each exercise
Burpees x 8
Mountain Climbers x16
(1 Count)
Sit-ups x 8
6” hold x3.5 mins
Endurance session
Testing day
(see next page)
Rest 1 minute
Supermans 15/15 x3.5 mins
Complete all of the exercise
reps in under 30 minutes to
pass this testing day and
move to the next level.
Move through the exercises
and complete the full reps
required before moving onto
the next exercise.
TIP: try and break it up into
manageable sets to help
you work through faster.
If you fail this test you must
repeat level two again both
weeks 3 and 4. So give it
everything you’ve got.
Pull-ups 1–8
(2 Rounds)
Chin-ups 1–8
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between ladders.
Parallel bar dips x9
Leg raises x9
Arm Haulers x14
4 Count Flutterkicks x90
Rest 1 Minute
Plank x5 Minutes
Push-ups 1–16
Commando Pullups 1-9
(2 Rounds)
Diamond Push-ups 1–9
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between each ladder
Walking lunges x6.5mins
Mountain Climbers
Crunches x 6.5mins
*Rest 1 -minute between each exercise
L-sit hold x2.75 mins
Rest 1 minute
Heel Taps x160 reps
Air Squats 30/30 x6.5 mins
Static Lunges 30/30 x6.5 mins
Squat Jumps 15/45 x7 mins
*Rest 1minute between each exercise
Burpees x 9
Mountain Climbers x18
(1 Count)
Sit-ups x 9
6” hold x4 minutes
Rest 1 minute
Supermans 15/15 x4 mins
Endurance session
Pull-ups 1–9
(2 Rounds)
Chin-ups 1–9
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between ladders
Parallel bar dips x10
Leg raises x10
Arm Haulers x15
Push-ups 1–20
Commando Pullups 1-10
(2 Rounds)
Diamond Push-ups 1–10
(2 Rounds)
*Rest 1-minute between each ladder
L-sit hold x3 mins
Rest 1 minute
Heel Taps x200 reps
4 Count Flutterkicks x100
Rest 1 minute
Plank x6 Mins
Endurance session
Air Squats 30/30 x6.5 mins
Static Lunges 30/30 x6.5 mins
Split Jumps 15/45 x6.5 mins
*Rest 1minute between each exercise
Burpees x10
Mountain Climbers x20
(1 Count)
Sit-ups x 10
6” hold x5 mins
Rest 1 minute
Supermans 15/15 x5 mins
Testing day
(see next page)
Perform this in under 50
minutes to complete this
6-Week training plan. If
you lose this battle you
must take 3 days rest and
begin again at the start of
week 4.
If you win this Battle,
Congratulations you are
now officially a certified
bodyweight master!
You have proven yourself and truly tested your own body’s strength and
ability. That last test was brutal but you have come out on the other side
stronger then before. You should be more than proud of the hard work
you have put in and challenging yourself through to finish at that elite
level. You deserve to be rewarded for your efforts, so take some time off
and enjoy your new found strength and endurance, along with an
improved physique.
“No man is more unhappy than he who never faces
adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself”
- Seneca
Where to now?
Yes of course you can repeat this training plan again. If you do, then I
challenge you to kick it up a notch. This time try add a weighted vest
(start with 10lbs) and go through this entire plan again.
If you are ready to move onto a training plan specifically focused around
gaining muscle and strength without losing that level of performance you
have already gained, then Tactical Monster is for you.
Tactical Monster:
Specifically created to help you increase your strength and build muscle
mass fast, transforming you into the ultimate tactical monster.
All of our training plans can be found at www.hardtokillfitness.co
For any other questions or help I am here to support you feel free to
reach out to me at support@hardtokillfitness.co