Uploaded by Hind Al Furhud

Java Architect Career Path: Software Engineer's Aspirations

About My Job Software Engineer And My Desired Path To Become Java
Currently working as Software Engineer in Avila IT Services, Union City CA. I am pretty much happy with my job which is my desired path to become Java
Architect. My current role was Java Developer which is my strength for developing the real time applications and participated in end to end Software life cycle
development. I had worked in different domains like Healthcare, Financial and Accounting.
When I was pursuing final semester in Bachelor’s we had a Java course which impressed me a lot made me to choose my career path. Java is a programming
language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have
Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell
phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere. Advantages like, Java offers higher cross- functionality and portability as programs written in one platform can run
across desktops, mobiles, embedded systems.
Java is free, simple, object-oriented, distributed, supports multithreading and offers multimedia, network support and version control feature. Initially I started
my training and went through lot of study materials, explored more information about java in IT industries, I knew it is one of the leading technologies
throughout the globe. After preparation, I done my certification which leads to accrue more confidence to work as Java developer. I started working in small
scale company in India which helped me a lot to learn more about Java technologies in different domains. Now I am pursuing Master’s in Information Security
System, right now I got a chance to do internship in my career path which is second step for my milestone.
My job defines a developer is responsible for the programming, development of applications and software engineer to integrate Java into business applications,
software and websites. They are involved throughout the entire development life cycle of a product and must be able to identify and analyze any issues or
problems and be able to come up with an efficient solution. We do parallel work with designing the database which is the essential development of the
application, where data storage happens. Other duties may include collating and documenting user requirements, analyzing data and quality assurance testing
using environment tools like JAVA, J2EE, OOPS, HTML, Maven, CSS, JQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Restful API, Springboot Framework, Jenkins, C#, Web
services (SOAP and REST), SQL Server 2014.
If no obstacles stood in the way of career path, reduces productivity of work and there is no career vision. As we know when we face a hurdle we creativity in
problem solving, we can more technical skills and develop risk handling skills to reach the success. It should be something you can aspire to and that should
inspire you regardless of where you are now and the distance between the present and your vision. Obstacles is like inspiration which develop in us that we can
do anything to reach the career path until final milestone in the big picture of life.
Well, in five years I hope to have moved into a position very much like this one, but with more of an impact on the department’s big-picture development. I’m
not sure about what that will be, but I’m up for a challenge. In ten years, I’d like to find myself in a position to mentor others in the field, putting my experience
to use in ways that help others achieve what I’ve attained.