Age estimation by radiological examination Who will ask or authorize ? Police or Court can authorize for examination of a subject for age estimation When & Why ? Civil Cases Criminal Marriage Property claims Employment Rape Kidnapping The age can be determined by 1.Physical development: Height, Weight, Secondary sexual characters Puberty 2.Teeth In Living - Eruption of Temporary & Permanent teeth - Incremental lines In Dead - Gustafson’s Method 3.By bones ( appearance & fusion of ossification centres) X- ray radiograph 4.Others -Birth certificate -School certificate One can state exact age only by authenticated birth certificate Ossification centres 1.Primary centre ( Diaphyseal centre) -Centre for the shaft of long bone -Usually situated in the middle 2.Secondary centre (Epiphyseal centre) -Ossification begins at the centre of epiphysis like a dot, slowly grows & takes the shape of that end of the bone - It mainly contains Calcium ▪ The sec. centres are present for both the ends of long bones. Exception: The carpal & metacarpals, Tarsal & metatarsal bones Ribs, phalanges have only one secondary centre Role of radiology ✓ The appearance and fusion (union) of ossification centres can be studied with the help of X-rays. ✓Antero-posterior view(A.P) is better. ✓Terminologies used: Appeared or Not appeared Fusion or No fusion Rules for reading X-ray ✓On X-ray, fusion is seen 6 to 12 months earlier than on an actual bone. ✓White line on X-ray does not indicate recent union. ✓White bands may be seen in Arsenic, Lead & Thallium poisoning. ✓All primary centres are present at birth. ✓Appearance of centre is more precise for age estimation than their fusion. Elbow joint 1.Lower end of Humerus: ▪ It has 4 centres.They ossify from lateral to medial ▪ First trochlea, Capitulum unite with each other and then with lateral epicondyle to form “CONJOINT EPIPHYSIS” Medial epicondyle- 5 to 7 years (A) Capitulum-1year (A) Trochlea - 9 to 11 Yrs (A) Lat.Epicondyle- 11yrs (A) 14 to 16 yrs (F) (Conjoint E) All the centres Fuses with the shaft at 16 to 17 yrs. Med.Epicondyle may sometimes remain un-united for sometime 2. Upper end of Radius: 5 Yrs (A) 16 to 17 Yrs (F) 3. Upper end of Ulna: Olecranon process- 9 Yrs (A) 16 to 17 Yrs (F) 1.Estimate the age of the person from the given X-ray radiograph. a) Mention the M.L importance of age 16 yrs b) Write 4 important medico-legal importance of age 18 yrs How to write answer? 1) Describe the given X-RAY -The given X-ray radiograph is PLAIN or CONTRAST ? - Right or Left side ? - Bearing any number on it ? - AP or PA view ? In this X-ray: The given X-ray radiograph is Plain, AP view of Elbow joint Showing lower end of Humerus & upper ends of Radius and Ulna 2.write the findings in the X-ray Trait Appearance of centre 1.Lower end of Humerus a)Capitulum 1 Yr b)Trochlea 9 to 11 Yrs c)Lat.Epicondyle 11 Yrs d)Med.Epico… 5 to 7 yrs Fusion Findings in the given X-ray Appeared but 14 to 16 not fused yrs Not appeared 16-17yrs Appeared but not fused Cont… Trait 2) Upper end of Radius Head 3) Upper end of Ulna Olecranon Process Appearance Fusion (Yrs) Findings in the Xray 5 Yrs 16 to 17 Appeared But not fused 9 yrs 16 to 17 ------ 3.Opinion I am of the opinion that the age of the person from the given X-ray radiograph is above 5 yrs and below 11 yrs Wrist joint 1.Lower end of radius: 2 yrs (A) 18 to 19 yrs (F) 2.Lower end of ulna: 5 to 6 yrs (A) 17 to 18 yrs (F) 3.Carpal bones: Capitate- 2 months (A) Hamate- 3 months (A) Triquetral-3 yrs (A) Lunate - 4 yrs (A) Trapezium- 4 to 5 yrs (A) Trapezoid- 4 to 5 yrs (A) Scaphoid- 4 to 5 yrs (A) Pisiform – 10 to 12 yrs (A) Catch Her To Love Try To See Parents 4. Metacarpal bones: First (Thumb) metacarpal has centre at its base. others have at distal ends ( head) Appearance 1-1/2 to 2 ½ yrs - all metacarpals Fusion: Thumb -15 to 17 yrs Other Metacarpals- 15 to 19 yrs Pelvis A) Upper end of Femur Head – 1 year (A) Greater trochanter - 4 yrs (A) Lesser trochanter – 12 to 14 yrs (A) All these fuse with shaft by 17 to 18 yrs b) Hip bone (Innominate Bone) Fusion of Ischiopubic ramus – 6 to 7 yrs Tri-radiate cartilage – 13 to 15 yrs (F) Iliac Crest – 14 yrs (A) 19 to 20 yrs (F) Centre for Ischium - 16 yrs (A) 20 to 21 yrs (F) Medico legal importance of age. Three months: ✓ M.T.P. till this period can be done by one doctor. ✓Above this age opinion of two doctors is necessary . Five months ✓Maximum period for M.T.P. procedure. ✓Above this period pregnancy can be terminated only on the grounds of mother’s life being in danger. Seven months ✓> 210days/ 28 weeks– foetus is considered to be VIABLE. First year: ✓Till baby completes one year, it is called as infant. ✓Killing of such baby amounts to Infanticide. 5 Years of age: Indian railway act 1890 ( section 127- 130): ✓A child becomes responsible for his act leading to wreckage of a train. 7 years: Criminal responsibility: -S.82 IPC – Any act of a child under 7 years of age is not an offence. - As the child below this age cannot understand the nature & consequences of the act done. 7 – 12 years: Section 83 IPC ✓May or may not be held criminally responsible. ✓A child of this age is presumed to be capable of committing an offence, if the child has attained sufficient mental maturity to understand the nature & consequences of his/her act. 10 years: Section 369 IPC: ✓It is offence to kidnap/abduct a child under this age for the purpose of robbing movable property from his or her body 12 years: ✓Unsworn evidence. ✓Consent for GPE. Section 89 IPC ✓A child below 12 years of age cannot give a valid consent to suffer any harm which may occur from an act done in good faith and for his benefit. 14 years: ✓According to Indian factories act;a person below this age is child and cannot be employed in a factory. ✓14 to 15 years of age person can be employed in non hazardous factory jobs for a limited time during day hours. 15 years: Section 375 IPC ✓Sexual intercourse by a man with a girl under 15 years, even if she is his wife, amounts to rape. ✓A person above this age can be employed in factory like an adult, With a physical fitness certificate. 16 years: Section 361 IPC ✓ Taking away male below 16 yrs of age from his lawful guardian amounts to kidnapping. Section 376 (2) IPC ✓ Rape - woman under 16years of age 18 years: Section 375 IPC ✓Sexual intercourse with or without consent, when girl is under eighteen years of age amounts to rape. Indian majority act ( section 3 ): ✓Person attains majority on completion of 18 yrs. Section 87 IPC ✓A person aged above 18 years of age give valid consent to suffer any harm which may result from an act not intended to cause death or grievous hurt. ✓Consent for M.T.P ✓Consent for organ transplantation. ✓Marriage contract. ✓(Testamentary capacity) Make valid will. ✓Right to cast Vote. ✓Driving license. 21 yrs ✓Offence to import a girl for the purpose of illicit sex, if her age is less than 21yrs (366 B IPC) ✓Minimum age for marriage for males. ✓Court of wards – age of majority ( Indian Majority Act).